Member function vs friend functions: why one and not the other? - c++

Why are functions of objects generally defined as class member functions instead of friend functions (with the associated instantiated object passed in as a parameter)?
If you implement push_back(vector v, val), front(vector v), back(vector) as friend functions that take as a parameter a vector, for example, would that not save on space, because the functions would not have to be defined each time a vector object is created, but only once?
I'm sorry if my question doesn't make much sense. I'm new to coding and I am not completely comfortable with its jargon/terminology. If I need to reword my question because it is unclear, please let me know.
Thank you :)

Unless they’re virtual, member functions don’t take up any space inside a class. And virtual member functions only take up constant space. This is usually 8 bytes, independent of how many virtual functions the class has. This is because classes with virtual functions contain a pointer to a vtable which looks up the actual function at runtime.
That being said, having friend functions at namespace scope is useful because it allows you to make overload sets. An overload set is just the name for all the overloads of a particular function name. For example, std::to_string is an overload set because there are multiple functions with that name.
Overload sets are a really useful concept because they allow you to write generic code that can act on a lot of different types, even if those types are completely unrelated For example, std::vector and std::list don’t inherit from each other or from a base class, but it’s easy to write templated functions that work on either of them because they share a common interface in terms of how they can be used.

If you implement push_back(vector v, val), front(vector v), back(vector) as friend functions that take as a parameter a vector, for example, would that not save on space, because the functions would not have to be defined each time a vector object is created, but only once?
Functions are not "defined each time a vector object is created". You don't save space by using friend functions as such.
The advantages of member functions mostly revolve around inheritance. Member functions can have protected access, and they can be virtual etc.
Friend functions are useful in implementing symmetric binary (i.e. two-argument, counting this) functions. As a member function the first argument would be special and cannot be treated equally. Furthermore, friend functions can provide an API compatible with C, which is useful for cross-language programming and shared libraries.


Is there any advantage to implementing functions as free functions rather than members in C++?

