Regular Expression to extract the digits comes after 36th character in a String - regex

In jmeter, I need to extract digits which comes after 36th character.
Response: {"data":{"paymentId":"DOM1234567890111243"}}
I need to extract :11243 (Sometimes it will be only 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 digits)
Right boundary : DOM12345678901 Keeps changing too.But the right boundary length will be 36 charters always.
Any help will be higly appreciated.

Your response data seems to be JSON therefore I wouldn't rely on this "36 characters" as it's format might be different.
I would suggest extracting this paymentId value first and then apply a regular expression onto this DOMxxx bit.
Add JSR223 PostProcessor as a child of the request which returns the above data
Put the following code into "Script" area:
def dom = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parse(prev.getResponseData()).data.paymentId"DOM: " + dom)
def myValue = ((dom =~ ".{14}(\\d+)")[0][1]) as String"myValue: " + myValue)
vars.put("myValue", myValue)
That's it, you should be able to access the extracted data as ${myValue} where required.
More information:
Groovy: Parsing and producing JSON
Groovy: Match Operator
Apache Groovy - Why and How You Should Use It

If there isn't anything else in the string you're checking, you could use something like:
The first group of this regex will be the number you're looking for.
Test and explanation:


How to fetch only first two characters from my json value using regex?

I am trying to fetch the values from json string(due to some limitations I can't use the json library) so I am using the regex to extract the data from json string. I am able to fetch the complete value for the given match but as per my requirement I want to fetch first n characters from the value.
My Json String:
Out put:
Regex: "testNumber1":"*(?<test>[^"]+(?="?\s*,))
matchValue: 334
Regex: "sourceDisk":"*(?<test>[^"]+(?="?\s*,))
No issue with the full value, but when I am trying to get the first n characters it is not working .
I have tried another way also to get first n characters:
Regex: "sourceDisk":"*(?<test>[^"]{2})
value : in
Regex : "testNumber1":"*(?<test>[^"]{2})
value : 33
Regex : "testNumber3":"*(?<test>[^"]{2})
value: 3,
in the above example when I have only single char in my value it is giving comma also,
Please help me on it.

Extracting key-value pairs from a string using ruby & regex

I want to accomplish the following with ruby and if possible a regex:
Input: "something {\"key\":\"value\",\"key2\":3}"
Output: [["\"key\"", "\"value\""], [["\"key2\"", "3"]]
My attempt so far:
s = "something {key:\"value\",key2:3}"
s.scan(/.* {(?:([^:]+):([^,}]+),?)+}$/)
# Output: [["\"key2\"", "3"]]
For some reason the regex above only matches the last key value pair. Does someone know how to retrieve all the pairs?
Just to be clear, "something" can be any kind of string. For this reason, solutions such as (1) splitting the text directly on the equal or (2) a regex as used in s.scan(/(?:([^:]+):([^,}]+),?)/) don't work for me.
I know there are similar questions on SO. Still, from what I saw, they mostly tend towards the solutions 1 & 2 or focus on a single key value pair.
your string looks like a json data structure encoded as a string, you can use JSON.parse for this as long as you remove the word "something " from the string
require 'json'
string = "something {\"key\":\"value\",\"key2\":3}"
# the following line removes the word something
string = string[string.index("{")..-1]
x = JSON.parse(string)
puts x["key"]
puts x["key2"]
you can then convert that to an array if required
alternatively if you want to use regular expressions try

