Cannot place vmware-ovftool in the uninstall list - vmware

I tried to reinstall Ovftool into my Centos and replace it with an old version but getting a message which I don't know how to fix it.
command to uninstall it
vmware-installer -u vmware-ovftool
command to install it again
sudo ./VMware-ovftool-4.3.0-7948156-lin.x86_64.bundle
Message received :
Cannot place vmware-ovftool 4.3.0 in the uninstall list.
Any advice?

In this case it's better to use the built-in yum remove <package> this may remove conflicting config.
Using rpm -e <package> is even better, if available, because it guarantees to remove remaining config. It will back up modified config files, but these won't interfere with future installations.
The package name for vmware-ovftool is open-vm-tools on my Ubuntu box, it may be worth checking that too, it could be the same on RHEL/CentOS/Oracle Linux as well.

Simply install another bundle and everything back to normal.


completely remove edb-debugger from ubuntu 18.04

I was trying to upgrade my edb debugger from 0.9 to 1.0. I cloned the repo from github, compiled it and installed it. Unfortunately I forgot to uninstall the old version itself so I ran into some problems. Ithen decided to remove all of edb and start from scratch. I did all sorts of sudo commands (i.e. purge autoremove etc) yet the edb icon is still in my applications menu and works (to a degree cause then I get failed to load necessary plugin). Probably help to mention that I used cmake to compile and install the newer version.
So the question is how do I go about removing all of edb and start over ?
This will remove the edb-debugger package and any other dependant packages which are no longer needed.
sudo apt-get remove --auto-remove edb-debugger
If you also want to delete your local/config files for edb-debugger then this will work.
sudo apt-get purge edb-debugger
sudo apt-get purge --auto-remove edb-debugger
To fully install edb-debugger ,follow this link
Or else try this in your terminal
sudo apt-get install edb-debugger
If this process do not work, please comment below
I have made a very ugly work around o get it working without any errors. When it loads up I changed the symbol directory to point at the symbol directory from the build. In my case this would be the following:
Then I did the same with the plugin directroy and made it point to:
I left the third directory (Session Directory) alone. Might play around with that at a later date but it is working even though loaded with ugly hacks.
If anyone has any better answers please advise how to prettify this fix up some.

Get docker release version - string required for installation

Where we can find docker release string which is required if you want to specify version during the installation? Is there a list ... or maybe a patern which can use to construct this one?
I was not able to find this kind of info within documentation - nor on the web.
For example:
sudo apt-get install docker-ce
is going to install latest version of the docker-ce (at the moment of writing this it is 17.12). Having in mind that this version have few issues i want to avoid, i need to downgrade (read install) specific version.
We can do that with:
sudo apt-get install docker-ce=<VERSION_STRING>
where you can specify version string. Unfortunatelly, there is no any kind of info (at least i was not able to find), which lists specific version strings (release strings) which you can use.
For example, you can find the list of releases here. But if we check releases (versions) there and if we try to use them, it will not result with installation, instead it will throw an error.
sudo apt-get install docker-ce=17.09.0
is going to result with error message: "E: Version '17.09.0' for 'docker-ce' was not found".
Where we can find list of releases (strings) which can use for the installation? Or is there any kind of patern which we can use to construct these (like version~ce-0~system eg. 17.12.0~ce-0~debian) ?
You can use apt-cache madison docker-ce command.
The version string is in the second column.
As specified in INSTALL DOCKER CE, you can install a specific version using:
sudo apt-get install docker-ce=<VERSION>
You can check the list of available versions via:
apt-cache madison docker-ce
The second column of the output specifies the version that you can substitute in the apt-get install command.

Cannot install utop on RHEL 5.0

Having successfully installed opam and having switched to 4.01.0 version of compiler I am struggling to install utop. Installation is failing at 'conf-ncurses.1' step.
Running 'opam depext' does not reveal much, saying that 'no extra dependencies' need to be installed. Switching to latest stable compiler, and then installing utop fails with the same problem. The *.err and *.out files are empty, hence not revealing any problem.
On my box I also have ncurses-devl and pkgconfig installed (see rpm output below)
Below is the screenshot of what I can see (hopefully it give us enough information). Any ideas where to look at ?:
First of all, SO is not an issue tracker and it is better to report this issue to the package maintainers. The following command will reveal URLs for the issue trackers:
opam show conf-ncurses | grep bug-reports
opam show utop | grep bug-reports
Second, your output is not at sync with what I'm seeing in the opam-repository. At the current HEAD there is no check pkg-config ncurses at all, as it was removed three days ago. So, if you indeed have ncurses-devel package installed, then you need just to update opam, with
opam update

