how to export the wso2 user's UUID as part of JWT token? - wso2-identity-server

I'm trying to config a service provider of WSO Identity Server v5.7.0 in order to export the UUID & roles of a user as part of JWT token. I've done like this but only roles are exported. UUID is not shown.
local claim: mandatory claim: yes
local claim: mandatory claim: yes
In wso2 is admin console->main tab->locate the service provider I've created.
In "claim configuration", I choose "use local claim dialect"; 3. In "Requested Claims" I Add Claim URI.
I've add "" & "" and both of them are marked "mandatory claim"
After saving it. I use curl -u kbxx:Vyy -k -d "grant_type=password&username=youfa.mao&password=x&scope=openid" -H "Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded" xxx:yyy/oauth2/token to get the JWT token;
Only roles are in the token. The user UUID is not found

In WSO2 Identity Server password grant type issue id_token(JWT) by adhering to OIDC core specification. In order to get a user claim in JWT you should have a mapping between wso2 claims( and OIDC claims ( ). For role claim this mapping is already there where map to groups claim in OIDC dialect.
Please follow below steps in addition to what you did to get userid claim in id_token(JWT)
Add userid to OIDC claim dialect
Dialect URI:
Claim URI: userid
Mapped Local Claim:
From management console UI "OIDC Scopes" add userid claim to openid scope.

You need to map wso2 claims to OIDC claims in order to achieve this. blog, blog section 6 with claim configuration will help you to understand how to add wso2 claim mappings.


How to get complete user claims details using X-JWT-Assertion header in wso2 APIM 4.1?

we are moving WSO2 API from 3.1 to 4.1.
In 3.1 we are getting user profile all claims in X-JWT-Assertion header
But 4.1 we are not getting all claims. we are seeing only default claims.
can you help us how to get all claims.?
You can follow these steps.
Create an application in the devportal.
When you generate consumer key and secret in the devportal for this application, it creates the service provider underneath. This service provider will be available when you logged into the carbon console.
Click on the service provider and configure the claims under claim configuration. You can provide the required claims here as shown in the screenshot.
Update the user profile as in
Use the openid scope when generating the access token.
curl -k -X POST https://localhost:9443/oauth2/token -d
"grant_type=password&username=admin&password=admin&scope=openid" -H
"Authorization: Basic Base64Encoded(ck:cs)"
When the gateway generates the backend jwt, it adds the claims from the access token.

AWS: Cognito integration with a beta HTTP API in API Gateway?

Amazon Web Services introduced a beta release of HTTP API as a new product on API Gateway early last month. Its authentication is managed using JSON Web Tokens and configured with a form asking for
"Name of the Authorizer"
"Identity Source... a selection expression that defines the source of the token"
"Issuer URL"
I'm not very familiar with authentication protocols at all or what these form fields are asking, and currently the documentation from AWS on how to configure this to work with Cognito is sparse. I'm not totally comfortable configuring this without guidance due to my lack of experience. Another Stack Overflow user seemed to have a similar issue but didn't get an answer.
AWS is using JWT Bearer Grant for this purpose.
Draft Specification here.
It allows HTTP API Gateway to accept JWT Tokens in the incoming Authorization HTTP header containing a self-contained JWT access token issued by third-party authorization servers (like Cognito, Azure AD, etc).
API Gateway validates the incoming JWT Token by matching the 'iss' value with the issuer URL to see if it can trust this token.
Try with these values.
Name of the authorizer: Registered client name in your Cognito User Pool .
Identity Source: Leave it as default, $request.header.Authorization .
Issuer URL: Check the metadata URL of your Cognito User Pool (construct the URL in this format :: https://cognito-idp.[region][userPoolId]/.well-known/openid-configuration :: look for a claim named "issuer". Copy its Value and paste it here.
Audience: Client ID of your Registered client in Cognito
Good Luck!
Used #ram answer to get through, and was able to implement this
1.Name of the authorizer:
AWS Cognito > User pools > App Integration > App client settings > App client :
Example : xxxxxx_app_clientWeb
2.Identity Source : $request.header.Authorization
3.Issuer URL
construct the URL to get Cognito user pool metadata (
Example :
open the URL and you will see a json
take the "issuer" value
Example :
4. Audience: AWS Cognito > User pools > App Integration > App client settings > App clientID
Example :
ID 9sptej55gii5dfp08ulplc343
Take: 9sptej55gii5dfp08ulplc343
This video explains the whole process and configuration like no other.
I am thankful that the video is public.
Note: (As far as I know) The course is from AWS but offered to the public through different MOOC websites (not just this one).
Once you have read & played enough, you will start seeing the gems within the details.
Token for example, is mentioned in many docs, but it can be Access / Id / Refresh Token. If you don't realize about this you can be wasting your time.
For example the "Implicit grant" doesn't provide a Refresh-Token, so you cannot renew your Access-Token and trying to do it is useless.

