Run a function whose name is in a list - list

I'm still learning Racket.
I have to call an unknown function. The function and its parameters are in the following list:
(define l1 '((function-name parameter1)
(function-name parameter3)))
To run that function, I'm doing:
(first (car l1)) (second (car l1)) another-parameter
But I get the error:
application: not a procedure;
expected a procedure that can be applied to arguments
given: 'function-name
How can I run that function-name?
I have tried Óscar's answer:
(eval (first (car l1)) (second (car l1)) another-parameter)
And I get the error:
eval: arity mismatch;
the expected number of arguments does not match the given number
given: 3
I have also tried:
(define-namespace-anchor a)
(define ns (namespace-anchor->namespace a))
(eval (first (car l1)) (second (car l1)) another-parameter ns)
And I get the same error:
eval: arity mismatch;
the expected number of arguments does not match the given number
given: 4
Then, I tried this:
(eval (list (first (car l1)) (second (car l1)) another-parameter))
And I get the error:
function-name: unbound identifier;
also, no #%app syntax transformer is bound in: function-name
Finally, I have tried:
(eval (list (first (car l1)) (second (car l1)) another-parameter) ns)
And I get an internal error from function-name. But this function, works perfectly.
function-name could be at least three functions (or more), this is why I haven't put it here before. All of them will have two lists as parameters, and they will return #t or #f.
One of then, then one is testing now is:
(define match (lambda (list1 list2) ...))
Obviously, list1 and list2 are lists.
I have tried Óscar's Minimal, Complete and verifiable example, and it works. But, I have modified to used on my on work, and it doesn't work. Look:
(define function-name
(lambda (list1 list2)
(append list1 list2)))
(define parameter1 '(1 2))
(define parameter3 '(3 4))
(define another-parameter '(5 6))
(define l1 '((function-name parameter1)
(function-name parameter3)))
(define-namespace-anchor a)
(define ns (namespace-anchor->namespace a))
(define another-function
(lambda (l1 the-parameter)
[(eval (list (first (car l1)) (second (car l1)) 'the-parameter) ns) l1])
(another-function l1 another-parameter)
I have created another-function, and it fails with the parameter 'the-parameter. It complains saying:
the-parameter: undefined;
cannot reference an identifier before its definition
So the problem is when I use a function's parameter as a parameter for the eval function.

Please consider evaluating the procedure like this:
(define l1 `((,sin ,(+ 1 2))
(,+ 1 2 3)))
(sin (+ 1 2)) ; ==> 0.14..
((caar l1) (cadar l1)) ; ==> 0.14..
(apply (caar l1) (cdar l1)) ; ==> 0.14..
(+ 1 2 3) ; ==> 6
(apply (caadr l1) (cdadr l1)) ; ==> 6
Why does this work? Well. Your attempted to call the name of a procedure. By evaluating the procedure name you get the actual procedure object. You can indeed evaluate a procedure in the REPL and see what you get back:
+ ; ==> #<procedure:+>
l1 ; ==> ((#<procedure:sin> 3) (#<procedure:+> 1 2 3))
If l1 were defined as '((sin (+ 1 2)) (+ 1 2 3)) evaluating it would return ((sin (+ 1 2)) (+ 1 2 3)) so there is a big difference.
And of course. Using the quasiquote/unquote is just a fancy way of writing this:
(define l1 (list (list sin (+ 1 2))
(list + '1 '2 '3)))

You can use eval and quasiquoting for this, it works for your input. Do notice that this is how you should post your questions, it's a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example that anyone can copy and run, without having to guess what you were thinking:
(define function-name
(lambda (list1 list2)
(append list1 list2)))
(define parameter1 '(1 2))
(define parameter3 '(3 4))
(define another-parameter '(5 6))
(define l1 '((function-name parameter1)
(function-name parameter3)))
(define-namespace-anchor a)
(define ns (namespace-anchor->namespace a))
(define another-function
(lambda (l1 the-parameter)
[(eval `(,(first (car l1)) ,(second (car l1)) ',the-parameter) ns)
(another-function l1 another-parameter)
=> '((function-name parameter1) (function-name parameter3))


