Does AWS CloudFormation have an equivalent Terraform destroy command - amazon-web-services

Having deployed an application using Amazons AWS SAM framework (CloudFormation under the hood) I would now like to destroy all the resources it has created.
This is easy enough to do had I been using Terraform with the Terraform destroy command. Is there an equivalent command using AWS SAM or even CloudFormation?
Thanks in adv.
Michael McD.

You can delete the cloudformation stack (and therefore all resources contained within it) either through the cli ( or through the console (


SAM/Serverless/CodeBuild clarification

I am hoping for some clarification around some terms I have been seeing on the web as it pertains to AWS and specifically lambdas. For starters, I would like the know how the commands sam build/deploy work versus setting up a CodeBuild job. Do I need a CodeBuild job to run those commands? What files specifically does the sam deploy command look for? Does it look for serverless.yml or template.yml or both? What is a sam.yml file or are they antiquated?
I have an app with a CodeBuild pipeline for a lambda, but I am expanding my repo to contain multiple lambdas and thinking about putting a serverless.yml file in each lambda directory, but I don't want to create a CodeBuild job and buildspec for each one. I assume sam deploy searches for all template.yml and serverless.yml files and constructs your stack as a whole (and updates only what needs to be updated?)
App is in Node if curious using API Gateway. Any insight would be appreciated.
I will try to give brief answers:
What does sam deploy do: It will zip the code and create cloudformation yaml file into .aws-sam folder and run cloudformation deploy.
Do we need CodeBuild to run same deploy: We still need some server to run sam deploy or build with node installed, which could be a local machine or remote server or a CodeBuild environment.
Do we need multiple templates? All Lambdas can be created in single template. But there is limit of 150 resources in cloudformation. if we have too many functions and APIs in single template, we will easily hit that limit. Each api might get converted into multiple cloud-formation resources. ex: 1 lambda function can be iam roles, cloudwatch logs, api routes, methods, integration, event source, etc.
Does sam deploy always looks for template.yaml By default yes, but can be easily overridden by passing --template-file sam deploy --template-file template-x.yml
Only changed resources are updated? Cloudformation update-stack updates only the resources that are changed.

Purpose and scope of AWS CDK bootstrap stack?

The docs on AWS CDK boostrapping state of the cdk bootstrap command:
cdk bootstrap
Deploys a CDKToolkit CloudFormation stack into the specified environment(s), that provides an S3 bucket that cdk deploy will use to store synthesized templates and the related assets, before triggering a CloudFormation stack update. The name of the deployed stack can be configured using the --toolkit-stack-name argument.
$ # Deploys to all environments
$ cdk bootstrap --app='node bin/main.js'
$ # Deploys only to environments foo and bar
$ cdk bootstrap --app='node bin/main.js' foo bar
However, how often does CDK need to be bootstrapped? Is it:
once for each AWS account?
once for each application in each AWS account?
once for each application in each AWS account that requires assets?
something else?
cdk bootstrap is a tool in the AWS CDK command-line interface
responsible for populating a given environment (that is, a combination
of AWS account and region) with resources required by the CDK to
perform deployments into that environment.
When you run cdk bootstrap cdk deploys the CDK toolkit stack into an AWS environment.
The bootstrap command creates a CloudFormation stack in the environment passed on the command line. Currently, the only resource in that stack is An S3 bucket that holds the file assets and the resulting CloudFormation template to deploy.
cdk bootstrap command is running one time per account/ region.
Simple scenario to sum-up:
Run cdk bootstrap - create a new s3 bucket, IAM roles, etc.
Run cdk deploy - to deploy your stack for the first time, new template added to bootstrap s3 bucket.
Apply any change to cdk stack.
Run cdk diff - to view differences -
Behind the scenes, CDK generates the new template and compare it with the CDK template that exists in the bootstrap bucket.
More about cdk bootstrap.

AWS CodePipeline, CodeDeploy, SAM and Lambda: how to (inter)connect those?

