How to share global constants with minimum overhead at runtime? - c++

I am using C++11. I am not allowed to use external libraries like boost etc. I must use STL only.
I have a number of events, which must be identified as string constants. I am not allowed to use enums or ints or any other data type. For example:
Then I have some classes which need to use these strings, but don't know the other classes exist (they don't have anything to do with each other).
class Panel{
void postEvent(){
Another class::
class SomeClass{
void receiveEvent(){
//This function is triggered when "event_name" occurs.
//Do stuff
All these events are constants, and are used to identify things that are happening.
Here is what I have tried:
How to store string constants that will be accessed by a number of different classes?
Some of the persons there suggested I provide specific details of how to solve a concrete problem, so I have created this new question.
How can I store the strings in a common file, so that all the other classes that use these strings can refer to the same file?
I do not want to waste memory or leak memory during my app's lifetime (it is a mobile app)
compilation times are not a big deal to me, since the project isn't so big
there are expected to be maybe 50 different events.
It seems it would be more maintainable to keep all the strings in one file, and edit only this file as and when things change.
Any class can listen for any event, at any time, and I won't know prior to compilation

The easiest way would be to use a char const* constant, as it's way more optimizable and don't use dynamic allocations.
Also you can use std::string_view in the postEvent function, avoiding dynamic allocations. This step is optional. If you cannot have string views and still want to avoid dynamic allocations, then refer to your implementation's SSO max capacity and keep event names below that size.
Also consider that nonstd::string_view can be shipped as a C++11 library and most likely the abstraction you need. Library such as cpp17_headers and string-view-lite exist solely for that purpose.
It look like this:
constexpr auto event_name1 = "event_name1";
In a class as a static member it works the same way:
struct Type {
static constexpr auto event_name1 = "event_name1";
This will at most take space in the read-only static data of your executable.

In light of the fact that you're stuck with C++11, I think my suggestion from here still stands:
#pragma once
namespace event_names
constexpr auto& event_1 = "event_1";
constexpr auto& event_2 = "event_2";
Defining named references to string literal objects is very simple, does not require any additional libraries, is guaranteed to not introduce any unnecessary objects, won't require any additional memory over the storage for the statically-allocated string literal objects that you'd need anyways, and will not have any runtime overhead.
If you could use C++17, I'd suggest to go with the std::string_view approach, but in C++11, I think the above is most-likely a good compromise for your application.

Global const std::string has one drawback it need processing during startup and creates copy of string literal.
The linked SO answear uses constexpr std::string_view and this is cool solution since constructor is constexpr so nothing have to be done on startup. Also it doesn't create any copy. Problem is that this is C++17
Use of const char [] (or auto or constexpr) is old proven solution. You can compare std::string with it without any extra overhead.
You can create header file for all that strings and let linker to remove all duplicates. It was working like that in old C++.

You can have a struct of static strings:
struct MyNames
static const std::string name1;
And in a cpp:
const std::string MyNames::name1 = "foo";
You can then access the names from all your required locations. In C++17, you would have used string_view instead to avoid object construction. But this seems to be a duplicate of this answer, basically:

For the sake of proper abstraction and good design, you should define an event class. This event class will have either:
A method which provide a string (e.g. name() or system_name())
A conversion operator to a string (not recommended)
A to_string() freestanding function which takes such an event (not recommend)
But beyond that - all of your class can now use an enum, or an index, or whatever they like - they'll just need to use the conversion method whenever they interact with whatever it is that requires strings. Thus none of your classes has to actually know about those strings itself.
The strings themselves can stay within the .cpp implementation file of the class, and nobody else has to know about them. (unles they are actually defined in code that's not yours, but that's not how you described the problem.)


Static variable from a static linked lib used before its construction [duplicate]

