Match Regex CR-00000 pattern - regex

I need a regex expression which would parse my text pattern: CR-000000. There may be a text but somewhere inside would be the pattern, sometimes two - i need to extract only the part matching the pattern
I have created the following pattern but still doesn't work [CR-]{6}[0-9]
From the following example: The change Request has been created for the location below. CR-0001083 Click this link to access the Change Request Change Request ID :  CR-0001086 Property ID:  CK1014 - the output would be CR-0001083 CR-0001086

Thanks, CR-[0-9]{7} resolves the thing!


How to use regex to get value from response header in Jmeter

I am using regex to get value from response header in JMeter,
I try to get the last value in query tt_unixtime and I failed.
Can someone please advise how to user regex to get the last value?
I Created a variable called time44444444 and I want it to get the value from the response,
the problem is that it stored nothing.
You have a few issues in your Regular Expression Extractor settings for getting the value matched:
Apply To: Response Headers
Regular expression should be (\w+) - any alphanumeric characters
Template should be $1$ - first group
Match No. should be be 1 - find first match
The template used to create a string from the matches found. This is an arbitrary string with special elements to refer to groups within the regular expression. The syntax to refer to a group is: '$1$' to refer to group 1

How to extract file name from URL?

I have file names in a URL and want to strip out the preceding URL and filepath as well as the version that appears after the ?
Sample URL
Trying to use RegEx to pull, CaptialForecasting_Datasheet.pdf
The REGEXP_EXTRACT in Google Data Studio seems unique. Tried the suggestion but kept getting "could not parse" error. I was able to strip out the first part of the url with the following. Event Label is where I store URL of downloaded PDF.
The URL:
REGEXP_EXTRACT( Event Label , 'Documents/([^&]+)' )
The result:
Now trying to determine how do I pull out everything after the? where the version data is, so as to extract just the Filename.pdf.
You could try:
This will match CaptialForecasting_Datasheet.pdf even if there is a question mark in the path. For example, the regex will succeed in both of these cases:
Assuming that the name appears right after the last / and ends with the ?, the regular expression below will leave the name in group 1 where you can get it with \1 or whatever the tool that you are using supports.
It basically says: get everything in between the last / and the first ? after, and put it in group 1.
Another regular expression that only matches the file name that you want but is more complex is:
It matches all non-/ characters, [^\/], immediately preceded by /, (?<=\/) and immediately followed by ?, (?=\?). The first parentheses is a positive lookbehind, and the second expression in parentheses is a positive lookahead.
This REGEXP_EXTRACT formula captures the characters a-zA-Z0-9_. between / and ?
REGEXP_EXTRACT(Event Label, "/([\\w\\.]+)\\?")
Google Data Studio Report to demonstrate.
Please try the following regex
I have tried it online at Attaching the screenshot for reference
Please note that this only works for .pdf files
Following regex will extract file name with .pdf extension
You can add more extensions like this,

extracting a part of an href in JMeter

i'm stuck with the following.
i have a page on ibm filenet containing a list with objects (these are documents or files) which have a specific classID and ID in their href. i need JMeter to get all HREFS containing a specific type of ID:
<a href="http://ipaddress/Workplace/Browse.jsp?eventTarget=WcmController&eventName=GetInfo&id={350B278C-DE7D-44DE-9B54-099672152476}&vsId=&classId={F14AC85A-4474-479A-9B4E-BCBA180B7975}&objectStoreName=Nice&majorVersion=&minorVersion=&versionStatus=&mimeType=&mode=&objectType=customobject&isPopup=true" target="_blank">
the 'classId' = {F14AC85A-4474-479A-9B4E-BCBA180B7975} is the right class id type i need to click on the page (there are several files with this classID but that is no problem). on the other hand the 'id' is thus different for each file.
how can i extract all 'id's containing this specific classId and make JMeter pass it to the next sampler, so it clicks on just one of them? what will my RegEx look like?
As already mentionned in the comment, I do not know jmeter and how to implement it in the code. A regular expression to match both id and classId within a link would be:
This is, search for a string classId= or id= first. If one of the strings is found, match any character afterwards, except an ampersand (&), as many times as possible (*) and capture it in a group (brackets). Possibly you need to fiddle with the parameters (e.g. /g for global) after the regex.
See this regex101 fiddle for more information.

Searching a number in a specific string with regexp in jmeter

I want to find a specific number from a HTML response.
For example, I want to extract 3 from publicationID3publicationID.
Does someone know a solution with regexp?
Add Regular Expression Extractor Post Processor as a child of the request, which returns to you this string.
Configure it as follows:
Reference Name: publicationID (you can use any variable name here)
Regular Expression: publicationID(\d+)publicationID
Template: $1$
other fields can be left blank.
You can later refer publication ID as ${publicationID} or ${__V(publicationID)}
You can see what matches does your Regular Expression return using View Results Tree Listener (select RegExp Tester from dropdown). Another option is Debug Sampler again with combination with View Results Tree.
you can use \d to match a number using regex.

Search & Replace Request URI Filter in Google Analytics

I have 2 landing pages:
Because the sessionID is unique, each of the landing page will be tracked as different pages. Therefore, I need a filter to remove the sessionID. These are what i want to track:
I created the Search and Replace Custom Filter on the Request URI:
Search String: /(aa|bb)/index\.php/(aa|bb)/index/(.*)
Replace String: /$1/index.php/$2/index/$3
But i get the /$1/index.php/$2/index/$3 being reported on the dashboard the next day. So i tried /\1/index.php/\2/index/\3 but i got very strange results, //aa/index.php/aa/index/alpha/index.php/aa/index/aa.
Does anyone know how to reference the grouped patterns in the replace string?
My Solution:
i managed to solve it using Advanced Filter. My solution:
Field A => Request URI: /(aa|bb)/index\.php/(aa|bb)/index/(.*)/(.*)
Field B => -
Output to => Request URI: /$A1/index.php/$A2/index/$A4
I haven't used the Google Analytics regex engine, but it appears to me that \1 is referencing the entire match (which in other regex implementations is called \0), while \2 is the first group, \3 is the second group, and so on.
Your initial regex, however, looks incomplete--I think it should look as follows:
Search String: /(aa|bb)/index\.php/(aa|bb)/index(/.*)/(alpha|bravo)
Replace String: /\2/index.php/\3/index/\5
(Note that I'm not sure whether ? is supported in this regex implementation as the non-greedy modifier, but if it is, the above search string pattern might run a little faster if you change /.* to /.*?.)