REQ: Assistance with Splunk - Rex Query - regex

I'm having some issues with a rex query where a single digit date renders an incorrect result, but a double digit date provides the correct result.
These are the log entries I'm querying:
Mar 7 14:24:29 Mar 7 12:24:29 963568 - Melbourne details-cable-issue - vdvfvfv
Mar 20 09:52:55 Mar 20 07:52:55 963569 - Brisbane cable-issue
And this is the query:
^(?:[^ \n]* ){7}(?P<extension>[^ ]+)[^\-\n]*\-\s+(?P<location>\w+)
For the Mar 7 entry, my query is giving me group extension "7" whilst my Mar 20 entry is giving me group extension "963569" which is correct.
Can someone shed some light on my query to acknowledge a single and double digit date? #7 vs 20
Thanks all :)

There are several consecutive spaces (they look like padding spaces) in the first string, and since you only match one space within (?:[^ \n]* ) you get mismatches.
I suggest matching 1 or more spaces in that first group and adjusting the limiting quantifier:
^(?:[^ \n]* +){5}(?P<extension>[^ ]+)[^-\n]*-\s+(?P<location>\w+)
^ ^
See the regex demo


Regular Expression that matches a set of characters or nothing

I have a set of text coming in as:
1 240R 15 Apr 2021 240 Litre Sulo Bin Recycling - Dkt#11053610 O/N: ONE DENTAL $10.00.
1 1.5cm 06 Apr 2021 1.5m Co-Mingle Recycling Bin - Dkt#11028471 $18.00.
1 1.5m 12 Apr 2021 Service 1.5m Front Lift bin - Dkt#11028421 $24.00
1 660 14 Apr 2021 660L Rear Lift Bin - Dkt#11156377 O/N: YOUR CAR SOLD $22.50
I am trying the regex: PCRE(PHP<7.3)
^(\d+) [^\$]+ (\d+ \w+ \d+) (\d.+ \w.+) \S (Dkt\S\d+)[^\$]+ (\$.*)$
Which parses the above However, I am unable to parse "O/N: ONE DENTAL" or "O/N: YOUR CAR SOLD" from the above list
How can I do it that if there is something after Dkt#xxxx it will also be parsed or nothing
since you already have the pattern, I made a few slight modifications to it. This is based on the example strings provided and may need further modification if you have other variations of the rules used to match.
^(\d) (\S+) (\d{2} \w{3} \d{4}) (.*)\s+-\s(Dkt\S+)\s*(.*?)\s*(\$\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\.?\s*$

Regex for date format dd Mmm yyyy from email header

I have the following regex that I have been working on:
I am trying to grab the date from an email header that is formatted like so:
"Mon, 18 Nov 2019 09:19:17 -0700 (MST)"
and I want the result to be:
18 Nov 2019
It seems that the \s for whitespace could be the culprit, but I have yet to find another forum result that grabs dates with whitespace instead of "-" or "/".
Does anyone have any suggestions for getting this working to extract as described above? Thanks in advance.
The problem is that you have added the "^" and "$" symbol on the start and end of the regex.
"^n": The ^n quantifier matches any string with n at the beginning of it.
"n$": The n$ quantifier matches any string with n at the end of it.
Since the text is not start with 2 digit (\d\d) and end with 2 digit (\d{4}). You will not get any result from this regex.
You can simply remove those two symbol or use the following code to achieve that.
/(\d{2}\s(?:Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec)\s\d{4})/.exec("Mon, 18 Nov 2019 09:19:17 -0700 (MST)")[1]