I'm interested in the technical logistics. Is there any advantage, such as memory saved, etc., to implementing certain functions dealing with a class?
In particular, implementing operator overloads as free functions (providing you don't need access to any private members, and even then you can make them use a friend non-member)?
Is a distinct memory address provided for each function of the class each time an object is created?
This answer may helps you : Operator overloading : member function vs. non-member function?. In general free functions are mandatory if you need to implement operators on classes you don't have access to code source (think about streams) or if left operand is not of class type (int for example). If you control the code of the class then you can freely use function members.
For your last question, no, function members are uniquely defined and an object internal table is used to point to them. Function members can be viewed as free functions with an hidden parameter that is a pointer to the object, i.e. o.f(a) is more or less the same as f(&o,a) with a prototype roughly like f(C *this,A a);.
There are various articles about circumstances when implementing functionality using non-member functions is preferred over function members.
Examples include
Scott Meyers (author of books like "Effective C++", "Effective STL", and others) on how non-members improve encapsulation:
Herb Sutter in his Guru of the Week series #84 "Monoliths Unstrung". Essentially he advocates, when it is possible to implement functionality as a member or as a non-member non-friend, prefer the non-member option.
Non-static member functions have an implicit this parameter. If your function doesn't use any non-static members, it should be either a free function or a static member function, depending on what namespace you want it to be in. This will avoid confusion for human readers (who will be scratching their heads looking for the reason it's not static), and will be a small improvement in code size, with a probably non-measurable gain in performance.
To be clear: in the asm, there's zero difference between a static member function and a non-member function. The choice between static-member and global or static (file scope) is purely a namespace / design quality issue, not a performance issue. (In Unix shared libraries (position-independent code), calling global functions has a level of indirection through the PLT, so prefer static file-scope functions. This is a different meaning of the static keyword vs. global static-member functions, which are globally visible and thus subject to symbol interposition.)
One possible exception to this rule is that wrapper functions that pass on most of their args unchanged to another function benefit from having their args in the same order as the function they call, so they don't have to move them between registers. e.g. if a member function does something simple to a class member and then calls a static member function with the same arg list, it's actually without the implicit this pointer, so all the args have to move over by one register.
Most ABIs use an args-in-registers calling convention. 32bit x86 (other than some Windows calling conventions) is the major exception I know of, where all args are always passed on the stack. 64bit x86 passes the first 6 integer args in registers, and the first 8 FP args in xmm registers (SysV). Or the first 4 args of args of either type in registers (Windows).
Passing an object pointer will typically take an extra instruction or two at every call site. If the implicit first arg bumps any other args out of the limited set of arg-passing regs, then it will have to be passed on the stack. This adds a few cycles of latency to the critical path involving that arg for the store-load round trip, and extra instructions in the callee as well as the caller. (See the x86 wiki for links to more details about this sort of thing, for that platform).
Inlining of course eliminates this. static functions can also be optimized by modern compilers, because the compiler knows all the calls come from code it can see, so it can make them non-standard. IDK if any compiler will drop unused args during inter-procedure optimization. Link-time and/or whole-program optimization may also be able to reduce or eliminate overhead from unused args.
Code-size always matters at least a little, since smaller binaries load from disk faster, and miss less in I-cache. I don't expect any measurable speed difference unless you specifically design an experiment that's sensitive to it.
The most important thing to consider when designing classes is, "what is the invariant?" Classes are design to protect invariants. So, classes must be the tiniest as possible to ensure that invariant is properly protected. If you have so many member/friend functions, there is more code to review.
From this point of view, if a class has members which don't need to be protected (for example, a boolean which its corresponding get/set functions can be freely changed by the user), is better to put that attributes as public and remove the get/set functions (more or less, these are the Bjarne Stroustrup words).
So, which functions must be declared inside the class and which ones out? Inside functions must be these minimum required set of function to protect the invariant, and outside functions must be any function that can be implemented using the other ones.
The thing with operator overloading is another history, because the criteria to put some operators inside, and some other outside, is because of syntactical issues related to implicit conversions and so on:
class A
int i_i;
A(int i) noexcept : i_i(i) {}
int val() const noexcept { return i_i; }
A operator+(A const& other) const noexcept
{ return A(i_i + other.i_i); }
A a(5);
cout << (4 + a).val() << endl;
In this case, since the operator is defined inside the class, the compiler doesn't find the operator, because the first argument is an integer (when an operator is called, the compiler search for free functions and functions declared inside the class of the first argument).
When declared outside:
class A
int i_i;
A(int i) noexcept : i_i(i) {}
int val() const noexcept { return i_i; }
inline A operator+(A const& first, A const& other) const noexcept;
{ return A(first.val() + other.val()); }
A a(5);
cout << (4 + a).i_i << endl;
In these case, the compiler find the operator, and try to perform an implicit conversion of the first parameter from int to A, using the proper A's constructor.
In these case, the operator can also be implemented using other functions, so, it doesn't need to be friend and you can be sure the invariant is not compromised with that additional function. So, in these concrete example, moving the operator outside is good for two reasons.
One strictly technical difference, which also is valid for static vs non-static member functions, might affect performance in extreme scenarios:
For a member function, the this pointer will be passed as an "invisible" parameter to the function. Usually, depending on the parameter types, a fixed number of parameter values can be passed via registers instead of via the stack (registers are faster to read and write).
If the function already takes that number of parameters explicitly, then making it a non-static member function might cause parameters to be passed via the stack instead of via registers, and if that happens, barring optimizations that may or may not happen, the function call will be slower.
However, even if it is slower - in this case, in the vast majority of any use cases that you can dream up, slower is insignificant (but real).
Depending on the subject, class functions may not be the right solution. Class functions depend on the assumption that exists an assymetry between the arguments of the corrispetive non class function where it is cleary individuated a main subject of the function (id est the implicitly passed this that practically corresponds to passing the object by reference). On the other side many times such an assymetry may not exist. In those cases the free functions are the best solution.
Regarding execution speed there isn't any difference because the method of a class is just a function where the first argument is the this pointer. So it is totally equivalent the the corrispetive non class function where the first element is the pointer to the object.