Retrieve all user attributes and user Roles into JWT self-contained

Which configuration needs to put, to retrieve all user attributes (Claims) and associated user Roles into JWT acces_token self-contained on OAuth 2 authentication patterns ?
Please note that I am into a multi-tenant configuration, with only one Service Provider where we have configured Inbound Authentication Configuration to OAuth/OpenID Connect Configuration, with OAuth-2.0.
Action that has been realised:
1. Specify Requested Claims into Service Provider (use Local Claim Dialect), see below
Service Provider Claim Configuration
Verify if default information is present into Registry, section: /_system/config/oidc into openid property:
openid=sub,email,email_verified,name,family_name,given_name,middle_name,nickname,preferred_username,profile,picture, website,gender,birthdate,zoneinfo,locale,updated_at,phone_number,phone_number_verified,address,street_address,country,formatted,postal_code,locality,region
3.Retrieve an acces_token https://{{auth0_domain}}/oauth2/token
Each time we have only :
"aud": [
"azp": "V0458MDvS3NSe_NrqSE84vDJ8JHga",
"iss": "https://localhost:9443/oauth2/token",
"exp": 1519148273,
"iat": 1519144673,
"jti": "4366e42c-48b1-42c6-bf52-a084f1521851"
Any help/ideas is much appreciated.
I hope this is the latest IS version. I will give you few tips to troubleshoot this issue.
Make sure the user that you trying to authenticate do have values for given claims. You can do this by login in to admin portal of Identity Server and viewing the user profile of the specified user.
In "/_system/config/oidc" claims are given in OIDC dialect. Make sure you have correct mapping to local claim dialect to the respective OIDC claim in the claim configurations section.
Since this is OIDC make sure you pass the "openid" scope.

attribute mapping between salesforce and WSO2

I want to know if it possible to map attibutes between salesforce and wso2.
I can create my custom attributes on salesforce, but i want to map attirbutes with my WSO2 IDP configuration i.e salesforce configured as IDP within WSO2.
For eg:
If i choose to login with my salesforce account to my web app with my user of salesforce say login must be successful only if same user exists in WSO2 IDP. Though the credentials for user are correct w.r.t to salesforce account ,user must login only if same username exists in wso2 idp.
I tried with claim mapping but no luck.
Please suggest.
I believe the claim mapping is the correct way.
You need to define whole data path
SP claim->IdP dialect claim->user attribute->local dialect claim->SP claim
If you use a federation IdP (SF), you may want to set 'provisioning' of the user, storing their identity and attributes localy (so you can see what attributes are passed and recognized.
Have fun

WSO2 Identity Server: Cannot use custom claims with OAuth2

We've Installed Pre-Packaged Identity Server 5.1.0 with API Manager 1.10.0 and use sqlserver as a data store.
We use OAUTH2 to authorize our API's and we want to map our local claims to a service provider (an application?). Behind the API we have a .Net Wcf Service with some logging where we read the header with WebOperationContext.Current.IncomingRequest.Headers["assertion"] and print the claims which are present.
The Claims which are returned are:
"wso2url/claims/lastname":"van de Chocoladefabriek"
Where wso2url is, but we cannot post this, because I don't have 10 reputation points...:(
The information in these claims is good, but only we want to use our own uri, so not, but And we want to add other claims, with for example our own userId and some other stuff.
Among other things we have followed the guide for configuring claims for a service provider but had no success with this. We have made the assumption that an application is a service provider for which we can use the claims.
Has anyone got an idea what we are doing wrong? What do we need to do to add custom claims?
Thanks in advance!
[Added on 9th may]
Maybe this can point us in the right direction?
When we add a subscription to an application and we generate a new key than there is no new Service provider in the list:
The list of service provider without a new one for user Sjaak, so there is missing: Sjaak_CalculatorApp_PRODUCTION
But even when we do this for user admin the claims are not coming through. We have the following claim configuration and in my logging still the same claims as described above are there, no new ones, so no claim named accountnaam and no uri:
Service Provider(SP) - It provides services to some end users and relies on a trusted Identity provider(IDP) to handle authentication and authorization for them. SP may use multiple protocols(Oauth2, SAML2, etc.) to communicate with IDP.
Claims are defined for SP, since same claims can be send over different protocols. In the default case, Identity server uses wso2 claim dialect(start with for claims. If you want a different claim dialect than this, use "Define Custom Claim Dialect" option in the service provider configuration. In there you can map wso2 claims(Local Claim) to your own claims(Service Provider Claim).