Trouble Finding The Segmentation Fault Cause(s) - c++

The code keeps giving segmentation fault ( core dropped ) error
I have feel like something is wrong with the getNumberParticles() ; as when i just have return 0 as the function definition there is no error but if i return anything else but 0 theres an error
also if you will tell me to use gdb
its a multiple file program with one main
im not sure how to debug it like that
ParticleList::ParticleList() {
numParticles = 0;
particles[500] = {};
// ParticleList::ParticleList(int rows, int cols){
// numParticles = 0;
// particles[rows * cols * 4] = {};
// }
ParticleList::ParticleList(const ParticleList& obj){
// Clean-up the particle list
ParticleList::~ParticleList() {
for(int i = 0 ; i < 500 ; i++){
delete particles[i];
// Number of particles in the ParticleList
int ParticleList::getNumberParticles() {
numParticles = 0;
for(int i = 0 ; i < 500 ; i++){
if(particles[i] != nullptr){
return this->numParticles;
// Get a pointer to the i-th particle in the list
ParticlePtr ParticleList::get(int i) {
return particles[i-1];
// Add a particle (as a pointer) to the list
// This class now has control over the pointer
// And should delete the pointer if the particle is removed from the list
void ParticleList::add_back(ParticlePtr particle) {
int quantity = getNumberParticles();
particles[quantity]= particle;
// Remove all particles from the list
void ParticleList::clear() {
for(int i = 0 ; i < 500 ; i++){
particles[i]= nullptr;
#include "Particle.h"
#include "Types.h"
class ParticleList {
/* */
/* */
// Create a New Empty List
ParticleList(const ParticleList& obj); //Copy Construcor
// Clean-up the particle list
// Number of particles in the ParticleList
int getNumberParticles();
// Get a pointer to the i-th particle in the list
ParticlePtr get(int i);
// Add a particle (as a pointer) to the list
// This class now has control over the pointer
// And should delete the pointer if the particle is removed from the list
void add_back(ParticlePtr particle);
// Remove all particles from the list
// Don't forget to clean-up the memory!
void clear();
/* */
/* */
ParticleList(int rows, int cols);
/* This is a suggestion of what you could use. */
/* You can change this code. */
// particle* particles[300]
//Array of pointers to particle objects
ParticlePtr particles[500];
int numParticles;

There are a few things wrong with your class:
I don't see anything it provides that std::vector<ParticlePtr> doesn't also provide (correctly).
You have not provided assignment operator, and thus violated the rule of 3.
Your copy constructor is incorrect, and doesn't initialize any of your members.
Your get method implements 1-based indexing, which is very likely to confuse everybody.
It is very likely that issue 2 or 3 above is the root cause of your crash.
But issue 1 should be enough to throw away this code and replace it with std::vector.


Why is my for-loop breaking after the if-statement returns false?