Why are C++11 string new functions (stod, stof) not member functions of the string class?

Why are those C++11 new functions of header <string> (stod, stof, stoull) not member functions of the string class ?
Isn't more C++ compliant to write mystring.stod(...) rather than stod(mystring,...)?
It is a surprise to many, but C++ is not an Object-Oriented language (unlike Java or C#).
C++ is a multi-paradigm language, and therefore tries to use the best tool for the job whenever possible. In this instance, a free-function is the right tool.
Guideline: Prefer non-member non-friend functions to member functions (from Efficient C++, Item 23)
Reason: a member function or friend function has access to the class internals whereas a non-member non-friend function does not; therefore using a non-member non-friend function increases encapsulation.
Exception: when a member function or friend function provides a significant advantage (such as performance), then it is worth considering despite the extra coupling. For example even though std::find works really well, associative containers such as std::set provide a member-function std::set::find which works in O(log N) instead of O(N).
The fundamental reason is that they don't belong there. They
don't really have anything to do with strings. Stop and think
about it. User defined types should follow the same rules as
built-in types, so every time you defined a new user type,
you'd have to add a function to std::string. This would
actually be possible in C++: if std::string had a member
function template to, without a generic implementation, you
could add a specialization for each type, and call<double>() or<MyType>(). But is this really
what you want. It doesn't seem like a clean solution to me,
having everyone writing a new class having to add
a specialization to std::string. Putting these sort of things
in the string class bastardizes it, and is really the opposite
of what OO tries to achieve.
If you were to insist on pure OO, they would have to be
members of double, int, etc. (A constructor, really. This
is what Python does, for example.) C++ doesn't insist on pure
OO, and doesn't allow basic types like double and int to
have members or special constructors. So free functions are
both an acceptable solution, and the only clean solution
possible in the context of the language.
FWIW: conversions to/from textual representation is always
a delicate problem: if I do it in the target type, then I've
introduced a dependency on the various sources and sinks of text
in the target type---and these can vary in time. If I do it in
the source or sink type, I make them dependent on the the type
being converted, which is even worse. The C++ solution is to
define a protocol (in std::streambuf), where the user writes
a new free function (operator<< and operator>>) to handle
the conversions, and counts on operator overload resolution to
find the correct function. The advantage of the free function
solution is that the conversions are part of neither the data
type (which thus doesn't have to know of sources and sinks) nor
the source or sink type (which thus doesn't have to know about
user defined data types). It seems like the best solution to
me. And functions like stod are just convenience functions,
which make one particularly frequent use easier to write.
Actually they are some utility functions and they don't need to be inside the main class. Similar utility functions such as atoi, atof are defined (but for char*) inside stdlib.h and they too are standalone functions.

