different collision geometries in a component based game engine - c++

I'm writing a simple game engine and after a lot of rethinking/refactoring I settled with sort of a component based architecture (not strictly ECS, but it isn't inheritance based anymore either). So everything in my world is an entity, and each entity has got a bunch of components. Every system/subsystem in my game scans an entity for a series of components it's interested in, and performs some relevant computations.
So far so good. The engine basic architecture can be seen here:
Now, every entity that is collidable with has a collision component (along with position/movement/rigidbody components), so the physics system needs to get that component and use it to feed its collision detection algorithms, in order to generate contact data to be used to resolve the collision.
I'm stuck on the following issue: the collison detection algorithms deal with different geometries: boxes,spheres,planes and rays (as of now), but I don't want to have a spherecollisioncomponent and a boxcollisioncomponent, at least I don't want them to be unrelated but I'd like them to share some common base class.
class Sphere
Sphere(float radius);
float GetRadius() { return mRadius; }
float mRadius;
class Box : public BoundingVolume
Box(const XMFLOAT3 &halfSize);
XMFLOAT3 const &GetHalfSize() const { return mHalfSize; }
XMFLOAT3 mHalfSize;
Obviously each component has a different interface (boxes have halfsizes, spheres have a radius and so on), and the different collision detection functions deal very differently with each of them (box-box, box-sphere, sphere-sphere..).
void CollisionSystem::BoxAndBoxCollision(const Box &box1, const Box &box2)
// contact data
XMFLOAT3 contactPoint;
XMFLOAT3 contactNormal;
float minOverlap = 100.0f;
// get axes for SAT test
std::vector<XMFLOAT3> axes = GetSATAxes(box1, box2);
int axisIndex = 0;
int index = 0;
for (XMFLOAT3 axis : axes)
if (XMVectorGetX(XMVector3Length(XMLoadFloat3(&axis))) < 0.01f)
float overlap = PerformSAT(axis, box1, box2);
if (overlap < 0) // found separating axis - early out
if (overlap < minOverlap)
minOverlap = overlap;
axisIndex = index;
// other collision detection/generation code.....
// store contact
mContacts.push_back(new Contact(box1->GetRigidBody(), box2->GetRigidBody(), contactPoint, contactNormal, minOverlap, coefficientOfRestitution));
So how can I solve this in an elegant and robust way?


Is there are way to return the collision pair which are in collision in Bullet?

I am currently building a simulation software for robotics. I am using bullet physics to perform collision detection and for robot rigid body dynamics.
I am able to successfully detect when two triangle collision meshes collide with each other. Now I would like to highlight the collision pair by changing the colour of the mesh to red when collision happens. To do so, I need to know which two meshes are colliding. Is there a way to return the collision pair which is in collision in Bullet?
I have looked through the Bullet Physics documentation and could not find anything useful.
At collision object creation, you're able to set the CollisionObject.UserObject with an id, name,... or the mesh itself.
If you're using a custom ContactResultCallback, you will get the collided objects and the collision points as parameters of the AddSingleResult() method. The previously set user object could now help you to identify the collided meshes:
/// <inheritdoc cref="ContactResultCallback"/>
public override double AddSingleResult(ManifoldPoint manifoldPoint,
CollisionObjectWrapper collisionObjectWrapper1,
int partId1,
int index1,
CollisionObjectWrapper collisionObjectWrapper2,
int partId2,
int index2)
var mesh1 = collisionObjectWrapper1.CollisionObject.UserObject as Mesh;
var mesh2 = collisionObjectWrapper2.CollisionObject.UserObject as Mesh;
// ...
return 0;
If you're working with CollisionWorld.StepSimulate(...) and CollisionWorld.SetInternalTickCallback(OnSimualtionTick) for "live" collision detection, you will also get the user objects:
private void OnSimualtionTick(DynamicsWorld world, float timeStep)
for (int i = 0; i < world.Dispatcher.NumManifolds; i++)
PersistentManifold contactManifold = world.Dispatcher.GetManifoldByIndexInternal(i);
var mesh1 = contactManifold.Body0.UserObject as Mesh;
var mesh2 = contactManifold.Body1.UserObject as Mesh;
// ...
// ...

