Removing dot in front of digits using regular expression in pandas - regex

I need to remove the dot in front of digits using regular expressions in pandas.
What I have: .9/10 .8/10
What I want: 9/10 8/10
I need to use df.col.str.extract().
Also beware because there are also float numbers 11.25/10, and in those cases I want to keep the dot.

I think this works on the small example you provided (Next time provide more data)
import re
re.sub(r' $', '', re.sub(r'|^.', '', re.sub(r', .', ', ', '.9/10, .8/10 ')))
'9/10, 8/10'

using a sample df as you didn't provide one (make sure you provide a sample dataset and your expected outcome in future for others to help)
df = pd.DataFrame ({'Data' : '20.01/10.'},index=[0])
0 20.01/10.
df['Data'] = df['Data'].str.replace('\.$','')
0 20.01/10
In regex, the $ special character "[matches] the end of the string or just before the newline at the end of the string"
assuming you only need to remove the . from the end you could use the pattern above.
If you need to remove from a non digit char then use


regular expression

I am trying to find a regular expression which should satisfy the following needs.
It should identify all space(s) as separators until a doublepoint is passed 2 times. After this pass, it should continue to use spaces as separators until a 3rd doublepoint is identified. This 3rd colon should be used as separator as well. But all spaces before and after this specific colon should not be used as separator. After this special doublepoint has been identified, no more separator should be found even its a space or a colon.
2019-12-28 13:00:00.112 DEBUG --- [9999-118684] 3894ß8349ß84930ßaa14e38eae18e3ebf c.w.f.w.NiceController : z rest as async texting: json, special character, spacses.....
I would like to have the separators her identified as following (Separator shown as X)
2019-12-28X13:00:00.112XDEBUGXn-somethingspecial.atX---X[9999-118684]X3894ß8349ß84930ßaa14e38eae18e3ebfXc.w.f.w.NiceControllerXz rest as async texting: json, special character, spacses.....
2019-12-28 X 13:00:00.112 X DEBUG X X --- X [9999-118684] X 3894ß8349ß84930ßaa14e38eae18e3ebf X c.w.f.w.NiceController X z rest as async texting: json, special character, spacses.....
Exactly 8 separtors are found here.
Any ideas how to do this via regular expression?
My current approach does not work as I tried to to this like the following
Any ideas about this?
That's my current syntax to identify the separators.
Update 2:
Regex above is faulty.
Update 3:
This is the current regex. Targetapproach is to call
df = pd.read_csv(file_name,
names=['date', 'time', 'level', 'host', 'template', 'threadid', 'logid', 'classmethods', 'line'],
This could be extended later to dask which gives me the change to parse multiple log files in one dataframe.
The last column line is not identified correctly. For unknown reasons yet.
If that log format is sufficiently regular, you can take the lines apart much more easily with str.split.
The assumptions are that none of the first eight fields have an internal space, and that all of them are always present (or, if not all are present, that the last field, which starts after the colon, is also not present). You can then use the maxsplit argument to str.split in order to stop splitting when the ninth field starts:
def separate(logline):
fields = logline.split(maxsplit=8) # 8 space separate fields + the rest
if len(fields) > 8:
# Fix up the ninth field. Perhaps you want to remove the colon:
fields[8] = fields[8][1:]
# or perhaps you want the text starting at the first non-whitespace
# character after the colon:
# if fields[8][0] == ':':
# fields[8] = fields[8].split(maxsplit=1)[1]
# etc.
return fields
>>> logline = ( "2019-12-28 13:00:00.112 DEBUG"
... + " --- [9999-118684] 3894ß8349ß84930ßaa14e38eae18e3ebf"
... + " c.w.f.w.NiceController"
... + " : z rest as async texting: json, special character, spaces.....")
>>> separate(logline)
['2019-12-28', '13:00:00.112', 'DEBUG', '', '---',
'[9999-118684]', '3894ß8349ß84930ßaa14e38eae18e3ebf',
' z rest as async texting: json, special character, spaces.....']
The current outcome of my problem can be solved via the following regular expression.
Maybe minor adaptions have to be done maybe but for now it works pretty good.

string replace method to be replaced by regular expression

I am using string replace method to clean-up column names.
df.columns=df.columns.str.replace("#$%./- ","").str.replace(' ', '_').str.replace('.', '_').str.replace('(','').str.replace(')','').str.replace('.','').str.lower()
Though it works, certainly does not look pythonic. Any suggestion?
I need only A-Za-z and underscore _ if required as column names.
I tried using Regular expression in the first replace method, but I still need to chain the string like this...
terms.columns=terms.columns.str.replace(r"^[^a-zA-Z1-9]*", '').str.replace(' ', '_').str.replace('(','').str.replace(')','').str.replace('.', '').str.replace(',', '')
Update showing test data:
Original string (Tab separated):
[Sr.No. Course Terms Besic of Education Degree Course Course Approving Authority (i.e Medical Council, etc.) Full form of Course 1 year Duration 2nd year 3rd year Duration 4 th year Duration]
Change column names:
terms.columns=terms.columns.str.replace(r"^[^a-zA-Z1-9]*", '').str.replace(' ', '_').str.replace('(','').str.replace(')','').str.replace('.', '').str.replace(',', '').str.lower()
['srno', 'course', 'terms', 'besic_of_education', 'degree_course',
'full_form_of_course', '1_year_duration', '2nd_year_',
'3rd_year_duration', '4_th_year_duration']
Above output is correct. The question: Is there any way to achive the same other than the way I have used?
You can use a smaller number of .replace operations by replacing non-word strings with an empty string and subsequently removing the whitespace characters with an underscore.
I hope this helps.

