Laravel 5.5 load only the data for the currently logged in user - laravel-5.5

Hi I am new to laravel but I would like to load all the bookings for the currently logged in user.
I have tried doing this
//check if user is logged in
if ($user = Auth::user()) {
//get only the bookings for the currently logged in user
$allProducts =Booking::where('client', Auth::user()->name)->where('name', $name)->first();
//store the bookings in a products variable
$products = json_decode(json_encode($allProducts));
//Loop through the products:
foreach ($products as $key => $val) {
//get the name of the service by matching it's id in the service model to the service column in the products
$service_name = Service::where(['id' => $val->service])->first();
//get the charge amount of the service by matching it's id in the Charge model to the charge column in the products
$service_fee = Charge::where(['id' => $val->charge])->first();
//get the status of the service by matching it's id in the status model to the status column in the products
$service_status = Status::where(['id' => $val->status])->first();
$products[$key]->service_name = $service_name->name;
$products[$key]->service_fee = $service_fee->total;
$products[$key]->service_status = $service_status->name;
return view('')->with(compact('products'));
return view('/login');
But that is giving me an error: Undefined variable: name on the line
$allProducts =Booking::where('client', Auth::user()->name)->where('name', $name)->first();
What could I be doing wrong? and how can I solve it to dsplay only the required data

I have tried to understand what you are doing without success but from your explanations in the comments, I think I know what you want to do.
Since you said that this code works well for you except that it gives you the results of all the data in the database irrespective of the logged in user
$allProducts = Booking::get();
it is because that creates a query that selects all the data in the database.
Whatv you need is to add a where clause to your statement. to do that simply add this to the above line of code
where('client', Auth::user()->name)
it will return only the data that that contains the client column equal to the name of the currently logged in user.
Therefore the entire line of code becomes;
$allProducts = Booking::get()->where('client', Auth::user()->name);
Alternatively you could use filters


Odoo error: return self.models[model_name] KeyError: 'res_groups_users_rel'

I need to make UI many2one dopdown list where I can identify users which depend to Manager group role.
Now I have dropdown field:
test = fields.Many2one('res.groups', 'Purchase request type', default=_get_users, track_visibility='onchange')
And I tried to write a function which can identify all users which depend to manager group role.
def _get_users(self):
pickings = self.env['res_groups_users_rel'].search([('gid','=',61)])
pickings_available = []
for picking in pickings:
return pickings_available
And I got an error:
return self.models[model_name]
KeyError: 'res_groups_users_rel'
I don't know how can I change this function and get value from amy2many relation.
I changed my function to:
def _get_users(self):
pickings = self.env['res.groups'].browse(61).users
pickings_available = []
for picking in pickings:
return pickings_available
and field:
test = fields.Many2one('res.users', 'Some text', default=_get_users, track_visibility='onchange')
I logged function _get_users and get values: [res.users(9,), res.users(65,)]
But I still can't get these values on my test field dropdown. What I am doing wrong?
If you are trying to get all users that belong to a group, why not do the following:
On a side note, you might get an error, trying to assign a list as default value to a Many2one field.
Also you seem to be assigning users belonging to a group to a field that is specified to store reference to groups.
If you need to have a field to select a user that belongs to group with id 61, you can do the following:
test = fields.Many2one('res.users', 'Some description', domain="[('groups_id', 'in', [61])]")

Django - Update or create syntax assistance (error)

I've followed the guide in the queryset documentation as per ( but I think im getting something wrong:
my script checks against an inbox for maintenance emails from our ISP, and then sends us a calendar invite if you are subscribed and adds maintenance to the database.
Sometimes we get updates on already planned maintenance, of which i then need to update the database with the new date and time, so im trying to use "update or create" for the queryset, and need to use the ref no from the email to update or create the record
if sender.lower() == '':
print 'Found maintenance in mail: {0}'.format(subject)
content = Message.getBody(mail)
postcodes = re.findall(r"[A-Z]{1,2}[0-9R][0-9A-Z]? [0-9][A-Z]{2}", content)
if postcodes:
print 'Found Postcodes'
error_body = """
Email titled: {0}
With content: {1}
Failed processing, could not find any postcodes in the email
SendMail(authentication,site_admins,'Unprocessed Email',error_body)
times = re.findall("\d{2}/\d{2}/\d{4} \d{2}:\d{2}", content)
if times:
print 'Found event Times'
e_start_time = datetime.strftime(datetime.strptime(times[0], "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M"),"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
e_end_time = datetime.strftime(datetime.strptime(times[1], "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M"),"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
subscribers = []
clauses = (Q(site_data__address__icontains=p) for p in postcodes)
query = reduce(operator.or_, clauses)
sites = Circuits.objects.filter(query).filter(circuit_type='MPLS', provider='KCOM')
subject_text = "Maintenance: "
m_ref ='\[(.*?)\]',subject).group(1)
if not len(sites):
#try use first part of postcode
h_pcode = postcodes[0].split(' ')
sites = Circuits.objects.filter(site_data__postcode__startswith=h_pcode[0]).filter(circuit_type='MPLS', provider='KCOM')
if not len(sites):
#still cant find a site, send error
error_body = """
Email titled: {0}
With content: {1}
I have found a postcode, but could not find any matching sites to assign this maintenance too, therefore no meeting has been sent
SendMail(authentication,site_admins,'Unprocessed Email',error_body)
#have site(s) send an invite and create record
for s in sites:
create record in circuit maintenance
maint = CircuitMaintenance(
circuit = s,
ref = m_ref,
start_time = e_start_time,
end_time = e_end_time,
notes = content
maint, CircuitMaintenance.objects.update_or_create(ref=m_ref)
#create subscribers for maintenance
m_ref, is the unique field that will match the update, but everytime I run this in tests I get
sites_circuitmaintenance.start_time may not be NULL
but I've set it?
If you want to update certain fields provided that a record with certain values exists, you need to explicitly provide the defaults as well as the field names.
Your code should look like this:
{'circuit' : s,'start_time' : e_start_time,'end_time' : e_end_time,'notes' : content}, ref=m_ref)
The particular error you are seeing is because update_or_create is creating an object because one with rer=m_ref does not exist. But you are not passing in values for all the not null fields. The above code will fi that.