Generating outside supporters into mesh for 3D printing

This is my attempt to re-ask the closed Generating supporters for 3D printing as it is interesting question but lacking important details ... This is intended as Q&A and currently I am working on the code for the answer but feel free to answer (I accept the best answer).
Problem description
OK here some basic info about the problem:
Supports in 3D Printing: A technology overview
As this is a huge problem I will focus on the generic mesh/support-pattern merging geometry problem.
In a nutshell If we want to print any mesh we can do it only if it is connected to the starting plane up to angle of ~45 degrees (+/- for different printing technologies). So if we got parts that are not connected to this plane we need to create a bridge that will hold/connect it to it. Something like this (image taken from the page linked above):
Of coarse we need to add as small amount of material possible and still has it strong enough to hold our mesh in place without bending. On top of all this we need to weaken the support near the mesh so it can be break off after printing easily.
Do not forget that shape and placement is dependent on many things like material and technology used, heat flow.
To narrow this huge topic to answerable question let us focus solely on this problem:
How to merge 3D triangulated mesh (boundary representation like STL) with predefined support pattern (like 3 side prism) connecting it from defined plane perpendicularly ?
Using simple C++.
OK lets start with the absolute basics.
support shape
You can use any shape to meet the specifics of used printing technology. The easiest to generate within STL is 3 side prism like shape which contains 2 triangular bases (top and bottom) and 3 sides all of which have 2 triangles. So 8 triangles total.
This shape will start at some base plane (Z=0) and will go up until it hits the mesh. However to make this work the support must have a small gap between mesh and itself where we will add our weakened joint structure with mesh latter on.
support pattern
there are a lot of options here so I chose the simplest (not foul proof however) and that is to place the supports in a uniform grid with constant distance grid between the supports.
so simply cast a ray from each grid position on the base plane in up direction and check for intersection with mesh. If found place the support at that position with height just gap below the intersection point.
The idea is to join fan of very thin supports in cone like shape connecting & covering the supported surface above main support prism with less than 45 deg angle (so the gap should be big enough to cover grid distance in such manner).
The main problem here is that we must subdivide the triangles we are connecting to so we meet the STL mesh properties. To solve the connection problem (avoid holes or breaking connection requirements of the STL) we can use different solid for supports and different for our mesh. That will also allow us to touch surfaces without re-triangulating them making this a lot easier task.
For simplicity I chose tetrahedron shape which is simple to construct from triangles and also present weakness at the mesh/support joint.
So let us take some test STL mesh and place it above our base plane:
and place our main supports:
and also the joints:
Here VCL/C++ code for this STL3D.h:
//--- simple STL 3D mesh ----------------------------------------------------
#ifndef _STL3D_h
#define _STL3D_h
#ifdef ComctrlsHPP
TProgressBar *progress=NULL; // loading progress bar for realy big STL files
void _progress_init(int n);
void _progress (int ix);
void _progress_done();
class STL3D // STL 3D mesh
double center[3],size[3],rmax; // bbox center,half sizes, max(size[])
struct _fac
float p[3][3]; // triangle vertexes CCW order
float n[3]; // triangle unit normal pointing out
WORD attr;
_fac() {}
_fac(_fac& a) { *this=a; }
~_fac() {}
_fac* operator = (const _fac *a) { *this=*a; return this; }
//_fac* operator = (const _fac &a) { ...copy... return this; }
void compute() // compute normal
float a[3],b[3];
double intersect_ray(double *pos,double *dir) // return -1 or distance to triangle and unit ray intersection
double p0[3],p1[3],p2[3]; // input triangle vertexes
double e1[3],e2[3],pp[3],qq[3],rr[3]; // dir must be unit vector !!!