When I use static variables in C++, I often end up wanting to initialize one variable passing another to its constructor. In other words, I want to create static instances that depend on each other.
Within a single .cpp or .h file this is not a problem: the instances will be created in the order they are declared. However, when you want to initialize a static instance with an instance in another compilation unit, the order seems impossible to specify. The result is that, depending on the weather, it can happen that the instance that depends on another is constructed, and only afterwards the other instance is constructed. The result is that the first instance is initialized incorrectly.
Does anyone know how to ensure that static objects are created in the correct order? I have searched a long time for a solution, trying all of them (including the Schwarz Counter solution), but I begin to doubt there is one that really works.
One possibility is the trick with the static function member:
Type& globalObject()
static Type theOneAndOnlyInstance;
return theOneAndOnlyInstance;
Indeed, this does work. Regrettably, you have to write globalObject().MemberFunction(), instead of globalObject.MemberFunction(), resulting in somewhat confusing and inelegant client code.
Update: Thank you for your reactions. Regrettably, it indeed seems like I have answered my own question. I guess I'll have to learn to live with it...
You have answered your own question. Static initialization order is undefined, and the most elegant way around it (while still doing static initialization i.e. not refactoring it away completely) is to wrap the initialization in a function.
Read the C++ FAQ items starting from
Maybe you should reconsider whether you need so many global static variables. While they can sometimes be useful, often it's much simpler to refactor them to a smaller local scope, especially if you find that some static variables depend on others.
But you're right, there's no way to ensure a particular order of initialization, and so if your heart is set on it, keeping the initialization in a function, like you mentioned, is probably the simplest way.
Most compilers (linkers) actually do support a (non-portable) way of specifying the order. For example, with visual studio you can use the init_seg pragma to arrange the initialization into several different groups. AFAIK there is no way to guarantee order WITHIN each group. Since this is non-portable you may want to consider if you can fix your design to not require it, but the option is out there.
Indeed, this does work. Regrettably, you have to write globalObject().MemberFunction(), instead of globalObject.MemberFunction(), resulting in somewhat confusing and inelegant client code.
But the most important thing is that it works, and that it is failure proof, ie. it is not easy to bypass the correct usage.
Program correctness should be your first priority. Also, IMHO, the () above is purely stylistic - ie. completely unimportant.
Depending on your platform, be careful of too much dynamic initialization. There is a relatively small amount of clean up that can take place for dynamic initializers (see here). You can solve this problem using a global object container that contains members different global objects. You therefore have:
Globals & getGlobals ()
static Globals cache;
return cache;
There is only one call to ~Globals() in order to clean up for all global objects in your program. In order to access a global you still have something like:
getGlobals().configuration.memberFunction ();
If you really wanted you could wrap this in a macro to save a tiny bit of typing using a macro:
#define GLOBAL(X) getGlobals().#X
GLOBAL(object).memberFunction ();
Although, this is just syntactic sugar on your initial solution.
dispite the age of this thread, I would like to propose the solution I've found.
As many have pointed out before of me, C++ doesn't provide any mechanism for static initialization ordering. What I propose is to encapsule each static member inside a static method of the class that in turn initialize the member and provide an access in an object-oriented fashion.
Let me give you an example, supposing we want to define the class named "Math" which, among the other members, contains "PI":
class Math {
static const float Pi() {
static const float s_PI = 3.14f;
return s_PI;
s_PI will be initialized the first time Pi() method is invoked (in GCC). Be aware: the local objects with static storage have an implementation dependent lifecyle, for further detail check 6.7.4 in 2.
Static keyword, C++ Standard
Wrapping the static in a method will fix the order problem, but it isn't thread safe as others have pointed out but you can do this to also make it thread if that is a concern.
// File scope static pointer is thread safe and is initialized first.
static Type * theOneAndOnlyInstance = 0;
Type& globalObject()
if(theOneAndOnlyInstance == 0)
// Put mutex lock here for thread safety
theOneAndOnlyInstance = new Type();
return *theOneAndOnlyInstance;

