I have an error with Backlogs plugin in Redmine - redmine

Since last week, I have a problem using redmine_backlogs plugin in Redmine. When I try to log time on an issue, I have this error message:
an error occured, please check the server logs (Unprocessable Entity)
Checking production.log, I have these lines:
ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid (Validation failed: Temps passé n'est pas valide):
plugins/redmine_backlogs/lib/backlogs_activerecord_mixin.rb:38:in journalized_update_attributes!'
plugins/redmine_backlogs/app/models/rb_task.rb:138:in update_with_relationships'
plugins/redmine_backlogs/app/controllers/rb_tasks_controller.rb:28:in update'
lib/redmine/sudo_mode.rb:63:in sudo_mode'
Here are the information about my Redmine instance:
Redmine version 3.4.5.stable
Ruby version 2.2.4-p230 (2015-12-16) [x86_64-linux-gnu]
Rails version 4.2.8
Environment production
Database adapter Mysql2
Subversion 1.9.3
Mercurial 3.7.3
Git 2.7.4
Redmine plugins:
a_common_libs 2.1.10
clipboard_image_paste 1.10
global_roles 2.1.0
google_analytics_plugin 1.0.0
redmine_backlogs v1.0.6
redmine_code_review 0.7.0
redmine_dmsf 1.5.7 devel
redmine_drafts 0.2.0
redmine_issue_templates 0.1.1
redmine_ldap_sync 2.0.8.devel.gf831737c23
redmine_my_page 0.1.10
redmine_scm 0.5.1
redmine_xls_export 0.2.1.t9
Thank you for your help


Ansible Tower custom environments

I'm running Ansible Tower v3.8.6 on a RHEL8 server and I've defined a custom environment by following this
link. I've added this custom environment to under Settings - System - "Custom Virtual Environment Paths" and also made this custom environment the default for my organisation.
I've added the following to my playbook and it confirms that I'm using the "correct" version of ansible and python as defined in my custom virtual environment.`
- name: get ansible and python versions
shell: |
ansible --version
python -V
register: result
- name: display ansible and python versions
var: result.stdout
I setup this environment so I can interact with our Ovirt 4.5 environment. Despite the fact that I have the python ovirt sdk installed I keep getting this error.
"msg": "ovirtsdk4 version 4.4.0 or higher is required for this module"
I've googled and googled but none of the solutions work for me.
Is this a lost cause? Upgrading to Ansible Automation Platform is out of the question.
Any ideas how I can make this work?
#source bin/activate
(rhv-4.5) #ansible --version
ansible [core 2.12.6]
config file = /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg
configured module search path = ['/root/.ansible/plugins/modules', '/usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules']
ansible python module location = /var/lib/awx/venv/rhv-4.5/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ansible
ansible collection location = /var/lib/awx/vendor/inventory_collections:/opt/collections
executable location = /var/lib/awx/venv/rhv-4.5/bin/ansible
python version = 3.8.12 (default, Sep 16 2021, 10:46:05) [GCC 8.5.0 20210514 (Red Hat 8.5.0-3)]
jinja version = 3.1.2
libyaml = True
(rhv-4.5) #python -V
Python 3.8.12
(rhv-4.5) #pip list
Package Version
----------------------- ---------
ansible-core 2.12.6
certifi 2022.6.15
cffi 1.15.1
charset-normalizer 2.1.1
cryptography 37.0.4
idna 3.3
Jinja2 3.1.2
lxml 4.9.1
MarkupSafe 2.1.1
ntlm-auth 1.5.0
ovirt-engine-sdk-python 4.5.2
packaging 21.3
pip 22.2.2
psutil 5.9.1
pycparser 2.21
pycurl 7.45.1
pykerberos 1.2.4
pyparsing 3.0.9
pywinrm 0.4.3
PyYAML 6.0
requests 2.28.1
requests-ntlm 1.1.0
resolvelib 0.5.4
setuptools 65.3.0
six 1.16.0
urllib3 1.26.12
wheel 0.37.1
xmltodict 0.13.0
(rhv-4.5) #
I wrote a small playbook to test ovirt_auth from within the venv.
- name: Test ovirt_auth
hosts: localhost
rhv1_url: "https://rhvm.server.local/ovirt-engine/api"
rhv1_username: "me#rhvm.local"
rhv1_passwd: "Super Secure Password"
- name: Authenticate with RHV
url: "{{ rhv1_url }}"
username: "{{ rhv1_username }}"
password: "{{ rhv1_passwd }}"
- name: debug ovirt_auth
var: ovirt_auth
This worked and the debug printed the expected output.
When I ran it through Ansible Tower, fails and "ovirtsdk4 version 4.4.0 or higher is required for this module" message is back
So it looks like Ansible Tower just isn't getting the memo...
So the solution was deceptively simple, and shout out to Kevin from Red Hat Support for the answer.
The workflow runs on the Ansible Tower server using an inventory called 'inv-localhost'. This inventory already had the "ansible_connection: local" but needed 'ansible_python_interpreter: "{{ansible_playbook_python}}"' as well.
Now it works!
In addition, I'd not followed custom environment documentation correctly. Should go without saying but read the doco closely...

