How to provide different interfaces to an object (optimally) - c++

I need a way to provide different interfaces from a single object.
For example. User one should be able to call Foo::bar() and user 2 should be able to call Foo::baz() but user one cannot call Foo::baz() and respectively user two cannot call Foo::bar().
I did manage to do this but I don't think that it's optimal.
class A
virtual void bar() = 0;
virtual ~A() = 0;
class B
virtual void baz() = 0;
virtual ~B() = 0;
class Foo : public A, public B
Foo() = default;
void baz() override;
void bar() override;
class Factory
foo = std::make_shared<Foo>();
std::shared_ptr<A> getUserOne()
return foo;
std::shared_ptr<B> getUserTwo()
return foo;
std::shared_ptr<Foo> foo;
Is there a better way to achieve this. Maybe with wrapper objects. I don't really need to allocate this foo object with new(std::make_shared) I even prefer not to, but I cannot use raw pointers and smart pointers give unnecessary overhead and system calls.
Edit: I'll try to give an example.
There is a car. User one is the driver. He can steer the wheel, accelerate or use the breaks. User two is the passenger and he can control the radio for example.
I don't want the passenger to be able to use the breaks or the driver to be able to use the radio.
Also they are both in the car so the actions of user one will have effect on user two and vice versa.

What you essentially need is a shared data between two objects. The inheritance is not a very good choice for this because not only you do not need is A relationship but you explicitely want to avoid it. Therefore composition is your answer, especially since you have a factory:
class Data
void bar();
void baz();
Then instead of inheritance you would use composition:
class A
A(Base *base) : mBase(base) {}
void bar() { mBase->bar(); }
Base *mBase = nullptr;
//class B would be the same only doing baz()
Finally the Factory:
class Factory
A *getUserOne() { return &mA; }
B *getUserTwo() { return &mB; }
Base mBase;
A mA(&mBase);
B mB(&mBase);
Couple of points about this solution. While it does not allocate on the heap you will need to keep the Factory alive as long as there are users of it. For this reason the use of std::shared_ptr as in the OP might be a smart idea. :-) But comes of course with the cost of the atomic reference counting.
Secondly A is not related to B in any way. This is by design and unlike the original solution does not allow dynamic_cast between A and B.
Lastly where the implementation will be is up to you. You can have it all in Data and have A and B merely call it (as in above) but you can also make Data into just a struct holding only your data and have the implementation of your methods in A and B respectively. The latter is more "data oriented" programming that has a lots of popularity these days as opposed to more traditional "object oriented" which is what I chose to demonstrate.

You can declare your data separately
struct Data
/* member variables */
Have an interface class capable of manipulating said data will all members protected
class Interface
Interface(Data &data) : m_data{data} {}
void bar() { /* implementation */ }
void baz() { /* implementation */ }
Data &m_data;
Have derived classed that make public specific members
class A : private Interface
A(Data &data) : Interface{data} {}
using Interface::bar;
class B : private Interface
B(Data &data) : Interface{data} {}
using Interface::baz;
This way you can also have users capable of having overlapping access to some functionality without having to implement it multiple times.
class Admin : private Interface
Admin(Data &data) : Interface{data} {}
using Interface::bar;
using Interface::baz;
Of course, depending on how you're using the data, you might want a pointer or shared pointer, possibly add some syncronization between accesses from multiple threads.
Sample code using this model:
void test()
Data d{};
auto a = A{d};;
// a.baz is protected so illegal to call here
auto b = B{d};
// is protected so illegal to call here
auto admin = Admin{d};;
This seems to me efficient in the sense that you only have one set of data and a single implementation for data manipulation, no matter how many user types you have.


Grouping two types together

I use a third party library over which I have no control. It contains 2 classes A and B, which both define a method with the same name:
class A {
void my_method ();
class B {
void my_method ();
I want to create a class C that contains a member which is of class A or B. Crucially, I can know only at runtime whether I will need A or B. This class C will only call the method my_method.
If I could modify the code, I would simply make A and B derive from a parent class (interface) that defined my_method. But I can't.
What is the simplest/most elegant way to create this class C? I could of course define C in this way:
class C {
void call_my_method() { if (a) a->my_method() else b->my_method(); }
A* a;
B* b;
But I want to avoid paying the cost of the if statement everytime. It also feels inelegant. Is there a way I can create a super type of class A or B? Or any other solution to this problem?
