Error connecting to the backend of apache atlas - wso2

I try to manage Apache Atlas APIs using WSO2 API Manager, when trying a get request like this for example :
Postman gives
101503 error connecting to the backend
I just figured out that the production endpoint does not allow Http request.
What shall I do to fix that?


HTTP Failure , An error occured during URL invocation. ORA-12535: TNS:operation timed out

There is a REST web service that I can successfully call from POSTMAN (just as a side note, I have to include a bearer token for it to work.)
I was doing research on how to call a rest web service from Oracle APEX, and found I can do that by creating a WEB SOURCE MODULE. This is the first screen where I add the URL of the endpoint
However when I click on NEXT, it takes a while before giving me this error:
Again, on POSTMAN I can successfully make the GET request, but I haven't figured out how to do it in Oracle APEX
Note that for Oracle APEX the database is actually doing the HTTP request. A "TNS Timeout" error typically indicates that the database cannot reach the internet.
Did you specify a proxy server for your application (Shared Components > Application Definition Attributes > Proxy Server)?

REST API not working and redirecting with https/ssl

I have build and application with angular 5 and REST API with golang and hosted them on aws ec2 instance, I have installed ssl certificate to run the app and api on https. following is my url structure to run app and api ( api is running on 8080 port
app :
api :
When I hit api after setting up the ip in host file on system it works fine but its not working with aws and redirects to when I hit any api like or
Nor sure what is the issue here but everything else is working fine
I am using gin gonic as go framework and also have used RunTLS as recommended.
Not sure I fully appreciate the issue, but just in case, have you setup CORS on the API server (
If you run a browser application served from ORIGIN1, and the browser tries to access an API on DESTINATION2, the API server must state to the browser that it is indeed authorized to reply to a browser originating from ORIGIN1.
You can for example use to add CORS support to your API server.
Good luck.

WSO2 Admin Console HTTP Access

I have been trying to configure the WSO2 Admin console for HTTP access and not HTTPS. I have a load balancer infant of my WSO2 ESB server that will terminate the inbound HTTPS connections and forward to the WSO2 server as HTTP.
I have tried various different configurations in the catalina-server.xml file without any success. It either does not work at all or when connecting using HTTP it simply redirects to HTTPS, even after removing the 'redirect' setting from the HTTP connector configuration.
I have spent several hours 'playing' and searching for something similar on the web to no avail.
Hopefully someone here has done something similar or can help.
I'm using wso2 esb 4.8.1,Go to the following location in your esb carbon server ,
CARBON_HOME\repository\conf open carbon.xml file and uncomment the following line
<!-- Enable accessing Admin Console via HTTP -->
and you will have HTTP access to your wso2esb admin console. After enabling HTTP access, you can access the admin console via port 9763.

SSRS Server Web Service using 2-Way SSL - Error : HTTP Error 403.7 – Forbidden

I have tried various configuration settings but still no luck
I’m getting the below error when I tried to run a report from SSRS server.
HTTP Error 403.7 - Forbidden
The page you are attempting to access requires your browser to have a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) client certificate that the Web server recognizes.
processing!ReportServer_0-2!1084!03/26/2015-13:21:18:: e ERROR: An exception has occurred in data set 'DistributionComponents'. Details: Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportProcessing.ReportProcessingException: Query execution failed for dataset 'xComponents'. ---> Microsoft.ReportingServices.DataExtensions.XmlDP.XmlDPException: Failed to execute web request for the specified URL.
Forbidden: The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden. ---> System.Exception: The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden.
WCF Service:
In the WCF Service I have bindings configured as Transport, and the pretty much like described in the below article
I can browse to the service and view WSDL without no issues. I have also checked the WCF trace and no errors.
SSRS Web Service Configuration:
SSRS Web Service Data Source has been configured to execute the HTTPs WCF Web Service URL.
SSRS also configured to use a valid SSL Certificate.
I can access the ReportsManager URL and View reports successfully using HTTPs URLs.
I have tried many configuration settings, including disabling the firewall and virus scans still no luck. I have also search on the Web but there is no much direction on this particular issue.
Can some please point me to the right direction?
To be more precise I would have said the SSRS installed in the Native mode. Nevertheless I figured it out that this is not supported. In other words 2-Way SSL between SSRS (acting as a Client) and the WCF (Service) is not supported.

How to create data service with local transport using proxy?

I have created data service using WSO2 DSS which is called by proxy service.
Everything works smoothly, but this DSS service is also visible to internet.
Now I would like to hide this DSS so proxy service is so only way to use this service.
Proxy has security, logging etc.
As far as I understand local transport is good and efficient way to keep
traffic between services internal on WSO2.
Everything goes as expected but when I try to set WSDL URL or internal for proxy (which is DSS service WDSL) I get error "Unable to modify proxy service :: Unable to modify proxy service: mylogtest-ProxyServiceAdminProxyAdminException".
In log file there is error "Caused by: org.apache.synapse.SynapseException: Error building service from WSDL" and "Caused by: org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: there is no service with ports to pick".
I get this error when I have local transport only in DSS.
If I add http transport, everything works. Proxy has http and https transports.
Local transport works only inside a single JVM. I guess here you are running DSS and ESB separately i.e. with two jvm instances - if so it won't work. The solution is to install DSS features inside the ESB and then run it (without running the DSS separately). You can find the feature installation guide here:
I had incorrectly formed WSDL for proxy. Very novice error.