Failing to simulate mouse click via Windows API - c++

I was dabbling with positioning of the mouse pointer which I had no trouble at all with, but trying to simulate a left click is giving me problems at the moment.
#include <Windows.h>
int main()
SetCursorPos(100, 450);
SetCursorPos(1600, 450);
int n = 1;
while (n <= 10);
SetCursorPos(1600, 450);
My LeftClick() function is as follows:
void LeftClick()
INPUT Input = {0};
Input.type = INPUT_MOUSE;
::SendInput(1, &Input, sizeof(INPUT));
::ZeroMemory(&Input, sizeof(INPUT));
Input.type = INPUT_MOUSE;
Input.mi.dwFlags = MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP;
::SendInput(1, &Input, sizeof(INPUT));
I've looked around and so far everything I've seen hasn't worked for me.
Please give me any help with anything to do with my sloppy code, not just how I am trying to simulate clicking,


SendInput Coordinates Confusion

I am trying to understand how SendInput() works with mouse input. As an example, I have a dual monitor display. My 2160p monitor is "above" the 1440p primary monitor. I am trying to send mouse input to the bottom right corner of the above 2160 monitor. Unfortunately, the cursor just ends up in the bottom right corner of my 1440p primary monitor instead.
I know that the top left corner of my primary monitor is (0,0), and the bottom right is (2560,1440). From what I understand, all coordinates are in relation to the primary monitor. So shouldn't I just be able to subtract the resolution of the above monitor from the primary one to move to the exact same location on the above?
I have tried both adding and subtracting, but I keep ending up in the bottom corner of the primary monitor.
INPUT input;
input.type = INPUT_MOUSE;
input.mi.dx = (2560 - 3840) * (65536.f / (float)GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN));
input.mi.dy = (1440 - 2160) * (65536.f / (float)GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN));
input.mi.mouseData = 0;
input.mi.dwExtraInfo = NULL;
input.mi.time = 0;
SendInput(1, &input, sizeof(INPUT));
UPDATE: Here is one of my failed attempts using the RECT structure from GetMonitorInfo. I am probably making some sort of obvious mistake, but I can't figure it out.
DXGI_OUTPUT_DESC output_desc;
info.cbSize = sizeof(info);
GetMonitorInfo(output_desc.Monitor, (LPMONITORINFO)&info);
INPUT input;
input.type = INPUT_MOUSE;
input.mi.dx = (info.rcMonitor.right) * (65536.f / (float)GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVIRTUALSCREEN));
input.mi.dy = ( * (65536.f / (float)GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYVIRTUALSCREEN));
input.mi.mouseData = 0;
input.mi.dwExtraInfo = NULL;
input.mi.time = 0;
SendInput(1, &input, sizeof(INPUT));

C++ execution causes monitor to disconnect

the issue I'm having is that upon executing this code, it clicks, and then my monitor turns blue and says "HDMI no cable connected", and either returns back to normal after 1 second, or stays on that screen until I perform an action (click, alt etc).
Anybody with any idea on why this is happening would be appreciated.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <Windows.h>
using namespace std;
void function() {
INPUT Input;
Input.type = INPUT_MOUSE;
SendInput(true, &Input, sizeof(Input));
Input.mi.dwFlags = MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP;
SendInput(true, &Input, sizeof(Input));
int main()
return 0;
Also, I'm using Visual Studio 2017 Community. This problem occurs when debugging the code, and when running the executable. There are no errors or warnings with my code.
You are not initializing the INPUT structure properly thus (probably) invoking undefined behavior. Initialize the structure fields to zeros using:
INPUT Input = {};
You can also go with an array of two elements:
INPUT Input[2] = {0};
followed by a:
Input[0].type = INPUT_MOUSE;
Input[0].mi.dwFlags = MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN;
Input[1].type = INPUT_MOUSE;
Input[1].mi.dwFlags = MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP;
and one call to SendInput:
SendInput(2, Input, sizeof(INPUT));
You are not initializing most of INPUT fields sending some garbage and potentially triggering Undefined Behavior. You should at least fill them with zeros:
Input.type = INPUT_MOUSE;
Input.mi.dx = 0;
Input.mi.dy = 0;
Input.mi.mouseData = 0;
Input.mi.time = 0;
Input.mi.dwExtraInfo = 0;