You may use std::function (not sure it has better performance though), something like:
class C {
void call_my_method() { my_method(); }
void use_a(A* a) { my_method = [=]() { a->my_method() }; }
void use_b(B* b) { my_method = [=]() { b->my_method() }; }
std::function<void()> my_method;
No; at some point you need branching. The best you can do is to hoist the branching up/down the call stack†, so that more of your program is encapsulated within the figurative if/else construct and the branch itself need be performed less frequently. Of course then you need to duplicate more of your program's source code, which is not ideal.
The only improvement I'd suggest at this time is a construct such as boost::variant. It basically does what you're already doing, but takes up less memory and doesn't have that layer of indirection (using what's called a tagged union instead). It still needs to branch on access, but until profiling has revealed that this is a big bottleneck (and you'll probably find that branch prediction alleviates much of this risk) I wouldn't go any further with your changes.&ddagger;
† I can never remember which way it goes lol
&ddagger; One such change might be to conditionally initialise a function pointer (or modern std::function), then call the function each time. However, that's a lot of indirection. You should profile, but I'd expect it to be slower and harder on the caches. An OO purist might recommend a polymorphic inheritance tree and virtual dispatch, but that's not going to be of any use to you once you care about performance this much.
How about using inheritance with a virtual function, using a 'base class' (C):
class C
virtual void do_method() = 0;
class D : public C, private A
void do_method() { my_method(); }
class E : public C, private B
void do_method() { my_method(); }
Then this will work:
C * d = new D();
Suggest to wrap your A and B objects into some helper template TProxy which realizes IProxy interface. Class C (or Consumer) will work with IProxy interface and won't know about type of the object inside Proxy
#include <stdio.h>
struct A {
void func () { printf("A::func\n"); }
struct B {
void func () { printf("B::func\n"); }
struct IProxy
virtual void doFunc() = 0;
virtual ~IProxy() {};
template<typename T>
struct TProxy : public IProxy
TProxy(T& i_obj) : m_obj(i_obj) { }
virtual void doFunc() override { m_obj.func(); }
T& m_obj;
class Consumer
Consumer(IProxy& i_proxy) : m_proxy(i_proxy) {}
void Func() { m_proxy.doFunc();}
IProxy& m_proxy;
int main()
A a;
TProxy<A> aProxy(a);
B b;
TProxy<B> bProxy(b);
Consumer consumerA{aProxy};
Consumer consumerB{bProxy};
return 0;

oop - C++ - Proper way to implement type-specific behavior?

Let's say I have a parent class, Arbitrary, and two child classes, Foo and Bar. I'm trying to implement a function to insert any Arbitrary object into a database, however, since the child classes contain data specific to those classes, I need to perform slightly different operations depending on the type.
Coming into C++ from Java/C#, my first instinct was to have a function that takes the parent as the parameter use something like instanceof and some if statements to handle child-class-specific behavior.
void someClass(Arbitrary obj){
obj.doSomething(); //a member function from the parent class
//more operations based on parent class
if(obj instanceof Foo){
//do Foo specific stuff
if(obj instanceof Bar){
//do Bar specific stuff
However, after looking into how to implement this in C++, the general consensus seemed to be that this is poor design.
If you have to use instanceof, there is, in most cases, something wrong with your design. – mslot
I considered the possibility of overloading the function with each type, but that would seemingly lead to code duplication. And, I would still end up needing to handle the child-specific behavior in the parent class, so that wouldn't solve the problem anyway.
So, my question is, what's the better way of performing operations that where all parent and child classes should be accepted as input, but in which behavior is dictated by the object type?
First, you want to take your Arbitrary by pointer or reference, otherwise you will slice off the derived class. Next, sounds like a case of a virtual method.
void someClass(Arbitrary* obj) {
class Arbitrary {
virtual ~Arbitrary();
virtual void insertIntoDB() = 0;
So that the subclasses can provide specific overrides:
class Foo : public Arbitrary {
void insertIntoDB() override
// ^^^ if C++11
// do Foo-specific insertion here
Now there might be some common functionality in this insertion between Foo and Bar... so you should put that as a protected method in Arbitrary. protected so that both Foo and Bar have access to it but someClass() doesn't.
