How to implement a property enumerator for a C++ native object in V8? - c++

I'm writing a Node.js C++ module that communicates with a database which returns BSON objects, and wrap them in a V8 object so they can be accessed from the JavaScript.
For that I create an ObjectTemplate, and configure it through SetHandler. My getter and setter work, but the property enumerator does not return anything. Here is the code:
void PropertyEnumerator(const PropertyCallbackInfo<Array>& info)
// Enumerator, aka `Object.keys(obj)`
auto isolate = info.GetIsolate();
auto data = unrwap_internal_field<BsonObjectData>(info.Holder(), 0);
Local<Array> array = Array::New(isolate);
int i = 0;
bson_iter_t iter;
bson_iter_init_from_data(&iter, data->document_data, data->document_length);
while (bson_iter_next(&iter)) {
const char* key = bson_iter_key(&iter);
array->Set(i++, String::NewFromUtf8(isolate, key, v8::NewStringType::kNormal).ToLocalChecked());
I have checked that the function is actually called
I have checked that the array is populated with the right values
But in the JavaScript when I do console.log(Object.keys(obj)) I get an empty array. It's like info.GetReturnValue().Set(array); does not do anything. The documentation states that each element of the array must be a Name, and String inherits from Name so I really don't understand.

As #jmrk suggested in their comment, the problem was that I didn't implement the query function for my object template. This made the enumerator work properly:
void PropertyQuery(Local<Name> property, const PropertyCallbackInfo<Integer>& info)


Is there a way to bind Lua member variable as a call to C/C++ function with the name of that variable

I'm totally new to Lua. From what I understand it is possible to bind Lua variables and methods to ones on the C/C++ side.
But is it possible to bind a user type variable to the call of the C/C++ function which may look like properties on the Lua side ?
// C++
struct player {
int get_value(const std::string& property) const {
auto it = values.find(name);
if (it != values.end()) {
return it->second;
return -1;
std::map<std::string, int> values;
And on the Lua side:
-- Lua
p =
So when I call p.score in Lua, it gets translated to the call to the player::get_value function on C++ side with the value of property "score" ?
Thanks to #Vlad for the directions!
I came up using sol2 which is in my opinion a very nice C++ library binding to Lua!
Here is how it can be done with sol2:
struct Player {
sol::object get(const std::string& key, sol::this_state state) {
const auto& it = values.find(key);
if (it != values.cend()) {
return sol::make_object(state, it->second);
return sol::lua_nil;
std::map<std::string, int> values;
int main() {
Player player;
player.values.emplace("score", 123);
sol::state lua;
lua.new_usertype<Player>("Player", sol::meta_function::index, &Player::get);
lua.set("player", &player);
print("Player score: ", player.score)
return 0;
Console output
Player score: 123
The object player should have metatable set with fields __index/__newindex set to C function that will be called when Lua is trying to read or write the field that doesn't exist in the Lua object.
Normally the Lua object representing the native object (player in your case) will be a userdata, either storing the pointer to the C++ object, or hosting it within its storage.
The metamethods __index/__newindex will receive in arguments the reference to the object being queried, the key value (e.g. your score field), and the value to store in case of __newindex metamethod. So you can find your native object and desired property easily.
Some people prefer using existing binding solutions - tolua++/sol/luabind/etc, but it's very simple to implement required functionality yourself.

Is it possible to export/wrap a complex Go struct to C?