Sending Mouse Click to DirectX Game Running as Admin

I have been building a gaming-related program that needs to send simulated input to the game (which is the top window on the screen and runs in fullscreen mode). After some struggling, I finally got mouse movements (cursor drag) and keyboard input working, but for some reason, the game will not respond to simulated mouse clicks.
I have tried the following:
#if TRUE // SendInput works for keyboard simulation and mouse drag, but not clicks:
INPUT mouse = {0};
mouse.type = INPUT_MOUSE;
mouse.mi.dwFlags = MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN;
SendInput(1, &mouse, sizeof(INPUT));
ZeroMemory(&mouse, sizeof INPUT);
mouse.type = INPUT_MOUSE;
mouse.mi.dwFlags = MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP;
SendInput(1, &mouse, sizeof(INPUT));
#else // tried this, but it did not work:
mouse_event(MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN, 0, 0, 0, 0);
mouse_event(MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP, 0, 0, 0, 0);
The first dilemma I faced was sending the messages in general, but I realized this issue was caused by game process privileges > sending application privileges. After this, I encountered another problem with keypresses only registering on certain game windows/screens, but after some searching, I was able to use scancodes to overcome this. For example:
void SendSpacePress(bool bHardwareLevel){
INPUT space = {0};
space.type = INPUT_KEYBOARD; = 0; = 0;
if(!bHardwareLevel){ = VK_SPACE;
}else{ = 0x39; // physical keyboard scan code
} = bHardwareLevel ? KEYEVENTF_SCANCODE : 0;
SendInput(1, &space, sizeof(INPUT));
Sleep(rand()%25 + 25); = bHardwareLevel ? KEYEVENTF_SCANCODE | KEYEVENTF_KEYUP : KEYEVENTF_KEYUP;
SendInput(1, &space, sizeof(INPUT));
I have also been able to do mouse movement using INPUT like below:
void PanMouse(){
INPUT mouse = {0};
mouse.type = INPUT_MOUSE;
mouse.mi.time = 0;
mouse.mi.mouseData = 0;
mouse.mi.dwExtraInfo = 0;
mouse.mi.dwFlags = MOUSEEVENTF_MOVE;
mouse.mi.dx = rand()%10 -5;
mouse.mi.dy = rand()%10 -5;
SendInput(1, &mouse, sizeof(INPUT));
Now the big problem is the game refuses to register my simulated mouse clicks. I would preferably like a way to send the mouse inputs without having to dive into hooking. (The game has multiple client-side anti-cheat mechanisms, so I would venture to guess that any kind of foreign process hooking or DLL injection would trigger the protection.) From what I have read, I might need to write a custom driver for a simulated hardware mouse so the input comes at the kernel level. Not a preferable option, but if need be, sobeit. (And if need be, can anyone provide helpful information for this? I have never messed around with writing drivers, but there's a first time for everything I suppose.)
TL;DR: What do I need to do to get simulated mouse clicks to register in a game that seems to ignore non-hardware input? (I.e., how can I trick the game into thinking mouse clicks are legitimate similarly to using KEYEVENTF_SCANCODE when simulating keyboard input?)
Instead of sleeping between inputs, you need to inject a pair of mouse inputs together with the time member appropriately set to indicate "how long".
Here's something close to what you want. This will click the current cursor position with the left mouse simulated for 100ms.
INPUT inputs[2] = {};
inputs[0].type = INPUT_MOUSE;
inputs[0].mi.time = 0;
inputs[0].mi.dx = 0;
inputs[0].mi.dy = 0;
inputs[0].mi.dwFlags = MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN;
inputs[1].type = INPUT_MOUSE;
inputs[1].mi.time = 100;
inputs[1].mi.dx = 0;
inputs[1].mi.dy = 0;
inputs[1].mi.dwFlags = MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP;
SendInput(2, inputs, sizeof(INPUT));
The mouse event won't happen immediately. It gets "queued" to happen shortly afterwards.
You should use the same technique for your keyboard events. Don't call "Sleep".

