How to use fold statement index in function call - thinkscript

The fold manual gives an example:
input price = close;
input length = 9;
plot SMA = (fold n = 0 to length with s do s + getValue(price, n, length - 1)) / lenth;
This effectively calls a function iteratively like in a for loop body.
When I use this statement to call my own function as follows, then it breaks because the loop index variable is not recognized as a variable that can be passed to my function:
script getItem{
input index = 0;
plot output = index * index;
script test{
def total = fold index = 0 to 10 with accumulator = 0 do
accumulator + getItem(index);########## Error: No such variable: index

It is a known bug / limitation. Has been acknowledged without a time line for a fix. No workaround available.

Have you tried adding a small remainder to your defined variable within the fold and then pass that variable? You can strip the integer value and then use the remainder as your counter value. I've been playing around with somethin similar but it isn't working (yet). Here's an example:
script TailOverlap{
input i = 0;
def ii = (Round(i, 1) - i) * 1000;
... more stuff
plot result = result;
def _S = (
fold i = displace to period
with c = 0
do if
TailOverlap(i = _S) #send cur val of _S to script
then _S[1] + 1.0001 #increment variable and counter
else _S[1] + 0.0001 #increment the counter only
I'm going to continue playing around with this. If I get it to work I'll post the final solution. If you're able to get work this (or have discovered another solution) please do post it here so I know.


One simple 'if' statement in Julia increases the run-time of my prime sieve by a factor of 15 – why?

I've been experimenting with various prime sieves in Julia with a view to finding the fastest. This is my simplest, if not my fastest, and it runs in around 5-6 ms on my 1.80 GHz processor for n = 1 million. However, when I add a simple 'if' statement to take care of the cases where n <= 1 or s (the start number) > n, the run-time increases by a factor of 15 to around 80-90 ms.
using BenchmarkTools
function get_primes_1(n::Int64, s::Int64=2)::Vector{Int64}
#=if n <= 1 || s > n
return []
sieve = fill(true, n)
for i = 3:2:isqrt(n) + 1
if sieve[i]
for j = i ^ 2:i:n
sieve[j]= false
pl = [i for i in s - s % 2 + 1:2:n if sieve[i]]
return s == 2 ? unshift!(pl, 2) : pl
#btime get_primes_1(1_000_000)
Output with the 'if' statement commented out, as above, is:
5.752 ms (25 allocations: 2.95 MiB)
Output with the 'if' statement included is:
86.496 ms (2121646 allocations: 35.55 MiB)
I'm probably embarrassingly ignorant or being terminally stupid, but if someone could point out what I'm doing wrong it would be very much appreciated.
The problem of this function is with Julia compiler having problems with type inference when closures appear in your function. In this case the closure is a comprehension and the problem is that if statement makes sieve to be only conditionally defined.
You can see this by moving sieve up:
function get_primes_1(n::Int64, s::Int64=2)::Vector{Int64}
sieve = fill(true, n)
if n <= 1 || s > n
return Int[]
for i = 3:2:isqrt(n) + 1
if sieve[i]
for j = i ^ 2:i:n
sieve[j]= false
pl = [i for i in s - s % 2 + 1:2:n if sieve[i]]
return s == 2 ? unshift!(pl, 2) : pl
However, this makes sieve to be created also when n<1 which you want to avoid I guess :).
You can solve this problem by wrapping sieve in let block like this:
function get_primes_1(n::Int64, s::Int64=2)::Vector{Int64}
if n <= 1 || s > n
return Int[]
sieve = fill(true, n)
for i = 3:2:isqrt(n) + 1
if sieve[i]
for j = i ^ 2:i:n
sieve[j]= false
let sieve = sieve
pl = [i for i in s - s % 2 + 1:2:n if sieve[i]]
return s == 2 ? unshift!(pl, 2) : pl
or avoiding an inner closure for example like this:
function get_primes_1(n::Int64, s::Int64=2)::Vector{Int64}
if n <= 1 || s > n
return Int[]
sieve = fill(true, n)
for i = 3:2:isqrt(n) + 1
if sieve[i]
for j = i ^ 2:i:n
sieve[j]= false
pl = Int[]
for i in s - s %2 +1:2:n
sieve[i] && push!(pl, i)
s == 2 ? unshift!(pl, 2) : pl
Now you might ask how can you detect such problems and make sure that some solution solves them? The answer is to use #code_warntype on a function. In your original function you will notice that sieve is Core.Box which is an indication of the problem.
See for details. In general this is in my perception the most important issue with performance of Julia code which is easy to miss. Hopefully in the future the compiler will be smarter with this.
Edit: My suggestion actually doesn't seem to help. I missed your output annotation, so the return type appears to be correctly inferred after all. I am stumped, for the moment.
Original answer:
The problem isn't that there is an if statement, but that you introduce a type instability inside that if statement. You can read about type instabilities in the performance section of the Julia manual here.
An empty array defined like this: [], has a different type than a vector of integers:
> typeof([1,2,3])
> typeof([])
The compiler cannot predict what the output type of the function will be, and therefore produces defensive, slow code.
Try to change
return []
return Int[]