I own a Go library, gofileseq, for which I would like to try and made a C/C++ binding.
It is pretty straightforward to be able to export functions that use simple types (ints, strings, ...). It is even easy enough to export data from custom Go types to C by defining a C struct and translating the Go type to it, to be used in the exported functions, since you are allocating C memory to do it. But with the go 1.5 cgo rules I am finding it difficult to figure out how to export functionality from a more complex struct that stores state.
Example of a struct from gofileseq that I would like to export somehow to a C++ binding:
// package fileseq
type FrameSet struct {
frange string
rangePtr *ranges.InclusiveRanges
func NewFrameSet(frange string) (*FrameSet, error) {
// bunch of processing to set up internal state
func (s *FrameSet) Len() int {
return s.rangePtr.Len()
// package ranges
type InclusiveRanges struct {
blocks []*InclusiveRange
type InclusiveRange struct {
start int
end int
step int
cachedEnd int
isEndCached bool
cachedLen int
isLenCached bool
As you can see, the FrameSet type that I want to expose contains a slice of pointers to an underlying type, each of which stores state.
Ideally, I would love to be able to store a void* on a C++ class, and make it just a simple proxy for calling back into exported Go functions with the void*. But the cgo rules disallow C storing a Go pointer longer than the function call. And I am failing to see how I could use an approach of defining C++ classes that could be allocated and used to operate with my Go library.
Is it possible to wrap complex types for exposure to C/C++?
Is there a pattern that would allow a C++ client to create a Go FrameSet?
One idea I can think of would be to let C++ create objects in Go that get stored on the Go side in a static map[int]*FrameSet and then return the int id to C++. Then all the C++ operations make requests into Go with the id. Does that sound like a valid solution?
For now, I am proceeding with testing a solution that uses global maps and unique ids to store objects. C++ would request a new object to be created and only get back an opaque id. Then they can call all of the methods exported as functions, using that id, including requesting for it to be destroyed when done.
If there is a better approach than this, I would love to see an answer. Once I get a fully working prototype, I will add my own answer.
Update #2
I've written a blog post about the final solution that I ended up using:
The way I ended up solving this, for lack of a better solution, was to use private global maps on the Go side (ref). These maps would associate instances of the Go objects with a random uint64 id, and the id would be returned to C++ as an "opaque handle".
type frameSetMap struct {
lock *sync.RWMutex
m map[FrameSetId]*frameSetRef
rand idMaker
func (m *frameSetMap) Add(fset fileseq.FrameSet) FrameSetId {
// fmt.Printf("frameset Add %v as %v\n", fset.String(), id)
id := FrameSetId(m.rand.Uint64())
m.m[id] = &frameSetRef{fset, 1}
return id
Then I use reference counting to determine when C++ no longer needs the object, and remove it from the map:
// Go
func (m *frameSetMap) Incref(id FrameSetId) {
ref, ok := m.m[id]
if !ok {
atomic.AddUint32(&ref.refs, 1)
// fmt.Printf("Incref %v to %d\n", ref, refs)
func (m *frameSetMap) Decref(id FrameSetId) {
ref, ok := m.m[id]
if !ok {
refs := atomic.AddUint32(&ref.refs, ^uint32(0))
// fmt.Printf("Decref %v to %d\n", ref, refs)
if refs != 0 {
if atomic.LoadUint32(&ref.refs) == 0 {
// fmt.Printf("Deleting %v\n", ref)
delete(m.m, id)
FileSequence::~FileSequence() {
if (m_valid) {
// std::cout << "FileSequence destroy " << m_id << std::endl;
m_valid = false;
m_id = 0;
m_fsetId = 0;
And all C++ interactions with the exported Go library communicate via the opaque handle:
// C++
size_t FileSequence::length() const {
return internal::FileSequence_Len(m_id);
Unfortunately it does mean that in a multhreaded C++ environment, all threads would go through a mutex to the map. But it is only a write lock when objects are created and destroyed, and for all method calls on an object it is a read lock.

In the V8 javascript engine, how to make a constructor function that re-uses an ObjectTemplate for each instance?