Immutable "functional" data structure in C++11

I was trying to write down some implementations for a couple of data structures that I'm interested in for a multithreaded / concurrent scenario.
A lot of functional languages, pretty much all that I know of, design their own data structures in such a way that they are immutable, so this means that if you are going to add value to an instance t1 of T, you really get a new instance of T that packs t1 + value.
container t;
container s = t; //t and s refer to the same container.
t.add(value); //this makes a copy of t, and t is the copy
I can't find the appropriate keywords to do this in C++11; there are keywords, semantics and functions from the standard library that are clearly oriented to the functional approach, in particular I found that:
mutable it's not for runtime, it's more likely to be an hint for the compiler, but this keyword doesn't really help you in designing a new data structure or use a data structure in an immutable way
swap doesn't works on temporaries, and this is a big downside in my case
I also don't know how much the other keywords / functions can help with such design, swap was one of them really close to something good, so I could at least start to write something, but apparently it's limited to lvalues .
So I'm asking: it's possible to design immutable data structure in C++11 with a functional approach ?
You simply declare a class with private member variables and you don't provide any methods to change the value of these private members. That's it. You initialize the members only from the constructors of the class. Noone will be able to change the data of the class this way. The tool of C++ to create immutable objects is the private visibility of the members.
mutable: This is one of the biggest hacks in C++. I've seen at most 2 places in my whole life where its usage was reasonable and this keyword is pretty much the opposite of what you are searching for. If you would search for a keyword in C++ that helps you at compile time to mark data members then you are searching for the const keyword. If you mark a class member as const then you can initialize it only from the INITIALIZER LIST of constructors and you can no longer modify them throughout the lifetime of the instance. And this is not C++11, it is pure C++. There are no magic language features to provide immutability, you can do that only by programming smartly.
In c++ "immutability" is granted by the const keyword. Sure - you still can change a const variable, but you have to do it on purpose (like here). In normal cases, the compiler won't let you do that. Since your biggest concern seems to be doing it in a functional style, and you want a structure, you can define it yourself like this:
class Immutable{
Immutable& operator=(const Immutable& b){} // This is private, so it can't be called from outside
const int myHiddenValue;
operator const int(){return myHiddenValue;}
Immutable(int valueGivenUponCreation): myHiddenValue(valueGivenUponCreation){}
If you define a class like that, even if you try to change myHiddenValue with const_cast, it won't actually do anything, since the value will be copied during the call to operator const int.
Note: there's no real reason to do this, but hey - it's your wish.
Also note: since pointers exist in C++, you still can change the value with some kind of pointer magic (get the address of the object, calc the offset, etc), but you can't really help that. You wouldn't be able to prevent that even when using an functional language, if it had pointers.
And on a side note - why are you trying to force yourself in using C++ in a functional manner? I can understand it's simpler for you, and you're used to it, but functional programming isn't often used because of its downfalls. Note that whenever you create a new object, you have to allocate space. It's slower for the end-user.
Bartoz Milewski has implemented Okasaki's functional data structures in C++. He gives a very thorough treatise on why functional data structures are important for concurrency. In that treatise, he explains the need in concurrency to construct an object and then afterwards make it immutable:
Here’s what needs to happen: A thread has to somehow construct the
data that it destined to be immutable. Depending on the structure of
that data, this could be a very simple or a very complex process. Then
the state of that data has to be frozen — no more changes are
As others have said, when you want to expose data in C++ and have it not be available for changing, you make your function signature look like this:
class MutableButExposesImmutably
std::string member;
void complicatedProcess() { member = "something else"; } // mutates
const std::string & immutableAccessToMember() const {
return member;
This is an example of a data structure that is mutable, but you can't mutate it directly.
I think what you are looking for is something like java's final keyword: This keyword allows you to construct an object, but thereafter the object remains immutable.
You can do this in C++. The following code sample compiles. Note that in the class Immutable, the object member is literally immutable, (unlike what it was in the previous example): You can construct it, but once constructed, it is immutable.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class Immutable
const std::string member;
Immutable(std::string a) : member(a) {}
const std::string & immutable_member_view() const { return member; }
int main() {
Immutable foo("bar");
// your code goes here
return 0;
Re. your code example with s and t. You can do this in C++, but "immutability" has nothing to do with that question, if I understand your requirements correctly!
I have used containers in vendor libraries that do operate the way you describe; i.e. when they are copied they share their internal data, and they don't make a copy of the internal data until it's time to change one of them.
Note that in your code example, there is a requirement that if s changes then t must not change. So s has to contain some sort of flag or reference count to indicate that t is currently sharing its data, so when s has its data changed, it needs to split off a copy instead of just updating its data.
So, as a very broad outline of what your container will look like: it will consist of a handle (e.g. a pointer) to some data, plus a reference count; and your functions that update the data all need to check the refcount to decide whether to reallocate the data or not; and your copy-constructor and copy-assignment operator need to increment the refcount.