In my opinion, if at any place you need to write
if( is_instance_of(Derived1) )
//do something
else if ( is_instance_of(Derived2) )
//do somthing else
then it's as sign of bad design. First and most straight forward issue is that of "Maintainence". You have to take care in case further derivation happens. However, sometimes it's necessary. for e.g if your all classes are part of some library. In other cases you should avoid this coding as far as possible.
Most often you can remove the need to check for specific instance by introducing some new classes in the hierarchy. For e.g :-
class BankAccount {};
class SavingAccount : public BankAccount { void creditInterest(); };
class CheckingAccount : public BankAccount { void creditInterest(): };
In this case, there seems to be a need for if/else statement to check for actual object as there is no corresponsing creditInterest() in BanAccount class. However, indroducing a new class could obviate the need for that checking.
class BankAccount {};
class InterestBearingAccount : public BankAccount { void creditInterest(): } {};
class SavingAccount : public InterestBearingAccount { void creditInterest(): };
class CheckingAccount : public InterestBearingAccount { void creditInterest(): };
The issue here is that this will arguably violate SOLID design principles, given that any extension in the number of mapped classes would require new branches in the if statement, otherwise the existing dispatch method will fail (it won't work with any subclass, just those it knows about).
What you are describing looks well suited to inheritance polymorphicism - each of Arbitrary (base), Foo and Bar can take on the concerns of its own fields.
There is likely to be some common database plumbing which can be DRY'd up the base method.
class Arbitrary { // Your base class
virtual void mapFields(DbCommand& dbCommand) {
// Map the base fields here
void saveToDatabase() { // External caller invokes this on any subclass
DbCommand& command = createDbCommand();
mapFields(command); // Polymorphic call
class Foo : public Arbitrary {
protected: // Hide implementation external parties
virtual void mapFields(DbCommand& dbCommand) {
// Map Foo specific fields here
class Bar : public Arbitrary {
virtual void mapFields(DbCommand& dbCommand) {
// Map Bar specific fields here
If the base class, Arbitrary itself cannot exist in isolation, it should also be marked as abstract.
As StuartLC pointed out, the current design violates the SOLID principles. However, both his answer and Barry's answer has strong coupling with the database, which I do not like (should Arbitrary really need to know about the database?). I would suggest that you make some additional abstraction, and make the database operations independent of the the data types.
One possible implementation may be like:
class Arbitrary {
virtual std::string serialize();
static Arbitrary* deserialize();
Your database-related would be like (please notice that the parameter form Arbitrary obj is wrong and can truncate the object):
void someMethod(const Arbitrary& obj)
// ...
You can retrieve the string from the database later and deserialize into a suitable object.
So, my question is, what's the better way of performing operations
that where all parent and child classes should be accepted as input,
but in which behavior is dictated by the object type?
You can use Visitor pattern.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Arbitrary;
class Foo;
class Bar;
class ArbitraryVisitor
virtual void visitParent(Arbitrary& m) {};
virtual void visitFoo(Foo& vm) {};
virtual void visitBar(Bar& vm) {};
class Arbitrary
virtual void DoSomething()
cout<<"do Parent specific stuff"<<endl;
virtual void accept(ArbitraryVisitor& v)
class Foo: public Arbitrary
virtual void DoSomething()
cout<<"do Foo specific stuff"<<endl;
virtual void accept(ArbitraryVisitor& v)
class Bar: public Arbitrary
virtual void DoSomething()
cout<<"do Bar specific stuff"<<endl;
virtual void accept(ArbitraryVisitor& v)
class SetArbitaryVisitor : public ArbitraryVisitor
void visitParent(Arbitrary& vm)
void visitFoo(Foo& vm)
void visitBar(Bar& vm)
int main()
Arbitrary *arb = new Foo();
SetArbitaryVisitor scv;

C++ - Accessing multiple object's interfaces via a single pointer

I need to store a container of pointers to objects.
These objects have some common methods/attributes (interface) that I want to enforce (possibly at compile time) and use.
struct A{
void fly(){}
struct B{
void fly(){}
A a;
B b;
std::vector<some *> objects;
for(auto & el: objects)
The simpler solution would be A and B inherit a common base class like FlyingClass:
struct FlyingClass{
void fly(){}
struct A: public FlyingClass { ...
struct B: public FlyingClass { ...
and create a
std::vector<FlyingClass *> objects;
This will work and also enforce the fact that I can only add to objects things that can fly (implement FlyingClass).