double t,u,v,det,idet;
// get points
//compute ray triangle intersection
// Calculate planes normal vector
// Ray is parallel to plane
if (fabs(det)<1e-8) return -1.0;
if ((u<0.0)||(u>1.0)) return -1.0;
if ((v<0.0)||(u+v>1.0)) return -1.0;
// distance
if (t<0.0) t=-1.0;
return t;
List<_fac> fac; // faces
STL3D() { reset(); }
STL3D(STL3D& a) { *this=a; }
~STL3D() {}
STL3D* operator = (const STL3D *a) { *this=*a; return this; }
//STL3D* operator = (const STL3D &a) { ...copy... return this; }
void reset(){ fac.num=0; compute(); } // clear STL
void draw(); // render STL mesh (OpenGL)
void draw_normals(float size); // render STL normals (OpenGL)
void compute(); // compute bbox
void compute_normals(); // recompute normals from points
void supports(reper &obj); // compute supports with obj placement above base plane z=0
void load(AnsiString name);
void save(AnsiString name);
void STL3D::draw()
_fac *f; int i,j; BYTE r,g,b;
for (f=fac.dat,i=0;i<fac.num;i++,f++)
if (f->attr<32768)
r= f->attr &31; r<<=3;
g=(f->attr>> 5)&31; g<<=3;
b=(f->attr>>10)&31; b<<=3;
for (j=0;j<3;j++) glVertex3fv(f->p[j]);
void STL3D::draw_normals(float size)
_fac *f;
int i; float a[3],b[3];
for (f=fac.dat,i=0;i<fac.num;i++,f++)
vectorf_add(a,a ,f->p[2]);
vectorf_mul(b,f->n,size); glVertex3fv(a);
vectorf_add(b,b,a); glVertex3fv(b);
void STL3D::compute()
_fac *f;
int i,j,k;
double p0[3],p1[3];
if (fac.num==0) return;
// bbox
for (k=0;k<3;k++) p0[k]=fac.dat[0].p[0][k];
for (k=0;k<3;k++) p1[k]=fac.dat[0].p[0][k];
for (f=fac.dat,i=0;i<fac.num;i++,f++)
for (j=0;j<3;j++)
for (k=0;k<3;k++)
if (p0[k]>f->p[j][k]) p0[k]=f->p[j][k];
if (p1[k]<f->p[j][k]) p1[k]=f->p[j][k];
vector_add(center,p0,p1); vector_mul(center,center,0.5);
vector_sub(size ,p1,p0); vector_mul(size ,size ,0.5);
if (rmax<size[1]) rmax=size[1];
if (rmax<size[2]) rmax=size[2];
// attr repair
for (f=fac.dat,i=0;i<fac.num;i++,f++)
if (f->attr==0) f->attr=32768;
void STL3D::compute_normals()
_fac *f; int i;
for (f=fac.dat,i=0;i<fac.num;i++,f++) f->compute();
void STL3D::supports(reper &obj)
_fac *f,ff;
int i,j,k;
double p[3],dp[3],x0,y0,h0,x1,y1,x2,y2,h1,t;
// some config values first
const WORD attr0=31<<10; // support attr should be different than joint
const WORD attr1=31<<5; // joint attr should be different than mesh,support
const double grid0=8.0; // distance between supports
const double grid1=2.0; // distance between joints
const double gap=grid0/tan(45.0*deg);// distance between main support and mesh (joint size)
const double ha=1.0; // main support side size
// do not mess with these
const double hx= ha*cos(60.0*deg); // half size of main support in x
const double hy=0.5*ha*sin(60.0*deg); // half size of main support in y
const double grid2=0.4*hy; // distance between joints bases
const double ga=2.0*grid2*grid1/grid0; // main support side size
const double gx=hx*grid2/grid0; // half size of joint support in x
const double gy=hy*grid2/grid0; // half size of joint support in y
// apply placement obj (may lose some accuracy) not needed if matrices are not used
for (f=fac.dat,i=0;i<fac.num;i++,f++)
for (j=0;j<3;j++)
for (k=0;k<3;k++) p[k]=f->p[j][k]; // float->double
for (k=0;k<3;k++) f->p[j][k]=p[k]; // double->float
for (k=0;k<3;k++) p[k]=f->n[k]; // float->double
for (k=0;k<3;k++) f->n[k]=p[k]; // double->float
} compute();
// create supports
for (x0=center[0]-size[0]+(0.5*grid0);x0<=center[0]+size[0]-(0.5*grid0);x0+=grid0)
for (y0=center[1]-size[1]+(0.5*grid0);y0<=center[1]+size[1]-(0.5*grid0);y0+=grid0)
