Woocommerce webhook to AWS API-Gateway : CORS/Header issue - amazon-web-services

I am trying to send a Woocommerce webhook to AWS API Gateway. When i put in my API Gateway URL on Amazon I get the following error:
Error: Delivery URL returned response code: 415
I think this is related to headers, there is an option to Create CORS in API-Gateway that I have now done. Which then adds an OPTION method but I still get undefined in Cloudwatch
I created a POST method and used the mapping template below with application/json and the setting When there are no templates defined (recommended)
"body" : $input.json('$'),
"headers": {
#foreach($header in $input.params().header.keySet())
"$header": "$util.escapeJavaScript($input.params().header.get($header))" #if ($foreach.hasNext), #end
Here is a mini Lambda Node function that just outputs a Woocommerce order number to the console and shows in Cloudwatch whether the API passthrough is working.
exports.handler = (event, context, callback, err) => {
//callback(null, event.meta_data);
if (err) console.log('JSON Pass Fail'); // an error occurred
else console.log(event.order_key); // successful response
If anyone did want to have a go at re-creating this, you can knock up a quick Wordpress install on cPanel and install the Woocommerce Plugin. Setup a dummy product and then just use the Cash on Delivery as a payment method to get your "Order Created" webhooks firing. Only takes 2 minutes.
You can use https://requestbin.com/ or webhook.site to test out webhook outputs.
Can anyone help sorting out the Headers so i can pass a Woocommerce payload to API Gateway?


How to set the api version being called in API Gateway when integrating with AWS Service CloudWatch?

I get the following error message when calling actions for CloudWatch in API Gateway.
"Error": {
"Code": "InvalidAction",
"Message": "Could not find operation DescribeAlarms for version 2009-05-15",
"Type": "Sender"
I've been using DescribeAlarms for testing. My setup is as follows.
Integration Type = AWS Service
AWS Service = CloudWatch
HTTP method = POST
Action = DescribeAlarms
The error references the API Version 2009-05-15, which only has ListMetrics and GetMetricStatistics according to it's documentation on page 54. ListMetrics does indeed work as expected with my setup.
The current version is 2010-08-01 but I don't see anyway to reference that in API Gateway. In an example of a POST request in the documentation it shows a header labeled x-amz-target with a value of GraniteServiceVersion20100801.API_Name.
My interpretation is I can put Name = x-amz-target and value 'GraniteServiceVersion20100801.DescribeAlarms' in my http header for the Integration Request in API Gateway.
This doesn't change the response and gives the same error message.
I also used the --debug in CLI when calling describe-alarms, and in the body it shows...
"body": {
So I also set http headers to include Content-Type with a value of 'application/x-amz-json-1.1' and then put in
but nothing changed with that either.
Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated.
Under Method Integration -> URL Query String Parameters
I added Version as the Name and '2010-08-01' under Mapped From.
All actions are now working as expected.
I'm trying to PutMetrics directly from Api Gateway -> Cloudwatch using PutMetricData, Version in the query string params didn't work for me.
These 3 HTTP headers in the Integration Request solved it for me:
Content-Type 'application/json'
X-Amz-Target 'GraniteServiceVersion20100801.PutMetricData'
Content-Encoding 'amz-1.0'

API Gateway new (beta) http api

I have created a sample HTTP API (which is currently in a beta release) using the API gateway. This API does not use any authentication and has a lambda as an integration. The route accepts any HTTP method and I have confirmed that the lambda has the proper API gateway permission. This permission was added when I created the API.
However, when I call the API I receive an HTTP status of 500 and a body of: {"message":"Internal Server Error"}.
This same lambda and API will work if I set it up as a REST API rather than an HTTP API.
Any ideas why this isn't working in the HTTP API?
I had a similar issue with Internal Server Error. I was using the new API Gateway HTTP API (beta) with a nodejs lambda integration. The lambda on its own worked and the REST API worked fine, like you noted.
The 2 issues that cost me 8 hours:
I had to add an async prefix to the handler or use a callback, but I couldn't just return a response without async. See https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/nodejs-prog-model-handler.html
The response structure has to be correct, see this page: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/apigateway/latest/developerguide/api-gateway-create-api-as-simple-proxy-for-lambda.html#api-gateway-proxy-integration-create-lambda-backend, scroll to the example function code and you'll see this:
// The output from a Lambda proxy integration must be
// in the following JSON object. The 'headers' property
// is for custom response headers in addition to standard
// ones. The 'body' property must be a JSON string. For
// base64-encoded payload, you must also set the 'isBase64Encoded'
// property to 'true'.
So my function ended up looking like this, note the async and the proper response structure:
exports.handler = async function(event, context) {
const response = {
statusCode: 200,
body: JSON.stringify('Hello from Lambda!')
return response;

Cannot get AWS API Gateway to override response codes - FitBit endpoint verification