Using dynamic typing in D, a statically typed language

I was implementing a dynamic typing library for D when I ran across an interesting problem.
Right now, I've succeeded in making a function called dynamic() which returns a dynamic version of an object.
For example:
import std.stdio, std.dynamic.core;
class Foo
string bar(string a) { return a ~ "OMG"; }
int opUnary(string s)() if (s == "-") { return 0; }
void main(string[] argv)
Dynamic d = dynamic(new Foo());
Dynamic result ="hi");
writeln(result); // Uh-oh
The problem I've run across is the fact that writeln tries to use compile-time reflection to figure out how to treat result.
What's the first thing it tries? isInputRange!(typeof(result))
The trouble is, it returns true! Why? Because I have to assume that all members which it needs exist, unless I can prove otherwise at run time -- which is too late. So the program tries to call front, popFront, and empty on result, crashing my program.
I can't think of a way to fix this. Does anyone have an idea?
You are trying to make two fundamentally different concepts work together, namely templates and dynamic typing. Templates rely very much on static typing, isInputRange works by checking which attributes or methods a type has. Your dynamic type is treated as having every attribute or method at compile time, ergo it is treated as fulfilling every static duck-typing interface.
Therefore, to make Dynamic work in a statically typed environment, you have to provide more static information at some places.
Some solutions I can see:
provide your own dynamically typed implementations for heavily used functions. The whole problem you are having is caused by the fact that you are trying to use generic functions that assume static typing with dynamic types.
explicitly make dynamic a range of char, and care for the conversion to string of the underlying data yourself. (You'd have to have a custom toString method anyways if the isInputRange issue would not exist, because otherwise its result would again be of Dynamic type). This would probably make writeln(d); work.
provide wrappers for dynamic that allow you to pass dynamic types into various templated functions. (Those would just exhibit a static interface and forward all calls to Dynamic).
Dynamic d;
// wrap d to turn it into a compile-time input range (but NOT eg a forward range)
Dynamic d2=dynamic(map!q{a*2}(dynInputRange(d)));
// profit
4 . Add a member template to Dynamic, which allows to statically disable some member function names.
static assert(!isForwardRange!(typeof(d.without!"save")));
what is wrong with using std.variant which implements all you need for dynamic typing (along with quite a bit of syntactic sugar)
Could you provide an overload for isInputRange? Something like this (note that I haven't looked at the implementation of isInputRange):
template isInputRange(T : Dynamic) {
enum isInputRange = false;
If this is provided by your dynamic.core, I think this overload should be chosen before the std lib one.
For the general case Dynamic has to accept any method lookup at compile time, as you said. Suppose for a moment that you could prevent the isInputRange predicate to evaluate to true, now the wrong code will be generated when you try to create a Dynamic from an input range.
I don't think this is fixable, at least not in a general way. In this particular case the best solution I can think of is that Dynamic provides it's own version of toString, and writeln would prefer that over the inputRange specialization. I believe writeln doesn't do this at the moment, at least not for structs, but it probably should.
Another compromise would be to disallow a few methods such as popFront in the opDispatch constraint, instead Dynamic would provide opIndex or a member object to access these special cases. This might not be as bad as it sounds, because the special cases are rare and using them would result in an obvious compiler error.
I think that the best way to salvage this kind of method resolution for Dynamic is to fix writeln and accept that Dynamic will not work with all templated code.
Have you looked into std.variant?
import std.stdio, std.variant;
class Foo {
string Bar(string a) {
return a ~ " are Cool!";
void main() {
Variant foo = new Foo();
Variant result = foo.peek!Foo.Bar("Variants");
writeln(result); // Variants are Cool!

