No matching constructor for initialization of variadic template class - c++

I am trying to write a wrapper class to a Cartesian product iterator provided by Miranda Conrado (source code can be found on GitHub). For convenience I will quote relevant bits of code here, too.
My class can be constructed in two ways - one straightforward, by just forwarding the Containers to the product_iterator constructor, the other is a bit trickier: it takes a number of tuples describing the linspace needed to create the Containers and then constructs the iterator out of them. It is here where I hit a dead-end.
Here is some code.
First, some relevant headers from Conrado's class product_iterator:
// product_iterator.hpp
template <class... Containers>
class product_iterator:
product_iterator(product_iterator const& other);
product_iterator(Containers const&... containers);
product_iterator const& operator=(product_iterator const& other);
template <class... Containers>
make_product_iterator(Containers const&... containers) {
return product_iterator<Containers...>(containers...);
And here is my class:
// gridsearch.hpp
typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, Real> result_type;
typedef std::vector<result_type> resultgrid_type;
template <class... Containers>
class GridSearchIterator {
typedef std::array<std::string,
std::tuple_size<std::tuple<Containers...> >::value>
GridSearchIterator() : product_it(product_iterator<Containers...>()),
argnames(argname_type()) {}
GridSearchIterator(const argname_type& names,
const Containers& ...containers);
template <class... TupleTypes>
static GridSearchIterator<Containers...>
initWith(const TupleTypes&& ...tuples);
template<class F, class... Args>
decltype(auto) iterate(F func, Args&&... params);
template <typename TupleType, size_t... Is>
void product_impl(TupleType&& tuples, std::index_sequence<Is...>);
template <typename TupleType>
const auto& unpack_tuple(TupleType& t, size_t index);
product_iterator<Containers...> product_it;
argname_type argnames;
// implementation:
template <class... Containers>
const argname_type& names,
const Containers& ...containers):
argnames(names) {}
template <class... Containers>
template <typename... TupleTypes>
GridSearchIterator<Containers...> GridSearchIterator<Containers...>::initWith(const TupleTypes&& ...tuples)
GridSearchIterator<Containers...> gsi =
return gsi;
template <class... Containers>
template <typename TupleType, size_t... Is>
void GridSearchIterator<Containers...>::product_impl(TupleType&& tuples,
product_it = product_iterator<Containers...>(
unpack_tuple(std::get<Is>(tuples), Is)...);
// this is where the problem is; Compiler claims No matching constructor for initialization of 'product_iterator...
template <class... Containers>
template <typename TupleType>
const auto& GridSearchIterator<Containers...>::unpack_tuple(TupleType &t,
size_t index)
std::string argname;
auto left(0), right(0);
Size step;
std::tie(argname, left, right, step) = t;
argnames[index] = argname;
auto vec = linspace(left, right, step);
return static_cast<const decltype(vec) &>(vec);
The function linspace above returns a vector of numbers from left to right evenly spaced by number of steps. It is equivalent to Numpy function np.linspace.
I checked and the call to unpack_tuple() does produce the vectors needed to initialise the product_iterator, yet the compiler disagrees. My guess is the types returned by unpack_tuple() are somewhat different from what the product_iterator constructor expects but I can't figure out what is the problem. Or maybe the problem actually lies elsewhere entirely.
For better understanding, here is how I use the class:
typedef std::tuple<std::string, int, int, size_t> inttuple;
typedef std::tuple<std::string, double, double, size_t> realtuple;
typedef std::vector<int> intvector;
typedef std::vector<Real> realvector;
inttuple sidespan = std::make_tuple("side",1,1,1);
real tuple takeprofit = std::make_tuple("takeprofit",1.,2.,2);
real tuple stoploss = std::make_tuple("stoploss", -1.,-3.,3);
inttuple period = std::make_tuple("horizon", 100, 100, 1);
auto grid_iter = GridSearchIterator<intvector, realvector, realvector, intvector>
I spent hours trying to solve it so any help or pointers will be highly appreciated, including advice on different implementation.
Sorry, I thought I updated my question yesterday but the changes were not saved for some reason.
Anyway, #max66 answered the question even without additional info. Still, for completeness, here is the linspace() definition
template <typename T>
std::vector<T> linspace(T a, T b, size_t N)
and compiler message:
In file included from /.../main.cpp:17:
/.../gridsearch.hpp:98:18: error: no matching constructor for initialization of 'product_iterator<std::__1::vector<int, std::__1::allocator<int> >, std::__1::vector<double, std::__1::allocator<double> >, std::__1::vector<double, std::__1::allocator<double> >, std::__1::vector<int, std::__1::allocator<int> > >'
product_it = product_iterator<Containers...>(unpack_tuple(std::get<Is>(tuples), Is)...);
/.../gridsearch.hpp:91:9: note: in instantiation of function template specialization 'GridSearchIterator<std::__1::vector<int, std::__1::allocator<int> >, std::__1::vector<double, std::__1::allocator<double> >, std::__1::vector<double, std::__1::allocator<double> >, std::__1::vector<int, std::__1::allocator<int> > >::product_impl<std::__1::tuple<std::__1::tuple<std::__1::basic_string<char>, int, int, unsigned long>, std::__1::tuple<std::__1::basic_string<char>, double, double, unsigned long>, std::__1::tuple<std::__1::basic_string<char>, double, double, unsigned long>, std::__1::tuple<std::__1::basic_string<char>, int, int, unsigned long> >, 0, 1, 2, 3>' requested here gsi.product_impl(std::tuple<TupleTypes...>(tuples...), std::index_sequence_for<TupleTypes...>{});
/.../main.cpp:90:88: note: in instantiation of function template specialization 'GridSearchIterator<std::__1::vector<int, std::__1::allocator<int> >, std::__1::vector<double, std::__1::allocator<double> >, std::__1::vector<double, std::__1::allocator<double> >, std::__1::vector<int, std::__1::allocator<int> > >::initWith<std::__1::tuple<std::__1::basic_string<char>, int, int, unsigned long>, std::__1::tuple<std::__1::basic_string<char>, double, double, unsigned long>, std::__1::tuple<std::__1::basic_string<char>, double, double, unsigned long>, std::__1::tuple<std::__1::basic_string<char>, int, int, unsigned long> >' requested here auto grid_iter = GridSearchIterator<intvector, realvector, realvector, intvector>::initWith(std::forward<inttuple>(sidespan),
In file included from /.../main.cpp:17:
In file included from /.../gridsearch.hpp:22:
/.../product_iterator.hpp:73:7: note: candidate constructor not viable: no known conversion from 'vector<int, allocator<int>>' to 'const vector<double, allocator<double>>' for 2nd argument product_iterator(Containers const&... containers);

