How do I re-dock solution explorer and properties window in visual studio 2017 - visual-studio-2017

When I first started Visual Studio 2017 the Solution Explorer was docked to the right. I undocked it since then and now want to dock it back on the right but have had no success. When I drag it over to the right I get no response from Visual Studio that it will dock on the right. There is a dock icon at the top of the Solution Explorer but when I click that it docks into the document tabs at the top which is not what I want. I would like it docked at the right so it automatically rolls out to use when my mouse point is in that area and it rolls back into the right side when I don't need it.
How do I get the Solution explorer to dock to the right like it was when Visual Studio was first started? I would like to do the same for the properties window. Thanks in advance.

In Visual Studio IDE, click on Window -> Reset Window Layout -> Yes (Are you sure question). This will put the solution explorer back to the default layout docked to the right. It will also dock any other windows to their original position like Server Explorer, ToolBox, Text Explorer, Output, Error List to the left.

If you right click on a window, the auto-hide feature should also fix your problem.


How to change the font size of the Visual Studio 2017 'Find and Replace' control?

Note that this is NOT the dialog box, but the box that opens up in the top right corner of the file window.
I've checked the following without finding an answer. Right now the text is very tiny and difficult to make out!
: Couldn't find any instructions to adjust the font size.
Tools in Menu -> Options -> Environment -> Fonts and Colors
: Couldn't find the 'Find and Replace' control.
Enlarging the font of the editor does make the font larger, but it doesn't work because the size of the editor font becomes huge before the control's font is readable.
So your best option might be to go into settings and change window.zoomLevel to 1. This will zoom in the window and should give you the effect your looking for. I don't believe you can change menu fontSize etc.
Press ctrl, use mouse scroll to increase the overall size of text area and find and replace window. Now go to tool->options->font to set default size for text area only.

Visual Studio C++/MFC: how to prevent menu at top of CDialog from wrapping (or get the screen size of the menu)

In Visual Studio C++ (2017) I have a resizable dialog with a menu at the top. If the user makes the dialog smaller, eventually the top menu wraps around. I need to either:
prevent the menu wrapping around (presumably so some menu items are missing)
or calculate the screen size of the menu so that I can calculate the positions of things in the rest of the dialog
Any ideas how I can do one or both of these?

How to keep seperate VisualStudio window on same/next z-level as main window?

I use VisualStudioCommunity 2017 15.4.1 and opened an extra editor window. I click on the VisualStudio main window to bring it to the front.
I would expect the extra window to also come to front. However, the extra VisualStudio window still hides behind another application (e.g. my browser window). I have to manually bring it to the front.
=>How can I tell VisualStudio to keep the z-order of its windows next to each other to be able to bring all of its windows to the front with only one click?
You can enable the Floating tab wells always stay on top of the main window option to make extra editors activate and hide as the main window:

Global mouse right button menu with movements for windows

I want to create something like plugin or driver for mouse and extend right button mouse menu with movements. First of all, I want to create next feature:
1.user press right button and while button pressed move mouse up
2.will be shown a simple image with the scheme. arrow up and text "close"
3.when button released current window will be closed.
something similar was in old opera browser and it was very comfortable.
I try to find in googleб but I found how to do only for WPF or browser. I want to create global for the whole system with different configs. for example mouse, up in explorer will close the window and in visual studio, it will fire "Run"(f5).
I want to create this using C#. also I have basic knowledge in c++.
I will be grateful for help

Can I remove the caption in a CDockablePane

I'm porting a MFC application to use the Ribbon UI and MFC feature pack and would like to have a docked horizontal pane that does not include a caption. I'd hope that something like
MyPane.ModifyStyle(WS_CAPTION, 0);
would work, but no joy. FWIW, the docking pane is hosting a wide horizontal dialog docked under the main view and the caption wastes more desktop real estate than I'd like to give away.
Edit: Further googling found a possible solution here:
Edit2: EnableGripper(FALSE) was what was needed, see
Calling EnableGripper(FALSE) removes the caption.