Lets Encrypt Certificate Expired On One Server With Load Balancer - digital-ocean

I am relatively new to the Traefik / Digital Ocean setup I am working with so not sure what is going on but I have seen that when viewing my sites it sometimes shows that the SSL cert expired. Sure enough, we are using a Load Balancer on Digital Ocean with 2 servers. I'm assuming that one of the servers did not renew Let's Encrypt Cert but not sure what to do to fix this. I don't see any cronjob setup to update these certs. Could it be handled on Digital Ocean's side?
I see the following settings in traefik.toml for both the servers using the load balancers:
# Acme setting are used for letsencrypt to get the wildcard cert.
email = "admin#mysite.com"
storage = "traefik/acme/account"
caServer = "https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory"
entryPoint = "https"
provider = "digitalocean" # DNS Provider name (cloudflare, OVH, gandi...)
delayBeforeCheck = 0
main = "*.mystagingsite.com"

If the certificate did not create it will try to recreate it on a daily basis. Also, if you reset the server it will recreate it on start.


SSl/TLS from Ionic mobile App to aws load balancer not working

I think I misunderstand the concept of adding ssl protection to my aws ec2 instance with a load balancer!
I have an Ionic app web, ios and android. I want to switch all http requests to https.
What I did:
Purchasing a url with route53
getting certificate with acm
setting up a load balancer like this...
https:443 -> ec2 instance (Here a applied the certificate)
http:80 -> https:443
http:8080 -> https:443
In Hosted Zones I added an A type record that points from my url to the Load balancer.
In my Ionic code I changed the endpoint addresses to https://my-backend-api-url.com/ (Yes I changed the my-backend-url.com in the real url :)
in the web deployment this set up lets me call the backend. But in the ios and android deployments it doesnt work and returns a 0 unknown error.
In the load balancer i can see that the requests from mobile deployments produce client tls negotiation errors.
My Attempt to fix this:
If I understand it right ( and there is a big if) I need a ssl/tls certificate that is in my app build in a certificate folder and i need the same certificate on my load balancer. Since aws ACm certificates only work for other aws services I think I can not use the certificate I created and applied via ACM.
So I think I need an ssl certificate from an ca and tried to get one with:
sudo certbot certonly --apache
When i enter my url it says:
"Unable to find a virtual host listening on port 80 which is currently needed for Certbot to prove to the CA that you control your domain. Please add a virtual host for port 80"
Maybe also helpful to know is that I can access my backend api with the browser but it shows me that its unsecure and certificate is not valid:
Am I on the right track with my approach or did I completely misunderstand something? If my approch is correct what do I have to do that certbot can access port 80.
Any hint, link to a good tutorial, or help in any way is highly appreciated.
I think there is no need to get an ssl certificate from an external provider. You are accessing without ssl your load balancer. Your load balancer is doing the decryption for you. So, just check that your load balancer is in a security group with an open 443-port.

How is domain name used for Amazon issued SSL certificates in ACM

I created an SSL certificate last night for use with an API (Tomcat, Spring Boot) on AWS Elastic Beanstalk using instructions provided by Amazon Certificate Manager.
When creating the cert, I entered the URL of my static site that calls the API, which is hosted by GoDaddy. ACM sent an email to my URL which I opened and approve and I now see the cert as issued, by Amazon, in my certs. I am also able to select it when I configure HTTPS for my EB load balancer. I am not able to export this cert though as it isn't private.
My question is, how is domain name used? I think I'm a little confused about how to use SSL on both my API and my static site AS WELL as the small bit of static content I'll host out of Tomcat.
ACM certs can only be used with AWS services - Cloudfront (if the cert is issued in us-east-1) and regionally on the classic load balancer and application load balancer.
You cannot export the cert for use in other products, so if you wanted to have Tomcat handle SSL you would need to get either a commercial cert or use something like Let's Encrypt.
If you have multiple host names you want to protect, you have different options.
You can get one cert per hostname if they are running on completely separate infrastructure; you can also have multiple host names in a single cert - even if there are multiple domains; and finally you can get a wildcard cert.

