I need a regex result that does not include the substring at the beginning and end of the matched pattern - regex

I have a pattern I need to match that's always a date "_YYYYMMDD.". However, I don't want to include the "_" and the "." in the result. I have a regex pattern that successfully match above. Its too complicated to include here because I would have to write by hand and would mess it up.
Suffice it to say I have a pattern:
[_](lots of stuff in the middle)[.]
It works fine but I don't want to include the "_" and "."
Any answers are greatly appreciated. Thanks!

For matching underscore and dot with the pattern and not including it in the full matching text, you will need to use lookarounds in the regex pattern. Following regex will match date preceded by _ and followed by .
Regex Demo
Additionally, if you want to capture the year, month and date part into their own capture groups, you can use this regex and capture year part from group1, month from group2 and date from group3,
Demo with different parts of date into their own groups

Easiest way would be to slice the first and last characters off the result. You can do it either by string length:
(or result="${result:1:8}" since the length will be constant)
Or by specific character:


RegEx to match all sets of items that have part of specific value

I'm trying to use RegEx to filter all sets of items that have part of a specific value in a capture group that I have defined.
I have to check if the fifth capture group contains at least part of a specific text.
My string:
First Item;Second Item;Third Item;Fourth Item;First Word;Sixth
Item?First Item;Second Item;Third Item;Fourth Item;Second Word;Sixth
Item?First Item;Second Item;Third Item;Fourth Item;Can't Capture This
Set;Sixth Item
RegEx that works for exact word:
(?:^|\?)([^;]+);([^;]+);([^;]+);([^;]+);(Second Word);([^;\?$]+)
The problem is that I need this RegEx to work to capture only part of the word.
Not Working:
(?:^|\?)([^;]+);([^;]+);([^;]+);([^;]+);(.*Word.*);([^;\?$]+) >
Use [^;]* instead of .* because you have semi-colons as field delimiters:
See proof. ([^;]*Word[^;]*) will match zero or more characters other than semi-colons, then a Word and zero or more characters other than semi-colons.

Regex: grab the string that begins after a certain string and ends when it hits any other character

I am trying to use Regex to grab a substring of a large string.
The overall string has certain text, 'cow/', then any number of characters or spaces that are not digits. The first digit hit is the start of the desired substring I want.
This desired substring consists of only digits and periods, the first character or space seen that is not a digit or period indicates the end of the desired substring.
For example:
'cow/ a12.34 -123'
The desired substring is '12.34'.
So far I have this regex that partially works (I think the '| .' is not entirely correct):
(?<=([A-z]|[0-9])/\s*).?(?=\s[^0-9 |.])
Thanks in advance.
This should be easy to achieve by relying on capturing groups:
The group will contain the text that you want to extract, in Java group(index), in C# with Groups[index]. Other languages provide similar features.
Don't try to solve everything inside the regular expression, but leverage the power of your runtime :)
Edit after comment on the OP:
Azure Kusto has the extract(regex, captureGroup, text [, typeLiteral]) function to extract groups from regular expression matches:
extract("cow/[^0-9]*([0-9.]+)", 1, "cow/ a12.34 -123") == "12.34";
The argument 1 tells Kusto to extract the first capturing group (the expression inside the parentheses).

How to match a string until a certain pattern (Python 3.8)

I got a small problem with my regex.
I want to pare a p-list file to get a unix (10 digis) timestamp plus everything until a certain pattern after the timestamp. My current pattern looks like that:
I want to match the timestamp and everything between the timestamp and the certain pattern ',.
This is a snipped of the string, out of the p-list:
'$class': UID(23)}, 1572871204, 'I need this one', {'dictionary': UID(34)
I want to get:
1573078965, 'I need this one'
It would be ideal if I get the timestamp as a submatch and the string as another submatch.
Thank you very much!
Between the positive lookahead, you could add another capturing group matching not a comma or ' using a negated character class ([^,']+).
But as you are matching the comma before as well, you can omit the lookahead and match the comma afterwards instead.
For example
Regex demo

