What are the differences: Django, Apache, AWS - django

I'm studying web and confused about the concepts of Django, Apache, and AWS.
I have an experience of developing web backend with Django and AWS.
Django handled the interactions between web browser and server.
AWS enabled the clients to share the same server and data.
But, what is Apache? This wasn't considered during the development.
According to my research, Apache is web server application.
But, I can't tell the exact difference of it with AWS.
Does AWS include Apache?
Please help me make sure what Apache is. Thanks :)

Django itself is web framework used for developing web applications based on python. Which is used for making development proccess more simple and easy. It provides various built in things such as Django ORM, Forms, Security, Authentication, Admin and many third party packages that are available on django packages. Which enables you to develop your application rapidly.
AWS stands for amazon web services which provides cloud applications such as computation units, cloud storage, databases, cache servers and so on. It provides computation units to deploy your web apps on. i.e EC2 intances (Elastic compute cloud). As well as it provides database such as RDS (Amazon relational database) along with S3 buckets (Amazon storage) for storing media files and serving static ones.
Apache is web server which is used to deploy web applications on production. You can setup Apache web server on you premises or let you setup in cloud platform such as Amazon EC2 instances. By defalt Django or any other web apps run on single thread which do not give better performance. Apchae web server enables you to run multiple threads/ workers to handle parallel request simultaneously.
By putting all together You can develop you application using Django framework. Than choose AWS for deployment steps. i.e EC2 instance for Apache web server setup, RDS or any other database instance and S3 bucket for storage option.
Please note that this setup may be vary upon your requirements

These are two completely different services/software. AWS (Amazon Web Services) is a cloud platform where you run applications and softwares.
Apache on the other hand is a SOFTWARE that run on servers. So, essentially you can run Apache on AWS.
That is the basic idea. AWS is a platform and Apache can run on top of AWS.
The stated goal for Django is to offer a web application framework that enables quick development and minimal code.That goal can be accomplished with a simple single-threaded web server that simply facilitates development and testing.
The goal of Apache httpd, Nginx, IIS, etc. on the other hand is to offer exceptionally scalable and performant web servers. These applications are highly configurable as all applications differ and there's no one size fits all. They also require different expertise to design, implement and maintain.


Containerised Web Application which connects to Relational DB

Can anyone point me in the direction of some demo code/app that I can use for a demo.
The app should have the ability to connect to a relational database and ideally be able to demonstrate the persistence of having the DB.
I.e. You can save values into the DB from the web app
I'm planning to deploy this onto AWS ECS for testing, alongside RDS.
Thanks in advance
Here is an AWS tutorial that shows how to write a Java Spring Boot Web app that is deployed to Elastic Beanstalk ( Elastic Beanstalk is an AWS service that leverages Amazon EC2 and S3 and deploys, manages and scales your web applications for you. It uses managed containers that support Node. js, Java, Ruby, Docker and more) and uses RDS to store and update data.
Creating the Amazon Relational Database Service item tracker
So most of what you are looking for is there - including how to setup the RDS instance and interact with it from a web app deployed to the cloud. If you follow this step by step (there is a lot of Java code) -- you will get this Sample Web App running on the cloud and it will teach you how to interact with RDS from a web app.
Also - this covers invoking additional services such as Simple Email Service from the web app.

In SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) does individual services run as separate server?

Big banks follow Service Oriented Architecture for their functioning.
They may have more that 50 services so do they run individual services as separate server or they group services ?
Can anyone explain this in detail ?
According to SOA, each service should be able to serve the service independently and hence could be hosted on a separate server.
But all this servers should communicate between each other internally,so the system as a whole is aware of the services offered by each server and the outside world can hit a single endpoint while requesting a service. Internally a routing module will identify the server which offers the particular service and serve it.
It could be also possible that there could be more than one server serving the same request if the load expected is high.
Also the term server could mean a runtime, something like a JVM if the service is Java based or it could be a machine too.
according to wiki:
Every computer can run any number of services, and each service is
built in a way that ensures that the service can exchange information
with any other service in the network without human interaction and
without the need to make changes to the underlying program itself.
Normally similar nature services or services communicating with same code base or DB server or another application server etc are grouped together. While a high volume service or long running service could be served separately to speed up the system.
The whole purpose of Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is to have flexibility for each module( exposed as service) to have it's freedom of deployment, implementation an expansion with least affecting other modules. So all these services either they could be hosted on single server with different ports or they could be on different server.
Usually at big banks, there would be a team owning each service.Each service is deployed on different server. In fact each service may be deployed on many servers for Scalability and fault tolerance.
Usually the services are hosted by an Enterprise Service Bus, a component which publishes the services to all information systems of the organization and also to the external B2B customers (via B2B gateway).
The services hosted on ESB may utilize services provided by backend systems. These services of backend system are considered as private and are only consumed via ESB. This approach eliminates the spaghetti mess which comes if everybody integrates with anybody.
Most of ESB systems I have come accross were high available solutions with a HA database, a cluster of application servers and a load balancer, all together creating a platform to ensure stability and performance of the services.
The number of services in an enterprise can be very large, I have been involved in projects with hundreds of services, largest corporations can run thousands of services.
I recommend to check wikipedia for more about ESB.