I have working code where I can create as many Point objects as I want, but it re-creates the object template each time the constructor is called, which seems like it's probably wrong.
Local<ObjectTemplate> global_templ = ObjectTemplate::New(isolate);
// make the Point constructor function available to JS
global_templ->Set(v8::String::NewFromUtf8(isolate, "Point"), FunctionTemplate::New(isolate, v8_Point));
and then the constructor itself:
void v8_Point(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& args) {
HandleScope scope(args.GetIsolate());
// this bit should probably be cached somehow
Local<ObjectTemplate> point_template = ObjectTemplate::New(args.GetIsolate());
point_template->SetAccessor(String::NewFromUtf8(args.GetIsolate(), "x"), GetPointX, SetPointX);
point_template->SetAccessor(String::NewFromUtf8(args.GetIsolate(), "y"), GetPointY, SetPointY);
// end section to be cached
Local<Object> obj = point_template->NewInstance();
Point * p = new Point(1,1);
obj->SetInternalField(0, External::New(args.GetIsolate(), p));
But it seems like I should be able to pass in the point_template object instead of re-creating it each time. I saw that there's a Data() field in args, but that only allows for a Value type and an ObjectTemplate is of type Template, not Value.
Any help on the right way to do this would be greatly appreciated.
I figured it out finally.
In javascript, when you add a function via a FunctionTemplate and then call it as a constructor (e.g. new MyFunction), then in your c++ callback the args.This() will be a new object created by the using the FunctionTemplate's InstanceTemplate object template.
// Everything has to go in a single global template (as I understand)
Local<ObjectTemplate> global_templ = ObjectTemplate::New(isolate);
// create the function template and tell it the callback to use
Local<FunctionTemplate> point_constructor = FunctionTemplate::New(isolate, v8_Point);
// set the internal field count so our actual c++ object can tag along
// with the javascript object so our accessors can use it
// associate getters and setters for the 'x' field on point
point_constructor->InstanceTemplate()->SetAccessor(String::NewFromUtf8(isolate, "x"), GetPointX, SetPointX);
... add any other function and object templates to the global template ...
// add the global template to the context our javascript will run in
Local<Context> x_context = Context::New(isolate, NULL, global_templ);
Then, for the actual function:
void v8_Point(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& args) {
// (just an example of a handy utility function)
// whether or not it was called as "new Point()" or just "Point()"
printf("Is constructor call: %s\n", args.IsConstructCall()?"yes":"no");
// create your c++ object that will follow the javascript object around
// make sure not to make it on the stack or it won't be around later when you need it
Point * p = new Point();
// another handy helper function example
// see how the internal field count is what it was set to earlier
// in the InstanceTemplate
printf("Internal field count: %d\n",args.This()->InternalFieldCount()); // this prints the value '1'
// put the new Point object into the internal field
args.This()->SetInternalField(0, External::New(args.GetIsolate(), p));
// return the new object back to the javascript caller
Now, when you write the getter and setter, you have access to your actual c++ object in the body of them:
void GetPointX(Local<String> property,
const PropertyCallbackInfo<Value>& info) {
Local<Object> self = info.Holder();
// This is where we take the actual c++ object that was embedded
// into the javascript object and get it back to a useable c++ object
Local<External> wrap = Local<External>::Cast(self->GetInternalField(0));
void* ptr = wrap->Value();
int value = static_cast<Point*>(ptr)->x_; //x_ is the name of the field in the c++ object
// return the value back to javascript
void SetPointX(Local<String> property, Local<Value> value,
const PropertyCallbackInfo<void>& info) {
Local<Object> self = info.Holder();
// same concept here as in the "getter" above where you get access
// to the actual c++ object and then set the value from javascript
// into the actual c++ object field
Local<External> wrap = Local<External>::Cast(self->GetInternalField(0));
void* ptr = wrap->Value();
static_cast<Point*>(ptr)->x_ = value->Int32Value();
Almost all of this came from here:
except it doesn't talk about the proper way to make your objects in a repeatable fashion.
I figured out how to clean up the c++ object in the internal field, but I don't have time to put the whole answer here. You have to pass in a Global object into your weak callback by creating a hybrid field (a struct works well) on the heap that has both the global object and a pointer to your c++ object. You can then delete your c++ object, call Reset() on your Global and then delete the whole thing. I'll try to add actual code, but may forget.
Here is a good source: lines 1400-1441 are what you want. (edit: line numbers seem to be wrong now - maybe the link above has changed?)
Remember, v8 won't garbage collect small amounts of memory, so you may never see it. Also, just because your program ends doesn't mean the GC will run. You can use isolate->AdjustAmountOfExternalAllocatedMemory(length); to tell v8 about the size of the memory you've allocated (it includes this in its calculations about when there's too much memory in use and GC needs to run) and you can use isolate->IdleNotificationDeadline(1); to give the GC a chance to run (though it may choose not to).

How can I bind a C/C++ structure to Ruby?

I need some advice how can I bind a C/C++ structure to Ruby. I've read some manuals and I found out how to bind class methods to a class, but I still don't understand how to bind structure fields and make them accessible in Ruby.
Here is the code I'm using:
myclass = rb_define_class("Myclass", 0);
typedef struct nya
char const* name;
int age;
} Nya;
Nya* p;
VALUE vnya;
p = (Nya*)(ALLOC(Nya));
p->name = "Masha";
p->age = 24;
vnya = Data_Wrap_Struct(myclass, 0, free, p);
rb_eval_string("def foo( a ) p a end"); // This function should print structure object
rb_funcall(0, rb_intern("foo"), 1, vnya); // Here I call the function and pass the object into it
The Ruby function seems to assume that a is a pointer. It prints the numeric value of the pointer instead of it's real content (i.e., ["Masha", 24]). Obviously the Ruby function can't recognize this object —I didn't set the object's property names and types.
How can I do this? Unfortunately I can't figure it out.
You have already wrapped your pointer in a Ruby object. Now all you have to do is define how it can be accessed from the Ruby world:
/* Feel free to convert this function to a macro */
static Nya * get_nya_from(VALUE value) {
Nya * pointer = 0;
Data_Get_Struct(value, Nya, pointer);
return pointer;
VALUE nya_get_name(VALUE self) {
return rb_str_new_cstr(get_nya_from(self)->name);
VALUE nya_set_name(VALUE self, VALUE name) {
/* StringValueCStr returns a null-terminated string. I'm not sure if
it will be freed when the name gets swept by the GC, so maybe you
should create a copy of the string and store that instead. */
get_nya_from(self)->name = StringValueCStr(name);
return name;
VALUE nya_get_age(VALUE self) {
return INT2FIX(get_nya_from(self)->age);
VALUE nya_set_age(VALUE self, VALUE age) {
get_nya_from(self)->age = FIX2INT(age);
return age;
void init_Myclass() {
/* Associate these functions with Ruby methods. */
rb_define_method(myclass, "name", nya_get_name, 0);
rb_define_method(myclass, "name=", nya_set_name, 1);
rb_define_method(myclass, "age", nya_get_age, 0);
rb_define_method(myclass, "age=", nya_set_age, 1);
Now that you can access the data your structure holds, you can simply define the high level methods in Ruby:
class Myclass
def to_a
[name, age]
alias to_ary to_a
def to_s
to_a.join ', '
def inspect
For reference: README.EXT
This is not a direct answer to your question about structures, but it is a general solution to the problem of porting C++ classes to Ruby.
You could use SWIG to wrap C/C++ classes, structs and functions. In the case of a structure, it's burning a house to fry an egg. However, if you need a tool to rapidly convert C++ classes to Ruby (and 20 other languages), SWIG might be useful to you.
In your case involving a structure, you just need to create a .i file which includes (in the simplest case) the line #include <your C++ library.h>.
P.S. Once more, it's not a direct answer to your question involving this one struct, but maybe you could make use of a more general solution, in which case this may help you.
Another option is to use RubyInline - it has limited support for converting C and Ruby types (such as int, char * and float) and it also has support for accessing C structurs - see accessor method in the API.