Screen goes black when i use SendInput to send mouse cursor positions

I am using SendInput() to send relative positions of the mouse. First ill tel you what am doing.
i use my finger to move the mouse. So first i track my finger in a 640x480 image and get the absolute position in pixels with in the image.
then i send that position to the following method to generate relative mouse position commands using send input.
When the finger goes to the left boundary (xlim1) or the right boundary (xlim2) cursor keep scrolling horizontally to either left or right depending on which limit.
The issue is when i run the code and just when the cursor starts to move, screen goes to black.
when i comment the part else if(cx >= prevX && cx > xlim2){ .... } section, then it works.. (So the when finger point goes to right limit of the image it cursor keeps scrolling horizontally to the right. commented part enables the left horizontal scrolling).
bool first variable will be true if this is the first time, we capture the finger. Otherwise it is false.
void movMouse(int cx, int cy, bool first){
static int prevX = 0;
static int prevY = 0;
static int leftPrevX;
static int rightPrevX;
int mx,my;
if(first == true){
prevX = cx;
prevY = cy;
mx = (cx - prevX);
my = (cy - prevY);
if(cx <= prevX && cx < xlim1){
mx = -20;
INPUT input;
input.type = INPUT_MOUSE;
input.mi.mouseData = 0;
input.mi.dx = -(mx);
input.mi.dy = (my);
input.mi.dwFlags = MOUSEEVENTF_MOVE;
SendInput(1, &input, sizeof(input));
else if(cx >= prevX && cx > xlim2){
mx = 20;
INPUT input;
input.type = INPUT_MOUSE;
input.mi.mouseData = 0;
input.mi.dx = -(mx);
input.mi.dy = (my);
input.mi.dwFlags = MOUSEEVENTF_MOVE;
SendInput(1, &input, sizeof(input));
else {
INPUT input;
input.type = INPUT_MOUSE;
input.mi.mouseData = 0;
input.mi.dx = -(mx);
input.mi.dy = (my);
input.mi.dwFlags = MOUSEEVENTF_MOVE;
SendInput(1, &input, sizeof(input));
prevX = cx;
prevY = cy;
also intialize all the variables including input.time
it worked for me :)
I ran into this same problem, even though I was calling ZeroMemory and doing everything else correctly. I was using input.mi.time to inform Windows of the spacing between the clicks, e.g. so double-click would work correctly. However I was getting the 'time' values from a remote computer. Because they differed from the local computer's time it caused Windows to invoke the screen saver! To workaround the problem I added some logic to detect the skew between the computers and bring the values somewhat in line with each other.
In summary: Make sure that input.mi.time is either zero or a value somewhat close to GetTickCount(). Using ZeroMemory to initialize the variable is an excellent suggestion.

Breaking down a string and using keybd to send characters

I have searched the internet for a good system for emulating keypresses in C++.
I want to send a string to another program but as far as I can see the GenerateKey function can only send one at a time. I created code to break a string down and send each letter individually but sometimes the number of a specific letter in the alphabet is sent instead of the letter itself. (e.g. I enter "h" the computer spits out "8")
How can I fix this and is there a better way to do it? Thank you!
#include <windows.h>
#include <winable.h>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
void GenerateKey(int vk, BOOL bExtended) {
KEYBDINPUT kb = {0};
INPUT Input = {0};
/* Generate a "key down" */
if (bExtended) { kb.dwFlags = KEYEVENTF_EXTENDEDKEY; }
kb.wVk = vk;
Input.type = INPUT_KEYBOARD; = kb;
SendInput(1, &Input, sizeof(Input));
/* Generate a "key up" */
ZeroMemory(&kb, sizeof(KEYBDINPUT));
ZeroMemory(&Input, sizeof(INPUT));
if (bExtended) { kb.dwFlags |= KEYEVENTF_EXTENDEDKEY; }
kb.wVk = vk;
Input.type = INPUT_KEYBOARD; = kb;
SendInput(1, &Input, sizeof(Input));
int main() {
SetConsoleTitle( "sendkeys" );
string sentence;
while (1){
char letter;
int track = 0;
while(sentence[track] != '\0') {
letter = sentence[track];
GenerateKey(letter, FALSE);
This sort of approach is really complicated (you have to manage state of SHIFT, CONTROL, and ALT, convert special characters to ALT+0xyz combos) and if the user changes keyboard focus in the process, keys can go to the wrong window.
Using SendMessage(WM_SETTEXT) or SendMessage(EM_REPLACESEL) you could send a whole string at once to a particular window.
I'm not totally familiar with some of the API you're using, but I'm going to assume you're trying to send text to the stdin of some other process?
If it's a child process (i.e. one your process launched itself), you can use pipes and redirected I/O as explained in this article.