It's difficult to check/verify/propose a correct code if you don't propose a complete example.
Anyway you have the error ("no matching constructor") in this line
product_it = product_iterator<Containers...>(
unpack_tuple(std::get<Is>(tuples), Is)...);
where, if I understand correctly, Containers... is intvector, realvector, realvector, intvector a.k.a. std::vector<int>, std::vector<Real>, std::vector<Real>, std::vector<int> (where I suppose Real is an alias for double).
The only variadic constructor for product_iterator is the one receiving Containers const&... containers so I suppose is the one you want to match.
It seems to me that the problem is that unpack_tuple()
template <class... Containers>
template <typename TupleType>
const auto& GridSearchIterator<Containers...>::unpack_tuple(TupleType &t,
size_t index)
std::string argname;
auto left(0), right(0);
Size step;
std::tie(argname, left, right, step) = t;
argnames[index] = argname;
auto vec = linspace(left, right, step);
return static_cast<const decltype(vec) &>(vec);
return ever a intVector const & (std::vector<int> const &). Also when called with a realVector (std::vector<double>, I suppose).
This (if I'm not wrong) it's because you define left and right as auto and initializing they whit an int
auto left(0), right(0);
you get a couple of int also when TupleType contains Real elements in second and third position.
So when you obtain vec
auto vec = linspace(left, right, step);
you obtain (I suppose) a std::vector<int>; ever; also when you should obtain a std::vector<Real>.
Suggestion: define left and right with the correct type that depends from TupleType.
By example (caution: code not tested)
using lr_type = typename std::tuple_element<1u, TupleType>::type;
lr_type left, right;
Starting from C++14 you can use std::tuple_element_t and the `using can be simplified as follows
using lr_type = std::tuple_element_t<1u, TupleType>;
If you can use C++17, you can use structured binding and all become a lot simpler
template <typename TupleType>
const auto& GridSearchIterator<Containers...>::unpack_tuple(TupleType &t,
size_t index)
auto [argname, left, right, step] = t;
argnames[index] = argname;
auto vec = linspace(left, right, step);
return static_cast<const decltype(vec) &>(vec);
Off Topic: are you sure that is a good idea unpack_tuple() returning a const reference to a value that is destroyed at the end of execution of the method ?