static functions compiler optimization C++

I know that we should declare a function as static in a class if its a utility function or if we have to use in a singleton class to access private static member.
But apart from that does a static function provide any sort of compiler optimization too since it doesn't pass the "this" pointer? Why not just use the utility function through an already instantiated object of class? Or is it just a best practice to make utility functions as statics?
Thanks in advance.
The "non-passing-this" optimization can probably be done by the compiler once you turn the optimizations on. As I see it, a static function has rather idiomatic uses:
Implementing modules. There is a bit of overlap here with namespaces, and I would rather use namespaces.
Factories: you can make the constructor protected/private and then have several static functions (with different, explicit names) creating instances.
For function pointers: static functions do not require the slightly more complicated syntax of pointer to member function. That can be a plus when interacting with libraries written for C.
To keep yourself from using this and have the compiler to enforce it. It makes sense sometimes. For example, if you have a commutative operation that takes two instances, a static function that takes the two instances would emphasize (in my opinion) that the operation is commutative. Of course in many cases you would rather overload an operator.
In general a static function will ease namespace and "friend" clutter by prefixing an otherwise ordinary function with the name of a class, presumably because both are tightly related.
Static exists to associate a method with a class, rather than either:
Associating it with an instance of that class (like writing a normal, non-static member function).
Keeping it in the global namespace or whatever namespace you would otherwise be in (like declaring a function just in the file, not in a class).
Static says that 'conceptually this is something tied to/associated with this class, but it does not depend on any instance of that class'.
In more formal terms: a static member function is the same as a function declared outside of a class in all ways other than that it is part of that class's namespace and in that it has access rights to that class's private/protected data members.
Going back to your question:
There is no optimization gain here.
Utility function has nothing to do with it. It's whether or not it makes sense to scope the function in the class itself (rather than an instance of it).
It does not 'pass the this pointer' because there is no instance to speak of. You can call a static member function without ever invoking that class's constructor.

c++: Difference between member and non member functions

What is the difference between member and non-member functions in C++?
There are several differences between a member function (which I will now call method) and a free function (which I will now call function).
First, let's just state that they are not so different. Object code can generally be compiled down to C (or assembly) which are procedural languages with no notion of methods. Both methods and functions are then called like subroutines.
Now that this is out of the way, let's look at the differences. They can be classified in two categories: conceptual and syntactic.
The syntax is the obvious part of any language, so it's the easiest to get out of the way.
First note: there are two different kinds of methods in C++ (and a number of other languages), the static methods and regular methods.
Both kinds of methods have full access to the class internals (protected and private sections) as well (of course) as access to the class public interface.
static methods are equivalent to friend functions (apart from some scoping differences).
Within a regular method, a special keyword (this in C++) allows access to the current object on which the method has been invoked (via the ., ->, .* or ->* operators).
A regular method may be const and/or volatile qualified, enabling it for (respectively) const and/or volatile qualified objects. For example, a non-const method cannot be called on a const object. This can be seen as qualifying this within the method, ie void Foo::bar() const has a this of type Foo const*.
A regular method may be marked as virtual. Virtuality enables runtime polymorphism by enabling overriding. I won't extend on this mechanism here, let's just note that functions cannot be virtual.
One often ignored point, is that methods (both static and regular) are scoped within the class. This is important for name lookup (of other methods or attributes/variables) as it means that the elements of the class have priority during lookup from a method on the elements declared outside of the class.
Since the qualification using this-> before attribute or methods is not mandatory, this comes handy in regular methods, though it may introduce subtle bugs. In static methods, it avoids qualifying by the class name the static attributes and methods one whishes to access.
Now that the main syntactic differences have been asserted, let's check the conceptual differences.
OOP is generally about tying together state and behavior (of this state). This is done by creating classes which group attributes (state) and behavior (methods) and (in theory) stating that only the methods can act on the state. Therefore, in OOP, the methods are responsible for implementing the behavior of the class.
The methods participate to the encapsulation of state (freeing clients from the implementation detail) and to the preservation of the class invariants (statements about the class state that hold true from its birth to its death, whatever you do with it).
In C++, as we have seen previously, this is done by using different access levels (public, protected and private) and granting access to the non-public levels to a restricted portion of the code. Generally attributes will be private and thus only accessible to the class methods (and maybe some friends, for syntax quirks).
Note: I urge you not to use protected attributes, it's hard to track down their modifications and since the set of derived classes is unbounded... their implementation cannot be changed easily afterward.
However, beware that C++ discourages from bloating the interface with lots of methods.
The trouble is that because methods are responsible of maintaining invariants, the more there are and the more the responsability is spread, making it more difficult to track down bugs and ensure correctness. Also, since methods depends on the class internals, it makes change more costly.
Instead, in C++, it is generally advised to write a minimal set of methods and delegating the rest of the behavior to non-friend functions (as long as it doesn't increase the cost too much).
See Sutter's take on std::string in Monolith Unstrung.
The delegation to non-friend methods was emphasized by Sutter in its Interface Principle in which he states that functions that are delivered with the class (in the same file/same namespace) and use the class, are logically part of the class interface. He restates in Exceptional C++.
This answer is becoming rather long-winded, yet I suspect that I have overlooked differences that other would find critical... oh well.
A (non-static) member function has an implicit this argument, a non-member doesn't.
Syntactically, you pass that implicit argument on the left of the . or -> operator or like->so(), instead of as a function argument so( like ).
Likewise, when declaring a member function, you need to do so in the class of which it is a member:
class Class {
void a_public_member_function();
Non-member functions are instead declared outside any class (C++ calls this "at namespace scope").
(Non-static) member functions can also be virtual, but non-member functions (and static member functions) cannot.
A non-static member function is invoked on objects of the class it belongs to. It has implicitly access to the this pointer representing the current object. Through this pointer, it may access other members easily and with full access privileges (i.e. access private members).
A non-member function has no implicit this. In the sample below, bar is a member function while freebar is not. Both do more or less the same, but note how bar gets an implicit object pointer via this (also only bar has privileged access to foo's members, freebar only has access to public members).
class foo {
void bar() {
this->x = 0; // equivalent to x = 0;
int x;
void freebar(foo* thefoo) {
thefoo->x = 1;
// ...
foo f;;
// f.x is now 0
// f.x is now 1
Semantically a member function is more than just a function with an implicit this parameter. It is meant to define the behaviour of an object (i.e. a car object would have drive(), stop() as member functions).
Note that there are also static member functions which have full privileges but don't get an implicit this nor are they invoked through an instance of the class (but rather through the full name of the class).
In the following code, f() is a member function of class Sample, and g() is a non-member function:
class Sample
void f();
void g();
Its very simple. Since f() is a member of the class Sample, so its called member function (of class Sample). And since g() is not member of any class, so its called non-member function.
A member function is invoked on an object and has access to the fields of the class.
Member functions can be polymorphic (via the virtual keyword) which is essential for OOP.
Member functions get called on instances and have a this pointer available; non-members don't.