But what if I need to implement some other common methods/attributes WITHOUT coupling them with the above base class?
struct A{
void fly(){}
void swim(){}
struct B{
void fly(){}
void swim(){}
And i would like to do:
for(auto & el: objects) {
More in general i would be able to call a function passing one of these pointers and access both the common methods/attributes, like:
void dostuff(Element * el){
I could try to inherit from another interface like:
struct SwimmingClass{
void swim(){}
struct A: public FlyingClass, public SwimmingClass { ...
struct B: public FlyingClass, public SwimmingClass { ...
But then what the container should contain?
std::vector<FlyingClass&&SwimmingClass *> objects;
Sure, i could implement SwimmingFlyingClass, but what if i need RunningClass etc.. This is going to be a nightmare.
In other words, how can I implement a pointer to multiple interfaces without coupling them?
Or there is some template way of rethinking the problem?
Even run time type information could be acceptable in my application, if there is an elegant and maintainable way of doing this.
It is possible to do this, in a pretty TMP-heavy way that's a little expensive at runtime. A redesign is favourable so that this is not required. The long and short is that what you want to do isn't possible cleanly without language support, which C++ does not offer.
As for the ugly, shield your eyes from this:
struct AnyBase { virtual ~AnyBase() {} }; // All derived classes inherit from.
template<typename... T> class Limited {
AnyBase* object;
template<typename U> Limited(U* p) {
static_assert(all<is_base_of<T, U>...>::value, "Must derive from all of the interfaces.");
object = p;
template<typename U> U* get() {
static_assert(any<is_same<U, T>...>::value, "U must be one of the interfaces.");
return dynamic_cast<U*>(object);
Some of this stuff isn't defined as Standard so I'll just run through it. The static_assert on the constructor enforces that U inherits from all of T. I may have U and T the wrong way round, and the definition of all is left to the reader.
The getter simply requires that U is one of the template arguments T.... Then we know in advance that the dynamic_cast will succeed, because we checked the constraint statically.
It's ugly, but it should work. So consider
std::vector<Limited<Flying, Swimming>> objects;
for(auto&& obj : objects) {
You are asking for something which doesn't make sense in general, that's why there is no easy way to do it.
You are asking to be able to store heterogeneus objects in a collection, with interfaces that are even different.
How are you going to iterate over the collections without knowing the type? You are restricted to the least specific or forced to do dynamic_cast pointers and cross fingers.
class Entity { }
class SwimmingEntity : public Entity {
virtual void swim() = 0;
class FlyingEntity : public Entity {
virtual void fly() = 0;
class Fish : public SwimmingEntity {
void swim() override { }
class Bird : public FlyingEntity {
void fly() override { }
std:vector<Entity*> entities;
This is legal but doesn't give you any information to the capabilities of the runtime Entity instance. It won't lead anywhere unless you work them out with dynamic_cast and rtti (or manual rtti) so where's the advantage?
This is pretty much a textbook example calling for type erasure.
The idea is to define an internal abstract (pure virtual) interface class that captures the common behavior(s) you want, then to use a templated constructor to create a proxy object derived from that interface:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <memory>
using std::cout;
struct Bird {
void fly() { cout << "Bird flies\n"; }
void swim(){ cout << "Bird swims\n"; }
struct Pig {
void fly() { cout << "Pig flies!\n"; }
void swim() { cout << "Pig swims\n"; }
struct FlyingSwimmingThing {
// Pure virtual interface that knows how to fly() and how to swim(),
// but does not depend on type of underlying object.
struct InternalInterface {
virtual void fly() = 0;
virtual void swim() = 0;
virtual ~InternalInterface() { }
// Proxy inherits from interface; forwards to underlying object.
// Template class allows proxy type to depend on object type.
template<typename T>
struct InternalImplementation : public InternalInterface {
InternalImplementation(T &obj) : obj_(obj) { }
void fly() {; }
void swim() { obj_.swim(); }
virtual ~InternalImplementation() { }
T &obj_;
// Templated constructor
template<typename T>
FlyingSwimmingThing(T &obj) : proxy_(new InternalImplementation<T>(obj))
{ }
// Forward calls to underlying object via virtual interface.
void fly() { proxy_->fly(); }
void swim() { proxy_->swim(); }
std::unique_ptr<InternalInterface> proxy_;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
Bird a;
Pig b;
std::vector<FlyingSwimmingThing> objects;
The same trick is used for the deleter in a shared_ptr and for std::function. The latter is arguably the poster child for the technique.