How to do compile-time recursion over a given set of template template classes?

Aim: To do compile-time recursion over a given set of template template classes to compute a given function.
Problem: I could not devise how the template arguments should look like for run_tests function.
MWE: Please consider the following code example working for a given set of built-in types (This example is based on an answer in stackoverflow, which I couldn't find it back so far - I will add the link when I find it):
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
template<class Type>
void test(Type)
// Do nothing
std::cout<< "I survived 2020" << std::endl;
// Do compile-time recursion over the given types
template<std::size_t I = 0, typename... Tp>
inline typename std::enable_if<I == sizeof...(Tp), void>::type
const std::tuple<Tp...>& types
template<std::size_t I = 0, typename... Tp>
inline typename std::enable_if<I < sizeof...(Tp), void>::type
const std::tuple<Tp...>& types
run_tests<I + 1, Tp...>(types);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
const std::tuple<int, double> types // working
// const std::tuple // not working
// <
// std::vector<std::vector<int>>,
// std::vector<std::vector<double>>
// > types
std::make_tuple(nullptr, nullptr)
return 0;
Attempts: I have commented out the commented piece of code above, i.e.:
// const std::tuple<int, double> types // working
const std::tuple // not working
> types
The above threw the following as the first compilation error:
error: no matching function for call to ‘std::tuple<std::vector<std::vector<int,
std::allocator<int> >, std::allocator<std::vector<int, std::allocator<int> > > >,
std::vector<std::vector<double, std::allocator<double> >,
std::allocator<std::vector<double, std::allocator<double> > > >
>::tuple(std::tuple<std::nullptr_t, std::nullptr_t>)’
Your issue is with initialization of the tuple, nullptr are not valid for std::vector.
You might use default initialization:
const std::tuple<int, double> type1{};
const std::tuple<std::vector<std::vector<int>>,
std::vector<std::vector<double>>> type2{};

