How to use CImg functions with pixel data? - c++

I am using Visual Studio and looking to find a useful image processing library that will take care of basic image processing functions such as rotation so that I don't have to keep coding them manually. I came across CImg and it supports this, as well as many other useful functions, along with interpolation.
However, all the examples I've seen show CImg being used by loading and using full images. I want to work with pixel data. So my loops are the typical:
for (x=0;x<width; x++)
for (y=0;y<height; y++)
I want to perform bilinear or bicubic rotation in this instance and I see CImg supports this. It provides a rotate() and get_rotate function, among others.
I can't find any examples online that show how to use this with pixel data. Ideally, I could simply pass it the pixel color, x, y, and interpolation method, and have it return the result.
Could anyone provide any helpful suggestions? If CImg is not the right library for this type of this, could anyone recommend a simple, light-weight, easy-to-use one?
Thank you!

You can copy pixel data to CImg class using iterators, and copy it back when you are done.
std::vector<uint8_t> pixels_src, pixels_dst;
size_t width, height, n_colors;
// Copy from pixel data
cimg_library::CImg<uint8_t> image(width, height, 1, n_colors);
std::copy(pixels_src.begin(), pixels_src.end(), image.begin());
// Do image processing
// Copy to pixel data
pixels_dst.resize(width * height * n_colors);
std::copy(image.begin(), image.end(), pixels_dst.begin());


Dicom Toolkit (DCMTK) - How to get Window Centre and Width

I am currently using DCMTK in C++. I am quite new to this toolkit but, as I understand it, I should be able to read the window centre and width for normalisation purposes.
I have a DicomImage DCM_image object with my Dicom data.
I read the values to an opencv Mat object. However, I now would like to normalise them.
The following shows how I am reading and transferring the Data to an opencv Mat.
DicomImage DCM_image("test.dcm");
uchar *pixelData = (uchar *)(DCM_image.getOutputData(8));
cv::Mat image(int(DCM_image.getHeight()), int(DCM_image.getWidth()), CV_8U, pixelData);
Any help is appreciated. Thanks
Reading window center and width is not difficult, however you need to use a different constructor and pass a DcmDataset to the image.
DcmFileFormat file;
DcmDataset* dataset = file.getDataset()
DicomImage image(dataset);
double windowCenter, windowWidth;
dataset->findAndGetFloat64(DcmTagKey(0x0010, 0x1050), windowCenter);
dataset->findAndGetFloat64(DcmTagKey(0x0010, 0x1051), windowWidth);
But actually I do not think it is a good idea to apply the windowing to the image upon loading. Windowing is something which should be adjustable by the user. The attributes Window Center and Window Width allow multiple values which can be applied to adjust the window to the grayscale range of interest ("VOI", Values of Interest).
If you really just want to create a windowed image, you can use your code to construct the image from the file contents and use one of the createXXXImage methods that the DicomImage provides.

Extracting Depth images of Kinect using opencv

Does anyone know what is the simplest way to extract the gray-level depth images of Kinect using OpenCV and C++? any source code in this field?
if you use OpenNI SDK, you can simply point to the buffer:
//on setup:
xn::DepthGenerator depthGenerator;
xn::DepthMetaData depthMD;
cv::Mat depthWrapper;
//on update loop,
//after context.WaitAnyUpdateAll();
depthWrapper = cv::Mat(depthMD.YRes(), depthMD.XRes(), CV_16UC1, (void*) depthMD.Data());
note that depthWrapper is const so you need to clone it in order to manipulate it
The documentation has everything you need. Can't elaborate better than this.
You need to do two things (apart from reading about context, depth generator and initialization of Kinect):
Create Mat of the type CV_16U a.
context.WaitOneUpdateAll(depth_map); b. Mdepth_original =
Mat(h_depth, w_depth, CV_16U, (void*) depth_map.GetData()) c. copy
the Mat since it will be destroyed during next read:
Map depth to gray or color. Color seems like a good idea (256^3 levels) but a human eye is more sensitive to the luminance change. Even with 256 levels you can map 10,000 Kinect levels reasonably well using [histogram equalization][1] technique. A simplest way though is to loose precision and just do I(x, y) = 255.0*z(x, y)/z_range
Here is how histogram equalization is implemented in openNI2:

C++ - Image Conversion

I am new to C++ and would like to know how to read in a .jpg image and then convert it to binary (black and white/bi-level/two-level)?
Thank you.
Your better choice is probably boost Gil.
Boost libraries are not especially for beginner, but they are often well designed.
#include <boost/gil/image.hpp>
#include <boost/gil/typedefs.hpp>
#include <boost/gil/extension/io/jpeg_io.hpp>
int main() {
using namespace boost::gil;
rgb8_image_t img;
gray8s_view_t view(img.dimensions());
color_converted_view<gray8_pixel_t>(const_view(img), view);
jpeg_write_view("grey.jpg", view);
You can use DevIL to read the image. It supports a lot of different formats.
To convert it to pure black and white, you then go through the whole image data and compute the intensity or light contribution of each pixel and if it falls below a certain threshold you'll output a black pixel otherwise a white pixel.
You could do it as simply as check the RGB-values of each pixel against a threshold of RGB(0.5, 0.5, 0.5). But you might get better results if you convert the image to HSI and use the intensity value for each pixel, but that's more work.
There is the option for libpng, which as been used on many projects. For additional reading on how to write a grayscale image, take a look at this chapter from their website.

