Errors when compiling DJI Windows SDK - visual-studio-2017

The instructions mentioned that just compile and run the program using x86 architecture via Visual Studio 2017. But these errors shows up after compiling it. Errors shown
Any suggested solution to fix these errors?
Thank You.

take this link to resolve your problem :
or go in "tool" then package manager NuGet, and to finish
the package manager console. and tip in console:
Install-Package Microsoft.NETCore.UniversalWindowsPlatform -Version 6.1.9
... Good ?


Installing B&R Automation Studio V 4.9.2 C++ redistributable setup not found

When installing B&R Automation Studio V4.9 (when V4.7 is already installed) I get a
C++ redistributable setup not found
In the picture below you see the redistributables of C++ that are already installed.
Does anybody know how to fix this problem?
Fixed this issue by reinstalling B&R Automation Studio V4.9.
I thinks something went wrong with the extraction of the zip file.

Visual Studio 2017: A fatal error has occurred and debugging needs to be terminated

When executing unit tests in debugging mode, I get the following error message:
A fatal error has occurred and debugging needs to be terminated. For more
details please see the Microsoft Help and Support web site.
HRESULT=0x8000ffff. ErrorCode=0x0.
So my steps to fix the issue,
1- [Preventive action]
Update the Visual studio 2017 , from the yellow flag notification or from
Tools >> Extensions & Updates >> Updates >> visual studio marketplace.
2- Search in your test solution for launchsettings.json file and remove it.
3- Clean the test solution .
4- Rebuild the project .
5- Make a cup of coffee ;).
Restarting Visual Studio solved this issue for me.
Cleaning the solution didn't work for me, and I couldn't find a launchsettings.json.
What eliminated the error for me: Changing the Startup project to a project other than the test project, as mentioned in this MSDN forum post.
Clean the solution and try again. See Visual Studio Forum for details. It helped in my case.
Try to check your depencency packages and references and try to ensure that all is ok. I fix this problem delete unnecessary and broke dependencies.
I had a similar issue and was because of the .Net Framework Target settings were wrong. It was set to .NET 5.0 which was not supported by VS2017. Opening the project in VS2019 solved the issue.

command cl.exe failed upon pip install django_compressor

im posting this because im encountering this problem and had been trying to solve this issue for days but failed to. I faced the following error (refer to attached) when i try to install django_compressor (pip install django_compressor) i searched online for solutions but is unable to rectify the problem.figure 1
Im currently have python 3.6 with visual studio 14.0 and visual C++ build tools installed. I had referred to to attempt to try the command "C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /E:ON /V:ON /T:0E /K "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1\Bin\SetEnv.cmd" /RELEASE /x64" from one of the answer posted but i still face problem with x64 compilers not installed.
And i tried to solve the x64 compilers issue by installing the Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Service Pack 1 Compiler Update for the Windows SDK 7.1 referencing from
And also uninstalling visual studio service pack 1 to rectify the x64 compilers issue referencing from Visual Studio 2010 Service Pack 1 and Windows SDK for Windows 7 and .NET Framework 4 Issue in the microsoft visual studio but still to no availability.
Right now i do not know how to proceed on solving the problem of installing django_compressor (cl.exe) as well as the x64 compilers when i try to retify the cl.exe problem. Would require your assistance in this, thank you so much!
NOTE EDITED: Hi all, i would like to say i manage to find a possible solution, because the program regards to cl.exe with is i presume it got to do with x64 compilers and knowing this issue occur when trying to install rjsmin and rcssmin. I decided to download both the package, extract it and install it using "python install --without-c-extensions" and it works so i presume it got to do with c extensions and i manage to install django_compressor. But i would like to check will this cause any possible problems in the future? Thank you so much once again!

Missing opencv_world300.lib while using visual studio 2015/2013

I'm trying to install OpenCV 3.0.0 to my project within MS Visual Studio 2013/2015 (two PCs). I'm doing same things as in tutorial described here, but on both PCs I get an error, saying that 'opencv_world300.lib is missing, try to reinstall programm'. I sure that it's not missing, I've set system variables: OPENCV_DIR: 'D:\opencv\build\x86\vc12' and added to PATH: '%OPENCV_DIR%\lib'. Restarted my computer, but Visual Studio says error above. All project properties are the same as in the tutorial. What should I do to solve this problem? Thanks.
You need to build the library again
Go back to cmake step and activate Build_opencv_world

I can't run openCV2.3.1 with VS2010 because opencv_core231d.dll was not found

I installed openCV2.3.1 with VS2010. In VC++ Directories I set Library Directories to C:\opencv\build\x86\vc10\lib. My code has no error but when I try to build it VC++2010 displays this error
This application has failed strat because opencv_core231d.dll was not
found. Reinstall the application may fix this problem.
How do I setup openCV2.3.1 with VC++2010 to find the .dll?
Have you seen Microsoft Visual Studio tutorial from the latest OpenCV documentation?
You need to build the openCV2.3.1 yourself. We use cmake build tool in our project. And you should copy the opencv_core231d.dll to your exe directory so that your executable file can find the dll.
Here is the Complete Installation guide for OpenCV.
Download and install the 2.3.1 superpack for Windows and configure Visual Studio according to this post. Even though the instructions are for the 2.3 version, the procedure remains the same and you just need to take care to use the appropriate paths and file names of v2.3.1 when following the steps.
Alternatively you could try to follow Andrey's recommendation, but I haven't test it yet.