Ionic3 FirebaseDynamiLinks plugin_not_installed

When calling
I get the warnings
console.warn: Native: tried calling FirebaseDynamicLinks.onDynamicLink, but the FirebaseDynamicLinks plugin
is not installed.
console.warn: Install the FirebaseDynamicLinks plugin: 'ionic plugin add
But the plugin is installed:
ionic cordova plugin
> cordova plugin ls
✔ Running command - done!
cordova-plugin-browsertab 0.2.0 "cordova-plugin-browsertab"
cordova-plugin-buildinfo 1.1.0 "BuildInfo"
cordova-plugin-compat 1.1.0 "Compat"
cordova-plugin-console 1.0.7 "Console"
cordova-plugin-customurlscheme 4.3.0 "Custom URL scheme"
cordova-plugin-device 1.1.6 "Device"
cordova-plugin-firebase-analytics 0.10.1 "FirebaseAnalyticsPlugin"
cordova-plugin-firebase-dynamiclinks 0.10.1 "FirebaseDynamicLinksPlugin"
cordova-plugin-inappbrowser 1.7.1 "InAppBrowser"
cordova-plugin-splashscreen 4.0.3 "Splashscreen"
cordova-plugin-statusbar 2.2.3 "StatusBar"
cordova-plugin-whitelist 1.3.2 "Whitelist"
cordova-plugin-x-socialsharing 5.1.8 "SocialSharing"
cordova-universal-links-plugin 1.2.1 "Universal Links Plugin"
es6-promise-plugin 4.1.0 "Promise"
ionic-plugin-deploy 0.6.7 "IonicDeploy"
ionic-plugin-keyboard 2.2.1 "Keyboard"
The method call throws the error
You need to always access any ionic native/cordova plugin within platform.ready()
constructor(private platform:Platform){}
And in when you call the plugin:
this.platform.ready().then(() =>{

haystack.exceptions.MissingDependency: The 'elasticsearch' backend requires the installation of 'elasticsearch'

I am newbie to Django-haystack. I got an error while following Django-Haystack documentation.
Command execution order, I followed:
I started elasticsearch server (1.7.3) using command prompt and I am able to access
python manage.py rebuild_index
WARNING: This will irreparably remove EVERYTHING from your search index in connection 'default'.
Your choices after this are to restore from backups or rebuild via the rebuild_index command.
Are you sure you wish to continue? [y/N] y
packages\haystack\backends\elasticsearch_backend.py", line 28, in
raise MissingDependency("The 'elasticsearch' backend requires the installation of 'elasticsearch'. Please refer to the documentation.")
haystack.exceptions.MissingDependency: The 'elasticsearch' backend requires the installation of 'elasticsearch'. Please refer to the documentation.
Current Platform (Windows):
1. Django 1.8
2. elasticsearch: 1.9.0 (installed through pip)
3. pyelasticsearch: 0.0.5 (installed through pip)
4. elasticseach: 1.7.3 (downloaded to start elasticsearch server)
I have tried adding the 'elasticsearch' also to my installed apps but the same error exists.
It seems there is version compatibility problems (perhaps in pyelasticseach) as I found some others also faced the same issue. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

AWS elastic beanstalk git deployment suddenly failing due to composer issue despite no changes to composer.json

