How to install and add libpng to my Qt project on Windows - c++

I need to use libpng for my coursework with Qt. But I don't know how to install it and use with Qt on Windows.
Try to install with MinGw
Firstly, I've downloaded libpng and zlib from official site. Then I've tried to install it with MinGw, ./configure CFLAGS='-O2' CXXFLAGS='-O2' --prefix=/mingw this command executes perfectly, but then I got a problem. After typing make and make install I've got following issue. I don't know how to fix it and what it actually mean, because I've never faced errors from makefiles.
Try to install via application
I've found an application for installing libpng on windows: And it worked, I've installed a library, got my lib files and headers. Then I went to my Qt project, and added a library, by pointing path to lib file and path to headers. Now I'm including png.h in my class and things seems to go well, until I try to use some functions. Qt writes something like this No mathcing function for call to png_sig_cmp. But more interestingly, that it actually don't show errors when I use variable types from library, for example png_byte.
//messege from MinGw after typing make and make install
rm -f pnglibconf.c[45]
gawk -f ./scripts/options.awk out=pnglibconf.tf4 version=search\
./pngconf.h ./scripts/pnglibconf.dfa\
./pngusr.dfa 1>&2
gawk -f ./scripts/options.awk out=pnglibconf.tf5 pnglibconf.tf4 1>&2
options.awk: bad line (10): com
make: *** [pnglibconf.c] Error 1
I expect to install library on my disk and be able to include it in other projects in other IDE fast.

For your build problem Google search yields: .
Suppose you built not libpng, but libcurl as I did a while ago with mingw compiler,
then to use libcurl within your Qt project file do:
win32 {
## Windows common build here
win32-g++:contains(QMAKE_HOST.arch, x86_64):{
message("x86_64 build")
INCLUDEPATH += C:\QT64\Lib64\curl-7.40.0-devel-mingw64\include
LIBS += C:\Qt64\Lib64\curl-7.40.0-devel-mingw64\lib64\libcurldll.a
# Win64 specific build here
} else {
message("x86 build")
INCLUDEPATH += C:\QT\Lib\curl-7.40.0-devel-mingw32\include
LIBS += C:\Qt\Lib\curl-7.40.0-devel-mingw32\lib\libcurldll.a
#Win32 specific build here