This is the search method of a linked list class I created. The for-loop "Find Nodes With Kind" is breaking the first time the if-statement is false. I've included the entire method, and the relevant constants, enum, struct, and variable outside of the method. I already tried adding braces and switching to a while-loop, same results. I've tested it in CLion and
There is no error. If KIND is the same kind of Bead (e.g. copper) as the one in position 0 it returns the pointer containing position 0, and every position directly following it that also contains that same bead kind, but does not contain the positions holding that bead kind after the first position which is not that bead kind. If a kind other than the one in the 0 position (e.g. 0 holds silver and searching for copper) then nullptr is returned.
/* list.h */
/* ...blah, blah, blah... */
// Enumerated Data Types
// Bead Types
enum Bead: unsigned char{copper, silver, gold};
// Global Constants
const unsigned char X0 = 0, X1 = 1;
/* ...Other Stuff... */
class List
/* ...irrelevant stuff...*/
// Structures/Classes
struct Node // List's Node structure.
// Fields
Bead kind; // Holds the kind of bead.
Node * next; // Points to the next Node.
/* ...Other Stuff... */
// Fields
Node * head;
/* ...Other Stuff... */
/* ...Other Stuff... */
// Methods
size_t length() const; // Length Retriever
/* ...Other Stuff... */
/* ...Other Stuff... */
/* list.cpp */
/* ...blah, blah, blah... */
// Search Method
size_t * List::search(const Bead & KIND)
// Method Variables/Constants
List::Node * node = head; // Pointer to move through the list.
const size_t L {length()}, // Size of list.
LP1 {L + X1}; // List + 1 For Length
size_t position[LP1], // Holds Positions Found
newSize = X1, // Size of returned array.
* returned; // Returned array.
// Error Check
if(!head) return nullptr; // Return nullptr if empty.
// Find Nodes With Kind
for(size_t i = X0; i < L; ++i) // Until end is reached:
if(node->kind == KIND) // If kind found:
{ // Add position to position[].
position[newSize++] = i; // Update newSize.
node = node->next; // Move to the next Node.
// When finished; set position[0] to newSize.
position[X0] = newSize;
// Return what was found; if anything.
if(newSize > X1)
returned = new size_t[newSize]; // Create correctly sized array,
for(size_t i = X0; i < newSize; ++i) // and copy data over.
*(returned + i) = position[i];
return returned; // Then return it.
// Return nullptr if nothing was found:
return nullptr;
/* ...Other Stuff... */
Some issues I had with your code are:
why do the arrays not start at index 0?
why bother with creating a temporary array, just populate the final array
populating the resultant array is weird, why use *(returned + i) = ... and not returned[i] = ...
I had a tinker with your code and this is what I came up with. It is not exactly the same as your code, since I didn't understand certain aspects of your code, but, I think you should be able to use it as a template to shorten your code:
size_t * List::search(const Bead & KIND)
size_t total = 0;
for (List::Node* node = head; node; node = node->next)
if (node->kind == KIND)
if (!total)
return nullptr;
size_t* result = new size_t[total];
size_t index = 0;
size_t resultIndex = 0;
for (List::Node* node = head, index = 0; node; node = node->next, index++)
if (node->kind == KIND)
result[resultIndex++] = index;
return result;
Note that this API assumes that the caller will take care of checking the resultant pointer and take care of deleting it. This is not a good design since, is (1) API should be responsible for deleting whatever it creates, (2) push the responsibility for allocating and deallocating the array back to the caller.

