Match a url with quety string - regex

I'm pretty new to regex.
I researched a lot, but I can't figure out the problem.
I have this url
The query string ?s= is the search parameter on my blog.
I'd like to write a regex expression that matches only
and any parameter given to the search engine.
I tried a few things like /thenotebar/\?s=(.*)
,but it didn't work.
Any help is appreciated. Thank you in advance.

As I understand, you need the "thenotebar/?s=" and at least one character in the parameters.
Try to use this regex for it.
In your regex, you miss the '\' before the '/', probably this is the reason, it not works. You need a dot before (.*). This means you need at least one character as parameter. You need it? Leave this extra dot if you only check the "/thenotebar/?s=" string.


Get all url from text by regex

i need get all urls from the text file using regex. But not all url, url that start by some template. For example. I have text:
"["some text", ""]",
"FieldName3": ""}someText"
["some text", ""]",
"FieldName3": ""}someText2{..}someText.({})
I need take all urls like
I try use this regex, but it doesn't work. Maybe i have some mistake in it.
I'm not need pure url checker, I need checker that can get url that start by some template
What about this?
The first part until "/view/" should be clear. The rest ".*?)\"" means, show me everything before a double quote.
I think this will work! I gave it a go on and it seemed to select just the url part, given that the text string doesn't actually have multiple periods in a row.
EDIT: Made a better one, or at least I think I did. Basically the expression says: "look for a quotation mark, and if the next character is an h then include that in the match and also make that the starting point, and then include any characters after that leading to a single period, followed by any lower case letters. There could be a million of them. As long as there was a period before it, you're good, and it wont select beyond that unless theres another period after the string.

please regex url request

I would like to know if anybody can help me with a regular expression problem. I want to write a regular expression to catch URLs similar to this URL:
I have tried:
The problem I get is that when this channel goes live, sometimes the URL transforms to something like this:
I can't catch this. :( Can anybody please help me with this? I just want to catch the channel name without the pound symbol and the rest of the URL.
Here are some example URLs:
I would want to get:
Thanks in advance! :)
Short answer:
Long answer:
Let's split this up into parts. Look at the back part first.
This delimits the string into parts that don't include either '#' or '/'.
Now let's look at the first part.
The syntax "(?<=" followed by ")" is called positive lookbehind (this page has good examples and explanation of the different types of lookaround). Using a simple example:
The above example says "I want all 'B' that are immediately after an 'A'." Going to our big example, we're saying we want all parts (separated by '#' or '/') that are immediately after a part called "".
Look here for an example of the expression in action.
If you want everything up to a certain character(-set), use a negated class.
Also, when working on regex for urls, using / as delimiter is error-prone, as you have to escape all the /'s. Use something else instead (like # in this case)

Regex, optional match in url

I spend a couple of hour with no good result (maybe my mood is not helping about it).
I am trying to build a regex to help me match both urls:
As you note above, the last segment in the first url 6 is not present at the end of the second url, because this segments is optional here. So I need to match both urls in one regex, for that, I have tried this:
That works fine only for the first url. So, reading a few notes about regex it suggest me that I need the ? symbol, right? So, I tried this one, but it did not work:
Well, I do not what I am doing wrong.
You want to put the ? around the / as well, like so:
You can see that it matches correctly on debuggex.
This one will work:

Detect URL in a string without any whitespace regexp

So I know the idea of catching any URL is a very difficult task, and that's not what i'm wanting to do. I'm wanting to find a piece of regex that'll catch urls in the form of
in a string that will contain lots of other text and no whitespace, so for example
I've tried my best to detect something like that by myself, but it's been pretty fruitless. Any help would be great. Below are some of the expressions I tried to modify in order to have these requirements met
Thanks for your time
If it really can be as simple as you're saying...
The expressions you tried all have \\b which is a word boundary and your string unfortunately does not have word boundaries.
See it in action

Perl/lighttpd regex

I'm using regex in lighttpd to rewrite URLs, but I can't write an expression that does what I want (which I thought was pretty basic, apparently not, I'm probably missing something).
Say I have this URL: /page/variable_to_pass/ OR /page/variable_to_pass/
I want to rewrite the URL to this: /page.php?var=variable_to_pass
I've already got rules like ^/login/(.*?)$ to handle specific pages, but I wanted to make one that can match any page without needing one expression per page.
I tried this: ^/([^.?]*) but it matches the whole /page/variable_to_pass/ instead of just page.
Any help is appreciated, thanks!
This regexp should do what you need
First match would be page name, and the second - variable value
That should give you two matches.