Regular Expression Replace Time Value between Date-Time Format

I have an XML file with date-time formats looking like this:
and this
and so on, where the time value is 23:54:00.000 and 14:22:00.001.
How do I replace just the time value between the <published></published> tags with regular expressions? For example, I want to replace both time values with 03:00:00.000 so the first example becomes
My aim is to use any existing tools/apps Notepad++ or websites since it is much faster, not any specific programming languages.
First, the obligatory warning to not try to parse xml/html with regex. It's fine if this is a once-off reformatting task and you have control over the data. A regex solution will not be very robust...
That out of the way, you will need a tool that can handle capture groups with regex, so you can match on the whole published tag and avoid false positives. A regex like this might do the trick (adjust the capture grouping as appropriate for your tool):
Note that the above is a regex in PCRE format - demo on regex101. You may need to adjust to suit the format your tool uses.
In this regex, there are two capture groups, one before and one after the time you want to replace. An example string that you could use in the replace field of your chosen tool would be: \103:00:00.000\2 (using \1 syntax for backreferences).
Try this regex:
Click for Demo
Replace each match with \103:00:00.000\2 i.e. Group 1 contents followed by 03:00:00.000 followed by Group 2 contents.
(<published>\d{4}(?:-\d{2}){2}T) - matches <published> followed by 4 digits followed by - followed by 2 digits followed by - followed by 2 digits followed by the letter T. This sub-match is captured in Group 1
\d{2}(?::\d{2}){2}\.\d{3} - matches time of the format XX:XX:XX.XXX where X is a digit.
([^<]*<\/published>) - matches 0+ occurrences of any character that is not a < followed by </published>. This sub-match is captured in Group 2.
Before Replace:
After Replace:

Capture number between two whitespaces (RegEx)

I have the following data:
SOMEDATA .test 01/45/12 2.50 THIS IS DATA
and I want to extract the number 2.50 out of this. I have managed to do this with the following RegEx:
(?<=\d{2}\/\d{2}\/\d{2} )\d+.\d+
However that doesn't work for input like this:
SOMEDATA .test 01/45/12 2500 THIS IS DATA
In this case, I want to extract the number 2500.
I can't seem to figure out a regex rule for that. Is there a way to extract something between two spaces ? So extract the text/number after the date until the next whitespace ? All I know is that the date will always have the same format and there will always be a space after the text and then a space after the number I want to extract.
Can someone help me out on this ?
Capture number between two whitespaces
A whitespace is matched with \s, and non-whitespace with \S.
So, what you can use is:
\d{2}\/\d{2}\/\d{2} +(\S+)
See the regex demo
The 1+ non-whitespace symbols are captured into Group 1.
If - for some reason - you need to only get the value as a whole match, use your lookbehind approach:
(?<=\d{2}\/\d{2}\/\d{2} )\S+
Or - if you are using PCRE - you may leverage the match reset operator \K:
\d{2}\/\d{2}\/\d{2} +\K\S+
See another demo
NOTE: the \K and a capture group approaches allow 1 or more spaces after the date and are thus more flexible.
I see some people helped you already, but if you would want an alternative working one for some reason, here's what works too :)
.+ \d+\/\d+\/\d+ (\d+[\.\d]*)
So the .+ matches anything plus the first space
then the \d+/\d+/\d+ is the date parsing plus a space
the capturing group is the number, as you can see I made the last part optional, so both floating point values and normal values can be matched. Hope this helped!
Proof: https://regex101.com/r/fY3nJ2/1
Just make the fractal part optional:
(?<=\d{2}\/\d{2}\/\d{2} )\d+(?:\.\d+)?
Demo: https://regex101.com/r/jH3pU7/1
Update following clarifications in comments:
To match anything (but space) surrounded by spaces and prepended by date use:
(?<=\d{2}\/\d{2}\/\d{2} )\S+
Demo: https://regex101.com/r/jH3pU7/3
Rather than capture, you can make your entire match be the target text by using a look behind:
(?<=\d\d(\/\d\d){2} )\S+
This matches the first series of non-whitespace that follows a "date like" part.
Note also the reduction in the length of the "date like" pattern. You may consider using this part of the regex in whatever solution you use.