I am integrating FitBit with my company's platform and we are switching over from syncing with our own server to sending the data to an AWS Kinesis stream. This requires us to also set up an AWS API Gateway with a POST method to write the data to the stream. I've also set up a GET method on the same resource for the verification process.
Here's the problem I'm facing:
Once I have the API Endpoint properly set up, FitBit provides a verification code and requires a verification process in which it sends a GET request to the endpoint with a ?verify={correctVerificaitonCode} query param and wants a 204 response, and one with a ?verify={incorrectVericationCode} param and wants a 404 response. This would obviously be easy for me to accomplish in our Rails backend, where I'm in control of the code, but on AWS it's a tangled mess with little control.
I have read endless documentation on AWS about Mapping Templates and Integration Response, but no matter what I do, I cannot get the API to respond with anything other than a 200 (when the request is clean and has any ?verify param) or 500 (when I purposefully make a bad request). There is no straightforward answer in the AWS docs about this.
This is the closest I have come to a setup that the docs promise should work, yet it does not:
Using the Integration Response HTTP Status Regex
And with this mapping template
I'm two days in on this and frustrated to my wits' end. Help!
Just in case anyone find this thread in the future and is struggling with the same issue - here is how you verify a FitBit Developer API app with an Amazon Kinesis stream being fed by an AWS API Gateway:
First, set up the POST method of your API - there are AWS guides to this. Select AWS service as the integration type and kinesis as the service, then set up a mapping template for 'application/json' to look like this:
#set($event = $input.body)
#set($data = '{"action":' + $event +', "authorization": "' + $input.params('Authorization') + '", "stage":"' + $context.stage + '"}')
#set($body = $util.base64Encode($data))
"Data": "$body",
"PartitionKey": "shard-1",
"StreamName": "gm-fitbit"
Once you've done that, create a GET method on the same resource. Set MOCK as the integration type and create the endpoint. Now click on the GET method and visit Method Request. Expand URL Query String Parameters and add verify as a query param. Now, go back to the method and visit Integration Response.
Under the already existing 200 response method, expand it and add an HTTP status regex of 2\d{2} and passthrough handling.
Expand Mapping Templates, and for 'application/json' create this mapping template:
#if( $input.params('verify') == "theVerificationCodeProvidedToYouByFitbit" )
#set($context.responseOverride.status = 204)
#set($context.responseOverride.status = 404)
That's it! Deploy the API again, head back to Fitbit, and click verify!
There. Now there is officially a guide online to integrating Fitbit with an AWS Kinesis stream, the one I wish I had when struggling with this for 3 days.

AWS API Gateway returning different status via Postman to Method Test

I have an AWS Lambda integrated into API Gateway. The lambda is current just returning an error:
exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {
status: 500,
errors: 'This is definitely the same endpoint.'
I have added an HTTP status 500 response in method response of API Gateway, and I have mapped an integration response using regex *"status":500.* to the 500 response.
When I test this using the Method Test functionality in AWS, I get the 500 response I expect:
But when send command to the endpoint with Postman, I get a 200 status:
How can this be? The Method Test seems to suggest my Integration Response and Method Response setups are correct, and I have my regex set up correctly, but what am I missing between the API Gateway and the rest of the world that would produce this different result?
Have you tried Deploying the API? Maybe a redeployment might fix the issues.
did you stumble across the Handle Custom Lambda Errors in API Gateway guide already?
The format suggested there is:
"isBase64Encoded" : "boolean",
"statusCode": "number",
"headers": { ... },
"body": "JSON string"
So you basically need to return this JSON structure. I check this with AWS serverless express library (line 100-105) - which we use - and it's returning this structure.
The major challenge is, that sending the HTTP response to the client is a task for the API Gateway and to do so, you must return a valid JSON response from the lambda in a format that the API gateway unterstands. The execution status of the lambda will be also 200 (because it worked A-Okay) but the API Gateway will transform your response into a 500. This is also why you nedd this double/triple JSON encoding (JSON-as-string in JSON-attributes).

Using AWS API Gateway to POST email via AWS SES

I'm setting up an API from an App which allows the App user to contact someone for follow-up, but hides the email address from the sender (and allows it to be changed without a new release of the App).
I've managed to setup an AWS API Gateway GET method which sends email directly via SES
Using a path override of
I would much prefer to use a POST method - but am really struggling to work out what should go in the Action parameter and how to create the mapping template - or even if it is possible to create an application/x-www-form-urlencoded request without having to resort to a lambda function - although the AWS documentation does include a $util.urlEncode() function.
I am trying to use a POST method to AWS Gateway and a POST to SES with the contents in the request body, but it is just not clear to me how to create the mapping template and I can't find any examples for SES.
Testing it with the mapping template (as per the example in the documentation)
And a content type application/x-www-form-urlencoded AWS gateway gives the error:
"message": "Unsupported Media Type"
If I use a mapping template
"Subject": {
"Data":"Request For Followup"
"Data":"The message goes here"
and a content type of application/json AWS gateway gives the error
"Output": {
"__type": "com.amazon.coral.service#UnknownOperationException",
"message": null
"Version": "1.0"
Your mapping template configuration must be in a POST format, not in the JSON, since SES service doesn't support json.
For example, this config has worked out for me:
Also, your path override must be SendEmail only for the case above