How to stop resharper removing empty switch default case - visual-studio-2017

Assume I've got the following code:
public static void PrintFoo(int i)
switch (i)
case 0:
case 1:
// do nothing
I want the "default" switch case there with the comment as it shows I'm deliberately not processing any values other than 0 and 1. If I leave out the default case, it's not clear if I meant to do nothing, or just forgot. Indeed, if I delete the default case, I get errors from "IDE0010 Populate switch" showing up in the errors window.
By default Resharper considers this an error, so I have turned off that inspection (Resharper options -> Inspection Severity -> C# -> Redundancies in Code -> Redundant empty switch section).
The problem I have is that when I run code cleanup, it deletes the default case, including the comment. In general I still want code cleanup to fix all the other redundancies in the file, so turning off "Remove code redundancies" in the code cleanup profile isn't an option. Is there a way to get it not to remove the default case in the switch statement?
EDIT: It seems that the default case is only removed if, in the code cleanup window, I select to "Remove code redundancies" and any child of "Code style". If I deselect all the code style items, the default case is not removed, or if I deselect the code redundancies it is not deleted either. Looks like I might have to raise this as a bug with Resharper.

So I reported this to jetbrains who looked into the problem. It turned out that the setting for "Redundant empty switch section" was stored in the "Team shared" settings layer and the code cleanup was pulling the setting from the wrong layer.
The solution was to go to Resharper -> Manage options -> double click on "this computer" and change the setting there.
Thanks to Alexander Kurakin for solving the issue.


How to immobilize a mob in a script?

To fix the Gruul script, I need to immobilize the boss in an already existing event and remove that flag in another.
However, I can't find a way to prevent Gruul from chasing his target.
I tried comparing it to permanently snared bosses like Ragnaros and C'thun without finding a flag which fits my intentions.
Any hint, how to temporarily prevent movement is appreciated.
I am working on
I want to add code which immobilizes Gruul while casting "Ground Slam" until he casts "Shatter" to make it blizzlike.
In detail
this event needs to immobilize him and this one
should make him move again.
I've been looking through the Wiki, trying various flags to no avail. Thankfully i got some replies on discord which suggested UNIT_FLAG_PACIFIED (which prevents attacks but does not immobilize from my tests) and UNIT_FLAG_STUNNED (which prevents the "Ground Slam" cast from being finished but does not prevent Gruuls movement either.
To achieve the above, i used this syntax, adding the 4 lines setting/removing flags:
me->CastSpell(me, SPELL_GROUND_SLAM, false);
events.ScheduleEvent(EVENT_GROUND_SLAM, 60000);
events.ScheduleEvent(EVENT_SHATTER, 8000);
me->CastSpell(me, SPELL_SHATTER, false);
This code makes the boss (here: Gruul) stay in place.
me->SetControlled(true, UNIT_STATE_ROOT);
Setting the first argument to false removes the root.
Thanks to Yehonal on discord for pointing this out.

VS2017 Debugger : has no address, possibly due to compiler optimizations

Seems not relevant to some questions with similar titles.
//some other code
std::string s = Lookup->getName().str();
-> break here //some other code
Note: "Lookup" is clang::DirectoryLookup, "Lookup->getName()" is llvm::StringRef
When break at the above place, in the "Watch" pane in VS2017, the string variable "s" is initialized successfully and its value can be shown in "Watch" pane.
But when try to show(watch) the expression "Lookup->getName().str()" which is just how "s" is initialized, it says:
Lookup->getName().str() | Function llvm::StringRef::str has no address, possibly due to compiler optimizations.
the source code of StringRef::str() is:
/// str - Get the contents as an std::string.
std::string str() const {
if (!Data) return std::string();
return std::string(Data, Length);
And all the libraries is in debug version. Based on the above fact, there seems to be no reason for this to happen.
Such thing happens in other situations during debuging a Clang Libtooling program and it make debugging very hard.
What is the possible reason and how to solve it?
I tried #user15331850 solution and it didn't help, but setting Linker-> Debugging-> Generate Debug Info to "/DEBUG:FULL" seems giving me all variables now.
This may be due to optimization option is enabled.
You can disable the same by following these steps:
Right click on the solution
Click on the "properties"
From the left pane, click on the "Configuration Properties"
Click on "C/C++" from the sub-option
Then click on the "optimization" and select "Disabled(/Od)" from the list
That's it. Hope it works for you!!
I had this issue. I needed to change the settings for: Linker-> Debugging-> Generate Debug Info from "/DEBUG:FASTLINK" to "/DEBUG".

Is there any way to make Visual Studio C++ error output useful?