How to uninstall cabal, cabal-nirvana and yesod

I am trying to find a way to remove cabal/cabal-nirvana/yesod from my system, I did install cabal with
sudo apt-get install cabal-install
second I would like to remove cabal-nirvana which I installed with
cabal install cabal-nirvana
and finally remove yesod for which I used the command
cabal install yesod-platform
Currently I have seen to exist a /home/username/.cabal folder, I just want to have my machine as close to previous state as possible (before trying to install yesod), this means removing all these things installed.
There is a lot of information on the web about insallation, however this seems not to be true for the uninstallation process.
Thank you in advance!
I guess what you're looking for is:
sudo apt-get --purge remove 'package-name'
This should remove the package along with all the fluff, I'm presuming you're using a Debian-based system.
I am under xubuntu, "sudo apt-get --purge remove yesod" worked for removing yesod, as for cabal my mistake was that I used "cabal" instead of "cabal-install", so it would be
"apt-get remove cabal-install", now it is removed.

How to build and install Valgrind on Mac?

I am on Mac OS X using codeblocks 10.05
I downloaded Valgrind, and extracted a folder. I am completely lost from there, and have no idea how to build it.
I do not know ANY terminal/console commands and am generally new to programming, so I have no idea how to "build" or "compile" it. I just have a folder called Valgrind with a bunch of random files in it.
Could someone please tell me how to proceed? I already checked the website/documentation but it didn't really give me installation instructions, just usage instructions.
PS: I know I already posted this question, but the previous question was shut down, for being too vague. I reposted this one with more info.
PSS: All that I am basically asking is what do I do to install Valgrind right after I download it from the website and extract the files?
Use brew: brew install valgrind
Manual Install:
Here's what worked on my Mac (10.6). Double-check you have the latest version, then change into the uncompressed directory
cd /users/(insert username here)/downloads/valgrind-3.17.0
I suggest you do as another posted and read the readme.
Commence the build; /usr/local is the place on the filesystem that the program will be installed to. There are many arguments like prefix that are available to customize the installation to your particular system if it doesn't work by default. Normally just using ./configure works perfectly well though.
./configure --prefix=/usr/local
sudo make install
Or you could probably get it from fink or macports or homebrew.
You can install it through brew for Mac:
brew install valgrind
You might have to manually link the entry to /usr/local/bin as brew refused to do it in my case:
$ ln /usr/local/Cellar/valgrind/3.8.1/bin/vgdb /usr/local/bin/vgdb
ln: /usr/local/bin/vgdb: Permission denied
$ sudo ln /usr/local/Cellar/valgrind/3.8.1/bin/vgdb /usr/local/bin/vgdb
On MacOS High Sierra
If you have the following error message:
brew install valgrind
valgrind: This formula either does not compile or function as expected on macOS
versions newer than Sierra due to an upstream incompatibility.
(1) To correctly install it, first, type the following command at the Terminal (which opens Valgrind’s formulae)
brew edit valgrind
And change the URL in head section
(2) Do an update for Homebrew:
brew update
(3) Finally, use the following command to install Valgrind from the HEAD:
brew install --HEAD valgrind
For macOS Big Sur / Monterey:
brew tap LouisBrunner/valgrind
brew install --HEAD LouisBrunner/valgrind/valgrind
The core process is pretty simple:
Make sure you are in the correct directory.
First run:
when that is finished, run:
at this point you will need to su into root (this is relatively tricky to do, see the note at the end). As root, run:
make install
When this is finished you will have a working valgrind installation. Test it by running
valgrind ls -l
To su into root, you will need to have set up a root account. If you have not done this in the past, see the instructions from apple here.
To perform the actual su, you will first have to be running an account with administrator privileges. If you are not already doing so, you can switch users with the following:
su admin
where admin is the name of an user with administrator privileges (you will need to enter the password for this account). From there, you can then run su to go into root:
You will need to enter the root password that you set up earlier.
You may find it easier to use something like macports. How to install that is probably beyond the scope of this question, but they have a page dedicated to it on their site.
Once you have macports installed, you need to type:
sudo port install valgrind +universal
As you say you don't have any experience of command lines, let's just briefly go through the different parts of this command:
sudo means the rest of the command will run as root, and will ask for your password. This is needed for the installer to have the correct permissions
port is the command line tool for managing macports
install is a command for port. Try port help to see a list of commands.
valgrind tells macports what it should be installing
+universal is a variant. This tells macports to configure valgrind to support 32 bit and 64 bit support.