Racket: Check if there is a list in a list

this is my first question here! :)
I need a function that checks if there is a list inside a list. It should give false when there is a list inside a list. I tried simple things like:
(define (list-inside-list? ls)
(if (or (list? (first ls)) (list? (rest ls))) false true))
I probably need lambda but I just don't know how?
Would appreciate a lot for help!
There is no list inside the empty list.
Otherwise, there is a list inside a list if
its first element is a list,
or if there is a list inside the rest of the list.
The trick is then to turn this into code, thinking particularly hard about how to express the last case: to do it you might want to write a function which determines if there is a list inside a list ... well, what's the function you're writing do?
a warm welcome to StackOverflow.
I haven't heavily tested, but maybe this approache helps you:
(check-expect (contains-no-sublist? (list )) #true)
(check-expect (contains-no-sublist? (list "red" "green" "blue")) #true)
(check-expect (contains-no-sublist? (list (list "light red" "dark red") "green" "blue")) #false)
;; contains-no-sublist? checks if any element in the list is a list itself and returns #false, if it finds a list in the list (nested list).
(define contains-no-sublist? ;; define a function with the name "contains-no-sublist?"
(lambda [L] ;; define the function as a lambda expression over a given input list L
(cond ;; the function returns either #t or #f
[(empty? L) #true] ;; an empty list doesn't contain a sublist, so #t = #true can be returned
[(cons? L) ;; else still a list is given
[(list? (first L)) #false] ;; either the first element of the list is a list itself, then return false.
[else (contains-no-sublist? (rest L))] ;; or the first element is not a list itself, then check for the rest of the list if it contains any sublist
use cond
#lang racket
(define (no-list-inside?-by-cond ls)
[(empty? ls) #t]
[(list? (first ls))
(no-list-inside?-by-cond (rest ls))]))
;;; TEST
(no-list-inside?-by-cond '(1 2 3)) ; should be #t
(no-list-inside?-by-cond '(1 2 3 '(3) 4)) ; should be #f
(no-list-inside?-by-cond '(1 2 3 '() 5)) ; should be #f
use andmap
#lang racket
(define (no-list-inside?-by-andmap ls)
(andmap (lambda (x) (not (list? x))) ls))
;;; TEST
(no-list-inside?-by-andmap '(1 2 3 2)) ; should be #t
(no-list-inside?-by-andmap '(1 2 3 '(3) 4)) ; should be #f
(no-list-inside?-by-andmap '(1 2 3 '() 5)) ; should be #f
use filter
#lang racket
(define (no-list-inside?-by-filter lst)
(empty? (filter list? lst)))
;;; TEST
(no-list-inside?-by-filter '(1 2 3)) ; should be #t
(no-list-inside?-by-filter '(1 2 3 '(3) 4)) ; should be #f
(no-list-inside?-by-filter '(1 2 3 '() 5)) ; should be #f

List passed to procedure converts into list of list inside the procedure

I'm debugging this code on DrRacket:
#lang racket
(define last-element-on-list
(lambda l
(cond ((null? l) '())
((null? (cdr l)) (car l))
(else (last-element-on-list (cdr l)))
(define lst '(
(n 25 f +)
(s 25 m +)
(ll 20 no -)))
(list-ref lst 0)
(last-element-on-list (list-ref lst 0))
The code (list-ref lst 0) returns '(n 25 f +), but when I get into the procedure last-element-on-list the parameter l has the value ((n 25 f +)).
Why l is a list of list in procedure last-element-on-list?
There's a difference between the (lambda (x) ...) form and the (lambda x ...) form.
Observe the difference between these two examples:
;; Example 1.
(define f
(lambda (x)
(if (list? x)
(display "x is a list!")
(display "x is not a list"))))
(f 1) ; Displays "x is not a list".
;; Example 2.
(define g
(lambda x
(if (list? x)
(display "x is a list!")
(display "x is not a list"))))
(g 1) ; Displays "x is a list!".
The (lambda x ...) form allows the lambda to take any number of arguments, with all the arguments put into a list bound to x in the lambda's body. i.e. x is the list of arguments.
That's why when you give g a list (e.g. (g '(1 2 3))), x will be '((1 2 3)) (a list of lists).
To fix your code:
(define last-element-on-list
(lambda (l) ; <- ATTENTION.
(cond ((null? l) '()) ; FIXME: raise error instead.
((null? (cdr l)) (car l))
(else (last-element-on-list (cdr l))))))
You can read more about lambda in The Racket Guide. In particular, look at section 4.4.1 (Declaring a Rest Argument).
I think it will be better to raise an error when calling your procedure on an empty list –
(define last-element-of-list
(lambda (l)
(cond ((null? l)
(error 'last-element-of-list "cannot get last element of empty list"))
((null? (cdr l))
(car l))
(last-element-of-list (cdr l))))))
(last-element-of-list '(1)) ;; 1
(last-element-of-list '(1 2)) ;; 2
(last-element-of-list '(1 2 3)) ;; 3
(last-element-of-list '(1 2 3 4)) ;; 4
(last-element-of-list '()) ;; error: cannot get last element of empty list