I need some C++ guru's opinions on extending std::string

I've always wanted a bit more functionality in STL's string. Since subclassing STL types is a no no, mostly I've seen the recommended method of extension of these classes is just to write functions (not member functions) that take the type as the first argument.
I've never been thrilled with this solution. For one, it's not necessarily obvious where all such methods are in the code, for another, I just don't like the syntax. I want to use . when I call methods!
A while ago I came up with the following:
class StringBox
StringBox( std::string& storage ) :
_storage( storage )
// Methods I wish std::string had...
void Format();
void Split();
double ToDouble();
void Join(); // etc...
std::string& _storage;
Note that StringBox requires a reference to a std::string for construction... This puts some interesting limits on it's use (and I hope, means it doesn't contribute to the string class proliferation problem)... In my own code, I'm almost always just declaring it on the stack in a method, just to modify a std::string.
A use example might look like this:
string OperateOnString( float num, string a, string b )
string nameS;
StringBox name( nameS );
name.Format( "%f-%s-%s", num, a.c_str(), b.c_str() );
return nameS;
My question is: What do the C++ guru's of the StackOverflow community think of this method of STL extension?
I've never been thrilled with this solution. For one, it's not necessarily obvious where all such methods are in the code, for another, I just don't like the syntax. I want to use . when I call methods!
And I want to use $!---& when I call methods! Deal with it. If you're going to write C++ code, stick to C++ conventions. And a very important C++ convention is to prefer non-member functions when possible.
There is a reason C++ gurus recommend this:
It improves encapsulation, extensibility and reuse. (std::sort can work with all iterator pairs because it isn't a member of any single iterator or container class. And no matter how you extend std::string, you can not break it, as long as you stick to non-member functions. And even if you don't have access to, or aren't allowed to modify, the source code for a class, you can still extend it by defining nonmember functions)
Personally, I can't see the point in your code. Isn't this a lot simpler, more readable and shorter?
string OperateOnString( float num, string a, string b )
string nameS;
Format(nameS, "%f-%s-%s", num, a.c_str(), b.c_str() );
return nameS;
// or even better, if `Format` is made to return the string it creates, instead of taking it as a parameter
string OperateOnString( float num, string a, string b )
return Format("%f-%s-%s", num, a.c_str(), b.c_str() );
When in Rome, do as the Romans, as the saying goes. Especially when the Romans have good reasons to do as they do. And especially when your own way of doing it doesn't actually have a single advantage. It is more error-prone, confusing to people reading your code, non-idiomatic and it is just more lines of code to do the same thing.
As for your problem that it's hard to find the non-member functions that extend string, place them in a namespace if that's a concern. That's what they're for. Create a namespace StringUtil or something, and put them there.
As most of us "gurus" seem to favour the use of free functions, probably contained in a namespace, I think it safe to say that your solution will not be popular. I'm afraid I can't see one single advantage it has, and the fact that the class contains a reference is an invitation to that becoming a dangling reference.
I'll add a little something that hasn't already been posted. The Boost String Algorithms library has taken the free template function approach, and the string algorithms they provide are spectacularly re-usable for anything that looks like a string: std::string, char*, std::vector, iterator pairs... you name it! And they put them all neatly in the boost::algorithm namespace (I often use using namespace algo = boost::algorithm to make string manipulation code more terse).
So consider using free template functions for your string extensions, and look at Boost String Algorithms on how to make them "universal".
For safe printf-style formatting, check out Boost.Format. It can output to strings and streams.
I too wanted everything to be a member function, but I'm now starting to see the light. UML and doxygen are always pressuring me to put functions inside of classes, because I was brainwashed by the idea that C++ API == class hierarchy.
If the scope of the string isn't the same as the StringBox you can get segfaults:
StringBox foo() {
string s("abc");
return StringBox(s);
At least prevent object copying by declaring the assignment operator and copy ctor private:
class StringBox {
void operator=(const StringBox&);
StringBox(const StringBox&);
EDIT: regarding API, in order to prevent surprises I would make the StringBox own its copy of the string. I can think fo 2 ways to do this:
Copy the string to a member (not a reference), get the result later - also as a copy
Access your string through a reference-counting smart pointer like std::tr1::shared_ptr or boost:shared_ptr, to prevent extra copying
The problem with loose functions is that they're loose functions.
I would bet money that most of you have created a function that was already provided by the STL because you simply didn't know the STL function existed, or that it could do what you were trying to accomplish.
It's a fairly punishing design, especially for new users. (The STL gets new additions too, further adding to the problem.)
Google: C++ to string
How many results mention: std::to_string
I'm just as likely to find some ancient C method, or some homemade version, as I am to find the STL version of any given function.
I much prefer member methods because you don't have to struggle to find them, and you don't need to worry about finding old deprecated versions, etc,. (ie, string.SomeMethod, is pretty much guaranteed to be the method you should be using, and it gives you something concrete to Google for.)
C# style extension methods would be a good solution.
They're loose functions.
They show up as member functions via intellisense.
This should allow everyone to do exactly what they want.
It seems like it could be accomplished in the IDE itself, rather than requiring any language changes.
Basically, if the interpreter hits some call to a member that doesn't exist, it can check headers for matching loose functions, and dynamically fix it up before passing it on to the compiler.
Something similar could be done when it's loading up the intellisense data.
I have no idea how this could be worked for existing functions, no massive change like this should be taken lightly, but, for new functions using a new syntax, it shouldn't be a problem.
namespace StringExt
std::string MyFunc(this std::string source);
That can be used by itself, or as a member of std::string, and the IDE can handle all the grunt work.
Of course, this still leaves the problem of methods being spread out over various headers, which could be solved in various ways.
Some sort of extension header: string_ext which could include common methods.
That's a tougher issue to solve without causing issues...
If you want to extend the methods available to act on string, I would extend it by creating a class that has static methods that take the standard string as a parameter.
That way, people are free to use your utilities, but don't need to change the signatures of their functions to take a new class.
This breaks the object-oriented model a little, but makes the code much more robust - i.e. if you change your string class, then it doesn't have as much impact on other code.
Follow the recommended guidelines, they are there for a reason :)
The best way is to use templated free functions. The next best is private inheritance struct extended_str : private string, which happens to get easier in C++0x by the way as you can using constructors. Private inheritance is too much trouble and too risky just to add some algorithms. What you are doing is too risky for anything.
You've just introduced a nontrivial data structure to accomplish a change in code punctuation. You have to manually create and destroy a Box for each string, and you still need to distinguish your methods from the native ones. You will quickly get tired of this convention.