Problem : Need to make COM InterOp at runtime using reflections Passing Pointers as parameters?

I need to make COM IntetrOp at runtime using reflections. My native COM Object's exposed methods have some parameters as pointers (DWORD*) and some double pointers (DWORD**) and some are user defined types(e.g SomeUDTType objSmeUDTType) and vice versa its pointer(i.e. SomeUDTType *pSomeUDTType).
Now for dynamic method invocation, we have single option for passing parameters as array of object i.e object[] and filling this array statically.
But I need to pass pointers and references and pointers to pointers. For now how can I be able to populate object array as mixed data of simple data types, pointers or references and pointers to pointers.
Working Example:
Native COM exposed method :
STDMETHODIMP MyCallableMethod(DWORD *value_1,BSTR *bstrName,WESContext **a_wesContext)
Translated by tlbimp.exe (COMInterop)
UDTINIDLLib.IRuntimeCalling.MyCallableMethod(ref uint, ref string, System.IntPtr)
Now calling these methods at runtime using reflection at runtime,
See here :
Assembly asembly = Assembly.LoadFrom("E:\\UDTInIDL\\Debug\\UDTINIDLLib.dll");
Type[] types = asembly.GetTypes();
Type type = null;
//foreach (Type oType in types)
type = asembly.GetType("UDTINIDLLib.RuntimeCallingClass");
catch (TypeLoadException e)
catch (Exception e)
object parameters = new object[3];
Type CustomType = asembly.GetType("UDTINIDLLib.WESContext");
object oCustomType = Activator.CreateInstance(CustomType);
FieldInfo fieldInfo = CustomType.GetField("MachineName", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
string MachineName = "ss01-cpu-102";
string MachineIp = "";
string Certificate = "UK/78T";
fieldInfo.SetValue(oCustomType, MachineName);
fieldInfo.SetValue(oCustomType, MachineIp);
fieldInfo.SetValue(oCustomType, Certificate);
object obj = Activator.CreateInstance(type);
MethodInfo mInfo = type.GetMethod("MyCallableMethod");
int lengthOfParams = mInfo.GetParameters().Length;
ParameterInfo [] oParamInfos = mInfo.GetParameters();
object[] a_params = new object[lengthOfParams];
int ValueType = 0;
for(int iCount = 0; iCount<lengthOfParams; iCount++)
a_params[iCount] = ???; //Now here this array should be populated with corresponding pointers and other objects (i.e WESContext's obj)
mInfo.Invoke(obj, a_params);
Hope code will clarifies ...If any any confusion do let me know I'll edit my question accordingly.
I am stuck here , I'll be obliged if you help me out.(I am confused about "dynamic" keyword might hope it solves the problem)
Is there any need to generate C++/CLI wrappers? and if in which context?
Just put the values of your arguments directly into the array. For out/ref parameters, the corresponding elements of the array will be replaced by new values returned by the function.
For the double pointer, by far the easiest approach is to use /unsafe and unmanaged pointers, like so (assuming the parameter is used by the method to return a value):
WESContext* pWesContext; // the returned pointer will end up here
IntPtr ppWesContext = (IntPtr)&pWesContext;
// direct call
MyCallableMethod(..., ppWesContext);
// reflection
a_params[3] = ppWesContext;
mInfo.Invoke(obj, a_params);
After you'll get the pointer to struct in pWesContext, you can use -> to access the members in C#. I'm not sure what memory management rules for your API are, though; it may be that you will, eventually, need to free that struct, but how exactly to do that should be described by the documentation of the API you're trying to call.