How can I solve the directory problem of cplex in eclipse? - c++

[enter image description here][1]I'm developing a c++ code on eclipse and i need cplex.
#include "ilcplex/ilocplex.h".
I have made this passages:
- project\properties\C/C++ built\Settings\GCC C++ compiler\Includes:
"C:\Program Files\IBM\ILOG\CPLEX_Studio126\cplex\include"
-project\properties\C/C++ built\Settings\MinGW C++ Linker\libraries:
"C:\Program Files\IBM\ILOG\CPLEX_Studio126\cplex\include\ilcplex"
and the library seems to be ok, since if i use f3 it works.
Despite this, it continues to give me this message:
fatal error: ilcplex/ilocplex.h no such file or directory.
I have tried to follow the instructions of the other similar posts, but nothing changed.
Can you please help me?

Even if you fix the error you are getting now, using CPLEX with gcc on Windows is not something that is supported, and it's likely you'll just run into another error. If you look at the detailed system requirements for CPLEX on Windows, you will see that Visual Studio 2015 or Visual Studio 2017 is required. You should take a look at the c_cpp.html file that gets installed with CPLEX for instructions on how to set up the Visual Studio environment when working with C/C++ projects.


How to fix error with SFML ln VS 2017?

Hi i followed this video to set-up VS2017 for sfml using.
Youtube Video
I did what he says but when i debug project i get this error:
Error MSB6006 "CL.exe" exited with code -1073741515.
I find out on google that this is some sort of compiler error but not how to fix this. Can someone help me or point me to answer?
I'm using Visual Studio 2017 and i downloaded SFML: Visual C++ 14 (2015) - 32-bit
Indeed, you compiler crashed. The status code -1073741515 translates to 0xC0000135 which in turn translates to STATUS_DLL_NOT_FOUND. That is bad. That is not about the SFML dlls, but a library Visual Studio itself uses. Something is very wrong with your Visual Studio installation.
Chances are you will get the same error without using SFML.
I don't know what the tutorial did and I'm not going to watch a video to find out. Your best chance is to do a clean reinstall of your Visual Studio installation and then follow the official guide from the SFML homepage. That works.

Visual Studio 2013 OpenCL header file not found error [duplicate]

I am currently using Intel's OpenCL SDK platform for heterogeneous parallel programming (OpenCL). I am using Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate for this. My system doesn't have any GPU in it. I have worked on CUDA SDK platform for opencl programming. This the first time I am using Intel's OpenCL SDK for opencl programming.
I have tried some basic platform, device, context identifying/creating/defining codes from 'OpenCL in Action' book. They all worked fine. So we can consider that visual studio is properly configured.
Now, I am trying to build a 'Hello World' program in visual studio which gives me following error:
Error MSB3721: The command ""C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\OpenCL SDK\3.0\bin\x86\ioc32.exe" -cmd=build -input="E:\Menu\Google\programs\1code\feb\10feb2014\OpenCL\OpenCL\" -output="Debug\hello.out" -VS -device=CPU -simd=default -bo=" "" exited with code -1073741511. C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\BuildCustomizations\IntelOpenCL.targetS
Now my questions are:
What is the significance of this 'Error MSB3721'?
Is this a programming related error or something is wrong with the 'OpenCL + Visual Studio' configuration?
I am trying to be as specific as possible in this question. Let me know if I have not providing enough information and help me out. I really appreciate your concern.
I don't know what it is, but i had the same problem when there was some *.cl file in my project. Just remove it from project (not from disk)! Anyway you will be able to read your source from this *.cl file, but when this file presents in project it causes en error. I don't know why.
I think the cause of the error is Intel codebuilder configuration or infinite loop in .cl file.
Please check if your error can be resolved by below two changes.
If you build your project as the Codebuilder project (e.g. Empty Opencl Project for Windows),
1-1. Right click your project and select properties
1-2. Select OpenCL Code Builder tab
1-3. If your device is configured as Intel(R) CPU (-device=CPU), then change it to your GPU device (e.g. Intel(R) Graphics (-device=GPU) in my case)
If you face the same error, then check if your .cl file contains the infinite loop such as while(1) or for(;;)
I've got the same error. Changing solution platform from x32 to x64 fixed it (I've got x64 machine).

Unable to debug c++ code in Visual Studio Code

I've just installed Visual Studio Code v1.7.1 to write my c++ code in for my degree. My programming level is pretty basic, but I like what I've seen of VS Code so far, save for the fact that I've no idea how to debug or build my code.
I've looked at a few questions on the topic, such as: How do I set up VSCode to compile C++ code?
and have tried implementing some of these into the tasks.json file, including the make command and the g++ command, but when I try and execute it I get the error:
'make' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
or something similar. When I try running the debugger, it tells me to set up the launch.json file, so I entered the path of my file where it says 'program' as the instructions imply, I get the error
Unknown Error: 0x800700c1
I'm just looking for the simplest option that will allow me to write and debug code in vs code, in a manner similar to using the full version of visual studio, but without the heavy project filing system or the 10 minute loading times. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
What I deduce from your question and the comments is that you have no actual C++ compiler/buildchain installed. There are multiple compilers available (like minGW, GCC).
However, what Microsoft recommends is the following:
Installing C/C++ build tools
To obtain your set of C/C++ compilers on Windows you can grab the Visual C++ build tools SKU. By default these tools are installed at ‘C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual C++ Build Tools’.
I have not tested, nor ever worked with the Visual C++ compiler, but it's probably the easiest way to get started right away.

Building OpenCV 3.0.0's DLLs for Visual Studio 2015 with Cmake

Following the instructions here:
I setup an OpenCV project in VS 2015 Community and used the pre-built libraries. It works until I get this message:
"MSVCP120D.dll is missing from your computer"
From doing some searching I gathered this means that the pre-build libraries are only supposed to be used with an older version of VS so I figured I'd just compile them myself using this:
While it appears to compile properly and despite flagging "BUILD_SHARED_LIBS" I can't find any DLL files in the output - just a lot of VS solutions:
Would someone be able to give me some advice on how to generate the DLLs?
I'm a beginner at this stuff. I've since learned a lot about Visual Studio, about CMake and about OpenCV. Got it all working now, took me a day or two.
It turns out you have to compile the openCV library from git repository in order to be compatible with Visual Studio (VS14) 2015. As of this date, no go on pre-compiled version supporting VS14.
I've organized what I've learned, placed it online here in case anybody else has the same frustrations. Its pretty detailed, too much content to post here.
VS2015 uses MSVCP140.dll, I think your error message is about a redistributable package of VS2013.
And try BUILD_SHARED_LIBS as on/off.

When compiling makefile project in Visual Studio Express 2012, the .exe does not work in Windows Server 2003

As an extension on one of my earlier projects that required printing PDF files from command line, I now need to print them duplex.
Therefore I have found an open source piece of software called SumatraPDF and added a patch using Visual Studio Express 2012 that enables duplex settings in command line and compiled. This software works completely on Windows 7 64bit however on Windows Server 2003 64bit it returns an error message:
C:\Program Files (x86)\SumatraPDF\SumatraPDF.exe is not a valid Win32 application.
I have found examples on the internet of others having this issue when compiling applications using VSE2012 and have tried to follow the advice given. This being to change the project platform to Windows XP (v110_xp) after installing VS Service Pack 3, however to do this I would have to change the project configuration type from Makefile to Application (.exe) and after testing this causes errors during compilation.
I have now also implemented #Hans advice with the same result.
If anyone can help I would be most appreciative.
NB - I have looked at other questions regarding this subject and did not feel any supplied me with a solution, apologies if I have overlooked it.