C++: Creating a variable length tuple based on integral template parameter

I am writing a library that has compile time polymorphic objects templated on unsigned integers,
template<unsigned level> class Foo { ... };
, i.e. Foo<0>, Foo<1>, Foo<2> etc up to a certain number determined by each application . Let's say our application specifies the need for numbers 0, 1,..., n.
I need to be able to construct a tuple of vectors of pointers to these objects: std::tuple<std::vector<Foo<n> *>, std::vector<Foo<n-1> *>, ..., vector<Foo<0> *>> by invoking a variadic template function, schematically:
template <unsigned n>
std::tuple<unsigned n, unsigned... Args> create_vector_tuple<n>()
or something like it.
My intuition tells me that this should be possible to accomplish though I am way out of my depth here.
I would be very grateful if anyone could point me to a way to implement this!
Something like the following:
#include <cstdio>
#include <tuple>
#include <vector>
#include <utility>
template<unsigned level> struct Foo {};
template<unsigned N, unsigned... Ns>
std::tuple<std::vector<Foo<N - Ns>*>...> create_vector_tuple_imp(std::integer_sequence<unsigned, Ns...>) {
return {};
template <unsigned n>
auto create_vector_tuple() {
return create_vector_tuple_imp<n>(std::make_integer_sequence<unsigned, n>{});
template<class T>
void print() {
std::printf("%s\n", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
int main() {
auto t = create_vector_tuple<10>();
void print() [with T = std::tuple<std::vector<Foo<10u>*, std::allocator<Foo<10u>*> >, std::vector<Foo<9u>*, std::allocator<Foo<9u>*> >, std::vector<Foo<8u>*, std::allocator<Foo<8u>*> >, std::vector<Foo<7u>*, std::allocator<Foo<7u>*> >, std::vector<Foo<6u>*, std::allocator<Foo<6u>*> >, std::vector<Foo<5u>*, std::allocator<Foo<5u>*> >, std::vector<Foo<4u>*, std::allocator<Foo<4u>*> >, std::vector<Foo<3u>*, std::allocator<Foo<3u>*> >, std::vector<Foo<2u>*, std::allocator<Foo<2u>*> >, std::vector<Foo<1u>*, std::allocator<Foo<1u>*> > >]

error for hash function of pair of ints

I have the following class with an unordered_map member, and a hash function defined for pair<int,int>
class abc
{public :
unordered_map < pair<int,int> , int > rules ;
unsigned nodes;
unsigned packet ;
namespace std {
template <>
class hash < std::pair< int,int> >{
public :
size_t operator()(const pair< int, int> &x ) const
size_t h = std::hash<int>()(x.first) ^ std::hash<int>()(x.second);
return h ;
But I am getting the following errors :
error: invalid use of incomplete type ‘struct std::hash<std::pair<int, int> >
error: declaration of ‘struct std::hash<std::pair<int, int> >
error: type ‘std::__detail::_Hashtable_ebo_helper<1, std::hash<std::pair<int, int> >, true>’ is not a direct base of ‘std::__detail::_Hash_code_base<std::pair<int, int>, std::pair<const std::pair<int, int>, int>, std::__detail::_Select1st, std::hash<std::pair<int, int> >, std::__detail::_Mod_range_hashing, std::__detail::_Default_ranged_hash, true>’
Unfortunately, this program has undefined behavior. C++11 §
A program may add a template specialization for any standard library template to namespace std only if the declaration depends on a user-defined type and the specialization meets the standard library requirements for the original template and is not explicitly prohibited.
hash<pair<int,int>> depends on primitive and standard library types only. This is easily worked around by defining your hash class outside of namespace std, and using that hash explicitly in your map declaration:
struct pairhash {
template <typename T, typename U>
std::size_t operator()(const std::pair<T, U> &x) const
return std::hash<T>()(x.first) ^ std::hash<U>()(x.second);
class abc {
std::unordered_map<std::pair<int,int>, int, pairhash> rules;
EDIT: I've used xor to combine the hashes of the pair members here because I'm lazy, but for serious use xor is a fairly crappy hash combining function.
I prefer to rely on the standard implementation of std::hash<uintmax_t> to mix hashes of components of an std::pair:
#include <functional>
#include <utility>
struct hash_pair final {
template<class TFirst, class TSecond>
size_t operator()(const std::pair<TFirst, TSecond>& p) const noexcept {
uintmax_t hash = std::hash<TFirst>{}(p.first);
hash <<= sizeof(uintmax_t) * 4;
hash ^= std::hash<TSecond>{}(p.second);
return std::hash<uintmax_t>{}(hash);

c++ no matching function for call to: passing iterators?