// cast ray x0,y0,0 in Z+ direction to check for mesh intersection to compute the support height h0
for (f=fac.dat,i=0;i<fac.num;i++,f++)
if ((t>=0.0)&&(t<h0)) h0=t;
if (h0>center[2]+size[2]+1e5) continue; // skip non intersected rays
h0-=gap; if (h0<0.0) h0=0.0;
// main suport prism
// sides
vectorf_ld(ff.p[2],x0-hx,y0-hy, h0); ff.compute(); fac.add(ff);
vectorf_ld(ff.p[1],x0+hx,y0-hy, h0);
vectorf_ld(ff.p[2],x0-hx,y0-hy, h0); ff.compute(); fac.add(ff);
vectorf_ld(ff.p[0],x0-hx,y0-hy, h0);
vectorf_ld(ff.p[1],x0 ,y0+hy,0.0);
vectorf_ld(ff.p[2],x0-hx,y0-hy,0.0); ff.compute(); fac.add(ff);
vectorf_ld(ff.p[0],x0-hx,y0-hy, h0);
vectorf_ld(ff.p[1],x0 ,y0+hy, h0);
vectorf_ld(ff.p[2],x0 ,y0+hy,0.0); ff.compute(); fac.add(ff);
vectorf_ld(ff.p[0],x0 ,y0+hy, h0);
vectorf_ld(ff.p[2],x0 ,y0+hy,0.0); ff.compute(); fac.add(ff);
vectorf_ld(ff.p[0],x0 ,y0+hy, h0);
vectorf_ld(ff.p[1],x0+hx,y0-hy, h0);
vectorf_ld(ff.p[2],x0+hx,y0-hy,0.0); ff.compute(); fac.add(ff);
// base triangles
vectorf_ld(ff.p[0],x0 ,y0+hy,0.0);
vectorf_ld(ff.p[2],x0-hx,y0-hy,0.0); ff.compute(); fac.add(ff);
vectorf_ld(ff.p[0],x0-hx,y0-hy, h0);
vectorf_ld(ff.p[1],x0+hx,y0-hy, h0);
vectorf_ld(ff.p[2],x0 ,y0+hy, h0); ff.compute(); fac.add(ff);
// joints
for (x1=x0-(0.5*grid0),x2=x0-(0.5*grid2);x1<=x0+(0.5*grid0);x1+=grid1,x2+=ga)
for (y1=y0-(0.5*grid0),y2=y0-(1.9*grid2);y1<=y0+(0.5*grid0);y1+=grid1,y2+=ga)
// cast ray x1,y1,0 in Z+ direction to check for mesh intersection to compute the joint height h1
for (f=fac.dat,i=0;i<fac.num;i++,f++)
if ((t>=0.0)&&(t<h1)) h1=t;
if (h1>h0+gap+1e5) continue; // skip non intersected rays
// tetrahedron joints
// base triangle
vectorf_ld(ff.p[0],x2 ,y2+gy,h0);
vectorf_ld(ff.p[2],x2-gx,y2-gy,h0); ff.compute(); fac.add(ff);
// sides
vectorf_ld(ff.p[1],x2 ,y2+gy,h0);
vectorf_ld(ff.p[2],x1 ,y1 ,h1); ff.compute(); fac.add(ff);
vectorf_ld(ff.p[0],x2 ,y2+gy,h0);
vectorf_ld(ff.p[2],x1 ,y1 ,h1); ff.compute(); fac.add(ff);
vectorf_ld(ff.p[2],x1 ,y1 ,h1); ff.compute(); fac.add(ff);
// reverse placement obj (may lose some accuracy) not needed if matrices are not used
for (f=fac.dat,i=0;i<fac.num;i++,f++)
for (j=0;j<3;j++)
for (k=0;k<3;k++) p[k]=f->p[j][k]; // float->double
for (k=0;k<3;k++) f->p[j][k]=p[k]; // double->float
for (k=0;k<3;k++) p[k]=f->n[k]; // float->double
for (k=0;k<3;k++) f->n[k]=p[k]; // double->float
} compute();
void STL3D::load(AnsiString name)
int adr,siz,hnd;
BYTE *dat;
AnsiString lin,s;
int i,j,l,n;
_fac f;
reset(); f.attr=0;
if (hnd<0) return;
dat=new BYTE[siz];
if (dat==NULL) { FileClose(hnd); return; }
adr=0; s=txt_load_str(dat,siz,adr,true);
if (s=="solid")
_progress_init(siz); int progress_cnt=0;
for (adr=0;adr<siz;)
progress_cnt++; if (progress_cnt>=128) { progress_cnt=0; _progress(adr); }
for (i=1,l=lin.Length();i<=l;)
if (s=="solid") { name=str_load_str(lin,i,true); break; }
if (s=="endsolid") break;
if (s=="facet")
if (s=="vertex")
if (j<3)
if (j==3) fac.add(f);
// binary
n=((DWORD*)(dat+adr))[0]; adr+=4;
fac.allocate(n); fac.num=0;
_progress_init(n); int progress_cnt=0;
for (i=0;i<n;i++)
if (adr+50>siz) break; // error
progress_cnt++; if (progress_cnt>=128) { progress_cnt=0; _progress(i); }
f.n[0]=((float*)(dat+adr))[0]; adr+=4;
f.n[1]=((float*)(dat+adr))[0]; adr+=4;
f.n[2]=((float*)(dat+adr))[0]; adr+=4;
for (j=0;j<3;j++)
f.p[j][0]=((float*)(dat+adr))[0]; adr+=4;
f.p[j][1]=((float*)(dat+adr))[0]; adr+=4;
f.p[j][2]=((float*)(dat+adr))[0]; adr+=4;
f.attr=((WORD*)(dat+adr))[0]; adr+=2; // attributes
delete[] dat;
void STL3D::save(AnsiString name)
// ToDo
void _progress_init(int n)