How to compile qtwebkit in qt-5.8

I have compiled QT-5.8 from github successfully, each submodule is cloned by init-repository provided by QT. However, in Qt5.8, it has removed qtwebkit.
But my app needs qtwebkit, so I clone qtwebkit submodule and qmake it.
However, it shows the compilation errors
( test -e Makefile.api || /usr/local/Qt-5.8.0/bin/qmake -o Makefile.api /home/tumh/qt5/qtwebkit/Source/api.pri ) && make -f Makefile.api
make[1]: Entering directory '/home/tumh/qt5/qtwebkit/Source'
make[1]: *** No rule to make target '/home/tumh/qt5/qtwebkit/Source/WebCore//libWebCore.a', needed by '../lib/'. Stop.
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/tumh/qt5/qtwebkit/Source'
Makefile:40: recipe for target 'sub-api-pri-make_first-ordered' failed
make: *** [sub-api-pri-make_first-ordered] Error 2
I have no idea that how to compile a single submodule in QT.
Any suggestion is appreciated.
You should take tarball of webkit from official releases. It should build fine with Qt-5.8.
The following describes how to compile qtwebkit module so it is usable with Qt 5.9.9. I assume the process is similar if not identical for Qt 5.8.
An overview of the process
All of the required components should be compiled using one tool chain. I suggest using the one installed with Qt.
You gonna need ICU compiled, the source code can be obtained from the official site.
The source code of qtwebkit module that we want to compile is available here (thx #J. Doe for the link!)
Regardless of the operating system you are working on, in order to compile qtwebkit module you gonna need the following additional tools:
python 2
Qtwebkit module depends on declarative module. It becomes available when qtquick1 is installed.
It is assumed that Qt 5.9.9 is installed. I was using these installers.
The process takes some time so if you need the module ready ASAP go to the last section (What if you cannot perform some of the above steps).
Compiling on Windows (tested on Win10)
On Windows I recommend using chocolatey to install additional tools.
Compiling ICU
Install msys2 package via chocolatey. It allows to use the scrips provided with ICU source code with very few modifications.
Installation script requires make program available. It doesn't matter if mingw32-make is virtually (of even literally) the same tool. Copy mingw32-make.exe and rename it to make.exe.
Using cmd with integrated mingw tools (installed along with Qt) open msys2 shell forwarding the PATH variable.
msys2_shell -use-full-path
Go to the ICU source code directory (mine was C:\icu\source) and run
./runConfigureICU MinGW -prefix=$PWD/../dist
(It is expected to encounter "unknown platform" issue, no worries)
Now run:
gcc -dumpmachine
Save the output, in my case it was i686-w64-mingw32.
Using this result execute:
./configure -build=i686-w64-mingw32 -prefix=$PWD/../dist
(modify build parameter according to the result of the previous step)
Now, you should be able to compile ICU with:
make & make install
(If you want to speed things up you can engage multiple CPU cores in the above process. For example in order to engage 777 cores execute make -j777 & make install)
Assuming your ICU source code was in C:\icu\source directory, the result of the compilation should be in C:\icu\dist.
Compiling qtwebkit module
As said in the first section, compiling qtwebkit module requires additional tools.
They can be installed via chocolatey using the following command:
choco install ruby gperf winflexbison python2
This, among others, installs win_flex.exe and win_bison.exe. As of this writing these executables are located (at least in my case) in C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\winflexbison\tools .
The qmake checks for programs named bison.exe and flex.exe. So I have copied both win_flex.exe and win_bison.exe and renamed them flex.exe and bison.exe accordingly.
The last step is to add both of these programs to PATH variable.
To do so execute (in cmd with integrated mingw tools) the following command:
set PATH=C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\winflexbison\tools;%PATH%
Additionally you need to point to the directory where includes and libs of compiled ICU are located. I have done it like this:
set PATH=C:\icu\dist\bin;%PATH%
set INCLUDE=C:\icu\dist\include;
set LIB=C:\icu\dist\lib;
Above assumes that prior to executing this commands there was no variables named INCLUDE and LIB set in the currently used cmd.
Finally, qmake process checks for a variable named SQLITE3SRCDIR.
As suggested by this answer you can set it to sqlite sources provided with Qt. In my case it was done like this:
set SQLITE3SRCDIR=C:\Qt\Qt5.9.9\5.9.9\Src\qtbase\src\3rdparty\sqlite
Now (using the same cmd) go to the directory where Qt sources are located and execute configure.bat. I have done both of these steps with:
cd C:\Qt\Qt5.9.9\5.9.9\Src
Finally, extract the downloaded source code of the qtwebkitmodule to the sources directory of Qt (C:\Qt\Qt5.9.9\5.9.9\Src in my case) and make a module. I have done it like this:
cd qtwebkit-opensource-src-5.9.0
mkdir build
cd build
qmake -r ..
make install
It is strongly recommended to utilize multiple cores in the make process, otherwise prepare yourself for a very long compilation.
Now you should be able to use webkit and webkitwidgets in your Qt projects.
Compiling on Linux (tested on LUbuntu 18.04)
I suggest using compilation tools provided with Qt instead of default make and g++ compiler. To do so I have exported path to the tools provided with Qt like this:
export PATH=/home/$USER/Qt5.9.9/5.9.9/gcc_64/bin/:$PATH
You gonna need ICU compiled. I suggest using version 56.1 as it is the same shipped with Qt 5.9.9. The compilation process is almost identical as it was described for Windows. the only difference is that you run:
./runConfigureICU Linux/gcc --prefix=$PWD/../dist
and later configure script can be omitted on Linux.
On lUbuntu 18.04 I needed the following packages installed:
apt-get install ruby bison gperf python flex perl libx11-dev xserver-xorg-dev xorg-dev libpulse-dev libsqlite3-dev
As with compiling qtwebkit on Windows, you gonna need qtquick1 module installed.
I have encountered an error saying that some headers related to OpenGL were missing. If you have the same problem then in my case installing libgl1-mesa-dev package solved it.
Now extract source code of qtwebkit module sources directory of your Qt installation. In my case it was "/home/$USER/Qt5.9.9/5.9.9/Src".
Modify WTF.pri file and add the path to ICU includes and libs after the first INCLUDEPATH. In my case it was done like this:
INCLUDEPATH += /home/$USER/icu/dist/include/
LIBS += -L/home/$USER/icu/dist/lib/
Note '-L' is placed before path pointing to libs.
Now you should be able to compile qtwebkit module in usual manner:
mkdir build
cd build
qmake -r ..
make & make install
What if you cannot perform some of the above steps
You can always try to use prebuild binaries:
or unofficial fork of the qtwebkit module:

Qt-GStreamer: PKGCONFIG not found

I am pretty new to setting the Qt Creator environment in Linux.
I will cross compile this demo program to the Yocto Project i.MX6. This demo program needs to use Qt-GStreamer
There is these 2 lines
CONFIG += link_pkgconfig
PKGCONFIG += Qt5GLib-2.0 Qt5GStreamer-1.0 Qt5GStreamerUi-1.0 Qt5GStreamerUtils-1.0 Qt5GStreamerQuick-1.0
at compile in the Desktop, it shows
error: Qt5GLib-2.0 development package not found
This applies to all the other packages as well.
I know that it tells me that I am missing the package for the Qt Gstreamer.
However, when I look at this thread, the answer is
export PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR=/home/anisha/Desktop/newGSTr/qt-gstreamer-0.10.3/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/pkgconfig
But, from what I have downloaded in Qt Binding-GStreamer qt-gstreamer-0.10.3 Does not have the lib folder inside.
I have also used cmake to work with the CMakeList.txt inside the folder but encounter Qt missing packages error.
Could someone help me on setting up those packages?