I have a number of environments running in AWS Elastic Beanstalk. I deploy direct from git using git aws.push.
I use composer.json to install required php sdk's. I've not changed this file for a long time but it's suddenly started failing in all environments.
Output from the AWS logs is
+ echo 'Found composer.json file. Attempting to install vendors.'
Found composer.json file. Attempting to install vendors.
+ composer.phar install --no-ansi --no-interaction
Loading composer repositories with package information
Installing dependencies
Could not load package aws/aws-sdk-php in http://packagist.org: [UnexpectedValueException] Could not parse version constraint ^5.3: Invalid version string "^5.3"
Could not parse version constraint ^5.3: Invalid version string "^5.3"
install [--prefer-source] [--prefer-dist] [--dry-run] [--dev] [--no-dev] [--no-custom-installers] [--no-scripts] [--no-progress] [-v|vv|vvv|--verbose] [-o|--optimize-autoloader]
2015-05-28 09:57:18,414 [ERROR] (15056 MainThread) [directoryHooksExecutor.py-33] [root directoryHooksExecutor error] Script /opt/elasticbeanstalk/hooks/appdeploy/pre/10_composer_install.sh failed with returncode 1
my composer.json is:
"require": {
"aws/aws-sdk-php": "2.7.*",
"monolog/monolog": "1.0.*",
"facebook/php-sdk-v4" : "4.0.*",
"ext-curl": "*",
"paypal/sdk-core-php": "v1.4.2",
I notice it does want the aws-sdk-php but the version is not 5.3 (which is mentioned in the logs).
5.3 makes me think php version, checking php -v i get
php -v
PHP 5.5.12 (cli) (built: May 20 2014 22:27:36)
Copyright (c) 1997-2014 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v2.5.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2014 Zend Technologies
with Zend OPcache v7.0.4-dev, Copyright (c) 1999-2014, by Zend Technologies
I've tried re-installing older versions that have previously installed fine and they also fail with the same error. This has to be due to the environment. Does anyone know if there have been changes recently.
Create a folder in your root of the project called .ebextensions. Then create a new file in there called 01-composer-install.config with the following content.
command: export COMPOSER_HOME=/root && /usr/bin/composer.phar self-update
- namespace: aws:elasticbeanstalk:application:environment
option_name: COMPOSER_HOME
value: /root
I just had to update composer using the instructions here:

report_activate_error when setup windows service for mongrel

I try to install Redmine using this step: http://www.redmine.org/projects/redmine/wiki/HowTo_Install_Redmine_in_a_sub-URI_on_Windows_with_Apache
Works fine with some error than can be solved after searching on Google
But then, when on step Setup windows services(http://www.redmine.org/projects/redmine/wiki/HowTo_Install_Redmine_in_a_sub-URI_on_Windows_with_Apache#Setup-windows-services), I get this error message:
D:\xampp\rubyapp\redmine-1.3.0>mongrel_rails service::install -N mongrel_redmine_3001 -D "Mongrel serving Redmine on 3001" -p 3001 -e production -c D:
C:/Ruby187/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems.rb:900:in `report_activate_error': RubyGem version error: win32-service(0.5.2 not < 0.6.0, >= 0.5.2) (Gem::
from C:/Ruby187/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems.rb:248:in `activate'
from C:/Ruby187/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems.rb:1276:in `gem'
from C:/Ruby187/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/mongrel_service-0.3.4-x86-mswin32/lib/mongrel_service/init.rb:37:in `validate'
from C:/Ruby187/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/mongrel-1.1.5-x86-mingw32/bin/../lib/mongrel/command.rb:208:in `run'
from C:/Ruby187/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/mongrel-1.1.5-x86-mingw32/bin/mongrel_rails:281
from C:/Ruby187/bin/mongrel_rails:19:in `load'
from C:/Ruby187/bin/mongrel_rails:19
For information about my instalation:
Gem list:
D:\xampp\rubyapp\redmine-1.3.0>gem list
*** LOCAL GEMS ***
actionmailer (2.3.5)
actionpack (2.3.5)
activerecord (2.3.5)
activeresource (2.3.5)
activesupport (2.3.5)
cgi_multipart_eof_fix (2.5.0)
gem_plugin (0.2.3)
i18n (0.4.2)
mongrel (1.1.5 x86-mingw32)
mongrel_service (0.3.4 i386-mswin32)
mysql (2.8.1 x86-mingw32)
rack (1.1.0, 1.0.1, 1.0.0)
rails (2.3.5)
rake (
rdoc (2.4.2)
rubygems-update (1.6.2)
win32-service (0.5.2 mswin32)
D:\xampp\rubyapp\redmine-1.3.0>mongrel_rails --version
Mongrel Web Server 1.1.5
D:\xampp\rubyapp\redmine-1.3.0>ruby -v
ruby 1.8.7 (2011-12-28 patchlevel 357) [i386-mingw32]
How to solved this error ? I don't have any idea what to do
Uninstall mongrel_service and win32-service gems (gem unistall )
run "gem install mongrel_service" command. At this time this will install mongrel_service 0.4.0 instead of 0.3.4 which is installed per the guide. It seem to work and does not seem to depend on win32-service at all. YMMV.