#ifdef ComctrlsHPP
if (progress==NULL) return;
void _progress (int ix)
#ifdef ComctrlsHPP
if (progress==NULL) return;
void _progress_done()
#ifdef ComctrlsHPP
if (progress==NULL) return;
Usage is simple:
#include "STL3D.h" // STL mesh (this is the important stuff)
STL3D mesh; // point cloud and tetrahedronal mesh
mesh.supports(obj); // obj is object holding 4x4 uniform matrix of placement if you STL is already placed than it is not needed
I used a lot of stuff from mine OpenGL engine like dynamic List<> template:
List<double> xxx; is the same as double xxx[];
xxx.add(5); adds 5 to end of the list
xxx[7] access array element (safe)
xxx.dat[7] access array element (unsafe but fast direct access)
xxx.num is the actual used size of the array
xxx.reset() clears the array and set xxx.num=0
xxx.allocate(100) preallocate space for 100 items
or vector and matrix math (vectorf_ works with float* and vector_ with double) which is not too important. If you need the math see:
Understanding 4x4 homogenous transform matrices
If the STL is already placed (no matrix) than no placement conversions nor the obj is needed at all. The code reflects the bullets above. I wanted to keep it as simple as I could so no optimizations are there yet.
The gap and grid constants are hard-coded in the supports function and are not yet set to the valid values.
Now this barely cover only the very basic of the problem and there are a lot of edge cases left un-handled to keep this "short". The code itself does not check if triangles are above the 45 degree slope but that can be done with simple normal angle checking like:
if (acos(dot(normal,(0.0,0.0,1.0))<45.0*deg) continue;
There is the need to add also the supports between parts of mesh for example if your object has more layers than only the first layer will be supported from base plane. the rest must use the layer below itself ... and using weakened joint on both sides of support. That is similar to place the first layer of supports you just need to cast the ray in both directions ... or cast continuous ray going through the whole bbox and check for start/end surfaces by analyzing normal direction to ray (simple sign of dot product). For example this is mesh placement that would possibly need this (for some technologies):
While designing the supports take in mind you should meet the proper winding rule (CCW) and normal direction (out) for the printing process ...

Set bone rotations for Poseable mesh in local space

Greetings to everyone,
Greetings to everyone. : )
I'm implementing a VR experience on UE4 that detects the movement of the VR experience user, and then updates the corresponding pose of the avatar or representation of the user inside the virtual world.
For doing so, I've implemented this behavior with C++ based on what is said on this topic:
That is, I have an USkeletalMeshComponent (whose Skeletal mesh is the one seen on screen), and an UPoseableMeshComponent (being set as the "master pose component" for the USkeletalMeshComponent), that receives the rotation data as quaternions from each tracking sensor.
One hand, the mesh for the UPoseableMeshComponent will be set to the mesh of the USkeletalMeshComponet. The other hand, the bones of the poseable mesh are updated with the corresponding rotation data coming from the tracking sensors for each bone, which makes automatically the skeletal mesh to be updated accordingly due to the UPoseableMeshComponent was set as "master pose component" for the USkeletalMeshComponent.
