Drupal 8 Generate all images for all styles - drupal-8

I'm working on a Drupal 8.6 multi site installation, where every site has it's own database, and I'm having a problem where the first time a content is shared on Facebook it uses the wrong image.
The meta tag is configured right, it is something like this:
<meta property="og:image" content="https://xxxx.com/image.jpg?itok=w8tMeCC0" />
This image problem happens only at the first share and I believe it happens because the image has not been created yet at the moment of the first share.
I would like to know what I could do to force the image to be generated as soon as the content is published and if there is a way to create all the missing images.
I found this post and I'm trying to implement in a module (I never worked on Drupal before) but I don't even know how to schedule this piece of script to be executed.
Is there an existing module or setting that does that?
Thanks for any help!

Have you tried the facebook Debugger?
Facebook usually stores the metatags in cache during shares. What I usually do is debug the webpage at least once with the right metatags configured in the debugger and ensure the page loads correctly there.
Afterwards, the share will be loading all the assets correctly.


How can one find out in Drupal 8 which module generates a <link with Google Fonts url?

I am trying to locally embed a Google Font (Marvel) in a Drupal 8 website.
But first i should be able to locate the position where the Google Font url gets called and remove it. And here have i slightly problem...
I have checked every yml, less, css, js file, the whole site searched for "googleapis", nothing found.
When i open the website with my browser there is this font loaded
Probably is a some sort of setting saved in the database, because when i'm searching through the database dump, i find 180 occurrences of the link.
In the Drupal back-end, i've opened every module which a settings page has, but i came up empty handed, found nothing there...
Can anyone help me to figure it out? Slowly but surely i am losing hope here...

opengraph meta data not working properly for LinkedIn regardless of Post Inspector

There seems to be something odd in OG metadata in our website and I can't figure out what it is...
For example this page: https://en.ilmatieteenlaitos.fi/wind-energy.
Has og:image and og:title (there is some extra stuff, but they shouldn't matter)
<meta data-n-head="ssr" data-hid="og:image" property="og:image" content="https://images.ctfassets.net/hli0qi7fbbos/7aa7VLl18PM8amWiILgeCH/30be16653881211492963375de425d7b/Tuulivoimalat_Hamina_ilta_SariHartonen.jpg"> <meta data-n-head="ssr" data-hid="og:title" property="og:title" content="Wind energy - Finnish Meteorological Institute">
Previews show correctly in here: https://www.opengraph.xyz/url/https%3A%2F%2Fen.ilmatieteenlaitos.fi%2Fwind-energy/
Post Inspector shows preview incorrectly just like sharing the page in Linkedin app: https://www.linkedin.com/post-inspector/inspect/https:%2F%2Fen.ilmatieteenlaitos.fi%2Fwind-energy. Using inspector should refresh the cache, but it's not doing it.
I tested with a test page (https://cdn.fmi.fi/demos/stackoverflow/some) in different domain with same header and all worked just fine with inspector and app and everything.
Is the problem deeper in en.ilmatieteenlaitos.fi -settings since all worked fine in cdn.fmi.fi?
edit: did more testing on our beta-site so content of the page is same as in production. All worked just fine in beta-site. So my guess there is something wrong in production website's settings which is out of my comprehension. Any tips? :) We are using Contentful and AWS...
Try out this meta tags debugger tool here: https://thumbsmith.com/validator
My guess would be that maybe you need to add width / height tags for LinkedIn to pick it up
I believe the problem is oq:url. Currently it's always set to our website's mainpage. Maybe Linkedin caches stuff based on that so all shares get the same cached result. This is not the case for twitter. Not sure about other some-platforms.
I also added prefix="og: https://ogp.me/ns# to html-element's attributes. Not sure how much difference this makes.
Now Linkedin shares seem to work in our preproduction site which uses same data as production.

How to disable ember-fastboot after site already loaded locally?