setup aws certification for a web page

I have a web page i would like to work with ssl (https)
for now it is working but with the private certification which alerts the user of "connection is not secure".
I issued a aws certification by following the link :
And set my tomcat server to work with certificate by as shown in this link
but i can not seem to get ride of the "connection is not secure" issue
The blog post is too old around 11 years. not sure it working or not.
But you can generate a new free certificate using AWS Certificate Manager Link and add it to load balancer for terminate SSL connection.Your servers will be behind of that load balancers.
On AWS ACM you will need to have a load balancer in front of your web server, you can then terminate the SSL at the load balancer and forward HTTP connections to your tomcat webserver:
Alternatively if you don't want to have a load balancer (cost etc), then you can look at using a free CA, such as letsencrypt. I've never used letsencrpt with tomcat before but a quick google came up with a few sensible solutions e.g. https://community.letsencrypt.org/t/configuring-lets-encrypt-with-tomcat-6-x-and-7-x/32416
Once up and running with SSL I suggest you check how strong your SSL config is using https://www.ssllabs.com/

AWS Elastic Beanstalk Namecheap SSL Configuration

My iOS software platform runs on AWS Elastic Beanstalk and has a URL we'll call "something.elasticbeanstalk.com". I have a website we'll call "website.com" I purchased and operate the DNS records for through Namecheap. I need to make the URL my iOS client apps use to connect to the server HTTPS since Apple is requiring this soon due to App Transport Security.
What I think I'm supposed to do is, create an SSL certificate for "website.com" and apply that SSL certificate to the AWS EB load balancer. Then I need to create a subdomain for "website.com" that redirects traffic to "something.elasticbeanstalk.com". Client apps connect to the subdomain of "website.com" which is now HTTPS and redirects to "something.elsastic.beanstalk.com". Is that correct?
So far, I created a SSL certificate for "website.com" using AWS Certificate Manager. For this I had to verify my email address associated with "website.com". I then applied that SSL certificate to my environment's load balancer int the AWS Management Console. After that, I went into Namecheap and followed this guide in the 'Domain Name & AWS 53 Management' section to do it.
I read in this article that I needed to create an alias and/or set up Nameservers in AWS Route53. I tried doing that but don't know what I'm doing and it seems to conflict with the Medium article I linked above that I followed telling me to change the CNAME record for the URL and the Redirect URL record for "website.com".
What do I do from here?
-I have a Parse Server on Elastic Beanstalk with URL “something.elasticbeanstalk.com”
-I have a domain with Namecheap called “website.com”
I needed to make my client app connect to an HTTPS address since Apple is requiring it shortly with App Transport Security. Since I couldn’t get an SSL certificate using AWS certificate manager for “something.elasticbeanstalk.com”, I created one for “website.com”. I then needed to have my client app connect to the HTTPS “website.com” which would forward it over to “something.elasticbeanstalk.com”. This satisfied the HTTPS requirements of Apple.
Make an SSL certificate for “website.com” using AWS Certificate Manager. You will need to confirm the domain via a confirmation email to the administrator for it.
Apple the SSL certificate for “website.com” to the AWS EB Load Balancer. Go to your AWS EB Console, click "configuration", click "Load Balancing" under the "Network Tier" category. Now under the first category which is "Load Balancer", select the SSL record you made and apply it in the "SSL certificate ID" section.
Set a CNAME record for “website.com” with a host of whatever subdomain of “website.com” you want. I chose “data” as my host value and subdomain (so my subdomain is “data.website.com”). Set the value of the CNAME record to “something.elasticbeanstalk.com”. Wait for it to propagate. It’s usually pretty fast but not always.
(I’m unsure if this particular step is proper but it worked for me) Set the serverURL of Parse-Server to “https://something.elasticbeanstalk.com” and the publicServerURL to “https://data.something.com”
In the Parse “initializeWithConfiguration” method in your client app that enables the app to connect to the server, change the server URL to “https://data.something.com/parse”. NOTE: include the “/parse” which is the MOUNT PATH of the parse-server. This value MAY BE DIFFERENT for you depending on how you set it but I set it to “/parse” since that’s what I saw in the Parse-Server docs.
-I deleted all Route53 records since they are irrelevant here since “something.com” DNS services are controlled by Namecheap.
-A Redirect URL record in Namecheap is unnecessary

Where does AWS Elastic Beanstalk Load Balancer look for certifications?