Scheme/Racket: A function which separates a list into two lists of elements that match a certain predicate and those that don't match it

I wish to create a function in Scheme that takes in a predicate and a list of elements, and then outputs two separate lists. One with elements of the original list that MATCH the given predicate, and one with elements that DON'T match it.
The code I have right now I believe should isolate those which match the predicate and output a list of them but the code will not work.
(define tear
(lambda (pred xs)
(cond[(null? xs) '()]
[(list? (car xs))(cons((tear (pred (car xs)))(tear (pred (cdr xs)))))]
[(pred (car xs))(cons((car xs)(tear (pred (cdr xs)))))]
[else tear (pred (cdr xs))])))
(tear number? '(1 2 3 a b c))
The resulting output on my compiler is:
tear: arity mismatch;
the expected number of arguments does not match the given number
expected: 2
given: 1
/home/jdoodle.rkt:2:4: tear
Command exited with non-zero status 1
Any help/info that you can give would be much appreciated.
Lets fix your code step by step. Adding indentation and whitespace to make it readable:
(define tear
(lambda (pred xs)
[(null? xs)
[(list? (car xs))
(cons ((tear (pred (car xs))) (tear (pred (cdr xs)))))]
[(pred (car xs))
(cons ((car xs) (tear (pred (cdr xs)))))]
tear (pred (cdr xs))])))
(tear number? '(1 2 3 a b c))
The first problem I see is a problem of putting parentheses on the inside (around the arguments) of a function call instead on the outside. You do this with cons and with the recursive calls to tear. For instance in tear (pred (cdr xs)) you should move the first paren to before the function. Remember that parentheses in an expression almost always mean a function call in the shape of (function argument ...).
(cons (A B)) should be rewritten to (cons A B)
(tear (Pred Xs)) should be rewritten to (tear Pred Xs)
tear (Pred Xs) should be rewritten to (tear Pred Xs)
With these fixes your code looks like this:
(define tear
(lambda (pred xs)
[(null? xs)
[(list? (car xs))
(cons (tear pred (car xs)) (tear pred (cdr xs)))]
[(pred (car xs))
(cons (car xs) (tear pred (cdr xs)))]
(tear pred (cdr xs))])))
(tear number? '(1 2 3 a b c))
;=> (1 2 3)
(tear number? '(1 2 "not a number" 3 4))
;=> (1 2 3 4)
However, it still does something weird when there's a nested list:
(tear list? (list '(1 2 3) "not a list" '(4 5)))
;=error> (() ())
To be consistent it should put the two lists into a list: ((1 2 3) (4 5)). To do that just remove the second cond case:
(define tear
(lambda (pred xs)
[(null? xs)
[(pred (car xs))
(cons (car xs) (tear pred (cdr xs)))]
(tear pred (cdr xs))])))
(tear number? '(1 2 3 a b c))
;=> (1 2 3)
(tear list? (list '(1 2 3) "not a list" '(4 5)))
;=> ((1 2 3) (4 5))
It now seems to do exactly half of what you want. You want it to return two lists: one for elements that passed, and one for the elements that failed. It currently is returning just the first list.
The first thing you should do is document how it returns those two lists. Since there are always exactly two, you can return them as multiple values.
;; tear returns two values:
;; - a list of the elements of `xs` that passed `pred`
;; - a list of the elements of `xs` that failed `pred`
There are two parts of using multiple values: returning them and receiving them. Use (values A B) to return them, and (let-values ([(A B) ....]) ....) to match on a result, like the result of a recursive call.
That means every recursive call like this (f .... (tear ....) ....) should become
(let-values ([(A B) (tear ....)])
(values (f .... A ....)
Applying that to your code:
;; tear returns two values:
;; - a list of the elements of `xs` that passed `pred`
;; - a list of the elements of `xs` that failed `pred`
(define tear
(lambda (pred xs)
[(null? xs)
(values '()
[(pred (car xs))
(let-values ([(A B) (tear pred (cdr xs))])
(values (cons (car xs) A)