Write a function that calculates the sum of all values in a list of integers that are both positive and even

The function should accept a single list as a parameter. The function should return an integer value as the result of calculation. If there are no positive and even integer values in the list, your function should return 0.
My current code:
def main():
print (sum_positive_even([1,2,3,4,5]))
print (sum_positive_even([-1,-2,-3,-4,-5]))
print (sum_positive_even([1,3,5,7,9]))
def sum_positive_even(list):
for num in list:
if num < 0:
for num in list:
if num % 2 == 1:
result = sum(list)
return result
The output should be like:
I'm confused where I should put the 'return 0'.
Thanks TA!
Deleting from a list while you iterate over it is a Bad Idea - it's very easy to get hard-to-track-down bugs that way. Much better would be to build a new list of the items you want to keep. You don't need a special case of returning 0; the general approach should be able to handle that.
Also, it's better not to use list as a variable name in Python, because that's the name of a built-in.
A modification of your approach:
def sum_positive_even(lst):
to_keep = []
for num in lst:
if num > 0 and num % 2 == 0:
return sum(to_keep)
Since the sum of an empty list is 0, this covers the case where there are no positive even numbers.

Python / print and assign random number every time

I'm trying to generate a random integral and assign it to the variable.
import random
import time
Op = lambda: random.randint(1300, 19000)
op = ""
variable = int(Op())
grow = 0
while x < 3:
grow = grow + 1
In here everything works fine, function "print" prints different result every time with 3 attempts.
However when I want to format this code like this:
Op = lambda: random.randint(1300, 19000)
op = ""
Op1 = int(Op())
pop = str("{}{}").format(op, Op1)
grow = 0
while grow < 3:
grow = grow + 1
Then the function print gives me the same number three times.
For example:
And I would like to get three random numbers. For example:
I was trying to use %s - %d formatting but the result is the same.
Because you never changes the value of 'pop'.
In you first example you are creating instance of Op in every iteration but in second example you created instance once outside the loop and print the same value.
Try this:
Op = lambda: random.randint(1300, 19000)
op = ""
grow = 0
while grow < 3:
pop = str("{}{}").format(op, int(Op()))
grow = grow + 1
Lambda functions are by definition anonymous. If you need to "remember" a lambda's procedure, just use def statement. But actually you don't even need this:
import random
import time
url_base = "{}"
grow = 0
while grow < 3:
print(url_base.format(random.randint(1300, 19000))
grow = grow + 1
Your main problem is that you are trying to assign fixed values to variables and expect them to behave like procedures.
You need to apply randomness at every iteration. Instead you calculate a random number once and plug it in to every loop.