Correctly managing pointers in C++ Quadtree implementation

I'm working on a C++ quadtree implementation for collision detection. I tried to adapt this Java implementation to C++ by using pointers; namely, storing the child nodes of each node as Node pointers (code at the end). However, since my understanding of pointers is still rather lacking, I am struggling to understand why my Quadtree class produces the following two issues:
When splitting a Node in 4, the debugger tells me that all my childNodes entries are identical to the first one, i.e., same address and bounds.
Even if 1. is ignored, I get an Access violation reading location 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, which I found out is a consequence of the childNode pointees being deleted after the first split, resulting in undefined behaviour.
My question is: what improvements should I make to my Quadtree.hpp so that each Node can contain 4 distinct child node pointers and have those references last until the quadtree is cleared?
What I have tried so far:
Modifying getChildNode according to this guide and using temporary variables in split() to avoid all 4 entries of childNodes to point to the same Node:
void split() {
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
Node temp = getChildNode(level, bounds, i + 1);
childNodes[i] = &(temp);
but this does not solve the problem.
This one is particularly confusing. My initial idea was to just store childNodes as Nodes themselves, but turns out that cannot be done while we're defining the Node class itself. Hence, it looks like the only way to store Nodes is by first creating them and then storing pointers to them as I tried to do in split(), yet it seems that those will not "last" until we've inserted all the objects since the pointees get deleted (run out of scope) and we get the aforementioned undefined behaviour. I also thought of using smart pointers, but that seems to only overcomplicate things.
The code:
#pragma once
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include "Box.hpp"
namespace quadtree {
class Node {
Node(int p_level, quadtree::Box<float> p_bounds)
:level(p_level), bounds(p_bounds)
parentWorld = NULL;
// NOTE: mandatory upon Quadtree initialization
void setParentWorld(World* p_world_ptr) {
parentWorld = p_world_ptr;
Clears the quadtree
void clear() {
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
if (childNodes[i] != nullptr) {
childNodes[i] = nullptr;
Splits the node into 4 subnodes
void split() {
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
childNodes[i] = &getChildNode(level, bounds, i + 1);;
Determine which node the object belongs to. -1 means
object cannot completely fit within a child node and is part
of the parent node
int getIndex(Entity* p_ptr_entity) {
quadtree::Box<float> nodeBounds;
quadtree::Box<float> entityHitbox;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
nodeBounds = childNodes[i]->bounds;
ComponentHandle<Hitbox> hitbox;
parentWorld->unpack(*p_ptr_entity, hitbox);
entityHitbox = hitbox->box;
if (nodeBounds.contains(entityHitbox)) {
return i;
return -1; // if no childNode completely contains Entity Hitbox
Insert the object into the quadtree. If the node
exceeds the capacity, it will split and add all
objects to their corresponding nodes.
void insertObject(Entity* p_ptr_entity) {
if (childNodes[0] != nullptr) {
int index = getIndex(p_ptr_entity);
if (index != -1) {
(*childNodes[index]).insertObject(p_ptr_entity); // insert in child node
objects.push_back(p_ptr_entity); // add to parent node
if (objects.size() > MAX_OBJECTS && level < MAX_DEPTH) {
if (childNodes[0] == nullptr) {
int i = 0;
while (i < objects.size()) {
int index = getIndex(objects[i]);
if (index != -1)
Entity* temp_entity = objects[i];
// remove i-th element of the vector
using std::swap;
swap(objects[i], objects.back());
Return all objects that could collide with the given object
std::vector<Entity*> retrieve(Entity* p_ptr_entity, std::vector<Entity*> returnObjects) {
int index = getIndex(p_ptr_entity);
if (index != -1 && childNodes[0] == nullptr) {
(*childNodes[index]).retrieve(p_ptr_entity, returnObjects);
returnObjects.insert(returnObjects.end(), objects.begin(), objects.end());
return returnObjects;
World* getParentWorld() {
return parentWorld;
int MAX_OBJECTS = 10;
int MAX_DEPTH = 5;
World* parentWorld; // used to unpack entities
int level; // depth of the node
quadtree::Box<float> bounds; // boundary of nodes in the game's map
std::vector<Entity*> objects; // list of objects contained in the node: pointers to Entitites in the game
Node* childNodes[4];
quadtree::Box<float> getQuadrantBounds(quadtree::Box<float> p_parentBounds, int p_quadrant_id) {
quadtree::Box<float> quadrantBounds;
quadrantBounds.width = p_parentBounds.width / 2;
quadrantBounds.height = p_parentBounds.height / 2;
switch (p_quadrant_id) {
case 1: // NE =;
quadrantBounds.left = p_parentBounds.width / 2;
case 2: // NW =;
quadrantBounds.left = p_parentBounds.left;
case 3: // SW = p_parentBounds.height / 2;
quadrantBounds.left = p_parentBounds.left;
case 4: // SE = p_parentBounds.height / 2;
quadrantBounds.left = p_parentBounds.width / 2;
return quadrantBounds;
Node& getChildNode(int parentLevel, Box<float> parentBounds, int quadrant) {
static Node temp = Node(parentLevel + 1, getQuadrantBounds(parentBounds, quadrant));
return temp;
Where Box is just a helper class that contains some helper methods for rectangular shapes and collision detection. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Delete Zero in ArrayList in C++