python regex for parsing filenames

I'm the worst for regex in general, but in python... I need help in fixing my regex for parsing filenames, e.g:
>>> from re import search, I, M
>>> x="/almac/data/vectors_puces_T12_C1_00_d2v_H50_corr_m10_70.mtx"
>>> for i in range(6):
... print search(r"[vectors|pairs]+_(\w+[\-\w+]*[0-9]{0,4})([_T[0-9]{2,3}_C[1-9]_[0-9]{2}]?)(_[d2v|w2v|coocc\w*|doc\w*]*)(_H[0-9]{1,4})(_[sub|co[nvs{0,2}|rr|nc]+]?)(_m[0-9]{1,3}[_[0-9]{0,3}]?)",x, M|I).group(i)
It gives the following output:
However, what I need is
I don't know what exactly is wrong. Thank you
One problem is that \w would also match underscore which you want to be a delimiter between puces and T12_C1_00 in this case. Replace the \w with A-Za-z\-. Also, you should put the underscore between the appropriate saving groups:
Works for me:
>>> import re
>>>"(?:vectors|pairs)_([A-Za-z\-]+[0-9]{0,4})_([T[0-9]{2,3}_C[1-9]_[0-9]{2}]?)(_[d2v|w2v|coocc\w*|doc\w*]*)(_H[0-9]{1,4})(_[sub|co[nvs{0,2}|rr|nc]+]?)(_m[0-9]{1,3}[_[0-9]{0,3}]?)",x, re.M|re.I).groups()
('puces', 'T12_C1_00', '_d2v', '_H50', '_corr', '_m10_70')
I've also replaced the [vectors|pairs] with (?:vectors|pairs) which is, I think, what you've actually meant - match either vectors or pairs literal strings, (?:...) is a syntax for a non-capturing group.
I'm not sure what your goal is, but you seem to be interested in what's between each underscore, so it may be simpler to split by it:
path, filename = os.path.split(x)
filename = filename.split('.')
fileparts = filename.split('_')
fileparts will then be this list:
And you can validate / inspect any part, e.g. if fileparts[0] == 'vectors' or tpart = fileparts[2:4]...

Trim string after 5 of the same chars are found

Say I have a the string AAAGCTTACGAAAAAAACGTA and I would like to remove anything after and including the occurrence of 4 As, regardless of where it occurs in the string. So for this example we are left with AAAGCTTACG after trimming. What would be a fast and efficient way to go about this?
You can use str.split():
>>> s.split("AAAA", 1)[0]
You could use a greedy match and replace with nothing.
import re
new_string = re.sub(r'AAAA.*', '', original_string)
Alternatively, AAAA can also be expressed as A{4} if you find it more readable.
Just find those AAAA if any, and slice:
>>> s[:s.find("AAAA")]
However, this way you should first check whether the string contains AAAA, otherwise it will slice away the last character.

Extract root, month letter-year and yellow key from a Bloomberg futures ticker

A Bloomberg futures ticker usually looks like:
MCDZ3 Curcny
where the root is MCD, the month letter and year is Z3 and the 'yellow key' is Curcny.
Note that the root can be of variable length, 2-4 letters or 1 letter and 1 whitespace (e.g. S H4 Comdty).
The letter-year allows only the letter listed below in expr and can have two digit years.
Finally the yellow key can be one of several security type strings but I am interested in (Curncy|Equity|Index|Comdty) only.
In Matlab I have the following regular expression
expr = '[FGHJKMNQUVXZ]\d{1,2} ';
[rootyk, monthyear] = regexpi(bbergtickers, expr,'split','match','once');
ans =
'mcd' 'curncy'
monthyear =
'z3 '
I don't want to match the ' ' (space) in the monthyear. How can I do?
Assuming there are no leading or trailing whitespaces and only upcase letters in the root, this should work:
^([A-Z]{2,4}|[A-Z]\s)([FGHJKMNQUVXZ]\d{1,2}) (Curncy|Equity|Index|Comdty)$
You've got root in the first group, letter-year in the second, yellow key in the third.
I don't know Matlab nor whether it covers Perl Compatible Regex. If it fails, try e.g. with instead of \s. Also, drop the ^...$ if you'd like to extract from a bigger source text.
The expression you're feeding regexpi with contains a space and is used as a pattern for 'match'. This is why the matched monthyear string also has a space1.
If you want to keep it simple and let regexpi do the work for you (instead of postprocessing its output), try a different approach and capture tokens instead of matching, and ignore the intermediate space:
%// <$1><----------$2---------> <$3>
expr = '(.+)([FGHJKMNQUVXZ]\d{1,2}) (.+)';
tickinfo = regexpi(bbergtickers, expr, 'tokens', 'once');
You can also simplify the expression to a more genereic '(.+)(\w{1}\d{1,2})\s+(.+)', if you wish.
bbergtickers = 'MCDZ3 Curncy';
expr = '(.+)([FGHJKMNQUVXZ]\d{1,2})\s+(.+)';
tickinfo = regexpi(bbergtickers, expr, 'tokens', 'once');
The result is:
tickinfo =
1 This expression is also used as a delimiter for 'split'. Removing the trailing space from it won't help, as it will reappear in the rootyk output instead.
Assuming you just want to get rid of the leading and or trailing spaces at the edge, there is a very simple command for that:
monthyear = trim(monthyear)
For removing all spaces, you can do:
Here is a completely different approach, basically this searches the letter before your year number:
s = 'MCDZ3 Curcny'
p = regexp(s,'\d')