C++ static initialization order

When I use static variables in C++, I often end up wanting to initialize one variable passing another to its constructor. In other words, I want to create static instances that depend on each other.
Within a single .cpp or .h file this is not a problem: the instances will be created in the order they are declared. However, when you want to initialize a static instance with an instance in another compilation unit, the order seems impossible to specify. The result is that, depending on the weather, it can happen that the instance that depends on another is constructed, and only afterwards the other instance is constructed. The result is that the first instance is initialized incorrectly.
Does anyone know how to ensure that static objects are created in the correct order? I have searched a long time for a solution, trying all of them (including the Schwarz Counter solution), but I begin to doubt there is one that really works.
One possibility is the trick with the static function member:
Type& globalObject()
static Type theOneAndOnlyInstance;
return theOneAndOnlyInstance;
Indeed, this does work. Regrettably, you have to write globalObject().MemberFunction(), instead of globalObject.MemberFunction(), resulting in somewhat confusing and inelegant client code.
Update: Thank you for your reactions. Regrettably, it indeed seems like I have answered my own question. I guess I'll have to learn to live with it...
You have answered your own question. Static initialization order is undefined, and the most elegant way around it (while still doing static initialization i.e. not refactoring it away completely) is to wrap the initialization in a function.
Read the C++ FAQ items starting from
Maybe you should reconsider whether you need so many global static variables. While they can sometimes be useful, often it's much simpler to refactor them to a smaller local scope, especially if you find that some static variables depend on others.
But you're right, there's no way to ensure a particular order of initialization, and so if your heart is set on it, keeping the initialization in a function, like you mentioned, is probably the simplest way.
Most compilers (linkers) actually do support a (non-portable) way of specifying the order. For example, with visual studio you can use the init_seg pragma to arrange the initialization into several different groups. AFAIK there is no way to guarantee order WITHIN each group. Since this is non-portable you may want to consider if you can fix your design to not require it, but the option is out there.
Indeed, this does work. Regrettably, you have to write globalObject().MemberFunction(), instead of globalObject.MemberFunction(), resulting in somewhat confusing and inelegant client code.
But the most important thing is that it works, and that it is failure proof, ie. it is not easy to bypass the correct usage.
Program correctness should be your first priority. Also, IMHO, the () above is purely stylistic - ie. completely unimportant.
Depending on your platform, be careful of too much dynamic initialization. There is a relatively small amount of clean up that can take place for dynamic initializers (see here). You can solve this problem using a global object container that contains members different global objects. You therefore have:
Globals & getGlobals ()
static Globals cache;
return cache;
There is only one call to ~Globals() in order to clean up for all global objects in your program. In order to access a global you still have something like:
getGlobals().configuration.memberFunction ();
If you really wanted you could wrap this in a macro to save a tiny bit of typing using a macro:
#define GLOBAL(X) getGlobals().#X
GLOBAL(object).memberFunction ();
Although, this is just syntactic sugar on your initial solution.
dispite the age of this thread, I would like to propose the solution I've found.
As many have pointed out before of me, C++ doesn't provide any mechanism for static initialization ordering. What I propose is to encapsule each static member inside a static method of the class that in turn initialize the member and provide an access in an object-oriented fashion.
Let me give you an example, supposing we want to define the class named "Math" which, among the other members, contains "PI":
class Math {
static const float Pi() {
static const float s_PI = 3.14f;
return s_PI;
s_PI will be initialized the first time Pi() method is invoked (in GCC). Be aware: the local objects with static storage have an implementation dependent lifecyle, for further detail check 6.7.4 in 2.
Static keyword, C++ Standard
Wrapping the static in a method will fix the order problem, but it isn't thread safe as others have pointed out but you can do this to also make it thread if that is a concern.
// File scope static pointer is thread safe and is initialized first.
static Type * theOneAndOnlyInstance = 0;
Type& globalObject()
if(theOneAndOnlyInstance == 0)
// Put mutex lock here for thread safety
theOneAndOnlyInstance = new Type();
return *theOneAndOnlyInstance;