Inside the ArrayList I'm trying to delete all possible 0's that are appended as input, but for now it only deletes just one 0, no matter where it is located. But seems like I can't delete more than one zero at the time. How can I fix this?
void AList::elimZeros(){
int i;
int curr = 0;
for(i=0; i < listSize; i++) {
if ( (listArray[i] != 0 ) && (curr<listSize) ){
listArray[curr] = listArray[i];
else if (listArray[i] == 0 )
listArray[curr] = listArray[i+1];
This is the class for the ADT
class AList : public List {
ListItemType* listArray; // Array holding list elements
static const int DEFAULT_SIZE = 10; // Default size
int maxSize; // Maximum size of list
int listSize; // Current # of list items
int curr; // Position of current element
// Duplicates the size of the array pointed to by listArray
// and update the value of maxSize.
void resize();
// Constructors
// Create a new list object with maximum size "size"
AList(int size = DEFAULT_SIZE) : listSize(0), curr(0) {
maxSize = size;
listArray = new ListItemType[size]; // Create listArray
~AList(); // destructor to remove array
This is the input I'm testing with:
int main() {
AList L(10);
AList L2(20);
It'd be helpful if you posted the class code for AList. Think you confused Java's ArrayList type, but assuming you're using vectors you can always just do:
for (int i = 0; i < listSize; i++) {
if(listArray[i] == 0) listArray.erase(i);
EDIT: Assuming this is the template of for the AList class, then there is simply a remove() function. In terms of your code, there are two issues.
You reference listSize in the for loop, then decrement it inside of the loop. Each iteration evaluates the value separately so you're reducing the number of total loop iterations and stopping early.
The other thing is if the entry is zero you shouldn't increment curr and set listArray[curr] = listArray[i+1]. This is basically assuming the next entry will not be a zero. So if it is, then you're copying the element and moving to the next. Your if statement can be cleaned up with:
if (listArray[i] == 0) {
} else {
listArray[curr] = listArray[i];

Class creating multiple objects of another class at the same memory location (C++)

So, I've got this class that contains a vector of another class. Whenever I try to push a new object into this vector, it's creating that object at the same memory location each time.
The (hopefully) relevant code:
class FSM{
std::vector<Node> nodeList;
int cap;
int obs;
int topNode;
FSM(int nodeCap, int numObs){
cap = nodeCap;
obs = numObs;
topNode = -1;
bool addNode(){
if (isFull()) return false;
return true;
Now, if I create a stand-alone Node object in my main function and cout the &node, I get different memory locations. But the ones created in the FSM class are always the same. Also, if I change anything in one of the Nodes stored by the FSM class, it changes it for all of them. I have no idea what's going on.
EDIT: As requested, here is the Node class. Just gonna post the whole thing, not sure what is relevant.
class Node{
std::vector<int> connects;
int action;
Node(int numObs){
for(int i = 0; i < numObs; i++){
void setConnections(std::vector<int> newVec){
for (int i = 0; i < connects.size(); i++){
connects[i] = newVec[i];
int getConnection(int index){
return connects[index];
std::vector<int> getConnectionList(){
return connects;
void setAction(int act){
action = act;
int getAction(){
return action;
void setRandomConnections(int numNodes){
for (int i = 0; i < connects.size(); i++){
connects[i] = rand() % numNodes;
EDIT the Second: Here's what my main is doing.
int main(){
FSM myFSM(5, 3);
while (!myFSM.isFull()){
std::cout << &myFSM.getTopNode(); // getTopNode() returns the most recent
// node.
If getTopNode does what I think it does, you're printing the address of a temporary object (aka a copy of the top node, not the top node itself). So that code is meaningless.
Here I've implemented a print function for the locations of the nodes in FSM:
void printNodeLocations()
for(Node& n : nodeList) { std::cout << &n << std::endl; }
And I get different ones as expected:
EDIT: I cannot reproduce your claim that changing one node changes all of them. See updated code
This line:
std::cout << &myFSM.getTopNode();
probably prints the address of a temporary object, not the actual object in the vector. This will be true if you're not returning by reference but rather by value.
So it's not weird if the temporary happens to be created at the same location each time, since after the temporary dies, its location in memory is free to be used again later.
In order to get the actual object rather than a copy of it, getTopNode() needs to do:
Node& FSM::getTopNode()
if (nodeList.empty()) {
// Up to you how to handle this error.
return nodeList.back();
Of course, if your current getTopNode() implementation actually already returns a pointer:
Node* FSM::getTopNode()
then your problem is that you're printing out the address of the pointer rather than the pointer itself. In that case you should print with:
std::cout << myFSM.getTopNode();
Nothing happens similar to yours.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
class Node{
std::vector<int> connects;
int action;
Node(int num){
for(int i = 0; i < num; i++){
std::vector<int> getConn()
return connects;
class FSM{
std::vector<Node> nodeList;
void addNode(int size){
Node l(size);
std::cout<<"temp_address "<<&l<<"\n";
nodeList.push_back(l);//use of default copy constructor
void printList(){
std::vector<int> p;
for (int i=0; i<nodeList.size(); i++)
std::cout<<"Node_arr_num "<<i<<" mem_address "<<&nodeList[i]<<"\nConnections:";
for (int j=0; j<p.size(); j++)
std::cout<<" "<<p[j];
int main()
FSM f;
return 0;
temp_address 0xbfea7660
temp_address 0xbfea7660
temp_address 0xbfea7660
Node_arr_num 0 mem_address 0x8dab098
Connections: 0 1 2 3 4
Node_arr_num 1 mem_address 0x8dab0a8
Connections: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Node_arr_num 2 mem_address 0x8dab0b8
Connections: 0 1 2
Be careful with adding nodes later, when your app will grow. Temporary l object (ore your Node(obs)) must be copied with explicit copy constructor of class Node if Node will be more complex (contains fields with dynamic allocated memory).