How to simplify for loop in prime number generator in python

import math
def is_prime(num):
if num < 2:
return False
for i in range(2, int(math.sqrt(num))+ 1):
if num % i == 0:
return False
return True
Primes seems to be a popular topic but in the book in which I am learning Python, I am on chpt 6 out of 21 and in the iteration chapter which it teaches while loops. I have not learned for loops yet although I understand what they do. So, let's say I have not learned for loops yet and am given only if/elif/else statements and the while loops as my tools. How can I change the for line of code into something more simple using the above tools? While asking this question I quickly came up with this code:
def formula(num):
i = 2
while i >= 2:
return int(math.sqrt(num)+ 1)
def is_primetwo(num):
i = 2
if num < 2:
return False
if num % i == 0:
return False
return True
It works but would this be a simple version of the for loop or is there something even more simple where I do not have to wrap a function within a function?
Absolutely, you do not need a function to replace a for loop.
So you've got this
for i in range(2, int(math.sqrt(num))+ 1):
which is your for loop. Take a second to think what it's doing.
1.) It's taking the variable i, and it's starting it at a value of 2.
2.) It's checking whether to do the loop every time by checking if i is less than the (square root of num) plus 1
3.) Every time through the loop, it adds one to i.
We can do all of these things using a while loop.
Here's the original
for i in range(2, int(math.sqrt(num))+ 1):
if num % i == 0:
return False
let's rename the second and third lines loop contents just so we're focusing on the looping part, not what logic we're doing with the variables i and num.
for i in range(2, int(math.sqrt(num))+ 1):
loop contents
ok, now let's just rearrange it to be a while loop. We need to set i to 2 first.
i = 2
Now we want to check that i is in the range we want
i = 2
while i <= int(math.sqrt(num) + 1):
loop contents
Now we're almost set, we just need to make i actually change, instead of staying at a value of 2 forever.
i = 2
while i <= int(math.sqrt(num) + 1):
loop contents
i = i + 1
Your example seemed to do some of these elements, but this way is a simple way to do it, and no extra function is necessary. It could be the range() function that is confusing. Just remember, the for loop is doing three things; setting a variable to an initial value, checking a condition (one variable is less than another), and incrementing your variable to be one large than previously to run the loop again.
How about something like:
from math import sqrt
def is_prime(num):
if (num < 2):
return False
i = 2
limit = int(sqrt(num) + 1)
while (i <= limit):
if num % i == 0:
return False
i = i + 1
return True
Not sure if this is what you want, but the for loop:
for i in range(2, int(math.sqrt(num))+ 1):
if num % i == 0:
return False
return True
can be expressed as:
i = 2
while i < int(math.sqrt(num))+ 1):
if num % i == 0:
return False
i += 1
return True
Probably a good idea to determine int(math.sqrt(num))+ 1) once:
i = 2
n = int(math.sqrt(num))+ 1)
while i < n:
if num % i == 0:
return False
i += 1
return True

Trying to make a recursive call in C++

This is my first question here so be kind :-) I'm trying to make a recursive call here, but I get the following compiler error:
In file included from hw2.cpp:11:
number.h: In member function ‘std::string Number::get_bin()’:
number.h:60: error: no matching function for call to ‘Number::get_bin(int&)’
number.h:27: note: candidates are: std::string Number::get_bin()
string get_bin ()
bin = "";
printf("Value is %i\n",val);
if (val > 0)
int remainder = val;
printf("remainder is %i\n",remainder);
printf("numbits is %i\n",size);
for (int numbits = size-1;numbits>=0;numbits--)
//printf("2 raised to the %i is %i\n",numbits,int(pow(2,numbits)));
printf("is %i less than or equal to %i\n",int(pow(2,numbits)),remainder);
if (int (pow(2,numbits))<=remainder)
remainder -= int(pow(2,numbits));
printf("Remainder set to equal %i\n",remainder);
bin+= "0";
return bin;
int twoscompliment = val + int(pow(2,size));
return get_bin(twoscompliment);
Any thoughts? I know get_bin works for positive numbers.
In the last line you are calling get_bin() with an integer reference argument, but there are no formal parameters in the function signature.
string get_bin ()
return get_bin(twoscompliment);
These are mutually incompatible. I don't see how you can say that code works for positive numbers since it's not even compiling.
You probably need to change the first line to something like:
string get_bin (int x)
but, since you don't actually use the argument, you may have other problems.
If you're using global or object-level variables to do this work, recursion is not going to work, since they different levels will be stepping on each other's feet (unless you do your own stack).
One of the beauties of recursion is that your code can be small and elegant but using local variables is vital to ensure your data is level-specific.
By way of example, examine the following (badly written) pseudo-code:
global product
def factorial (n):
if n == 1:
return 1
product = factorial (n-1)
return n * product
Now that won't work for factorial (7) since product will be corrupted by lower levels. However, something like:
def factorial (n):
local product
if n == 1:
return 1
product = factorial (n-1)
return n * product
will work just fine as each level gets its own copy of product to play with. Of course:
def factorial (n):
if n == 1:
return 1
return n * factorial (n-1)
would be even better.
The function is defined to take no arguments, yet you pass an int.
It looks like you're accessing a global or member variable val. That should probably be converted into the argument.
string get_bin ( int val )
Since you have not declared bin and val in the function I guess they are global.
Now you define the function get_bin() to return a string and not accept anything. But in the recursive call you are passing it an int. Since you want to pass twoscompliment as val for the recursive call you can do:
int twoscompliment = val + int(pow(2,size));
val = twoscompliment; // assign twoscompliment to val
return get_bin();