Decrease spam rate for a domain in gmail - amazon-web-services

I am sending emails from my website with postfix my domain name. But suddenly my email credentials was compromised and someone used my credentials to send thousands of emails to peoples. So Because of that, peoples mark that email as SPAM.
Because of that, Now emails are coming to spam in GMAIL now.
Please tell me, How can i fix that issue.
Note: I am using aws ses email service.

Good practice is to have proper SPF + DKIM + DMARC set in your domain, other than that, you can do everything good, but there is 0 guarantee that your email will never be marked as spam, sadly, it's half in your control, the other half is what others have reported from your domain, your server, your content, your actual username, links included, etc. Keep in mind that your reputaion varies per server, so if emails land in spam in Gmail, it doesn't necesarily mean that it'll land in spam in hotmail. Sometimes using a completely different domain/server/service helps, but if the reputation is already tainted, only marking emails as 'not spam' would eventually help the delivery (I know, it sucks when that happens).


How to setup an email address for sending only?

My main goal is to setup an email address for my server to use for sending emails only.
I did some research, and it looked like Amazon Simple Email Server and/or Amazon Workmail could provide me with what I needed. I've gotten as far as setting up SES and Workmail so that I can set my server to be able to send emails. However, I saw that once the Workmail inbox is full (50GB), the account would be unable to send emails. Given that this is going to be used by the server and not a human, I didn't want the inbox to get filled with auto replies, spam, or failed to send messages, and then be unable to send emails. So, I went looking for a way to either:
A) prevent emails from being received and stored in the inbox
B) a rule I could setup to delete anything that didn't match the company domain
C) be able to read the inbox and delete email messages using the AWS CLI, and I'd setup my own script to manage how and what was deleted when
So far I haven't had any luck.
Again, I'm not particular how I achieve the goal, but I do preferably need to find a way to have an email address for a server to use exclusively for sending messages. I worry that if I leave it to employees to remember to login and clear the inbox, someone will forget, and then the server will stop sending emails.
Any direction or advice would be greatly appreciated.
I'm not well versed in email protocols; could I setup the address to return a bounce back always, and that would prevent it from receiving emails into it's inbox?
How are you generating these emails? If you are generating them programmatically (via an app/script), you may not need to set up a server. If you just route the outgoing mail through your app to SNS, the emails will be valid, however, there will be no "inbox" for incoming mail and they will just be dumped. This way you don't have to actually worry about an inbox getting full as it will just drop anything coming in.
In order to receive emails though SNS, you have to go through the setup linked above, but if you do not set this up, then emails will just bounce. At least, that is how I have been doing it.

Does my From address need to exist for Amazon SES

I own a domain - for the purpose of this question, let's call it
I have verified with Amazon SES. I have set up the DKIM stuff as well. Everything is working; I have no problems sending outgoing emails, and I have already been granted production access.
The question: I am sending emails from, but this email address does not actually exist. Should I be worried about this? Is it bad to send emails from an email address that does not actually exist? Since I verified the domain, it seems that I can send emails from any email address I choose to invent.
(My emails are 'email validation' emails. We do not wish to capture any form of reply from our users, and bounces would only occur due to users registering fake email addresses - despite our warning that it is pointless to do so.)
I searched everywhere for an answer to this question, and I'm very surprised that I haven't found an explicitly clear answer to it...
What you are doing is very common, with SES and/or any other batch mailing type service where you don't want any replies to the sending address - I don't see any problem.

Amazon SES aws for not existent/wrong gmail address

Something odd is happening and I am wondering what is the explanation.
I have a web application which is using amazon SES to send email when users lose passwords, on new registrations, etc...
While testing I realized SES is returning a "500 BAD REQUEST" for specific email address, I typed just to test the UI of my application perfectly knowing the email address does not exist, and I got "500 BAD REQUEST", initially I could not understand what was wrong so I kept debugging and not understanding why error 500; later I realized I was getting it for not existent or generic email address.
For example if I try sending email to "" I get the 500, but if I try "" I do not.
(By the way for an italian is equivalent to
If I try with,,, I don't have any issue.
Actually this could be a feature, maybe it is and I just didn't know.
Is SES behaving like that for anyone else?
SES blacklists email addresses that bounce. When you try to send an email, it makes sure that the address is not blacklisted (that is, it did not bounce recently).
My guess is that those addresses are so commonly used by people testing SES that they almost always bounce and so they get blacklisted.

Emails sent using SendGrid on Heroku Django app to addresses seem to be blocked

I have a django app on heroku an using sendgrid.
I have gotten messages from a number of users with gmail email addresses saying that they have not received their validation emails after registering to use the site.
I tested it myself, and found that while emails with other addresses go through instantly, but for some gmail accounts it is not going through.
In the sendgrid dashboard, however, it says that all the emails have been delivered.
Can someone tell me what the issue here is? Is gmail blocking emails from my site? It just started happening these last two days. And we're not really sending out that many emails (10 or so a day)
Do the Emails end up in a spam folder, or do they truly disappear?
What kind of plan are you on at SendGrid? If you have your own dedicated IP, have you followed the guidelines on 'warming up' that IP address? Might also want to review the content of the message with SendGrid support, see if they can make any recommendations.
Emails end up in the spam folder. Whenever an email was sent from Heroku, Sendgrid to #gmail accounts, they were viewed as spam by Gmail.
I have the same problem and did not find a solution yet.

Gmail reports illegal attachment without any attachments

We use Django and then Sendgrid to send and deliver transactional e-mails to our users. Since a few weeks back Gmail has increasingly started bouncing the email with the following reason:
552 5.7.0 Our system detected an illegal attachment on your message. Please visit to review our attachment guidelines. ux5si5383759icb.101
The weird thing is that our email is a simple short text message without any attachments that we know of. The emails usually arrive just fine, but this is happening more often.
Where should we look for the cause? Could we be messing with the e-mail headers, encodings etc that cause Gmail to react like this? Any input is highly appreciated!
We've been experiencing a dramatic increase in this recently, too. Our messages to recipients who use Google's email systems do include attachments, but these are clean pdf's. Sometimes the messages arrive but the attachments can't be opened ("damaged"), sometimes they bounce back with the "illegal attachment" bounce message. I'm seeing this issue reported by many people, going back years, but I have yet to find a single authoritative reponse from Google, or any real fix. Our messages go out from our Exchange 2003 server, and I'm wondering if that's relevant.