DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN error on GCP VM - google-cloud-platform

I installed FREEIPA on ubuntu 16 and set the hostname and update the /etc/hosts file as well, and Installed FREEIPA successfully but could not able to access "https://ipa.example.com" on the browser.
This VM is on the Google Platform and part of private DNS

If you're using freeipa you are probably going to authenticate multiple machines against it.
Modifying /etc/hosts is a temporary solution that's not going to work on large environment: you need a dns server to answer when a server asks for ipa.example.com moreover you need dns to manage priority between multiple ipa servers if need high availability and resilience.


Install MobSF in GCP, can't access port 8000

I want to install MobSF to test every my mobile apps that I develop before.
Since I don't have many environment in my local PC, so I create a compute engine in GCP.
All installation is running well and completed.
My problem is, I can't access MobSF via external/public IP from GCP.
when I ping to my external IP, it's no problem.
I think this problem caused by firewall configuration that I must open port 8000.
But I don't know how to create correct firewall setting.
I was try to create before, but still failed.
If you simply want to open port 8000 to the world, you can create a firewall rule as below (considering you are using the default vpc):
gcloud compute firewall-rules create "allow8000" --allow=tcp:8000
--source-ranges="" --description="Allow 8000 external"
Ref: https://cloud.google.com/sdk/gcloud/reference/compute/firewall-rules/create
Edit: if you want to do a more granular firewall control to specify only one compute engine (the one you mentioned) you need either use network tags or allow only the private IP of that instance.
Also, I just noticed that you've started the app with the loopback address. Have you tried to start it up to listen to all interfaces ""?
It is more likely that you might have not checked the ‘Allow HTTP traffic’ box of Firewall while creating the Virtual machine. If so, please follow the below mentioned steps and then try accessing your application from the web browser.
Click on the VM name
In the VM instance details page, click on EDIT button
Select the ‘Allow HTTP traffic’ under firewalls option and save.

authentication failure between 2 ec2 instances with windows server 2016

I am a newbie to AWS Cloud. Recently I was given the requirement to do a Automation Anywhere Clustered Control Room installation on AWS Cloud. Based on this requirement, I set up 2 EC2 instances (as a test run) with Windows Server 2016 AMI. I installed MS SQL server on one of the instances and opened port 1433 for access from the other instance. I installed Control Room on the first instance successfully (using custom install). When I completed the installation on the second instance, I got credential vault error. I have created a shared folder which is accessible by both the instances inspite of which I am getting the error. I have security groups and firewalls setup appropriately alsoI have shared the snapshot below. I have been informed that there is an authentication issue between the 2 instances. How do I get this to work?
Any and all help is much appreciated.
I don't know if this is a duplicate of any other question. If it is, please point me in the right direction.
I was able to solve the problem. I reinstalled the control room on both the EC2 machines with Manual mode for the Credential Vault access.
I also reset the firewall to allow only 80 and 443 (for now) both locally and remotely on the second EC2 instance.

IP Addresses with boot2docker

I'm attempting to install WSO2 GREG in a docker container using docker-toolbox (Kitematic and boot2docker) on my Macbook Pro.
The application is up and running just fine but it does some redirects during login that the networking layers in Kitematic->boot2docker seem to confuse.
Here are the details:
My guest systems IP is Accessing the application via that IP works just fine.
When I attempt to login, the app redirects my browser to a URL using the containers IP ( rather than the guest's IP ( Unfortunately, the container IP is not accessible to my host computer and the redirect fails with a page not accessible.
I've updated the configuration file for the app to point to the Guest OS's IP in what I believe is the relevant configuration file (repository/conf/identity/sso-idp-config.xml).
I have updated the carbon.xml file to reference the Guest IP ( but the application still seems to start on the containers IP.
[2016-01-28 18:43:36,737] INFO {org.wso2.carbon.ui.internal.CarbonUIServiceComponent} - Governance Center Publisher Default Context :
So I think there are two possible answers I'm looking for:
How can I configure GREG to startup and reference the guest IP rather than the container's IP?
How can I configure boot2docker or my local machine to forward requests on the containers IP as requests to the guest VM?
I'm not sure about GREG, but in IS and AM that happens if you are not defining a particular IP/Hostname in <HostName> and <MgtHostName> in repository/conf/carbon.xml (they are commented out by default)

Amazon AWS EC2 IP address won't display web page

I'm trying to build a t2.mirco Ubuntu 12.04 EC2 environment running Airtime from Sourcefabric, however despite the installation going through OK I cannot access the login page via the address that the installer provided. I have change my security settings several times but I feel that it might have something to do with it. I have ran system checks to see if airtime is working and it returns a perfectly operating copy every time. The address that i'm trying to access the installation on is http://ip-172-31-5-46.us-west-2.compute.internal does anyone know why Amazon AWS is reacting this way?
The URL you just provided is EC2's internal DNS address (note the ".internal" at the end), if you want it to be accessibly publicly you'll need to assign an Elastic IP to the EC2 instance, or auto assign a public DNS on creation of the instance
Amazon docs for reference

Amazon Web Services AMI Image Issue (Host not Responding to Requests)

I had a Micro Instance from which I created an AMI Image. I then upgraded to a Large Instance with this Image in tow and assigned an elastic IP Address. I changed my A Name to point to the new IP and, according to a reverse DNS lookup service, my DNS appears to have propagated correctly (cranku.com).
I created a virtual host for the domain name and restarted apache. And, yet, the domain is not responding to my requests. Could I be missing something here?
I am deploying Django with Mod Wsgi on Apache. I have moved MYSQL to a mounted EBS volume but that seems to be working here (and it worked on the instance from which I created the AMI). Restarting Apache works (/etc/apache/init.d/restart). Do I have to configure it in any other ways.
Any clues on how to proceed?
I can reach your ssh server on the machine, but attempts to reach the webserver here are failing too, in a manner that makes me think the packets are being DROPed rather than REJECTed. Have you authorized port 80?