I'm a kind of lost in the documentation.
I want to push Python code to a repo and use CodePipeline to deploy Lambdas.
I have CodeCommit repo, CodePipeline - so far this works and I can create/update CF stack to create supplementary resources.
I know AWS SAM can be used to deploy the functions using CF tpl, but how can I connect SAM with CodePipeline/CodeDeploy? The code should be taken from a 'source' pipeline action then deployed as lambda function.
If SAM isn't the best automated solution here then what should I use instead? Pipeline is the key requirement so we don't have to run something like aws cf update-stack manually, just push the code.
CodePipeline doesn't support deploying Lambda through CodeDeploy, so the approach is to use a CodeBuild Build action to generate an change set from the SAM template and feed it into a CloudFormation Deploy action. You can find a detailed instruction in the following doc.
If you use SAM to deploy Lambdas, CodeDeploy is automatically used. For reference:
Gradual Code Deployment
Safe Lambda deployments

How to re-use codepipeline to deploy different lambdas without replacing an existing lambda

I followed this tutorial to set up cross account deployments of our lambdas using Cloudformation as my automation tool.
I'm using the pipeline in this repo: (pipeline starts at line 207) and the pipeline in question is in the ToolsAccount/ directory;
I am able to successfully deploy the first lambda; however, any subsequent deployment replaces the old lambda but I want to have lambda_1 and lambda_2 both present in the console not just the latest one.
To deploy the second lambda, out of all 6 steps from the tutorial, I rerun step 4 and 5 of the tutorial like below:
4.In the Tools account, which hosts AWS CodePipeline, execute this CloudFormation template. This creates a pipeline, but does not add permissions for the cross accounts (Dev, Test, and Prod)
aws cloudformation deploy --stack-name sample-lambda-pipeline \
--template-file ToolsAcct/code-pipeline.yaml \
--parameter-overrides DevAccount=ENTER_DEV_ACCT TestAccount=ENTER_TEST_ACCT \
S3Bucket=FROM_1st_STEP--capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM
5.In the Tools account, execute this CloudFormation template, which give access to the role created in step 4. This role will be assumed by AWS CodeBuild to decrypt artifacts in the S3 bucket. This is the same template that was used in step 1, but with different parameters.
aws cloudformation deploy --stack-name pre-reqs \
--template-file ToolsAcct/pre-reqs.yaml \
--parameter-overrides CodeBuildCondition=true
After running both of these steps to deploy the second lambda, it successfully deploys it but replaces the other lambda that was already deployed earlier in the console. *
How can I keep the existing lambda while deploying new ones and
have all lambdas present in the console and not just the latest one
that was deployed?
My guess would be that by rerunning step 4 and 5, I'm creating a changeset of the previously deployed lambda and thus it will keep replacing the old lambda in the console.
If my guess is correct, then how can I re-use the same pipeline but deploy different lambdas with it without replacing the previously deployed lambdas?
Is there an attribute of the cloudformation pipeline resource that I'm
It sounds like you're trying to use a single pipeline to deploy multiple different independent services / projects. This will cause problems when you "switch" projects because the template won't contain resources from the other project and therefore CloudFormation will think these resources need to be removed.
You can either:
Add all the lambda functions together in a single template
Setup a separate pipeline per set of functions

Amazon Web Services: NoCredentialsError: Unable to locate credentials

I am using amazon web services cli. I use a makefile to to build my lambda project and upload it to aws lambda. I am on a windows machine and using powershell to call make.
I try to delete my lambda function with the following lines
AWS_PATH = /cygdrive/c/Users/TestBox/AppData/Roaming/Python/Scripts/aws
AWS_WIN_PATH = $(shell cygpath -aw ${AWS_PATH})
AWS_REGION = eu-west-2
$(AWS_WIN_PATH) lambda delete-function --function-name LambdaTest --region $(AWS_REGION) --debug
I get this error..
NoCredentialsError: Unable to locate credentials
Unable to locate credentials. You can configure credentials by running "aws configure".
Running aws configure list prints out a valid default profile.
I think the problem is because i am using gnu make installed by cygwin on a windows machine. Using powershell to call make.
So the path to credentials looks like this "cygdrive/c/users/testbox/.aws/credentials" instead "c:\users\\credentials", when ~/.aws/credentials is evaluated by aws. I think :)
I had the same problem with the path to aws itself and had to use $(shell cygpath -aw ${AWS_PATH}) to convert it to a path windows python could use.
Is there any way to pass the credentials directly to the lambda delete-function or indirectly through a path to a file? I cant seem to think of a way because the code that searches for the credentials is internal to botocore.
Is there a way around this that you know off?
Alternative solution, consider using AWS SAM templates
Use AWS SAM templates to deploy your Lambda functions and AWS resources using CloudFormation.
Edit your SAM template and define your AWS resources. For example, define Lambda functions/path to your code.
aws cloudformation package to package and upload your local code to S3.
aws cloudformation deploy to provision and update AWS resources with the updated code on S3.
This would work in CMD/Powershell without the make hassle. You will also have the benefit of having your resources versioned as code and you won't need to worry about tracking or adding new AWS APIs in your make file.
More complex serverless frameworks for reference:
AWS Chalice
Django/Flask + Lambda
Cross cloud serverless solution