This works pefectly when working with all the body parts that are not finger phalanxes, because rotations are set on those body parts in world space, in this way:
m_pPoseableMeshComp->SetBoneRotationByName(strBoneName, qBoneRotation.Rotator(), EBoneSpaces::WorldSpace);
However, for technical reasons, it is mandatory to set the bone rotations for each finger phalanx in LOCAL space, but poseable meshes seems to work only on world space and component space; checking out 'SkinnedMeshComponent.h' there is a 'LocalSpace' enum value on EBoneSpaces::Type... but it's commented.
/** Values for specifying bone space. */
namespace EBoneSpaces
enum Type
/** Set absolute position of bone in world space. */
WorldSpace UMETA(DisplayName = "World Space"),
/** Set position of bone in components reference frame. */
ComponentSpace UMETA(DisplayName = "Component Space"),
/** Set position of bone relative to parent bone. */
//LocalSpace UMETA( DisplayName = "Parent Bone Space" ),
I cannot understand the phrase 'Set position of bone in components reference frame'. It doesn't seem to work as the "replacement" for local space (as if the bone were rotating around the avatar's pivot point). Is there any other way, or a workaround way, to set rotations in local space for a poseable mesh?.
Thanks on advance. : )
I had this issue as well. Sadly the feature was never implemented in the official Unreal Engine code base.
But you can solve it very easily by extending the poseable mesh component like so.
// MyPoseableMeshComponent.h
#pragma once
#include "CoreMinimal.h"
#include "Components/PoseableMeshComponent.h"
#include "MyPoseableMeshComponent.generated.h"
UCLASS(meta = (BlueprintSpawnableComponent))
class ALSUTILS_API UMyPoseableMeshComponent : public UPoseableMeshComponent
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Components|PoseableMesh")
void SetBoneLocalTransformByName(const FName& BoneName, const FTransform& InTransform);
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Components|PoseableMesh")
const FTransform& GetBoneLocalTransformByName(const FName& BoneName) const;
// MyPoseableMeshComponent.cpp
void UMyPoseableMeshComponent::SetBoneLocalTransformByName(const FName& BoneName, const FTransform& InTransform)
if (!SkeletalMesh || !RequiredBones.IsValid())
int32 boneIndex = GetBoneIndex(BoneName);
if (boneIndex >= 0 && boneIndex < BoneSpaceTransforms.Num())
BoneSpaceTransforms[boneIndex] = InTransform;
const FTransform& UMyPoseableMeshComponent::GetBoneLocalTransformByName(const FName& BoneName) const
static FTransform zeroTransform;
if (!SkeletalMesh || !RequiredBones.IsValid())
return zeroTransform;
int32 boneIndex = GetBoneIndex(BoneName);
if (boneIndex >= 0 && boneIndex < BoneSpaceTransforms.Num())
return BoneSpaceTransforms[boneIndex];
return zeroTransform;

The collision in SFML is not that good, how to improve it?

I've been lately working on a simple game using C++ and SFML latest version, but I had a problem which is that the collision detection is not that good, for example the player dies even if the enemy didn't touch him yet, but just near him. Here is the code of the player class with the move function and collision detection code AND the moves of the enemy class:
`class PlayerA : public CircleShape
PlayerA(float xposition, float yposition, float radius, float s)
//Movements of the player:
void up()
void down()
void right()
void left()
void checkA(ObsA *obs1=NULL,ObsA *obs2=NULL, ObsA *obs3=NULL, ObsA *obs4=NULL, ObsA *obs5=NULL)
float speed=0.00;
void obs()
if(speed > 0)
float speed = 0.00;
void obs()
if(speed > 0)
float speed = 0.00;
Is there something wrong with the code, how to fix the problem, thank you!
The intersects function just check if two rectangles intersect. If you want pixel perfect collision detection in SFML you have to write that yourself.
Basically, start with intersects, if it is true, then get the intersecting rectangle and check if any pixels therein from both original rectangles contains overlaping relevant pixels.
