Problem overloading assignment operator in template class - c++

Using the MS command line C++ compiler, version as indicated in the output below, compiling the following fails with the compiler report as included:
// File: shared_memory.h
template <class Contents>
class SharedMemory {
operator Contents& () {
SharedMemory &operator= (Contents &contents) { // [EDIT] CONST REMOVED AT PARAMETER
// File: shared_memory_test.cpp
class SharedAnimals: public SharedMemory <Animals> {
using SharedMemory <Animals>::operator=; // [EDIT] HAD TO BE ADDED
}; // This is line 67 in the original code
int main (int argc, char** argv) {
Animals animals (kind);
sharedAnimals = animals; // This is line 93 in the original code
// Compiler reports:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.16.27023\include\xlocale(319): warning C4530: C++ exception handler used, but unwind semantics are not enabled. Specify /EHsc
shared_memory_test.cpp(93): error C2679: binary '=': no operator found which takes a right-hand operand of type 'Animals' (or there is no acceptable conversion)
shared_memory_test.cpp(67): note: could be 'SharedAnimals &SharedAnimals::operator =(SharedAnimals &&)'
shared_memory_test.cpp(67): note: or 'SharedAnimals &SharedAnimals::operator =(const SharedAnimals &)'
shared_memory_test.cpp(93): note: while trying to match the argument list '(SharedAnimals, Animals)'
Can anyone give me a hint on what I am doing wrong?
Indeed the answer at Assignment operator inheritance provided by user1810087 solved the problem.
While the answer is already there, the context of this question, namely using a template class, led me to believe that the error was connected to that, and did not look for questions relating to "assignment operator inheritance".
Since I may not be the only one running into this, I suggest this question be maintained.


Construction of class creates unexpected function pointer [duplicate]

My issue is best demonstrated by the following code:
#include <fstream>
#include <iterator>
class Bar
public: template <class Iterator> Bar(Iterator first, Iterator last) {}
void foo(const Bar& bar) { }
int main(int argc, char** argv)
std::ifstream file("file.txt");
Bar bar(std::istream_iterator<char>(file), std::istream_iterator<char>());
foo(bar); // error C2664: 'foo' : cannot convert parameter 1 from 'Bar (__cdecl *)(std::istream_iterator<_Ty>,std::istream_iterator<_Ty> (__cdecl *)(void))' to 'const Bar &'
// with
// [
// _Ty=char
// ]
// Reason: cannot convert from 'overloaded-function' to 'const Bar'
// No constructor could take the source type, or constructor overload resolution was ambiguous
return 0;
Here are some similar instantiations of bar that don't cause the same ambiguity:
Bar bar = Bar(std::istream_iterator<char>(file), std::istream_iterator<char>());
std::istream_iterator<char> start(file);
std::istream_iterator<char> end;
Bar bar(start, end);
My question is, what is it about the first declaration of bar that causes it to be misinterpreted?
note: I'm testing with Visual Studio 2010 (10.0.30319.1)
ArunMu gets partial credit, it is indeed an example of Most Vexing Parse, but that term was coined in Meyer's Effective STL (Chapter 1, Item 6) not Exceptional C++.
It is being interpreted as a function pointer (the (__cdecl *) portion of the error is a dead give away), and apparently the C++ standard requires it to be interpreted that way. Does anyone have a chapter/verse citation for that?
There is also a another solution to provide a disambiguation. Adding an additional set of parenthesis around each parameter works too:
Bar bar( (std::istream_iterator<char>(file)), (std::istream_iterator<char>()) );
It's also worth pointing out that the issue is unrelated to the templates, as I had originally thought.
I think it is related to "C++ most vexing parse" that you will find in Meyer's Effective STL book.
Bar bar(std::istream_iterator&lt char &gt(file), std::istream_iterator &lt char &gt());
Is being considered as a **function declaration.**
due to which in foo(bar); you are sending a function pointer instead :)
Doing like below will have no error:
Bar bar = Bar(//your arguments here);