Hosting web services project in Amazon

Hi We have built a java based web services project with using jboss server. How do I host this application with Amazon cloud? This web services act as back end for a mobile android app.
I am looking for PaaS option of Jboss server and Postgres database. I could create a postgres database. But could not find Jboss server.
My understanding is in PaaS, Jboss and Postgres should be able to scale up itself as per demand.
Another option provided by Amazon is EC2 as far as I have understood. But if I go with EC2, I will have install and set up jboss and postgres on my own. Then does it scale up by itself as per demand?
Please guide.
If you want to deploy your web application to AWS and ensure its scalability, you have basically two options:
EC2 instance [IaaS] - The disadvantage is, as you mentioned in your question, that you have to configure everything manually. Some external mechanism for scaling has to be used. Amazon provides its AutoScaling service which can be configured to launch new EC2 instances based on utilization or some other metric.
Elastic Beanstalk [PaaS] - This service has the auto-scaling already built in and manages the EC2 instances with your application on its own (it takes care about launching them, deploying the app etc). The disadvantage is that JBoss server is not support at the moment (you would have to switch to Tomcat).
There is a way, how to make JBoss work on Elastic Beanstalk, however. ELB has newly added the support for Docker so if you make your JBoss API run in Docker, you can deploy it to ELB and scale it without much effort and configuration.
As for the database, mentioned in your question, Amazon has plenty of choices, Postgres included, in their RDS service.

Deploy and manage WebApp with AWS services

I’m noob with AWS services, I develop web application with Ruby on Rails, so, I’ll like to know what could be the best way or the right one to deploy and manage web application with AWS.
Right now there are bunch of services of AWS for handle web apps, but I’m not sure which service to use, OpsWork, EC2 (setup the entire server), Elastic Beanstalk or EC2 Containers and so on…
Well, I have 3 small apps from diferentes clients and I’m looking the right way to have them on one instance or couples of instances, right know i’m with OpsWorks, I have 3 stack, one for each web app, I want to know if I can deploy and manage those apps in one stack and 2 instance of OpsWorks or there are better way or other services as IaaS or PaaS solutions?. So i’m looking for advise or orientation for use AWS service for those kind of thing.
This question is rather vague and the answer depends on the needs of your app, but I'll give my 2 cents regardless. I have several rails apps hosted on EC2 instances running Ubuntu, NGINX, and Phusion Passenger. The apps that receive a decent amount of traffic and require consistent performance/availability are cloned across multiple EC2 instances (in multiple zones) and have traffic managed by Elastic Load Balancers (ELBs). The app databases are served through amazon's RDS services. Domain registration and nameservers are set up through AWS Route 53. Static assets are served from AWS S3.
This type of architecture certainly has a price tag on it and isn't the only way to do it. My experience has been that all of my older Rails apps have survived over a year with 100% uptime and rarely have moments of slowness been the fault of AWS as opposed to my own code or 3rd-party software.
Hope this helps; feel free to ask questions.

Amazon ElastiCache vs Ramfs in Linux

I am new to Amazon Web Services. I was reading about Amazon ElastiCache and wanted to clarify if it is like (may be more than that) using RAM filesystem in Linux where we use a portion of system memory as a file system. As I referred AWS documentation it says ElastiCache is a web service. Is it like an EC2 instance with few memory modules attached? I really want to understand how it exactly works.
Our company has decided to migrate our physical servers into AWS cloud. We use Apache web server and MySQL Database running in Linux. We provide a SaaS platform for e-mail marketing and event scheduling for our customers. There is usually a high web traffic to our website during 9am-5pm on weekdays. I would like to understand if we want to use ElastiCache service, how it will be configured in AWS.? We have planned two EC2 instances for our web server and an RDS instance for the database.
Elastic cache is simply managed Redis or Memcached. Depending which one you choose, you would use the client for the cache with your application.
How you would implement it depends on what kind of caching you are trying to accomplish.