I am setting up AWS Elastic Beanstalk application and I want the traffic to it to be HTTPS.
I created a DNS CNAME record matching the beanstalk url and created and approved a certificate for that DNS name in AWS Certificate Manager.
Now I went to Elastic Beanstalk environment --> Configuration --> Network Tier / Load Balancer (Image below) in order to set the "Secure listener port" from OFF to 443 and choose my certificate.
But my certificate is not there to choose from !
So My question is how to get my certificate or a certificate into that selection list, or is that a bug in AWS?
Note - I was able to see my certificate when going to EC2 / Load balancers and was able to change the load balancer from HTTP to HTTPS and choose my certificate there.
But this did not reflect on Elastic Beanstalk load balancer configuration that still shows port 80. Using HTTPS to the beanstalk did not work this way.
Through the console, there is currently no way to assign your certificate you created in the Certificate Manager to your Beanstalk environment.
In order to accomplish this, you will need to use the AWS CLI. I was able to accomplish this, and luckily, it is easy.
In short, you need to:
create a elb-acm.json file and place it somewhere in your web root. I put mind directly in the web root of my application.
go to the Certificate Manager and get the arn ID of your certificate
use the update environment command to apply your certificate to your environment
aws elasticbeanstalk update-environment --environment-name Your-Environment --option-settings file://PATH-TO-JSON/elb-acm.json
For me the path was simply file://elb-ecm.json since (I believe the reason is because) I was running the command while in the web root and the file was in that same directory This article goes into detail (and worked for me). Good luck!
Please note, though you can, you should NOT assign the certificate directly through the Load Balancer console (EC2 > Load Balancers) because the load balancer will be blown away and recreated whenever you rebuild your Beanstalk Environment.
Also, make sure you have setup your certificate how you want it before you apply it to your Beanstalk environment. For example, if you want *.mydomain.com and the naked mydomain.com to both be secure, make sure that's fully configured first since there is no easy way to "de-associate" your certificate from your environment once your run these commands (you would basically need to terminate your environment altogether and create a new one if I'm not mistaken in this scenario).
Also, you will want to have some redirect code in your app to perform a 301 redirect on any non-secure request coming in once you have your certificate setup. To perform the redirect you will need to look for the X-Forwarded-Proto header on the incoming request. If it's not secure, you should redirect to the secure port. For example, here is how my application code looks:
// in production, only allow secure requests (https)
public function performSecureRedirect(rc) {
// based on domain comparison
var isLive = myEnvironmentData.isLive;
// setting up the health check url is important for smooth beanstalk deployments
// beanstalk issues this healthcheck request via a non-secure port
var isAmazonHealthcheckUrl = rc.event eq "system.healthcheck";
if (isLive and not isAmazonHealthcheckUrl) {
var headerData = getHTTPRequestData().headers;
// x-forwarded-proto is a special header
// setup by Amazon ELB (Elastic Load Balancer)
var requestProtocol = getHttpRequestData().headers['x-forwarded-proto'];
var isSecureRequest = requestProtocol eq "https";
if (not isSecureRequest) {
location("https://" & cgi.server_name & cgi.path_info, false, 301);
The answer by Brian FitzGerald and this blog helped me figure out a simple way to do that (set https on the Elastic beanstalk load balancer and use a CRM certificate for it).
The solution is simpler using AWS Elastic Beanstalk CLI (eb for short). After you set up the environment properly you can use eb config command.
When the edit window opens up scroll down to aws:elb:loadbalancer section.
Modify the load balancer section to be so (in my case I removed port 80 altogether, you may want to keep it):
CrossZone: 'true'
LoadBalancerHTTPPort: 'OFF'
LoadBalancerHTTPSPort: '443'
LoadBalancerPortProtocol: HTTP
LoadBalancerSSLPortProtocol: HTTPS
SecurityGroups: '{"Fn::GetAtt":["AWSEBLoadBalancerSecurityGroup","GroupId"]},{"Ref":"AWSEBLoadBalancerSecurityGroup"}'
The arn of the certificate can be found in AWS > Certificate Manager.
Open the certificate and copy the ARN number (on the bottom right).
I saved the configuration, waited for the environment to get updated and that was it.