Class function member not depending on the class members

Is there a good reason why should a class function member be part of the class if it does not depend on any of the members of the class?
No. In fact, you should prefer free-functions over member functions. Only functions that really need to operate on the members should be member functions, the rest should use them to provide functionality.
Assuming you mean "does not depend on any non-public members", Scott Meyers once answered a definite no to that question.
However, he focused only on encapsulation: encapsulation is improved by making those functions non-members.
Other considerations can, for example, include that you cannot call operator<< on a temporary if the operator is defined as a non-member. (Why would you ever want to do that? Well, for example to build up a string argument from constituent parts, iostream-style.)
And the considerations can include simply how natural and clear the usage notation is. The notation with nested calls (as for non-members) can be rather annoying and unclear. That's why we have -> as syntactic sugar for * dereferencing + member selection.
So, if you focus only on encapsulation, then move those member functions out of class, as Scott Meyers adviced. And otherwise, make an engineering decision where aspects such as usability and notational clarity are also considered. Anyway, don't fret about it: it's probably not incredibly important. :-)
Cheers & hth.,
If its correlated with the meaning of the class, you should put it together even if it do not use any member of the Class.
The reason it for simply the development, and for a future developer know where to look.
It often happens when overriding a virtual function. If the base class has a pure virtual along the lines of getWidgetCount(), for example, and your derived class doesn't support widgets, it would just return 0.
the most common case concern utility classes for example if i have to develop functions to convert BSTR to string and vice versa , i can create a class with static methods.
it's useful to package functions concerning the same area in the same class, another solution is to package them in the same namespace, but unfortunatly namespaces are not very used even in the well known c++ librairies.
and for other cases adding method to a class with no relation with other members increase the lack of cohesion and the metric LCOM will be high, and the design will be impacted.