(let-values ([(A B) (tear pred (cdr xs))])
(values A
Now to fill in the ??? holes, use examples.
(tear number? '()) should return two empty lists: () ()
(tear number? '(1 2)) should return a full list and an empty list: (1 2) ()
(tear number? '(a b)) should return an empty list and a full list: () (a b)
The first example corresponds to the first ??? hole, the second example corresponds to the second hole, and so on.
This tells us that the first hole should be filled in with '(), the second hole should be filled in with B, and the third hole should be filled in with (cons (car xs) B).
(define tear
(lambda (pred xs)
[(null? xs)
(values '() '())]
[(pred (car xs))
(let-values ([(A B) (tear pred (cdr xs))])
(values (cons (car xs) A)
(let-values ([(A B) (tear pred (cdr xs))])
(values A
(cons (car xs) B)))])))
(tear number? '(1 2 3 a b c))
;=> (1 2 3)
; (a b c)
(tear list? (list '(1 2 3) "not a list" '(4 5)))
;=> ((1 2 3) (4 5))
; ("not a list")
This is a classic fold use-case. You're aggregating the list into two lists :
(define tear (lambda (pred lst)
(fold-right ; Aggregate over lst
(lambda (elem agg)
(let ((accepted (car agg))
(rejected (cadr agg)))
(if (pred elem)
; Create a new agg by adding the current element to the accepted list
`(,(cons elem accepted) ,rejected)
; Or, if the predicate rejected the element,
; Create a new agg by adding the current element to the rejected list
`(,accepted ,(cons elem rejected)))))
`(() ())
So, if you use even? as your predicate, you can get:
> (tear even? `(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8))
((2 4 6 8) (1 3 5 7))
Here's another way you can do it using continuation-passing style; this puts the recursive call in tail position.
(define (partition p xs (return list))
(if (null? xs)
(return null null)
(partition p
(cdr xs)
(lambda (t f)
(if (p (car xs))
(return (cons (car xs) t)
(return t
(cons (car xs) f)))))))
(partition number? '())
;; => '(() ())
(partition number? '(a 1 b 2 c 3))
;; => '((1 2 3) (a b c))
(partition list? '(1 2 (3 4) (5 6) 7 8))
;; => '(((3 4) (5 6)) (1 2 7 8))
Above, we make use of Racket's default arguments. Below we show how to define partition using a helper function instead
;; procedure above, renamed to partition-helper
(define (partition-helper p xs return)
;; new procedure without optional parameter
(define (partition p xs)
;; call helper with default continuation, list
(partition-helper p xs list))
Comments may help distill some of the style's mysterious nature
;; default continuation is `list`, the list constructor procedure
(define (partition p xs (return list))
(if (null? xs)
;; base case: empty list; return the empty result
(return null null)
;; inductive case: at least one x; recur on the tail...
(partition p
(cdr xs)
;; ...specifying how to continue the pending computation
(lambda (t f)
(if (p (car xs))
;; if predicate passes, cons x onto the t result
(return (cons (car xs) t)
;; otherwise cons x onto the f result
(return t
(cons (car xs) f)))))))
#WillNess asks why we delay evaluating the predicate; I don't have a reason other than I think the readability above is pretty good. We can alter the implementation to check the predicate right away, if we please. The impact here is very subtle. If you don't see it, I encourage you to play pen-and-paper evaluator and compare the two processes to understand it.
;; default continuation is `list`, the list constructor procedure
(define (partition p xs (return list))
(if (null? xs)
;; base case: empty list; return the empty result
(return null null)
;; inductive case: at least one x; recur on the tail...
(partition p
(cdr xs)
;; ...specifying how to continue the pending computation
(if (p (car xs))
(lambda (t f)
;; if predicate passes, cons x onto the t result
(return (cons (car xs) t)
(lambda (t f)
;; otherwise cons x onto the f result
(return t
(cons (car xs) f)))))))