I find VS19 output quite useless when working on C++ project. Consider running the example code on freshly installed VS19:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class My
void f() noexcept
throw exception{"A problem sir!"};
int main()
My m;
catch (exception& ex)
cout << "exception caught! " << ex.what() << endl;
return 0;
What I would like to receive is: "Function throws an exception while marked as noexcept", and the cursor set on the problematic line. What I get is a new window with some general text, none of which mentions the problem, or where the problem is.
What compiler warning level have you specified? If I use the /W0 option there is no diagnostic but with any other value, /W1 through /W4, the compiler outputs the following lines:
1>filename.cpp(9,1): warning C4297: 'My::f': function assumed not to throw an exception but does
1>filename.cpp(9,1): message : __declspec(nothrow), throw(), noexcept(true), or noexcept was specified on the function
Note: the diagnostic messages include the line and column numbers. If you double-click the error message it moves the cursor to the offending line.
Your verbosity parameter of MSBuild is may be too high. Go to menu: Tools -> Options. Then on the left pane select: Projects and Solutions -> Build and Run.
There you can select the appropriate verbosity of MSBuild (from Quiet to Diagnostic)
Trying to resolve your puzzle in your question:
What I get is a new window with some general text, none of which
mentions the problem, or where the problem is.
I find 90% of output useless for me.
I think what you mean is the Output window, it is always used to display output about build process.
Also, You can also program your own applications to write diagnostic messages at run time to an Output pane. To do this, use members of the Debug class or Trace class in the System.Diagnostics namespace of the .NET Framework Class Library.
For those large solution or large project, which has plenty of resource files. The build sometimes fail with unknown error. The output window is necessary for trouble-shooting.
If you think most of its info is useless,like P.PICARD suggests: Go Tools=>Projects and Solutions=>Build and Run to set its build output verbosity(!Not build log file verbosity) I suggest you change it to Minimal.
If you have a failed build and want to watch the details of the whole build process. Change it to Detailed and rebuild the project or solution.
What I would like to receive is: "Function throws an exception while
marked as noexcept", and the cursor set on the problematic line.
Have you checked the Error List window? If it disappeared,choose View > Error List, or press Ctrl++E.
Add two lines to your code sample:
int main()
int a = 2;
int b;
Navigate to the Error List window(I suggest you set it as Build and Intellisense):
I think it's what you want. And error list window also indicates the Variable which is not initialized or not referenced for improving your coding.
Also, you can see their line numbers. And Double-click the error message, the cursor will navigate to that line.
For C++ program, the warning level is from w0 to w4, you can set it w4 to get the high warning level.(By default it should be w3)
Right-click project=>properties=>Configuration Properties=>C/C++=>Warning Level to set it. (Have been described by Blastfurance, thanks to him!)
Change it to w0, nothing shows. Change it to w3, and it will show warnings about My::f and b but not a.(Actually I don't think you make changes to that, because w3 is by default) Change it to w4 then get the high warning level and all associated warnings display.

How to change a variable value on conditional breakpoint in visual studio 2015

Is there any way to change value of variable to on a conditional breakpoint and continue execution.
My code is like this
switch(var){ //conditional breakpoint on this line
case 1:
I put conditional breakpoint like below
(var == 0 ) || (var ==1) is true
So when this breakpoint hits, I want to change var = 2, and continue execution.
What I found: I found Action also, but it only log messages. Is there any way to executing a statement like var = 2 as Action taken on this conditional breakpoint.
I don't want to change code because building it takes hell lot of time.
Note: I am working C++ on Visual studio 2015
In Log a message to Output Window write {my_variable=12345} the side effect of log output is assigning 12345 to my_variable.
Take into account that Log a message can accept and evaluate complex expressions in curly braces.
You can modify a variable directly in memory to change the execution flow through a quick watch (Shift+F9) or watch window in Visual Studio.
Make sure that in Tools / Options / Debugging you have the "Enable Edit and Continue" Enabled/Checked and then you will be able to edit your code while debugging and continue without the need to rebuild or to stop execution.
More information can be found in How to: Enable and Disable Edit and Continue
This used to work, I can't seem to get it to work now. Worked excellent on loops and also good for altering values without altering the source or the code (and accidently committing it).
Conditional break point, break if true
(url = "http://localhost:1234/") != url
This works thanks to assignment always returns it's assigned value. This will never be true as url becomes localhost

WTL CListViewCtrl getSelectedItem is causing an Assertion fail for me

This is my code in order to get the name of the item which has been selected in my CListViewCtrl:
CString itemText;
clistViewCtrl.GetItemText(item.iItem, item.iSubItem, itemText);
Note that this code is working. I recently did another project, where I grabbed the name in exactly this way, however, I had no problems there with any assertion fails.
When I execute this with my current project, I always get a debug assertion:
"File: ... atlctrls.h"
Line: 3242
Expression: (GetStyle() & 0x0004) != 0
Even though the expression already states it pretty much, here is the line causing the failure:
I have barely any idea what the problem is. As I said, the exact same code worked on my other project, and I just went through both, trying to find any differences which could cause this behaviour, but nothing caught my eye.
Honestly, I don't even know if this is related to my code at all, considering the two compared elements seem to be predefined.
My first guess would have been that this part is being called before the items are created, but all items in the listview are created at the point I try to call this code passage.
Can anyone point me to a solution?
Your control is not created with style flag LVS_SINGLESEL. So calling GetSelectedItem is causing an assert. In case of multi selection use GetFirstSelectedItem and GetNextSelectedItem instead of GetSelectedItem. For single selection you can continue useing GetSelectedItem, but you have to add LVS_SINGLESEL style flag to your control.