Cannot make an object uncopyable

I'm making a server interface for network programming and I ran into a problem. I want to make a server object uncopyable, mostly because it doesn't really make sense to do so and would probably make problems, and also because it uses threads which can't be copied. However, when I make the copy constructor and assignment operator private, I get an error:
Error 2 error C2248: '(namespaces..)::Server::Server' : cannot access private member declared in class '(namespaces..)::Server' (path..)\type_traits 1545 1 Server
The error seems to be in the type_traits file? I haven't used it at all, though it might be possible that some of the other std files I'm including use it? I'm using iostream, sstream, string, thread, map.
Here's the server class definition:
class DLL_PUBLIC Server
Server(unsigned int);
class PvtImpl; //Private implementation, so it isn't seen in the header file
PvtImpl *pvtImpl;
Server(const Server &par_other){}
Server& operator=(const Server &par_other){ return *this; }
and the private implementation:
class Server::PvtImpl
bool running;
unsigned int port, backlog, currentlyConnected;
SOCKET listenSocket;
std::thread *acceptConnectionsThread;
std::thread* *receiveDataThreads; //I am using pointers instead of vectors because I want it to be fixed
ClientObj* *clients;
std::map<ClientObj*, unsigned int> clientIndexMap;
Since I don't know what code to post because I don't even know where the error is coming from, then tell me if you need a specific part of it posted. If I comment out the private copy constructor and assignment operator then it works, but I don't want this to be copyable and especially not through default constructor. Doubt it, but does it have something to do with it being a DLL?
Anyway that's it, thanks for your time
So I added a = delete to the constructor as suggested, and also made it public:
class DLL_PUBLIC Server
Server(unsigned int);
Server(const Server &par_other) = delete;
Server& operator=(const Server &par_other) = delete;
I am getting a bit of a different error now, but also in the type_traits file:
Error 2 error C2280: '(namespaces..)::Server::Server(const (namespaces..)::Server &)' : attempting to reference a deleted function (path..)\type_traits 1545 1 Server
A bit of code it is complaining about in that file:
template<class _Ty> inline
typename decay<_Ty>::type _Decay_copy(_Ty&& _Arg)
{ // forward _Arg as value of decayed type
return (_STD forward<_Ty>(_Arg));
Update 2
So this is the output window from VS as requested:
1>(path...)\type_traits(1545): error C2280: '(namespaces..)::Server::Server(const (namespaces..)::Server &)' : attempting to reference a deleted function
1> (path..)\Server.h(19) : see declaration of '(namespaces..)::Server::Server'
1> (path..)\thread(47) : see reference to function template instantiation '(namespaces..)::Server std::_Decay_copy<(namespaces..)::Server&>(_Ty)' being compiled
1> with
1> [
1> _Ty=(namespaces..)::Server &
1> ]
1> Server.cpp(94) : see reference to function template instantiation 'std::thread::thread<void(__cdecl &)(const (namespaces..)::Server &),(namespaces..)::Server&>(_Fn,(namespaces..)::Server &)' being compiled
1> with
1> [
1> _Fn=void (__cdecl &)(const (namespaces..)::Server &)
1> ]
The line 19 in the Server.h it's mentioning is the copy constructor declaration. Line 94 in Server.cpp is thread creation:
pvtImpl->acceptConnectionsThread = new std::thread(acceptConnections, *this);
The acceptConnections function takes the server by constant reference so it shouldn't copy, here's the declaration:
friend void acceptConnections(const Server&);
Your problem is most likely in the thread constructor:
pvtImpl->acceptConnectionsThread = new std::thread(acceptConnections, *this);
Try this instead:
pvtImpl->acceptConnectionsThread = new std::thread(acceptConnections, std::ref(*this));
because without the std::ref() wrapper, a copy of your server instance will be passed into the thread constructor, which in turn will pass that copy by reference to your acceptConnections() method. Or at least try to, but it never got that far, as the compiler failed the initial copy.

Why can the simplest C++ code not be compiled?

template<class CharType>
struct MyString
int main()
char* narrow_str = 0;
MyString<char>(narrow_str); // error C2040
My compiler is VC++ 2013 RC.
The simplest code cannot be compiled because of the error C2040.
error C2040: 'narrow_str' : 'MyString' differs in levels of
indirection from 'char *'
The problem is this is actually not being parsed as a constructor call but as a variable definition. The problem is you already defined a variable narrow_str. You may have already known this but you can easily fix this by giving it a name.
template<class CharType>
struct MyString
int main()
char* narrow_str = 0;
MyString<char> ns(narrow_str); // error C2040
BTW this is also the source of the most vexing parse which occurs when this type of syntax is used in a function argument.
To be honest though I'm surprised that you got a different error because both g++ and clang gave me a clear error.
your syntax in creating a struct is wrong .
MyString<char>(narrow_str); // error C2040
MyString<char> myString(narrow_str);
will be ok.