You can use this function to perform better collision detection.Its a basic one but works well
bool circleTest(const sf::Sprite &first, const sf::Sprite &second)
sf::Vector2f firstRect(first.getTextureRect().width, first.getTextureRect().height);
firstRect.x *= first.getScale().x;
firstRect.y *= first.getScale().y;
sf::Vector2f secondRect(second.getTextureRect().width, second.getTextureRect().height);
secondRect.x *= second.getScale().x;
secondRect.y *= second.getScale().y;
float r1 = (firstRect.x + firstRect.y) / 4;
float r2 = (secondRect.x + secondRect.y) / 4;
float xd = first.getPosition().x - second.getPosition().x;
float yd = first.getPosition().y - second.getPosition().y;
return std::sqrt(xd * xd + yd * yd) <= r1 + r2;
Are you using a circle? If I remember correctly, the circle will have a rectangle hitbox. If that is the case, then you may have collision between the invisible rectangle corners.
If you're using a circle, Perhaps change class to a square rectangle and see if collision works correctly. Or try testing collision directly on an x or y axis with your circles; i.e. having them moving in a straight line towards each other only changing 1 axis. (the edge of the circle will be the same as the edge of the rectangle at the left, right, top, and bottom sections).
If you're needing a better collision for circles, there may be one already built in SFML. But I don't think it would be too much to write your own logic using the radius of your two circles, the center of your two objects, and the angle hypotenuse between the centers.
edit based on Merlyn Morgan-Graham's comment.

My 'body' class in SFML: How does it rotate member shapes correctly on its own?

Hey so i've made a 'body' class, which inherits from sf::drawable in SFML that holds shapes together so i can form more complicated shapes and figures. I found i had to do a few updates on each individual member shape at render time, based on what's happened to the body over-all since last render.
This included:
I thought i would have to manually write the code to factor in these changes that could have occured to the overall body, so the shape positions turned out right. However when coding the Rotation part, i found after writing the manual code that even though i made Bodies Render() function only iterate through and render each shape without changing them, they somehow came out with the right orientation anyway. HOW CAN THIS BE?
I commented out the code i wrote and apparently didn't need, and i use the Draw() function to render. Please explain to me my own code! (God i feel retarded).
here's the class:
class Body : public sf::Drawable{
Body(const sf::Vector2f& Position = sf::Vector2f(0, 0), const sf::Vector2f& Scale = sf::Vector2f(1, 1), float Rotation = 0.f, const sf::Color& Col = sf::Color(255, 255, 255, 255)){
////////////////// Drawable Functions ////////////////////
void SetX(float X){
MoveVal.x += X - GetPosition().x;
void SetY(float Y){
MoveVal.y += Y - GetPosition().y;
void SetRotation(float Rotation){
RotVal+= Rotation-GetRotation();
bool AddShape(sf::Shape& S){
Shapes.push_back(S); return true;};
bool AddSprite(sf::Sprite& S){
Sprites.push_back(S); return true;};
void Draw(sf::RenderTarget& target){
for(unsigned short I=0; I<Shapes.size(); I++){
//Body offset
Shapes[I].GetPosition().x + MoveVal.x,
Shapes[I].GetPosition().y + MoveVal.y);
// Aparrently Body shapes rotate on their own...
//Body Rotation
//float px= GetPosition().x,
// py= GetPosition().y,
// x= Shapes[I].GetPosition().x,
// y= Shapes[I].GetPosition().y,
// rot= ConvToRad(RotVal);
px + ((x-px)*cos(rot)) - ((y-py)*sin(rot)),
py - ((x-px)*sin(rot)) + ((y-py)*cos(rot)));*/ //TODO: put this in a math header
target.Draw(*this); // draws each individual shape
//Reset all the Change Values
sf::Vector2f MoveVal;
float RotVal;
std::vector<sf::Shape> Shapes;
std::vector<sf::Sprite> Sprites;
virtual void Render(sf::RenderTarget& target) const{
for(unsigned short I=0; I<Shapes.size(); I++){
for(unsigned short I=0; I<Sprites.size(); I++){
My guess was confirmed by the SFML source code.
When you call target.Draw(*this) it eventually calls Drawable::Draw(RenderTarget& Target) const, which sets up a render matrix which has the rotation that you gave it with the Drawable::SetRotation call. Your virtual Render function is then called, with that rotation environment set up. This means that your body-parts get rotated.
Have a look at the source yourself to get a better understanding. (;