How to configure Qt Creator to use Boost in Windows

I created a Qt project in Ubuntu and everything went smoothly. However, I also need deploy it on Windows. It uses Boost libraries(the big problem).
I've been searching for hours to find a solution, but didn't have luck. I tried to install Boost libraries and link it with mingw; I think I missed something. Here is what I did and downloading the lastest version:
1) ran .\bootstrap
2) then .\b2 --prefix=C:\boost install
Sadly didn't install correctly. I got only 2 folder(bin and share) but no headers.
However, here ( I found a bundle(Mingw+Boost and other libraries). This has everything I need.
Now I think the issue is .pro file, because I have a lot of undefined references. Here is .pro file with everything I tried (some commented):
Your help is appreciated!
I did solve the problem myself. And here is how I did it. First of all, it is required to have boost library compiled with same compiler you're using with Qt.
If you're using msvc, then you're lucky because Boost guys did you a favour and compiled libraries for you. You can download them here: .
If you're using mingw (which does come in bundle with Qt), you can do this:
add mingw compiler to Windows PATH variable:
~ go to control panel and search for System;
~ add mingw's path(e.g. C:\Qt\Tools\mingw\bin) to PATH variable by appending ';' to your path(e.g.: ";C:\Qt\Tools\mingw\bin")
compile Boost libraries:
~ unzip boost archive
~ open a Command Line window, go in the unzipped boost folder, then go in folder tools/build/v2/engine
~ you have you build installer with mingw toolset: .\build --toolset=mingw
~ this will create 2 files in folder bin.ntx86 or something similar; copy the files bjam and b2 in the unzipped boost folder;
~ now go in boost folder and start build it: .\b2 --toolset=mingw --build-type=complete stage (there is good tutorial to install it along with eclipse :
note: this gonna take few hours, so may want to watch a movie or what ever you want to do meanwhile. However you have the option to speed up things a little bit by adding another argument to the build command: -j N, where N is how many cores your processor have.
when build has finished, you can now link the library in Qt. To do this you need to modify .pro file. First you'll have to tell Qt where are headers are located, and you do so by adding:
INCLUDEPATH += path_to_boost_folder, e.g. : INCLUDEPATH += C:/boost_1_54_0
~ also if you're using libraries which requires link, for example system and filesystem you have to link them separately:
LIBS += "C:/boost_1_54_0/stage/lib/libboost_filesystem-mgw48-1_54.a",
LIBS += "C:/boost_1_54_0/stage/lib/libboost_system-mgw48-1_54.a"
after modifying the .pro file, run qmake, then rebuild.
Hope this works for you too!
Update: The folder hierarchy has change. For building the library, one should read the documentation associated with each version and Boost.Build's documentation.
Building the library from the root folder is easier (Building Boost 1.52 with MinGW):
C:\boost_1_60_0> bootstrap.bat mingw
C:\boost_1_60_0> .\b2 --toolset=gcc -j N --build-type=complete
building boost will not put the headers, the headers are for the developer when he creates new code. The installed dirs are the binaries for distribution.
this will install libraries, that you use at runtime (not compile time). Because you add this bin folder to your path and that is why when runing an app build with boost it will run and not say "could not find xxx.dll"

How to Link Imagemagick library to Qt(windows)