Converting image to pixmap using ImageMagic libraries

My assignment is to get "images read into pixmaps which you will then convert to texture maps". So for the pixmap part only, hear me out and tell me if I have the right idea and if there's an easier way. Library docs I'm using:
Read in image:
Image myimage; "myimage.gif" );
I think this is the pixmap I need to read 'image' into:
GLubyte pixmap[TextureSize][TextureSize][3];
So I think I need a loop that, for every 'pixmap' pixel index, assigns R,G,B values from the corresponding 'image' pixel indices. I'm thinking the loop body is like this:
pixmap[i][j][0] = myimage.pixelColor(i,j).redQuantum(void);
pixmap[i][j][1] = myimage.pixelColor(i,j).greenQuantum(void);
pixmap[i][j][2] = myimage.pixelColor(i,j).blueQuantum(void);
But I think the above functions return Quantums where I need GLubytes, so can anyone offer help here?
-- OR --
Perhaps I can take care of both the pixmap and texture map by using OpenIL (docs here: Think I could simply call these in sequence?
ilutOglLoadImage(char *FileName);
You can copy the quantum values returned by pixelColor(x,y) to ColorRGB and you will get normalized (0.0,1.0) color values.
If you don't have to stick with Magick++ maybe you can try OpenIL, which can load and convert your image to OpenGL texture maps without too much hassle.

Confusion regarding Image compression algorithms

I had been reading a webpage on Image Compression (Lossy and Non-lossy).
Now this is my problem, I was successful in making a project on Face detection using opencv - however - my Project Guide is not satisfied - my project simply captures the frames from a Capture device [ webcam ] and passes frames in a function to detect the Faces in those frames and outputs the detect frames in Windows.
My Project Guide wants me to implement some algorithm either of image compression or morphing , etc. but was not happy on seeing such heavy usage of the Library -
So what I would like to know - is it possible to code using C or C++ - image compression algorithms? If yes would not the code size be huge? (my project is supposed to be a minor one)
Please help me out, suppose I want to use the RLE compression using C++ how should I go about it?
You want to invent your own image compression or implement one of the standard ones?
( I assume this is for some sort of class/assignment, you wouldn't do this in the real world!)
You can compress simple images a little using something like Run-Length, especially if you can reduce the number of colours ie. a cartoon or graphic, but for a real photo style image it isn't going to work - that's why complex lossy techniques like jpeg or wavelets were invented.
It's very possible, and RLE compression is quite easy. If you want to look at a relatively straight-forward approach to RLE that won't use a lot of code, look at implementing a version of packbits.
Here's another link as well: (includes an implementation with source-code for both traditional RLE and packbits)
BTW, keep in mind that you could, with noisy data, actually end up with more data than uncompressed using RLE schemes. For most "real-world" images though that have some form of low-pass filtering applied and a relatively good signal-to-noise ration (i.e,. above 40db), you should expect around 1.5:1 to 1.7:1 compression ratios.
Another option for lossless compression would be huffman-encoding ... that algorithm is more tolerant of noisy images, in that it generally prevents the data-expansion that could occur with those types of images when encoded with a RLE compression algorithm.
Finally, you didn't mention whether you were working with color or grayscale images ... if it's a color image, remember that you will find much greater redundancy if you compress each color-channel in a planar-color-channel image, rather than trying to compress contiguous RGB data.
RLE is the best way to go here. Even the "simplest" compression algorithms are non-trivial and require in-depth knowledge of color space transforms, discrete sin/cosine transforms, entropy, etc.
Back to RLE... to loop through pixesls use something like this:
cv::Mat img = cv::imread("lenna.png");
for(int i=0; i < img.rows; i++)
for(int j=0; i < img.cols; j++)
// You can now access the pixel value with cv::Vec3b
std::cout <<<cv::Vec3b>(i,j)[0] << " " <<<cv::Vec3b>(i,j)[1] << " " <<<cv::Vec3b>(i,j)[2] << std::endl;
Count the number of similar pixels in a row and store them in any data structure (maybe a < #Occurences, Vec3b > tuple in a vector?). Once you have your final vector, don't forget to store the size of your image somewhere with the aforementioned vector (maybe in a simple compressedImage struct) and voilĂ , you just compressed an image. To store it in a file, I suggest you use boost::serialize or something similar.
Your final struct may look something similar to:
struct compressedImage {
int height;
int width;
vector< pair<int, Vec3b> > data;
Happy coding!
You want to implement a compression based on colour reduction with a space-filling-curve or a spatial index. A si reduce the 2d complexity to a 1d complexity and it looks like a quadtree and a bit like a fractal. You want to look for Nick's hilbert curve quadtree spatial index blog!
Here is another interesting RLE encoding idea: Lossless hierarchical run length encoding. Maybe that's something for you?
if you need to abstract the raster type, you can use GDAL C++ library. Here is the list of supported by default or on request raster formats: