Button to change selected records - oracle-apex

I have an interactive grid with a bunch of records, and I want to set up a button on the page that changes one column in all records currently selected.
Running APEX 18.2, the IG has a whole bunch of columns and I want to change just one of them, but on a whole bunch of rows, so I do need a button.
The IG has ROWID as PK because the actual PK is assembled from 4 different columns.
I have spent some time googling this issue and have found a couple people with solutions:
This is the first, and simplest solution. But it doesn't return any rowid or anything like that, it returns the value in the first column.
Then I also found
Which are pretty similair and seem to be the best for me, but I get a Javascript error in the console: http://prntscr.com/n5wvqj
And I dont really know much Javascript, so I dont know what went wrong or how to best fix it.
I set up a Dynamic action on button click that executes Javascript and I have the selected element being the region named CUR_STAT.
var record;
//Identify the particular interactive grid
var ig$ = apex.region("CUR_STAT").widget();
//Fetch the model for the interactive grid
var grid = ig$.interactiveGrid("getViews","grid");
//Fetch the model for the interactive grid
var model = ig$.interactiveGrid("getViews","grid").model;
//Fetch selected records
var selectedRecords = apex.region("CUR_STAT").widget().interactiveGrid("getViews","grid").view$.grid("getSelectedRecords");
//Loop through selected records and update value of the AVT_OBR column
for (idx=0; idx < selectedRecords.length; idx++)
//Get the record
record = model.getRecord(selectedRecords[idx][0]);
// set Value for column AVT_OBR on "D"
model.setValue(record,"AVT_OBR", 'D');
The column named AVT_OBR is a select list with display values(DA, NE) and return values(D, N). But I tried having it be a text field and it didnt help.
I want to be able to select multiple columns and change the data in those entries.
If possible I would also like to be able to change data in such a way in a hidden column. Or if I could get all the ROWIDs for selected records and execute a PLSQL block with them.

Ended up with noone responding so I spent a lot of time and finally came up with a solution.
var g = apex.region('myIG').widget().interactiveGrid('getViews','grid');
var r = g.getSelectedRecords();
for(i = 0; i < r.length; i++) {
g.model.setValue(r[i], 'myColumn', 'Value');
For some reason none of the solutions I found had worked. But I learned from those solutions and made this simple piece of code that does what I need.
Also, I was wanting to set up so I could do this set value on a hidden column, I achieved this by just having the column visible and editable, but then when running the page I clicked on the column and hid it, and set the current view as the default report.
If anyone stumbles upon this question, I hope it helps.


How I can make Mandatory add at least one row in Interactive grid in apex oracle

I have two region one form and one interactive grid like a master detail(company and company contact person ) how i can make the interactive grid mandatory ,the user can't submit page ,he/she need add at least one row in interactive grid ,
I can do that or I need to change the interactive grid to collection and count the row in validation
This one is a little tricky because of the way processes and validations work with Interactive Grids (they are executed once per submitted row). To work around this, I'll use a page item and a validation that works with it.
The basic idea of this solution is based on the fact that a new row will not have a primary key value. Here are the steps to reproduce (my example was on page 14, update the following as needed).
Create an Interactive Grid (IG) region. The primary key column should be Query Only (which ensures it's null for new rows).
Create a Hidden page item named P14_NULL_FOUND. Set Type under Server-side Condition to Never so that it never renders on the page.
Create an After Submit (before Validations) process. This process will NOT be associated with the IG so it will only fire once. Set the PL/SQL Code attribute to:
:P14_NULL_FOUND := 'NO';
That will clear out the value of the page item prior to the next process.
Create another After Submit process that runs just after the previous one. Set Editable Region to the IG. Then set the PL/SQL Code to something like the following:
if :PK_COLUMN_IN_IG is null
end if;
You'll need to replace ":PK_COLUMN_IN_IG" with the name of the primary key column in the IG, such as ":EMPNO". This process will be run once for each submitted row in the IG. If a null value is found for the primary key column, then that would mean the user added a new row and the value of P14_NULL_FOUND would be set to 'YES'.
Create a new validation. This validation will NOT be associated with the IG so it will only fire once. Set Type to PL/SQL Expression. Set PL/SQL Expression to:
Then set Error Message to something relevant.
At this point, you should be able to run the page and verify that the processes and validation are working correctly.
There is an another solution;
Create a page item like PX_ROWCOUNT which will hold the data of the row count of your IG.
Assign a static ID to your IG region.
Write a JS function to count the rows of the grid then set it to the page item. Sample function;
function f_setRowCount(){
var grid = apex.region("staticIDOfYourIG").widget().interactiveGrid("getViews", "grid");
var model = grid.model;
var rowCount = 0;
model.forEach(function (record) {
rowCount ++;
To submit your page and run this function, change your submit button's behavior to Defined by Dynamic Action. Execute your function when user clicks to that button then submit your page via DA.
Add validation to Processing section of the page and check your page item there; PLSQL Expression => :PX_ROWCOUNT > 0
The solution by Hamit works nicely, except of the case of deletion of a row.
My suggestion is to amend the above code by adding inside the loop an if statement to check whether the row is editable or no.
So the code will be
var grid = apex.region("staticIDOfYourIG").widget().interactiveGrid("getViews", "grid");
var model = grid.model;
var rowCount = 0;
model.forEach(function (record) {
if (model.allowEdit(record)) {
rowCount ++;

How to insert programmatically a value in a new row of a QtableView

I'm using a QtableView to display and edit data from a QsqlTableModel.
Everything's fine : data from a postgreSQL table is displayed, and user can edit it and save modifications.
I want to add a row when uses click on a button. I use the insertRecord method from my QslTableModel.
The row is correctly added in the QTableView.
My problem is :
I want to insert a value from a query in the first cell of this new row. (to automatically populate an unique identifier).
This is my code :
def ajoutlgn(self):
query_idNewLine = QtSql.QSqlQuery(self.db)
if query_idNewLine.exec_('SELECT sp_idsuivi+1 FROM bdsuivis.t_suivprev_tablo ORDER BY sp_idsuivi DESC LIMIT 1'):
while query_idNewLine.next():
identifiant = query_idNewLine.value(0)
#print identifiant
record = QtSql.QSqlRecord()
self.model.insertRecord(self.model.rowCount(), record)
The value is not inserted in the new row (but if I enter a value by hand, it works perfectly).
Nevertheless, the query is OK (as I can see with the « print identifiant » line, which returns the expected integer).
Do you see what I'm doing wrong ?
Are there other methods to insert programmatically a value in a QTableView cell?
Or do I have to use a QitemDelegate ?
Thanks for advance.
Finally I found the solution :
This line creates a record, but not a record for my QsqlTableModel
record = QtSql.QSqlRecord()
I replaced it with this one, and it works perfectly :
record = self.model.record()

Initialize record on cell enter of XamDataGrid

Assume we have a XamDataGrid with 10 columns.
Column 1 is a XamComboEditor bound to a collection in the model
This can't be changed, the data is coming from a server and the combo's collection is based on different selections within the model so it's very dynamic.
Columns 2 - 10 are just normal alpha numeric fields
The problem:
When you enter a alpha numeric and start typing the model is initialized and everything is fine. However, if you go to the very last row, the non-initialized empty one, and click on the combo editor before entering any data into any of the other fields, the combo editor is empty.
Now I am well aware of why this is happening, it's clear that this is due to the model not being initialized yet. I'm just not sure the best method to fix this.
I would hope there is a property on the XamDataGrid that adjusts when the record is initialized but I've searched the Infragistics documentation and examples and I can't find anything.
There are events for:
private void OnCellEditModeStarting(object sender, EditModeStartingEventArgs args)
if (args.Cell.Field.Name == "TotalQuantity")
DataRecord record = args.Cell.Record;
if (record == null)
MyGridEntry item = record.DataItem as MyGridEntry;
// Do a thing
You can also respond to the InitializeRecord event. It can fire for multiple reasons, such as cell editing, so check the state of your row model when responding to it. All these events are on the parent grid, not any FieldLayouts or Fields.
<i:XamDataGrid x:Name="myGrid"
InitializeRecord ="OnInitializeRecord"
EditModeStarting ="OnEditModeStarting">

Addepar Table Emberjs Row Selection

I am new to emberjs and just started using addepar table. I need to add my own customization on click of a row in the table. Could someone please tell how can I override the default click/or row selection operation for the addpar table?
I am trying to achieve to call a new route on click of a row at any column in a row. Render the new route based on the row selected.. say displaying summary and detail of the record. Addepar table displays list of summary of records on click of a row displays in details.
Please let me know the steps to customize on click for entire row selection.
To do this you extend Ember Table and override the row view. The row view setting is here, and defaults to Ember.Table.TableRow:
The result will look something like this:
App.MyTableComponent = Ember.Table.EmberTableComponent.extend({
tableRowView: 'App.MyTableRow'
App.MyTableRow: Ember.Table.TableRow.extend({
click: function() {
// Handle click
This assumes you really care about the click event. If instead you just want to do something with the row that is selected (or when it is selected), you should use the selection output of the Ember Table API and add computed properties/observers around that. See the docs at:

Getting an UltraWebGrid selected row datakey when clicking on a cell

I have an Infragistics UltraWebGrid bound to a datasource; I am trying to allow the user to change the value of a few cells in the row, so I am trapping the CellClick event in code behind. While the event's argument gives me the cell key (which is the column name), I still need to have the selected row DataKey so as to make the change in the database. Anyone knows how to get that?
You can use the igtbl_getCellById utility function to get the cell. Once you have the cell, you can get it's row and then it's key:
var cell = igtbl_getCellById(cellId);
var row = cell.getRow();
var key = row.DataKey
The following references may be helpful:
WebGrid utility functions
API documentation for the Cell object
API documentation for the Row object