http/2 on swisscom cloudfoundry? - cloud-foundry

I have a Nuxt.js/NodeJs application hosted on the swisscom cloud (cloudfoundry). Unfortunately all my files are loaded over the http/1.1 protocol and not over http/2.
Previously I had my application hosted on the google cloud and the content was delivered correctly over http/2.
Now my question is, if http/2 is supported on cloudfoundry? And if so, what do I have to do, to get my contents over http/2.

Now my question is, if http/2 is supported on cloudfoundry? And if so, what do I have to do, to get my contents over http/2.
Not when using standard HTTP routes, which go through Gorouter. See this issue for some more background & future path to support this.
In the meantime, you can use TCP routes if you really need to use HTTP/2 on CF. This bypasses Gorouter and allows TCP traffic to go directly to your app. See these two links for more details on TCP routes.
For what it's worth, you need to check with your CF provider/operators to determine if TCP routes are enabled. They are an optional feature. In addition, your org/space quota will need to allow you to create routes.
Hope that helps!


ActiveMQ Artemis http and https in bootstrap.xml

I hope you have an idea.
I am working with an ActiveMQ Artemis Broker and installed a metrics plugin to use with prometheus and grafana ( Like the instruction says, I added <app url="metrics" war="metrics.war"/> to the bootstrap.xml
We're working with a vendor providing us with the Grafana dashboards as long as we are providing metrics they can work with. The problem is that the vendor wants to access the metrics page (https://activemq:port/metrics) via HTTP and not HTTPS, which is configured in the bootstrap.xml ( <web bind="" path="web" keyStorePath=...) Their effort would be disproportionately high to change their system to work with HTTPS now.
Is it possible to configure the jetty-Webserver to serve the console etc. via HTTPS and the URL activemq:port/metrics via HTTP?
I tried to add another web-container in the bootstrap.xml, now binding bind="" and adding the metrics plugin in it but the webserver wasn't happy with two web-containers :/
Thanks for your help :)
This is not currently possible. However, the project could be enhanced to support multiple web instances in bootstrap.xml. Contributions are always welcome.

Is it possible to use http transcoding (to grpc) without google cloud platform? (node-grpc)

Sorry for the basic question (I'm new with gRPC).
Is it possible to use http transcoding without google cloud platform & endpoints?
(Referring to this article:
I'm currently trying to create a mock-application and we are trying to have some sort of frontend with a UI (or can go headless browser in the beg.) that can send HTTP requests to the Extensible Service Proxy, and then ESP will transcode the HTTP request to HTTP2 so that it can be sent as a request to our gRPC services. I think K8s is a bit overkill since we'll only have a few containers (and not too familiar with deployment in k8s).
I'm trying to just use grpc-node, and want to do http mapping in ESP.
Can we just import <import "google/api/annotations.proto";> into our protofile and get this functionality of HTTP mapping?
As mentioned by DazWilkin, your best option would be to use the Envoy Proxy.
If you are used to using Docker, there is a container of the application available here.

How to use HTTPS for webservice and android app?