c++ and xcode - calling objects function throws EXC_BAD_ACCESS

This code works fine in VS2010 but now I am trying to port it to my mac with xcode 4.6 and it's giving me some bad access errors at run time. Basically I have a board class which contains a 2d array of tiles, when I create the board I can access the tiles functions but when I later run my draw function it gives me bad access. Here is a sample of my board class.
#include "Tile.h"
class Board
//This is the GameBoard of a 2D array of Tiles
Tile *** GameBoard;
void CreateBoard(const int size);
void FillValues();
Board(int size);
void DrawBoard();
Board::Board(const int size)
BoardSize =size;
GameBoard = new Tile**[size];
void Board::CreateBoard(const int size)
void Board::FillValues()
for(int x=1;x<BoardSize+1;x++)
for(int y =1;y<BoardSize+1;y++)
if (GameBoard[x][y]->Type()=="NumberTile")
int neighbors = CountNeighbours(x,y);
//This works
void Board::DrawBoard()
for(int i=0;i<=BoardSize+1;i++)
for (int j=0;j<=BoardSize+1;j++)
if (GameBoard[i][j]->Type() != "BorderTile") {
//This does not work, i get the error when it tries to use ->Type()
I call the functions like this
GI = new Board(SCREEN_SIZE);
GameBoard = new Tile**[size];
This just creates an array of Tile**. You don't yet have any actual Tiles or even Tile*s and later, when you're trying to access elements of the array with GameBoard[x][y]->, you're hitting undefined behaviour.
As you have it, you would need to do this:
GameBoard = new Tile**[size]; // Allocate an array of Tile**
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
GameBoard[i] = new Tile*[size]; // Allocate an array of Tile*
for (int j = 0; i < size; j++) {
GameBoard[i][j] = new Tile(); // Allocate an array of Tile
However, this is awful. It's three lots of dynamic allocation that you have to remember to tidy up at the end (and tidy up correctly).
A simpler approach would be to just have an 2D array of tiles:
Or better yet, use the std::array container:
std::array<std::array<Tile, CONSTEXPR_SIZE>, CONSTEXPR_SIZE> GameBoard;
Here, the size given has to be a constant expression. If you need it to be dynamically sized, use a std::vector instead.
In the comments below, you say the size of your array is actually BoardSize+1. Still, you are iterating over too many elements in both your outer and inner for loops:
for(int i=0;i<=BoardSize+1;i++)
This should be:
for(int i=0; i<BoardSize+1; i++)
Also in the comments below, you say that Type returns a char*. That means you can't do your string comparison like this:
GameBoard[i][j]->Type() != "BorderTile"
This simply performs pointer comparison, since the left operand is a char* and the right operand is convertible to const char*. It doesn't compare the strings themselves. Instead, you want:
GameBoard[i][j]->Type() != std::string("BorderTile")
This will force std::string comparison to be used.