You will always find a call to "new" in there somewhere. Also, if you want your wrapper class to hold a copy of the underlying object rather than a pointer, you will find you need a clone() function in the abstract interface class (whose implementation will also call new). So these things can get very non-performant very easily, depending on what you are doing...
Just to make my assumptions clear, since some people appear not to have read the question...
You have multiple classes implementing fly() and swim() functions, but that is all that the classes have in common; they do not inherit from any common interface classes.
The goal is to have a wrapper object that can store a pointer to any one of those classes, and through which you can invoke the fly() and swim() functions without knowing the wrapped type at the call site. (Take the time to read the question to see examples; e.g. search for dostuff.) This property is called "encapsulation"; that is, the wrapper exposes the fly() and swim() interfaces directly and it can hide any properties of the wrapped object that are not relevant.
Finally, it should be possible to create a new otherwise-unrelated class with its own fly() and swim() functions and have the wrapper hold a pointer to that class (a) without modifying the wrapper class and (b) without touching any call to fly() or swim() via the wrapper.
These are, as I said, textbook features of type erasure. I did not invent the idiom, but I do recognize when it is called for.

Am I Abusing Inheritance Here? What's A Best-Practice Alternative/Pattern?

So after gathering some feedback from all of you, and meditating on the XY problem as Zack suggested, I decided to add another code example which illustrates exactly what I'm trying to accomplish (ie the "X") instead of asking about my "Y".
So now we are working with cars and I've added 5 abstract classes: ICar, ICarFeatures, ICarParts, ICarMaker, ICarFixer. All of these interfaces will wrap or use a technology-specific complex object provided by a 3rd party library, depending on the derived class behind the interface. These interfaces will intelligently manage the life cycle of the complex library objects.
My use case here is the FordCar class. In this example, I used the Ford library to access classes FordFeatureImpl, FordPartsImpl, and FordCarImpl. Here is the code:
class ICar {
ICar(void) {}
virtual ~ICar(void) {}
class FordCar : public ICar {
ICar(void) {}
~FordCar(void) {}
FordCarImpl* _carImpl;
class ICarFeatures {
ICarFeatures(void) {}
virtual ~ICarFeatures(void) {}
virtual void addFeature(UserInput feature) = 0;
class FordCarFeatures : public ICarFeatures{
FordCarFeatures(void) {}
virtual ~FordCarFeatures(void) {}
virtual void addFeature(UserInput feature){
//extract useful information out of feature, ie:
std::string name =;
int value = feature.value;
_fordFeature->specialAddFeatureMethod(name, value);
FordFeatureImpl* _fordFeature;
class ICarParts {
ICarParts(void) {}
virtual ~ICarParts(void) {}
virtual void addPart(UserInput part) = 0;
class FordCarParts :public ICarParts{
FordCarParts(void) {}
virtual ~FordCarParts(void) {}
virtual void addPart(UserInput part) {
//extract useful information out of part, ie:
std::string name =;
std::string dimensions = part.dimensions;
_fordParts->specialAddPartMethod(name, dimensions);
FordPartsImpl* _fordParts;
class ICarMaker {
ICarMaker(void) {}
virtual ~ICarMaker(void) {}
virtual ICar* makeCar(ICarFeatures* features, ICarParts* parts) = 0;
class FordCarMaker {
FordCarMaker(void) {}
virtual ~FordCarMaker(void) {}
virtual ICar* makeCar(ICarFeatures* features, ICarParts* parts){
FordFeatureImpl* fordFeatures = dynamic_cast<FordFeatureImpl*>(features);
FordPartsImpl* fordParts = dynamic_cast<FordPartsImpl*>(parts);
FordCar* fordCar = customFordMakerFunction(fordFeatures, fordParts);
return dynamic_cast<ICar*>(fordCar);
FordCar* customFordMakerFunction(FordFeatureImpl* fordFeatures, FordPartsImpl* fordParts) {
FordCar* fordCar = new FordCar;
return fordCar;
class ICarFixer {
ICarFixer(void) {}
virtual ~ICarFixer(void) {}
virtual void fixCar(ICar* car, ICarParts* parts) = 0;
class FordCarFixer {
FordCarFixer(void) {}
virtual ~FordCarFixer(void) {}
virtual void fixCar(ICar* car, ICarParts* parts) {
FordCar* fordCar = dynamic_cast<FordCar*>(car);
FordPartsImpl* fordParts = dynamic_cast<FordPartsImpl*>(parts);
customFordFixerFunction(fordCar, fordParts);
customFordFixerFunction(FordCar* fordCar, FordPartsImpl* fordParts){
Notice that I must use dynamic casting to access the technology-specific objects within the abstract interfaces. This is what makes me think I'm abusing inheritance and provoked me to ask this question originally.