Using each line of a file separately in a script

I have a list of 235 twitter IDs in a text file.
like so:
I need to go through each one and get the coordinates for each ID. I have written a script that collects the most common coordinate for an account but currently I have to go through manually changing the ID. I am fairly new to Python so any help would be greatly appreciated.
Below is the start of the script, with the '------' indicating were the ID name should be.
#finds unique IDs and saves them in a separate file
auth = tweepy.auth.OAuthHandler('username', 'password')
auth.set_access_token('username', 'password')
api = tweepy.API(auth)
user = api.get_user('------').followers()
#gets 50 tweets from specific ID
statuses = api.user_timeline(id = '------', count = 50)

Partial Text Matching GAE

I am developing a web application for managing customers. So I have a Customer entity which is made up by usual fields such as first_name, last_name, age etc.
I have a page where these customers are shown as a table. In the same page I have a search field, and I'd like to filter customers and update the table while the user is typing a something in the search field, using Ajax.
Here is how it should work:
Figure 1: The main page showing all of the customers:
Figure 2: As long as the user types letter "b", the table is updated with the results:
Given that partial text matching is not supported in GAE, I have tricked and implemented it arising from what is shown here: TL;DR: I have created a Customers Index, that contains a Search Document for every customer(doc_id=customer_key). Each Search Document contains Atom Fields for every customer's field I want to be able to search on(eg: first_name, last_name): every field is made up like this: suppose the last_name is Berlusconi, the field is going to be made up by these Atom Fields "b" "be" "ber" "berl" "berlu" "berlus" "berlusc" "berlusco" "berluscon" "berlusconi".
In this way I am able to perform full text matching in a way that resembles partial text matching. If I search for "Be", the Berlusconi customer is returned.
The search is made by Ajax calls: whenever a user types in the search field(the ajax is dalayed a little bit to see if the user keeps typing, to avoid sending a burst of requests), an Ajax call is made with the query string, and a json object is returned.
Now, things were working well in debugging, but I was testing it with a few people in the datastore. As long as I put many people, search looks very slow.
This is how I create search documents. This is called everytime a new customer is put to the datastore.
def put_search_document(cls, key):
Called by _post_put_hook in BaseModel
model = key.get()
_fields = []
if model:
_fields.append(search.AtomField(name="empty", value=""),) # to retrieve customers when no query string
_fields.append(search.TextField(name="sort1", value=model.last_name.lower()))
_fields.append(search.TextField(name="sort2", value=model.first_name.lower()))
_fields.append(search.TextField(name="full_name", value=Customer.tokenize1(
model.first_name.lower()+" "+model.last_name.lower()
_fields.append(search.TextField(name="full_name_rev", value=Customer.tokenize1(
model.last_name.lower()+" "+model.first_name.lower()
# _fields.append(search.TextField(name="telephone", value=Customer.tokenize1(
# model.telephone.lower()
# )),)
# _fields.append(search.TextField(name="email", value=Customer.tokenize1(
# )),)
document = search.Document( # create new document with doc_id=key.urlsafe()
index = search.Index(name=cls._get_kind()+"Index") # not in try-except: defer will catch and retry.
def tokenize1(string):
s = ""
for i in range(len(string)):
if i > 0:
s = s + " " + string[0:i+1]
s = string[0:i+1]
return s
This is the search code:
def search(ndb_model, query_phrase):
# TODO: search returns a limited number of results(20 by default)
# (See Search Results at
sort1 = search.SortExpression(expression='sort1', direction=search.SortExpression.ASCENDING,
sort2 = search.SortExpression(expression='sort2', direction=search.SortExpression.ASCENDING,
sort_opt = search.SortOptions(expressions=[sort1, sort2])
results = search.Index(name=ndb_model._get_kind() + "Index").search(
print "----------------"
res_list = []
for r in results:
obj = ndb.Key(urlsafe=r.doc_id).get()
print obj.first_name + " "+obj.last_name
return res_list
Did anyone else had my same experience? If so, how have you solved it?
Thank you guys very much,
Marco Galassi
EDIT: names, email, phone are obviously totally invented.
Edit2: I have now moved to TextField, who look a little bit faster, but the problem still persist

Symfony 2 update related table by user id

Having a bit of a brain dead morning. Messing about with symfony2 and I can't work out how to update a table by a users id. For example: I have a profile table with a user id that is created on registration, so I have an empty table except for a user id. I want to update the the profile table row that belongs to the logged in user. I have a one to one relationship and a getUser method. ?? I am able to get the id of current logged in user, just don't know to update relevant table.
Considering your information I assume User is owner. I don't know if you set the profile on persisting of User...
if (is_null($user->getProfile()) {
$profile = new \Foo\BarBundle\Entity\Profile();
} else $profile = $user->getProfile();
That fine?
Or DQL (I haven't done it this way, may have syntax errors):
$qb = $em->createQueryBuilder();
$result = $qb->update('Foo\BarBundle\Entity\Profile', 'p')
->set('barBaz', 'barbaz')
->set('fooBaz', 'foobaz')
->where('p.user_id = ?1')->setParameter(1, $user->getId())