C++ type cast operator code that won't compile in visual studio 2012, but worked fine in visual studio 2005

I'm trying to update a old project that has been building with visual studio 2005 to uses visual studio 2012, and I'm getting an error that I cant solve.
The code that works fine under VS2005:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
using std::cout;
using std::wcout;
using std::endl;
using std::wstring;
using std::string;
class Value
Value(const wstring& value)
v = value;
Value(Value& other)
this->v = other.v;
template<typename T>
operator T() const
T reply;
std::wistringstream is;
is >> reply;
return reply;
operator wstring() const
return v;
wstring v;
int main()
Value v(L"Hello World");
wstring str = v;
wcout << str << endl;
Value int_val(L"1");
int i = int_val;
cout << i + 1 << endl;
return 0;
When I'm compiling this under VS2012 I get an error on the line "wstring str = v;", the error is:
error C2440: 'initializing' : cannot convert from 'Value' to 'std::basic_string<_Elem,_Traits,_Alloc>'
1> with
1> [
1> _Elem=wchar_t,
1> _Traits=std::char_traits<wchar_t>,
1> _Alloc=std::allocator<wchar_t>
1> ]
1> No constructor could take the source type, or constructor overload resolution was ambiguous
I can kinda fix it by changing the operator signature from 'operator wstring() const' to 'operator const wstring&() const'. But why does the original code not work, even though it works in VS2005.
I'm not getting an error on the line "int i = int_val;".
This also compiles and runs fine with GCC (g++) in cygwin (version 4.5.3).
To really simulate my real problem there was some information left out in the sample code above. In between the Value class and the usage is a few other classes. One that look like this:
class Config
virtual Value getValue(const string& key) const = 0;
Value operator()(const string& key)
return getValue(key);
And the usage
const wstring value2 = config("key");
That will give the error above when compiling but also IntelliSense will give other hints on whats wrong and it says: "More than one user-defined conversion from "Value" to "const std::wstring" applies:" and it points at both the regular constructor and the move constructor of basic_string. So it seem to have something to do with rvalues to do and I have been reading up on that, and understand the basics. But there is probably a lot I am missing.
I find that I can fix this problem by changing the usage to:
const wstring&& value = config("key");
Then it seem like the VS2012 compiler understand which constructor it should use then.
* Are there a way to not use && in this example?
* What is really happening here?
I put up the sample code on GitHub:
In simple (hopefully not simplified) terms, with C++11, you'll have to start thinking of references in terms of lvalue and rvalue. Basically, C++11 gives you the ability to handle operations on references differently depending on whether or not you are dealing with a "temporary" object. This gives you ability to do things like move data internal to your object rather than copy in different situations. The down side to this is the effect you are seeing, where old code is not specific enough about which you are dealing with. There's more to it than that, it's not really something that can be fully explained in a short SO answer, but previous answers gave some good places to start. I would rework your code to provide both rvalue and lvalue operators (which it sounds like you're already on your way to doing).

C++ Garbage collection, templates and operator overriding - can't understand why it throws an error

I am trying to compile a file which defines a garbage collection template and several supporting classes with use of operator overloading. I've tried to run this through MSVC++ 2008, and the compile stops at this particular class:
// (The collector defines gc_object_generic_base which
// inherits from gc_object_generic_base and optionally adds
// collector-specific properties.)
template<class garbage_collector>
class gc_object_base : public garbage_collector::gc_object_collector_base {
gc_object_base() {
static void* operator new(size_t sz,
block_construction_locker_base* lock = block_construction_locker<garbage_collector>().get_this())
return garbage_collector::allocate(sz, lock);
static void operator delete(void* p, block_construction_locker_base* lock) {
return garbage_collector::deallocate(p);
static void operator delete(void* p) {
return garbage_collector::deallocate(p);
// TODO: are arrays worth implementing?
static void* operator new[](size_t sz) {
return 0;
Truncated output for brevity's sake:
2>------ Build started: Project: Test, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------
2>C:\test\gameswf\base\tu_gc.h(133) : error C2059: syntax error : 'string'
2> C:\test\gameswf\base\tu_gc.h(151) : see reference to class template instantiation 'tu_gc::gc_object_base' being compiled
2>C:\test\gameswf\base\tu_gc.h(135) : error C2091: function returns function
2>C:\test\gameswf\base\tu_gc.h(135) : error C2802: static member 'operator new' has no formal parameters
2>C:\test\gameswf\base\tu_gc.h(135) : error C2333: 'tu_gc::gc_object_base::operator new' : error in function declaration; skipping function body
Any ideas on where I should start looking at?
I just had the same pattern of errors in a different project. It seems to happen when someone has done this somewhere:
#define new new(someArgs, someMoreArgs, etc)
It's targeted at simple 'new' expressions, but it breaks down if anyone tries to declare any more 'operator new' thingies.
In the opening lines
template<class garbage_collector>
class gc_object_base : public garbage_collector::gc_object_collector_base {
garbage_collector appears twice here, once as the template parameter and another as an outer-class to gc_object_collector_base, but as it is a template parameter does it not require "typename" here thus:
template<class garbage_collector>
class gc_object_base : public typename garbage_collector::gc_object_collector_base {
There is no mention of string in your code, that I can see. But I would start by ensuring that you first #include <string> before your class delcaration, and then make sure you use std::string as your declarator, rather than just string.