Here is my ultimate goal:
UserInput userInput = getUserInput(); //just a configuration file ie XML/YAML
CarType carType = userInput.getCarType();
ICarParts* carParts = CarPartFactory::makeFrom(carType);
ICarFeatures* carFeatures = CarFeaturesFactory::makeFrom(carType);
ICarMaker* carMaker = CarMakerFactory::makeFrom(carType);
ICar* car = carMaker->makeCar(carFeatures, carParts);
UserInput repairSpecs = getUserInput();
ICarParts* replacementParts = CarPartFactory::makeFrom(carType);
ICarFixer* carFixer = CarFixerFactory::makeFrom(carType);
carFixer->fixCar(car, replacementParts);
Perhaps now you all have a better understanding of what I'm trying to do and perhaps where I can improve.
I'm trying to use pointers of base classes to represent derived (ie Ford) classes, but the derived classes contain specific objects (ie FordPartsImpl) which are required by the other derived classes (ie FordCarFixer needs a FordCar and FordPartsImpl object). This requires me to use dynamic casting to downcast a pointer from the base to its respective derived class so I can access these specific Ford objects.
My question is: am I abusing inheritance here? I'm trying to have a many-to-many relationship between the workers and objects. I feel like I'm doing something wrong by having an Object family of class which literally do nothing but hold data and making the ObjectWorker class have to dynamic_cast the object to access the insides.
That is not abusing inheritance... This is abusing inheritance
class CSNode:public CNode, public IMvcSubject, public CBaseLink,
public CBaseVarObserver,public CBaseDataExchange, public CBaseVarOwner
Of which those who have a C prefix have huge implementations
Not only that... the Header is over 300 lines of declarations.
So no... you are not abusing inheritance right now.
But this class I just showed you is the product of erosion. I'm sure the Node as it began it was a shinning beacon of light and polymorphism, able to switch smartly between behavior and nodes.
Now it has become a Kraken, a Megamoth, Cthulu itself trying to chew my insides with only a vision of it.
Heed this free man, heed my counsel, beware of what your polymorphism may become.
Otherwise it is fine, a fine use of inheritance of something I suppose is an Architecture in diapers.
What other alternatives do I have if I want to only have a single work() method?
Single Work Method... You could try:
Policy Based Design, where a policy has the implementation of your model
A Function "work" that it is used by every single class
A Functor! Instantiated in every class that it will be used
But your inheritance seems right, a single method that everyone will be using.
One more thing....I'm just gonna leave this wiki link right here
Or maybe just copy paste the wiki C++ code... which is very similar to yours:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
template <typename OutputPolicy, typename LanguagePolicy>
class HelloWorld : private OutputPolicy, private LanguagePolicy
using OutputPolicy::print;
using LanguagePolicy::message;
// Behaviour method
void run() const
// Two policy methods
class OutputPolicyWriteToCout
template<typename MessageType>
void print(MessageType const &message) const
std::cout << message << std::endl;
class LanguagePolicyEnglish
std::string message() const
return "Hello, World!";
class LanguagePolicyGerman
std::string message() const
return "Hallo Welt!";
int main()
/* Example 1 */
typedef HelloWorld<OutputPolicyWriteToCout, LanguagePolicyEnglish> HelloWorldEnglish;
HelloWorldEnglish hello_world;; // prints "Hello, World!"
/* Example 2
* Does the same, but uses another language policy */
typedef HelloWorld<OutputPolicyWriteToCout, LanguagePolicyGerman> HelloWorldGerman;
HelloWorldGerman hello_world2;; // prints "Hallo Welt!"
More important questions are
How are you going to use an Int Object with your StringWorker?
You current implementation won't be able to handle that
With policies it is possible.
What are the possible objects?
Helps you define if you need this kind of behavior
And remember, don't kill a chicken with a shotgun
Maybe your model will never really change overtime.
