UWP Optional package in C++/WinRT - c++

Visual Studio 2017 includes a project template for creating optional packages in C#. However, there is no corresponding project template for C++/WinRT. Is there any way to create the same kind of optional package using C++/WinRT in Visual Studio?

There's no separate 'Optional Code Package' visual studio template for C++\WinRT. Please see the OptionalPackageSample repository on GitHub. It creates a OptionalPackageDLL
to show how to create a project with code that can be executed from the main package. The MyMainApp project demonstrates how to load code from the OptionalPackageDLL.dll file.


template package install fails on existing wasm PWA project

I have an existing project created with "blazorwasm" template included in Visual Studio 2022, and i'd like to include MudBlazor in it but i always encounter an error message that says:
"the package 'MudBlazor.Templates 0.6.3' conteins a package type 'Template' that is not supported by the project .
The same if i create a new project by "blazorwasm" and i try to add Mudblazor as second step.
On the contrary, after installing the MudBlazor template in Visual Studio, if a create a new project with that template (wasm-PWA) the project is correctly created and it correctly runs.
I'm new on Mudblazor but looking into .cprj files and dependancies i noticed that in Mudblazor by template project i read:
PackageReference Include="Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly" Version="6.0.2"
PackageReference Include="Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.DevServer" Version="6.0.2" PrivateAssets="all"
PackageReference Include="MudBlazor" Version="6.0.6"
while in my previous blazorwasm template project:
PackageReference Include="Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly" Version="6.0.9"
PackageReference Include="Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.DevServer" Version="6.0.9" PrivateAssets="all"
Even upgrading these two files to 6.0.10 version nothing changes.
Is this the problem ? How can i overcome it ? Or do i have to stay with 6.0.2 release of WebAssembly files ?

Add an existing (GitHub) C++ project in Visual Studio 2013 (without solution file)

I would like to add an existing C++ GitHub project to Visual Studio. I already know how to how do I add an existing Solution to GitHub from Visual Studio 2013. Here is my procedure
In Visual Studio 2013
I go to Team explorer tab / Connect to team project / Clone
In the clone dialog I enter my https GitHub link and my local repository path
I click on Clone button
After that I don't know what to do. The problem is I don't have a solution file. I have my idea: I need to to create a new solution file, then project, then add manually each cpp file in my new solution and project. This sound so heavy I'm asking if there is a better and faster procedure. Perhaps I don't need a solution file.
Note: I already did C++ coding but I never used Visual Studio as my main C++ editor. The project I try to integrate to my Visual Studio 2013 is https://github.com/Ryochan7/antimicro
I recommend using CMake to create the solution file. A lot of C++ projects on the web will mention this in their Readme files. Alternatively, you can create a new project (which will create a solution) and copy the code into it.

How to compile source C++ code that doesn't have a project file?

I have just started learning more about C/C++ and I am using Visual Studio 2013 to manage the code.
A project I am working on to use the Tobii EyeX eye gaze system requires me to be able to tweak this code slightly, however I do not understand how I can compile this code to an exe file without a Microsoft Visual Studio project file. This is that code:
In the source folder you see all the project's files but not an actual project file. How would I go about compiling this code? Where do I start? I can not seem to be able to load this is Visual Studio at all - the programmer of the code says (at the bottom of the Github page):
Compiling the source codes As for now, you have to use Microsoft
Visual Studio 2012 (latest update preferred)...
Either create a makefile(if no makefile is exist) for visual studio using nmake or you can use the suggestion provided in this link.
Additionally you can create a project by adding these codes as source. follow this link.

VS2010 - Local project deployment?

So, I have a project I've created in Microsoft Visual Studio 2010. Basically, I'm wanting to deploy the project to a folder other than the one containing the project so that I may run it as a standalone application. Does Visual Studio have a way do do this? If not, how exactly would I do so?

WRL Project Template not found for Visual Studio 2013

I am trying to follow these steps on MSDN for building a WRL-based C++ WinRT component. However in step #3, I am unable to find anything related to WRL in the results:
In the Search online templates box in the upper right corner, type
WRL Class Library. When the template appears in the search results,
choose the OK button)
How can I get the WRL Project Template for Visual Studio 2013?
Update: The template on the VS Gallery has now been updated and is now available for Visual Studio 2013 as well.
It seems the WRL Project Template for Visual Studio has not yet been updated for Visual Studio 2013. There is a workaround however:
Instead of acquiring the project template from VS2013, download it through the website. WRL Class Library.
The downloaded file would be called WRLVSIXProject.vsix.
Change the file extension. Rename it to WRLVSIXProject.zip
Unzip the zip file.
Open the file extension.vsixmanifest in a text editor
In the section, insert the following line after the first line:
<InstallationTarget Id="Microsoft.VisualStudio.Pro" Version="12.0" />
Save the file and close it
Zip all the contents of this folder back to a file called WRLVSIXProject.zip
Rename the file back to WRLVSIXProject.vsix
Double click on the file. It will now provide an option to install this project template for Visual Studio 2013
Install and proceed
Now when you do "File -> New Project" in VS2013, you will see an option called "WRLClassLibrary" under Visual C++ > Windows Store