Im working on some JSON-based web service that is supposed to work with Android application.
I would like to encrypt data transport between client (android) and server (virtual server in datacenter).
I don't have to make sure that my server is my server, just data encryption.
I have no idea how to use HTTPS.
Do I just put my PHP files in private_html and use url?
To use HTTPS, you don't have to do anything in the coding of your web service - it's all in your hosting. Here the are steps you can follow. The specific instructions differ in your hosting (IIS, Apache, AWS/Azure, etc), but you can google specifics on how to accomplish any of these steps for whatever host and application framework you decide.
Buy an SSL certificate (there are many different vendors, but expect between $75-$200 for the certificate) based on the vendor, reputation, and level of security you need.
Generate a certificate signing request (CSR) from the server you'll be hosting.
Upload the CSR to the SSL vendor who will validate and provide the certificate for your use.
Import the SSL certificate into your application server, and configure the site to use the certificate. For instance, if you're hosting Microsoft IIS, you'd import the SSL certificate and then add HTTPS bindings on 443 to the specific website hosting your web service.
Another point of security. Since you are deploying SSL, you don't have to do any application level encryption (assuming you are not putting sensitive information in query strings - use POST if you think you need to). You probably would want to implement some security to restrict access to your web service so only your app can access it. Best practice is some level of OAuth, but at a minimum some type of pre-shared key in the header of the request is a lot better than nothing.
Here are some additional sites for more information:
If you don't want to pay for a certificate, you can use certificate signet by your own CA and add the root certificates into your application using HTTPClient and keystores
Here there's some guides
KeyStore, HttpClient, and HTTPS: Can someone explain this code to me?
You can limit users to use JUST and only HTTPS in apache, IIS or whatever do you use. If your client connects to your server, his communications will be likely to encrypted, because he is already using HTTPS. And for responsing in HTTPS you virtually cannot send HTTPS responses, as far as I know, unless that other side isn't also a website (for example, if you have your website, you could send such a response e.g. to Google). You should be okay to send data like http status codes (OK, NotModified, PageNotFound, ...), or if you want something more, or if it is a requirement, then there you still have JSON and you could encode it as well, with some encoding algorithms, or use binary JSON format.
Check if your hosting company provides a free public shared https address. Most of them do.
If you want to understand how to do it right, follow this thread
Warning: Don't stick with the solution below for production.
If you plan o use an https endpoint without a certificate you have to make sure to disable peer verification, check this answer

encrypting form data before submitting to server

I have developed a Django application and now want to make sure the POST data transmitted through the page is safe.
I have couple of questions about this?
I see SSL certificates being displayed on many webpages. How do I get this certificate?
Do I need to change anything on my submitted form to encrypt the data or should I change any settings on my webserver?
I know its a general question but it would be great if someone provides a good answer.
First off, the POST data transmitted through the page is never safe from an application perspective. You don't have control over the user of the website. SSL and HTTPS helps prevent man in the middle attacks to ensure the request from the client (browser) to your server is encrypted. The underlying data that is sent can be malicious, so you should always validate inputs.
Secondly, if you want to use HTTPS and SSL, which I highly recommend, you'll need to obtain a certificate from one of the providers out there and install it with your webserver, which I presume is apache. Typically your domain provider can help you with obtaining an SSL certificate for your domain from one of the main certificate authorities. Regarding the installation and setup, there is tons of information about this online as it's a common task. I'm not familiar with Apache configuration to provide any specific recommendations. You'll also want to have rewrite rules so that your site can only be accessed via HTTPS and if someone tries to use HTTP, it simply redirects to HTTPS.
Lastly, you don't need to do anything in your Django application as your webserver should handle the basic interactions between your server and client to validate the HTTPS requests.

Webservice Endpoint - can someone externally scan all services available on a host?

Say we have hosted a few webservices over over
As you can see on we have hosted 3 webservices each having their distinct urls.
What we have is a Jboss instance with 3 different web wars deployed in it. When someone hits the service it gets past our firewall and then teh load balancer redirects to Jboss on port 8080 on the requried path and it gets serviced.
the 3 services are consumed by 3 different clients. My question if say Client1 using Service 1 is only given out the url corresponding to it can they use some kind of scanner that can also inform them that Service2 and Service3 are alaso available on
Irrespective of clients - can anyone simply use some scanner tool to identify what Service Endpoints are exposed on the host?
Kindly note they are a mix of SOAP (WSDL) and Rest based services deployed on same instance of Jboss.
Yes, someone can scan for those endpoints. Their scanner would generate a bunch of 404s in your logs, because it would have to guess the other URLs. If you have some kind of rate limiting firewall, it might take them quite a long time. You should be checking the logs regularly anyway.
If you expose your URL to the public internet, relying on people not finding it is just security via obscurity. You should secure each URL using application-level security, and assume that the bad guys already have the URL.
You may want to consider adding subdomains for the separate applications (e.g., - this will make firewalling easier.