You have committed a design error, but it is not "abuse of inheritance". Your error is that you are trying to be too generic. Meditate upon the principle of You Aren't Gonna Need It. Then, think about what you actually have. You don't have Objects, you have Dogs, Cats, and Horses. Or perhaps you have Squares, Polygons, and Lines. Or TextInEnglish and TextInArabic. Or ... the point is, you probably have a relatively small number of concrete things and they probably all go in the same superordinate category. Similarly, you do not have Workers. On the assumption that what you have is Dogs, Cats, and Horses, then you probably also have an Exerciser and a Groomer and a Veterinarian.
Think about your concrete problem in concrete terms. Implement only the classes and only the relationships that you actually need.
The point is that you're not accessing the specific functionality through the interfaces. The whole reason for using interfaces is that you want all Cars to be made, fixed and featured ... If you're not going to use them in that way, don't use interfaces (and inheritance) at all, but simply check at user input time which car was chosen and instantiate the correct specialized objects.
I've changed your code a bit so that only at "car making" time there will be an upward dynamic_cast. I would have to know all the things you want to do exactly to create interfaces I would be really happy with.
class ICar {
ICar(void) {}
virtual ~ICar(void) {}
virtual void specialFeatureMethod(ICarFeatures *specialFeatures);
virtual void specialPartsMethod(ICarParts *specialParts);
virtual void specialRepairMethod(ICarParts *specialParts);
class FordCar : public ICar {
FordCar(void) {}
~FordCar(void) {}
void specialFeatureMethod(ICarFeatures *specialFeatures) {
//Access the specialFeatures through the interface
//Do your specific Ford stuff
void specialPartsMethod(ICarParts *specialParts) {
//Access the specialParts through the interface
//Do your specific Ford stuff
void specialRepairMethod(ICarParts *specialParts) {
//Access the specialParts through the interface
//Do your specific Ford stuff
class ICarFeatures {
ICarFeatures(void) {}
virtual ~ICarFeatures(void) {}
virtual void addFeature(UserInput feature) = 0;
class FordCarFeatures : public ICarFeatures{
FordCarFeatures(void) {}
~FordCarFeatures(void) {}
void addFeature(UserInput feature){
//extract useful information out of feature, ie:
std::string name =;
int value = feature.value;
_fordFeature->specialAddFeatureMethod(name, value);
FordFeatureImpl* _fordFeature;
class ICarParts {
ICarParts(void) {}
virtual ~ICarParts(void) {}
virtual void addPart(UserInput part) = 0;
class FordCarParts :public ICarParts{
FordCarParts(void) {}
~FordCarParts(void) {}
void addPart(UserInput part) {
//extract useful information out of part, ie:
std::string name =;
std::string dimensions = part.dimensions;
_fordParts->specialAddPartMethod(name, dimensions);
FordPartsImpl* _fordParts;
class ICarMaker {
ICarMaker(void) {}
virtual ~ICarMaker(void) {}
virtual ICar* makeCar(ICarFeatures* features, ICarParts* parts) = 0;
class FordCarMaker {
FordCarMaker(void) {}
~FordCarMaker(void) {}
ICar* makeCar(ICarFeatures* features, ICarParts* parts){
return customFordMakerFunction(features, parts);
ICar* customFordMakerFunction(ICarFeatures* features, ICarParts* parts) {
FordCar* fordCar = new FordCar;
return dynamic_cast<ICar*>(fordCar);
class ICarFixer {
ICarFixer(void) {}
virtual ~ICarFixer(void) {}
virtual void fixCar(ICar* car, ICarParts* parts) = 0;
class FordCarFixer {
FordCarFixer(void) {}
~FordCarFixer(void) {}
void fixCar(ICar* car, ICarParts* parts) {
customFordFixerFunction(car, parts);
void customFordFixerFunction(ICar* fordCar, ICarParts *fordParts){
One can do better (for certain values of "better"), with increased complexity.
What is actually being done here? Let's look point by point:
There's some object type, unknown statically, determined at run time from a string
There's some worker type, also unknown statically, determined at run time from another string
Hopefully the object type and the worker type will match
We can try to turn "hopefully" into "certainly" with some template code.