Complex Regex finding date and time

Is there someone to help me with the following:
I'm trying to find specific date and time strings in a text (to be used within VBA Word).
Currently working with the following RegEx string:
(?:([0-9]{1,2})[ |-])?(?:(jan(?:uari)?|feb(?:ruari)?|m(?:aa)?rt|apr(?:il)?|mei|jun(?:i)?|jul(?:i)?|aug(?:ustus)?|sep(?:tember|t)?|okt(?:ober)?|nov(?:ember)?|dec(?:ember)?))?(?: |-)?(?(3)(?: around | at | ))?(?:([0-9]{1,2}:[0-9]{1,2})?(?: uur| u|u)?)?
Tested output on following text:
date with around time: 26 sep 2016 around 09:00u
date with at time: 1 sep 2016 at 09:00 uur
date and time u: 1 sep 2018 09:00 u
time without date: 08:30 uur
date with time u: 1 sep 2016 at 09:00u
only time: 09:00
only month: jan
month and year: feb 2019
only day: 02
only day with '-': 2-
day and month: 2 jan
month year: jan 2018
date with '-': 2-feb-2018 09:00
other month: 01 sept 2016
full month: 1 september 2018
shortened year: jul '18
a date followed by time is valid
a date followed by text 'around' or 'at', followed by time is valid
a date without day number is valid
a date without year is valid
a date, month only is not valid
a day, without month or year not valid
a date may contain dashes '-'
a year may be shortenend with ', like jun '18
month name can be short or long
full match includes ' uur' or 'u' (to highlight the text in ms-Word)
submatches text from capture are without prepending or trailing spaces
example at: []
Expected output (when using in VBA Word):
An regex Matches collection object in which each Match.SubMatches contains the individual items d, m, y, hh:mm from the capture groups in the regex search string.
So for example 1: the Submatches (or capture groups) contains values: '26' ','sep','2016','09:00'
The RegEx works fine, but some false-positives need to be excluded:
In case there is a day without month/year, should be excluded from Regex (example 9 and 10)
In case there is a month without day, should be excluded (example 7)
(I was trying with som lookahead and reference \1 and ?(1), but was not able to get it running properly...)
Any advice highly appreciated!
As I understood, you require that each date/time part (day, month, year, hour
and minute) must be present.
So you should remove ? after relevant groups (they are not optional).
It is also a good practice to have each group captured as a relevant capturing group.
There is no need to write something like jun(?:i)?. It is enough
(and easier to read) when you write just juni? (the ? refers just
to preceding i).
Another hint: As the regex language contains \d char class, use just
it instead of [0-9] (the regex is shorter and easier to read.
Optional parts (at / around) should be an optional and non-capturing group.
Anything after the minute part is not needed in the regex.
So I propose a regex like below (for readability, I divided it into rows):
(\d{1,2})[ -](jan(?:uari)?|feb(?:ruari)?|m(?:aa)?rt|apr(?:il)?|mei|juni?
[ -](\d{4}) (?:around |at )?(\d{1,2}:\d{1,2})
(\d{1,2}) - Day.
[ -] - A separator after the day (either a space or a minus).
(jan(?:uari)?|...dec(?:ember)?) - Month.
[ -] - A separator after the month.
(\d{4}) - year.
(?:around |at )? - Actually, 3 variants of a separator between year
and hour (space / around / at), note the space before (...)?.
(\d{1,2}:\d{1,2}) - Hour and minute.
It matches variants 1, 2, 3, 5 and 13.
All remaining fail to contain each required part, so they are not matched.
If you allow e.g. that the hour/minute part is optional, change the respective fragment
( (?:around |at )?(\d{1,2}:\d{1,2}))?
i.e. surround the space/around/at / hour / minute part with ( and )?,
making this part an optional group. Then, variants 14 and 15 will also
be matched.
One more extension: If you also allow the hour/minute part alone,
add |(\d{1,2}:\d{1,2}) to the regex (all before is the first variant and
the added part is the second variant for just hour/minute.
Then, your variants No 4 and 6 will also be matched.
For a working example see
Following your list of rules, I propose the following regex:
(\d{1,2}[ -])? - Day + separator, optional.
(jan(?:uari)?|...|dec(?:ember)?) - Month.
(?:[ -](\d{4}|'\d{2}))? - Separator + year (either 4 or 2 digits with "'").
( (?:around |at )?(\d{1,2}:\d{1,2}))? - Separator + hour/minute -
optional end of variant 1.
|(\d{1,2}:\d{1,2}) - Variant 2 - only hour and minute.
It does not match only your variants No 9 and 10.
For full regex, including also "uur" see
Finally I found something that helps me using the month properly :-)
\b(?:([1-3]|[0-3]\d)[ |-](?'month'(?:[1-9]|\d[12])|(?:jan(?:uari)?|feb(?:ruari)?|m(?:aa)?rt|apr(?:il)?|mei|jun(?:i)?|jul(?:i)?|aug(?:ustus)?|sep(?:tember|t)?|okt(?:ober)?|nov(?:ember)?|dec(?:ember)?))?)?(?:(\g'month')[ |-]((?:19|20|\')(?:\d{2})))?\b(?: omstreeks | om | )?(?:(\d{1,2}[:]\d{2}(?: uur|u)?|[0-2]\d{3}(?: uur|u)))?\b
It uses a named constructor/subroutine. Found here:

Regex - Match first two words but drop second word if it contains variables

How do I match the first two words from the log description but I don't the second word if it contains a # and numbers.
<14>Dec 19 08:48:44 Xwsdedserfse11 httpd: [century]: Tue, 19 Dec 2017 08:48:44 -0800|JohnnyDoe|auth|INFO|1|Successful login for 'JohnnyDoe' from (authentication type: ldap)
<12>Dec 19 08:25:18 Xwsdedserfse11 php: [century]: Tue, 19 Dec 2017 08:25:18 -0800||error|WARNING|1|Query #145050 used to generate source data is inactive.
My match should be
Successful login
I have been working with different variation of this (?:[^\|]*\|){5}(\S+\s)(\S+)\s which pulls the first two words
and (?:[^\|]*\|){5}(\S+\s)([a-zA_Z]+)\s\
and (?:[^\|]*\|){5}(\S+\s)([^#0-9]+)\s but this one doesn't pull Query from the second log.
You can use the next regex: (?:[^\|]*\|){5}(\S+)\s(?:[#\d]+|([a-zA-Z]+))\s
You can use this regex:

Regex for capturing different date formats

I'm tasked to capture date for itineraries in email message, but the dates given were all in different formats, I guess I need help to find out if there's any way to capture the following formats:
02 APR
APR 02
2nd APR
APR 2nd
2nd April
April 2nd
APR 12th
April 12th
12th April
April 13-16
13-16 April
APR 13-16
13-16 APR
April 13th-16th
13th-16th April
APR 13th-16th
13th-16th APR
I've tried numerous ways but just could not understand or fathom as I'm a
newbie to regex.
The closest I could get was using this:
(\d*)-(\d*) APR|April \d*\d*
EDIT- Found out that i`ve missed some more formats.
13th - 16th APR
13~16 April
13/16 APR
I`ve tried using the following:
(Jan(?:uary)?|Feb(?:ruary)?|Mar(?:ch)?|Apr(?:il)?|May|Jun(?:e)?|Jul(?:y)?|Aug(?:ust)?|Sep(?:tember)?|Oct(?:ober)?|Nov(?:ember)?|Dec(?:ember)?)\ *\d+(?:[nr]d|th|st)?(?: * \d+(?:[nr]d|th|st)?)?|\d+(?:[nr]d|th|st)?(?: . \d+(?:[nr]d|th|st)?)?\ *(?:Jan(?:uary)?|Feb(?:ruary)?|Mar(?:ch)?|Apr(?:il)?|May|Jun(?:e)?|Jul(?:y)?|Aug(?:ust)?|Sep(?:tember)?|Oct(?:ober)?|Nov(?:ember)?|Dec(?:ember)?)
Could either capture dates with space or without space.
Is there a way to capture all formats, and split the dates with '-', '/','~' and output/write into a single standardize format?
(Group 1 Date)-Month (Group 2 Date)-Month eg: 13-Apr 16-Apr
Appreciate for your kind suggestions and comments.
You need to account for optional values. Here is an enhanced version matching your sample input:
See the regex demo (note you need to use a case-insensitive modifier to match any variants of April)
Basically, there are 2 alternatives matching April and date ranges:
(\d+)(?:st|[nr]d|th)?-?(\d*)(?:st|[nr]d|th)?\s*Apr(?:il)? - 1+ digits followed with an optional st, nd, rd, th, followed with an optional hyphen, followed with 0+ digits, followed with optional st, etc. followed with 0+ whitespace and then Apr or April (case insensitive due to /i modifier)
| - or
Apr(?:il)?\s*(\d+)(?:st|[nr]d|th)?-?(\d*)(?:st|[nr]d|th)? - the same as above but swapped.
I came up with this Regex:
(?:APR|April)\ *\d+(?:[nr]d|th|st)?(?:-\d+(?:[nr]d|th|st)?)?|\d+(?:[nr]d|th|st)?(?:-\d+(?:[nr]d|th|st)?)?\ *(?:APR|April)
See details here: Regex101
Maybe it's overkill, but I came up with this regex that will match with any month:
(?:January|JAN|February|FEB|March|MAR|April|APR|May|MAY|June|JUN|July|JUL|August|AUG|September|SEP|October|OCT|November|NOV|December|DEC)\ *\d+(?:[nr]d|th|st)?(?:-\d+(?:[nr]d|th|st)?)?|\d+(?:[nr]d|th|st)?(?:-\d+(?:[nr]d|th|st)?)?\ *(?:January|JAN|February|FEB|March|MAR|April|APR|May|MAY|June|JUN|July|JUL|August|AUG|September|SEP|October|OCT|November|NOV|December|DEC)
Unreadable, check here if you want details: Regex101
Improved version using Wiktor Stribiżew's trick:
(?:Jan(?:uary)?|Feb(?:ruary)?|Mar(?:ch)?|Apr(?:il)?|May|Jun(?:e)?|Jul(?:y)?|Aug(?:ust)?|Sep(?:tember)?|Oct(?:ober)?|Nov(?:ember)?|Dec(?:ember)?)\ *\d+(?:[nr]d|th|st)?(?:-\d+(?:[nr]d|th|st)?)?|\d+(?:[nr]d|th|st)?(?:-\d+(?:[nr]d|th|st)?)?\ *(?:Jan(?:uary)?|Feb(?:ruary)?|Mar(?:ch)?|Apr(?:il)?|May|Jun(?:e)?|Jul(?:y)?|Aug(?:ust)?|Sep(?:tember)?|Oct(?:ober)?|Nov(?:ember)?|Dec(?:ember)?)
See details here: Regex101
It matches every monthes, it uses less steps (more efficient)
BUT, you need to make sure you're case insensitive
I came up with this:
Live Demo