I've encountered a strange problem in my C++ Code.
I've defined a TemplateClass called
Furthermore I defined
typedef StateTemplate<double> StateDouble.
Then I defined a friend function
template<class S>
friend S partialEntangledScalarProduct(
const typename std::vector<StateTemplate<T> >::const_iterator s1,
const typename std::vector<StateTemplate<T> >::const_iterator s2,
const typename std::vector<StateTemplate<T> >::const_iterator sSub1,
const typename std::vector<StateTemplate<T> >::const_iterator sSub2,
vector<unsigned int> const &pos,
vector<unsigned int> const &posNot);
If I now make
std::vector<StateDouble>::const_iterator s1;
std::vector<StateDouble>::const_iterator s2;
std::vector<StateDouble>::const_iterator sSub1;
std::vector<StateDouble>::const_iterator sSub2;
vector<unsigned int> vui;
Doub test=partialEntangledScalarProduct(s1,s2,sSub1,sSub2,vui,vui);
I get the following Error:
no matching function for call to
const StateTemplate<double>*,
std::allocator<StateTemplate<double> > > >&,
const StateTemplate<double>*,
std::allocator<StateTemplate<double> > > >&,
const StateTemplate<double>*,
std::allocator<StateTemplate<double> > > >&,
const StateTemplate<double>*,
std::allocator<StateTemplate<double> > > >&,
const std::vector<unsigned int, std::allocator<unsigned int> >&,
std::vector<unsigned int, std::allocator<unsigned int> >&)'
I've tried for hours to find the problem, but it seems that I overlook something.
Maybe someone could help me?
best regards
p.s.: if you need more information about my code, just let me know. At the moment I just wanted to give you the important parts.
Here is a small example with the same error.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
template<class T>
class StateTemplate{
template<class S>
friend S testFunction(
const typename std::vector<StateTemplate<S> >::const_iterator s1);
template<class T>
template<class T>
T testFunction(
const typename std::vector<StateTemplate<T> >::const_iterator s1)
return T(1);
int main(){
std::vector<double>::const_iterator s1;
double s=testFunction<double>(s1);
return 0;
If you presented the declaration of partialEntangledScalarProduct correctly, the template parameter S isn't used anywhere in the function parameter list. Therefore, the compiler would never deduce it and you have to provide it explicitly.
SomeClass is just an example, the exact name is unclear unless you provide more details.
(I don't have g++ on this machine, so this is conjecture.)
I think the issue is that the compiler can't deduce S and you're getting an unhelpful error message. Change your usage to the following:
double test = partialEntangledScalarProduct<double>(s1,s2,sSub1,sSub2,vui,vui);
As a side note, make sure your examples compile for you before you post them. I'm assuming Doub was supposed to be double?

Compilation error with Type Traits in boost::type_traits::conditional

I am having a problem in some code using type_traits from boost.
It is quite a complex part of the code, but I could isolate the part that gives the compilation error:
template<const size_t maxLen>
class MyString {
typedef boost::conditional<(maxLen > 0), char[maxLen+1], std::string> ObjExternal;
template <class T>
class APIBase {
typedef T obj_type;
typedef typename T::ObjExternal return_type;
template <class T>
int edit(const T& field, const typename T::return_type& value)
return 0;
int myFunction()
APIBase<MyString<10> > b;
char c[11];
return edit(b, c);
This gives the following error:
test.cpp: In function ‘int myFunction()’:
tes.cpp:109: error: no matching function for call to ‘edit(APIBase >&, char [11])’
tes.cpp:100: note: candidates are: int edit(const T&, const typename T::return_type&) [with T = APIBase >]
However, if I change the line with the code
char c[11];
MyString<10>::ObjExternal c;
it works. Similarly, if instead I change the line
typedef boost::conditional<(maxLen > 0), char[maxLen+1], std::string> ObjExternal;
typedef char ObjExternal[maxLen+1];
it also works. I am thinking that it is a problem with boost::conditional, as it seems it is not being evaluated right. Is there a problem in my code, or there is an alternative that can be used instead of boost::conditional to have this functionality?
I am thinking about using the 2nd option, but then I could not use maxLen as 0.
You need to use the member typedef type provided by conditional and not the conditional type itself.
typedef boost::conditional<(maxLen > 0),
std::string> ObjExternal;
typedef typename boost::conditional<(maxLen > 0),
std::string>::type ObjExternal;