ObjectWorkerDispatcher* owd =
myDispatcherFactory->create("someWorker", "someObject");
Obviously both object and worker are hidden in the dispatcher, which is completely generic:
class ObjectWorkerDispatcher {
ObjectWorkerDispatcher(string objectType, string workerType) { ... }
virtual void dispatch() = 0;
template <typename ObjectType>
class ConcreteObjectWorkerDispatcher : public ObjectWorkerDispatcher {
void dispatch () {
ObjectFactory<ObjectType>* of = findObjectFactory(objectTypeString);
WorkerFactory<ObjectType>* wf = findWorkerFactory(workerTypeString);
ObjectType* obj = of->create();
Worker<ObjectType>* wrk = wf->create();
map<string, ObjectFactory<ObjectType>*> objectFactories;
map<string, WorkerFactory<ObjectType>*> workerFactories;
ObjectFactory<ObjectType>* findObjectFactory(string) { .. use map }
WorkerFactory<ObjectType>* findWorkerFactory(string) { .. use map }
We have different unrelated types of Object. No common Object class, but we can have e.g. several subtypes of StringObject, all compatible with all kinds of StringWorker.
We have an abstract Worker<ObjectType> class template and concrete MyStringWorker : public Worker<StringObject> , OtherStringWorker : public Worker<StringObject> ... classes.
Both kinds of factories are inheritance-free. Different types of factories are kept completely separate (in different dispatchers) and never mix.
There's still some amount of blanks to fill in, but hopefully it all should be more or less clear.
No casts are used in making of this design. You decide whether this property alone is worth such an increase in complexity.
I think you have the right solution per your needs. One thing I see that can be improved is removing the use of carType from the function that deals with the objects at the base class level.
ICar* FordCarFixer::getFixedCar(UserInput& userInput)
FordCarParts* carParts = new FordPartFactory;
FordCarFeatures* carFeatures = new FordCarFeatures;
FordCarMaker* carMaker = new FordCarMaker;
FordCar* car = carMaker->makeCar(carFeatures, carParts);
UserInput repairSpecs = getUserInput();
ForCarParts* replacementParts = new ForCarParts;
FordCarFixer* carFixer = new FordCarFixer;
carFixer->fixCar(car, replacementParts);
return car;
UserInput userInput = getUserInput();
ICar* car = CarFixerFactory::getFixedCar(userInput);
With this approach, most of the objects at FordCarFixer level are Ford-specific.

Options for class design using safe downcasting

I've started working on some pre-existing code which consists of a tree of elements, each element is a descendant of a generic element which has a type data member.
The search functionality returns a generic element, the user then checks the type and can downcast to the specific type to access its specific information.
This code is for a mobile handset so using lots of dynamic_casts might be inefficient.
The code is new and not set in stone and so can be improved (I didn't write it, I've just joined the company and am working on it so don't want to rip it apart completely).
What are some options for a good design/use pattern going forward? (Its c++ but using type-checking and raw c casting (to avoid overheads of dynamic_casts) seems a bit old fashioned).
Is there any advantage in adding CastToXXX() type functions in the base class for example?
The types of derived classes will most likely be fixed.
dynamic_cast is not that slow, and you're likely not going to be able to do better. Profile and prove that it is a performance bottleneck before looking at alternative solutions. Never ever do anything because you maybe heard somewhere that it might be slow.
If dynamic_cast/RTTI is not an option, an easy way of dealing with this type of situation is by use of the Visitor Pattern
Basically, you define a base class that defines methods that do the casting for you safely:
// Forward declarations.
class CFoo;
class CBar;
class CommonBase
virtual CFoo* GetFoo( void ) { return NULL };
virtual CBar* GetBar( void ) { return NULL };
class CFoo : public GenericBase, public CommonBase
CFoo* GetFoo( void ) { return this };
class CBar : public GenericBase, public CommonBase
CBar * GetBar( void ) { return this };
Now, given a pointer to a CommonBase object one can downcast by "visting":
CommonBase *p;
CFoo pFoo = p->GetFoo();
if( pFoo )
// Winner!
Let the base class in the tree structure have a pure virtual Visit() method.
class CBase {
virtual void Visit(CVisitor* visitor) const = 0;
Let the inherited classes implement it:
class CFoo : public CBase {
virtual void Visit(CVisitor* visitor) const {
class CBar : public CBase {
virtual void Visit(CVisitor* visitor) const {
The final magic:
class CVisitor {
void Accept(CFoo* foo) {
// operate on CFoo*
void Accept(CBar* bar) {
// operate on CBar*
So all you need to do is to create Accept and Visit methods for new types and traverse the tree with the CVisitor class and then you can operate on any type in the tree without any pointer casts.
Hope this helps.