This is related to a post I recently made regarding ember-fastboot and saving a webpage for offline viewing.
I am making a separate post because I believe this is more an ember-fastboot question and isn't specific to the website I am trying to save for offline viewing.
Basically, I am trying to find out how, on the local end, to completely override ember. That is, since I already have open in my browser the rendered page, what does one need to do in order to save the page such that when opened later locally as offline page, the page appears the same way it did when rendered in the first place?
It seems like I am in a paradox. I have a rendered page, with content such as a javascript media player. I save rendered page. I then open the locally saved, rendered page but then the ember javascript kicks in and alters the page, such that the javascript media player no longer loads, due to ember altering a div's class name to specify that the player is not booted! The thing is, once rendered, I don't need ember doing anything, as I am just interested in viewing a frozen copy of the rendered page with no interest in subsequent connections to the rendering server.
Anyway, hope someone can shed some light on this.
You could remove <script> tags from the index.html after saving it. That would prevent the app from starting, leaving the pre-rendered HTML intact.
You might need to split the JS bundle if you need a JS player to be running independently. Splitting the bundle is an advanced technique. If you need it, please ask a separate question.

Cannot select Image File using djangocms-filer

I hope someone can help out with this one. I have been using djangocms to build a simple frontend centric website for a client so they can maintain their own content. There is nothing fancy in this setup. Just a few template.html files, a little css and djangocms to pull it all together. There are no other forms, models, views or anything at this stage. Just pure djangocms.
Originally I was working with django 1.8.6 and the image picker seemed to work fine. I could upload my files and next to each one there is a selector icon which works and all was great. See below image. This was using cmsplugin-filer.
Then I tried to upgrade the website to Django version 1.11.13 and I started to run into this problem. The file select that you see above is no longer available to the user. I have spent days working on this and in my travels I found that apparently cmsplugin-filer is now deprecated. So I removed it and switched to the recommended djangocms-filer install thinking that might solve my problem...but no. After many many hours of head scratching I figured it must be something in my project throwing things out, so I have done a 100% clean install using the prescribed djangocms-installer. Other than connecting it to a postgresql database, it is a completely vanilla installation, and yet it still does not work. All I get is the image below. A simple tick box but no way of selecting the image nor anyway of saving what I have selected. Uploading files is fine and I can create folders and images upload into them perfectly fine.
Below is a snapshot of my pip freeze showing everything installed in my virtualenv and the associated versions.
My settings file is almost 100% standard so I don't understand why I can't get this to work. Note: If, when I am adding the plugin to my template, I don't select the Choose File Button but simply drag an image into the grey rectangle, it all works fine. My file gets uploaded into the unsorted uploads folder and the image is selected into my template all in one go, but using the choose file route, where I have more control over my files and how they are stored, doesn't.
Does anyone have any idea what I might be missing please?
Django CMS overrides some static files and there are some old ones in your browser cache. You need to clear your caches or open the page using incognito window.

Amazon AWS S3 Site Update

I've looked through just about every related question on here that I can find and none of the suggested solutions seem to resolve my problem.
I'm currently hosting a website on Amazon AWS using strictly the S3 and Route 53 tools to host a static website and re-route from a couple of different URL queries to our site. This morning I attempted to update the CSS files being used to style the webpage, as well as a bunch of new image files and some minor updates to the HTML pages, and noticed that all of my changes showed up immediately on the webpage except the changes I had made to my CSS file. I've checked, and the version of the file on the S3 is the correct/updated version, but when I attempt to use the Developer Tools in my web browser to inspect the webpage displayed, it's still showing an older version of the css file. This doesn't make any sense to me, as all of the other changes show up immediately except for this particular file. Does anyone have any thoughts on how to fix this/what could be going wrong?
NOTE: I'm not using AWS CloudFront on this webpage at all so I don't believe that any of the "invalidation" suggested elsewhere will help me. In the past, I've updated the files and seen immediate changes when loading my webpage.
You already know this is a browser cache issue - which you can clear the cache, but if you want to force everyone to automatically get the new CSS, what I usually do is add a query parameter to the file include, i.e. instead of
<link href="~/css/plugins/thickbox/thickbox.css" rel="stylesheet" />
do this:
<link href="~/css/plugins/thickbox/thickbox.css?v=1001" rel="stylesheet" />
and you can up the 1001 each time you push out an update - the browser will automatically grab the new file.
Google 'cache-busting' for other options.