Duplicate every found element in a list in Scheme

I want to duplicate every found element in a list. I have the idea but i can't make it right. Sample input is >(pass '(1 2 3 4 4)) will have the output (1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 4). Anyone out there help me. Here is my code ..
(define duplicate
(lambda (mylist n)
(cond ((null? mylist) "Not found")
((< n 2) (cons (car mylist)
(duplicate mylist (+ n 1))))
(duplicate (cdr mylist) 0)))))
(define pass
(lambda (mylist)
(duplicate list 0)))
I will appreaciate all valuable comments.
Just a couple of fixes (see the comments) and we're good to go:
(define duplicate
(lambda (mylist n)
(cond ((null? mylist) '()) ; base case must return the empty list
((< n 2) (cons (car mylist)
(duplicate mylist (+ n 1))))
(duplicate (cdr mylist) 0)))))
(define pass
(lambda (mylist)
(duplicate mylist 0))) ; pass myList, not list
Notice that the procedure can be simplified a bit:
(define (pass lst)
(if (null? lst)
(cons (car lst)
(cons (car lst)
(pass (cdr lst))))))
Or even better, using higher-order procedures for a more idiomatic solution:
(define (pass lst)
(foldr (lambda (ele acc) (list* ele ele acc))
Yet another alternative:
(define (pass lst)
(append-map (lambda (ele) (list ele ele))
Anyway, it works as expected:
(pass '(1 2 3 4 4))
=> (1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 4)
I would do it so:
(define (dup l)
(define (iter l co)
(if (null? l)
(co '())
(iter (cdr l)
(lambda (x)
(co (cons (car l) (cons (car l) x)))))))
(iter l (lambda (x) x)))
(dup '(1 2 3))
It may be simpler to treat duplicate as zipping a list with itself. Then flattening the resulting list.
In Scheme or Racket:
(require srfi/1)
(define (duplicate-list-members lox)
(flatten (zip lox lox)))
Though it runs in O(n) time, profiling may indicate that passing through the list twice is a bottleneck and justify rewriting the function. Or it might not.
Try using map and list
(define (duplicate my-list)
(lambda (x)
(list x x))
Gives requested format:
> (duplicate (list 1 2 3 4 4))
'(1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 4)

behavior differently with two input lists with same length vs. with different lengths (Scheme)

the code "tsFunc" gets two lists as input and it will pairs each elements from two lists.
It works most of cases.
but then I find a bit strange behavior when I give 2 equal length of lists (e.g. '(1 2) '(3 4).... or '(a b c) '(1 2 3).... , it works strangely. first, here are code.
[problem 1]
(define (tsFunc lst1 lst2)
(define (helper ls1 ls2 rst)
(reverse (if (or (null? ls1) (null? ls2))
(helper (cdr ls1) (cdr ls2)
(cons (cons (car ls1) (car ls2)) rst)))))
(helper lst1 lst2 '()))
the behavior like this:
1) correct behavior with uneven length of lists :
(tsFunc '(1 2 3) '(a b)) ====> output: ((1 . a) (2 . b))
2) strange behavior with even length of lists
: (tsFunc '(1 2 3) '(a b c)) ===> output (wrong): ((3 . c) (2 . b) (1 . a))
===> expected : ((1 . a) (2 . b) (3 . c))
when the two input lists are same length, what is happening?
do the tsFunc logic have different behavior between the input lists with same lengths vs. the input lists with different lengths?
(Note. as I know, the code needs to have "reverse" for the final result. so it is not because of "reverse" in the code)
[problem 2] with the result of tsFunc => tsFunc result: (1 . 2) (3 . 4) => try to implement product like this (1*2)+(3*4) = 14, so I have like this..
(define (func l1 l2)
(tsFunc (l1 l2) ;; line 2 - how to call tsFunc's result??
(foldl (lambda (acc pair) ;; line 3
(+ acc (* (car pair) (cdr pair)))) ;; line 4
l1 l2))) ;; like this?? or ??
line 3 , 4 ok..that's the logic what to do, then, how to call tsFunc result to use it as input and.. two lists for the last line.. unclear..
The first problem is that you keep reversing the lists at each iteration, if you really need to reverse the output, do it just once at the end:
(define (tsFunc lst1 lst2)
(define (helper ls1 ls2 rst)
(if (or (null? ls1) (null? ls2))
(reverse rst)
(helper (cdr ls1) (cdr ls2)
(cons (cons (car ls1) (car ls2)) rst))))
(helper lst1 lst2 '()))
Now, for the second problem - the code doesn't even compile: you're not correctly calling the tsFunc procedure, and you're calling it in the wrong point. Also the initial value for the accumulator parameter is wrong - you can't use a list if you intend to return a number:
(define (func l1 l2)
(foldl (lambda (acc pair)
(+ acc (* (car pair) (cdr pair))))
(tsFunc l1 l2)))
Using the sample input in the question, here's how it would work:
(func '(1 3) '(2 4))
=> 14
In the above tsFunc takes '(1 3) and '(2 4) as inputs, transforming them into '((1 . 2) (3 . 4)) and then foldl preforms the operation (1*2)+(3*4) = 14, as expected.
Since you are allowed to use higher order functions, why not use just SRFI-1 List library fold?
(import (rnrs base)
(only (srfi :1) fold)) ;; srfi-1 fold stop at the shortest list
(define (func lst1 lst2)
(fold (lambda (x y acc)
(+ acc (* x y)))
(func '(1 3) '(2 4 8)) ; ==> 14