I have developed an application with mac and for one month now, Im trying to link Qt with ImageMagick on windows.
I just cant find the files and the version of Imagemagick library that need to be linked to Qt in order to make my application work on windows.
I have tried most of the libraries from here
Thats the only thing I added to the .pro file while I was developing on a mac
INCLUDEPATH += . /opt/local/include/ImageMagick
LIBS += -L/opt/local/lib -lMagick++
When I add this to my .pro
INCLUDEPATH += C:/im6/include/ImageMagick
LIBS += C:/im6/lib/libMagickWand.a
LIBS += C:/im6/lib/libMagick++.a
LIBS += C:/im6/lib/libMagickCore.a
I get 10.000 + simmilar errors to that:
(Image.o):C:\msys\1.0\home\cristy\ImageMagick-6.6.6-0/Magick++/lib/Image.cpp:4157: undefined reference to `__gxx_personality_sj0'
C:/im6/lib/libMagick++.a(Image.o):C:\msys\1.0\home\cristy\ImageMagick-6.6.6-0/Magick++/lib/Image.cpp:4157: undefined reference to `_Unwind_SjLj_Register'
C:/im6/lib/libMagick++.a(Image.o):C:\msys\1.0\home\cristy\ImageMagick-6.6.6-0/Magick++/lib/Image.cpp:4178: undefined reference to `_Unwind_SjLj_Unregister'
For more errors check this
Has anyone tried to build and deploy an ImageMagick application using qt on windows ?
Which files do I need to link while building and which files while deploying ?
The error message tells me that you
use mingw (with qtcreator). Your
library might not work with this
compiler. You need a mingw version
of the library, probably named
LIBS += -L$$quote(c:/Program Files/ImageMagick-6.6.5-Q16/lib) -lmagick
(see the documentation about qmake Project Files
I have found that the minGW tool set is very much treated as a "stepchild" in the Windows world. I know it doesn't help your particular situation, but we had numerous problems with third-party libs while trying to use Qt with minGW. There were always extra steps, or non-existent build instructions that we had to figure out or tweak.
Once we switched to the MSVC version, all of those problems went away. Note that this doesn't mean you have to use Visual Studio (you can still use Qt creator), it just means that the Visual Studio compiler is being used. You can get the compiler for free using the Platform SDK. If this is an option, you might save yourself a lot of pain by switching now. It's unfortunate, but that is just the current status quo, at least as we discovered.
Please go get ImageMagick source package.
I can’t give direct instructions how to work with MinGW of Qt Creator, but basically following. I prefer to use qtvars.bat that comes with binary distributions of Qt to set environment.
Open Windows cmd
Set PATH to have /path/to/mingw/bin and /path/to/qt/bin before other paths
Go to directory where you have extracted ImageMagick source
read README, INSTALL and such to compile the ImageMagick (most likely just ./configure ; mingw32-make, but never be sure)
Edit your .pro file with something like LIBS += -L$$quote(/path/to/imagemagick/lib/dir) -lmagick . The lib may be in bin dir or in lib dir. See hmuelner’s answer for more information.
At this point, the configuration should be ready. Compilation at Qt Creator should work, but you can as well use this cmd windows to compile your program: go to program directory, run “qmake” and “mingw32-make”.
You cannot link against a ImageMagick++ library built with MSVC, as mingw and MSVC DLLs are incompatible for C++ libraries. You can't link a MSVC-built C++ library into a mingw project, nor vice versa. C-only libraries work fine. Also, according to this fortum thread, using builds against old mingw-versions with current mingw versions doesn't work as the exception handling changed (as you get more errors than that, I wouldn't expect that to be the only problem though). If there is no binary package for your mingw version (and I don't see any on the imagemagick website), your only option is to use a source package, as Smar suggests.
Another option of course is to install Visual Studio, download Qt for MSVC and build your project with MSVC.

Using Qwt on Mac OS X

How can I compile and run Qt programs using Qwt on Mac OS X?
I always get an error telling me that it can't find libqwt.dylib. For what I have understood from my googling it won't help to set DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH in environment.plist since Apple has disabled that due to security reasons so how am I supposed to do it (without manually copying the lib to my .app for every recompile)?
I have tried both qmake -spec macx-g++ and qmake without any spec. The lib is in /usr/local/qwt/lib at the moment. Should I move it to some system path manually or is there a better way to do it (by using otool and install_name_tool magics)?
I think it's bad idea to edit environment.plist or in any other way to change your profile settings to add such "non-standard" path to it.
I assumed you have something like this in you project *.pro file:
INCLUDEPATH += /usr/local/qwt-5.2.0/include
LIBS += -L/usr/local/qwt-5.2.0/lib \
Or you try to run one of samples where all this additional path are included by:
include( ../examples.pri )
Anyway you get this message at program start:
dyld: Library not loaded: libqwt.5.dylib
Referenced from: /Users/kemiisto/Downloads/qwt-5.2.0/examples/histogram/
Reason: image not found
The program has unexpectedly finished.
Well, you can use solution from this blog post. I have tested it with Qt 4.6 and Qwt 5.2. It works.
After running qmake -spec macx-g++ in qwt sources distribution directory (already done by you), edit src/Makefile. Find the string with
-install_name libqwt.5.dylib
and make it looks like this (change to full path)
-install_name /usr/local/qwt-5.2.0/lib/libqwt.dylib
Now (re)build Qwt (make clean && make) and reinstall it (sudo make install).