I have the following code:
[key for (key, value) in sorted(marketUSDC.items(), key=lambda x:x[1])]
USDC_LTC and USDC_BCHABC each return a numerical price from an API, which are 60.80000000 and 153.00000000, respectively. The problem is that the second line should be returning [LTC, BCHABC] but it's returning [BCHABC, LTC]. How can I fix this problem such that it's sorted as it should be, from low to high? I understand I could just reverse it, but that would break the code for everything else.
use sorted(variable, reverse=True), so that it will be the reverse order. SOURCE
Below is my code for the leet code problem: here
class Solution:
def threeSum(self, nums: List[int]) -> List[List[int]]:
tripletsList = []
uniqueNums = set(nums)
uniqueNums = list(nums)
for x in range(len(uniqueNums)):
for y in range(len(uniqueNums)):
for z in range(len(uniqueNums)):
if (uniqueNums[x] + uniqueNums[y] + uniqueNums[z]) == 0:
if [[uniqueNums[x],uniqueNums[y],uniqueNums[z]]] not in tripletsList:
I realize it isn't the optimal solution but in my print line the output shows the correct combination, yet my final triplets list is not eliminating anything which leads me to believe I am not using the "not in" function of python correctly. Any help is greatly appreciated and I must be missing something that is just trivial
I tried first printing every combination of the unique list (yes tons of overlap), then I tried limiting the triplets that made it pass the == 0 check to only triplets that were not already in the triplets list (failed)
I have a query sequence that I blasted online using NCBIWWW.qblast. In my xml blast file result I obtained for a query sequence a list of hit (i.e: gi|). Each hit or gi| have multiple hsp. I made a dictionary my_dict1 where I placed gi| as key and I appended the bit score as value. So multiple values for each key.
my_dict1 = {
gi|1002819492|: [437.702, 384.47, 380.86, 380.86, 362.83],
gi|675820360| : [2617.97, 2614.37, 122.112],
gi|953764029| : [414.258, 318.66, 122.112, 86.158],
gi|675820410| : [450.653, 388.08, 386.27] }
Then I looked for max value in each key using:
for key, value in my_dict1.items():
max_value = max(value)
And made a second dictionary my_dict2:
my_dict2 = {
gi|1002819492|: 437.702,
gi|675820360| : 2617.97,
gi|953764029| : 414.258,
gi|675820410| : 450.653 }
I want to compare both dictionary. So I can extract the hsp with the highest score bits. I am also including other parameters like query coverage and identity percentage (Not shown here). The finality is to get the best gi| with the highest bit scores, coverage and identity percentage.
I tried many things to compare both dictionary like this :
First code :
if my_dict1.keys() not in my_dict2.keys():
matches[hit_id] = bit_score
matches = matches[hit_id], bit_score
Second code:
if hit_id not in matches.keys():
matches[hit_id]= bit_score
matches = matches[hit_id], bit_score
Third code:
intersection = set(set(my_dict1.items()) & set(my_dict2.items()))
Howerver I always end up with 2 types of errors:
1 ) TypeError: list indices must be integers, not unicode
2 ) ... float not iterable...
Please I need some help and guidance. Thank you very much in advance for your time. Best regards.
It's not clear what you're trying to do. What is hit_id? What is bit_score? It looks like your second dict is always going to have the same keys as your first if you're creating it by pulling the max value for each key of the first dict.
You say you're trying to compare them, but don't really state what you're actually trying to do. Find those with values under a certain max? Find those with the highest max?
Your first code doesn't work because I'm assuming you're trying to use a dict key value as an index to matches, which you define as a list. That's probably where your first error is coming from, though you haven't given the lines where the error is actually occurring.
See in-code comments below:
# First off, this needs to be a dict.
# This will never happen if you've created these dicts as you stated.
if my_dict1.keys() not in my_dict2.keys():
matches[hit_id] = bit_score # Not clear what bit_score is?
# Also not sure what you're trying to do here. This will assign a tuple
# to matches with whatever the value of matches[hit_id] is and bit_score.
matches = matches[hit_id], bit_score
Regardless, we really need more information and the full code to figure out your actual goal and what's going wrong.
I'm newbie for python 2.7. I would like to create some function that knows which are variables in the given probability notation.
For example: Given a probability P(A,B,C|D,E,F) as string input. The function should return a list of events ['A','B','C'] and a list of sample spaces ['D','E','F']. If it is impossible to return two lists in the same time. Returning a list of two lists would be fine.
In summary:
Expected output: [['A','B','C'],['D','E','F']]
Thank you in advance
A simple brute-force implementation. As #fjarri pointed out if you want to do anything more complex you might need a parser (like PyParser) or at least some regular expressions.
def somefunction(str):
str = str.strip()[str.index("(")+1:-1]
left, right = str.split("|")
return [left.split(","), right.split(",")]
How can i compare two dictionary and based on the matching keys I have to display the images. I mean if the key matched with the first dictionary and its in the second too, then i have to take the image based on the key. I have given a try, and the code is:
for key in res_lst_srt:
if key in resizedlist:
b,g,r = cv2.split(images[i])
img = cv2.merge((r,g,b))
I have taken the query image seperately, and i have got the distance between the query image,and all the database image. Distance have key and value, database image have key and value. I want to retrieve the image which matches the best with minimum distance based on key.
Thanks in advance!
It seems to me that you are not properly into the dict concept, you should study it a little bit to understand how it works with simple elements (number, strings) and only when you got it try with the heavy datas as opencv images.
Try this piece of code:
dict1 = {'a':1, 'b':2, 'c':3}
dict2 = {'e':1, 'd':2, 'c':4}
print dict1
print dict2
# note that this code is not optimized!!
# there are plenty of ways you can do better
# but prob. is the easiest way == better way to understand it
for k1 in dict1.keys():
for k2 in dict2.keys():
if k1==k2:
print 'keys matches'
mergedvalues = dict1[k1] + dict2[k2]
print 'merged value is:', merged values
for better ways to compare two dicts going deep in python way of handling dict and other data structures (as list, set, etc) and operations on that, this answer is nice. but I think you should understand how dict works before.
I have this code:
msgs = int(post['time_in_weeks'])
for i in range(msgs):
tip_msg = Tip.objects.get(week_number=i)
it always results in an error saying that no values could be found.
week_number is an integer field. When I input the value of i directly,
the query works.
When i print out the value of i I get the expected values.
Any input at all would be seriously appreciated.
The range function will give you a zero based list of numbers up to and excluding msgs. I guess there is no Tip with week_number=0.
Also, to limit the number of queries you could do this:
for tip in Tip.objects.filter(week_number__lt=msgs):
#do something
or, if you want specific weeks:
for tip in Tip.objects.filter(week_number__in=weeks):
#do something