Regex to find 4th value inside bracket

How i can read 4th Value(inside "" i.e "vV0...." using Regex in below condition ?
I am updating a bit this part - Is it possible to first find Word "LaunchFileUploader" and then select the 4th Value, if there are multiple instance of LaunchFileUploader in the file just select 4th Value of first word found ? Attaching screenshot of file where this needs to be searched (In the file word is "LaunchFileUploader")
I tried this but it gives as - I need 4th value (Group 1 is giving me third value)
Match 1
Full match 11030-11428 LaunchFileUploader("ERM-1BLX3D04R10-0001", 1662, "2ecbb644-34fa-4919-9809-a5ff47594c2d", "8dZOPyHKBK...
Group 1. n/a "2ecbb644-34fa-4919-9809-a5ff47594c2d",
I am still looking for solution for this. Any help is aprreciated.
Depending on what's available to you to use, there's a couple of ways to do it.
Either way, this would work better if there were no new lines in the string, just plain ("value1","value2","value3","value4") etc. It'll still work, but you may need to clean up some new lines from the resulting string.
The easy way - use code for the hard part. Grab the inner string with:
This will get everything that's between the 2 parentheses (using positive lookarounds). In code, you could then split/explode this string on , and take the 4th item.
If you want to do it all in regex, you could use something along the lines of:
This would a) match the entire contents of the parentheses and b) capture the 4th option in a capture group. To go even deeper:
would capture the contents of the "" quotation marks only.
Some tools don't allow you to use lookarounds, if this is the case let me know and I'll see what other ways there are around it.
EDIT Ran this in JS console on browser. This absolutely does work.
EDIT 2 I see you've updated your question with the text you're actually searching in. This pattern will include the space and the new line character as per the copy/paste of the above text.
See my second image for the test in console
This works for python and PHP:
Demo for Python and PHP
For Java, replace \Z with $ as follows:
Demo for JavaScript
NOTE: Be sure to look the captured group and not the matched group.
Try this for your updated request:
"(.*)"(?:[\\);\] \/>}]*)$
Demo for updated input string
all the above regex patterns assume there is a line break after each comma
Auto-generated Java Code:
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
final String regex = "\"(.*)\"(?:[\\\\);\\] \\/>\\}]*)$";
final String string = "\n"
+ "}$(document).ready( function(){ PathUploader\n"
+ " (\"ERM-1BLX3D04R10-0001\", \n"
+ " 1662, \n"
+ " \"1bff5c85-7a52-4cc5-86ef-a4ccbf14c5d5\", \n"
+ "\"vV0mX3VadCSPnN8FsAO7%2fysNbP5b3SnaWWHQETFy7ORSoz9QUQUwK7jqvCEr%2f8UnHkNNVLkJedu5l%2bA%2bne%2fD%2b2F5EWVlGox95BYDhl6EEkVAVFmMlRThh1sPzPU5LLylSsR9T7TAODjtaJ2wslruS5nW1A7%2fnLB%2bljZaQhaT9vZLcFkDqLjouf9vu08K9Gmiu6neRVSaISP3cEVAmSz5kxxhV2oiEF9Y0i6Y5%2f5ASaRiW21w3054SmRF0rq3IwZzBvLx0%2fAk1m6B0gs3841b%2fw%3d%3d\"); } );//]]>";
final Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regex, Pattern.MULTILINE);
final Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(string);
while (matcher.find()) {
System.out.println("Full match: " +;
for (int i = 1; i <= matcher.groupCount(); i++) {
System.out.println("Group " + i + ": " +;

Wrong regexp query for elasticsearch

I have some problems with the regexp query for elasticsearch. In my index there's a text field with comma-separated numeric values (IDs), f.e.
And I have the following query term:
"regexp" : {
"myIds" : {
"value" : "^2495,|,2495,|,2495$|^2495$",
"boost" : 1
But my result list is empty.
Let me say that I know that regexp queries are kind of slow but the index still exists and is filled with millions of documents so unfortunately it's not an option to restructure it. So I need a regex solution.
In ElasticSearch regex, patterns are anchored by default, the ^ and $ are treated as literal chars.
What you mean to use is "2495,.*|.*,2495,.*|.*,2495|2495" - 2495, at the start of string, ,2495, in the middle, ,2495 at the end or a whole string equal to 2495.
Or, you may use a simpler
That means
(.*,)? - an optional text (not including line breaks) ending with ,
2495 - your value
(,.*)? - an optional text (not including line breaks) ending with ,
Here is an online demo showing how this expression works (not a proof though).
Ok, I got it to work but run in another problem now. I built the string as follows:
It works good for a few IDs but if I have let's say 50 IDs, then ES throws an exception which says that the regexp is too complex to process.
Is there a way to simplify the regexp or restructure the query it selves?

Find group of strings starting and ending by a character using regular expression

I have a string, and I want to extract, using regular expressions, groups of characters that are between the character : and the other character /.
typically, here is a string example I'm getting:
and so, I want to retrieved, 45.72643,4.91203 and also hereanotherdata
As they are both between characters : and /.
I tried with this syntax in a easier string where there is only 1 time the pattern,
tt = ':45.72643,4.91203/'
but it works only if the pattern happens once. If I use it in string containing multiples times the pattern, I get all the string between the first : and the last /.
How can I mention that the pattern will occur multiple time, and how can I retrieve it?
Use lookaround and a lazy quantifier:
regexp(str, '(?<=:).+?(?=/)', 'match')
Example (Matlab R2016b):
>> str = 'abcd:45.72643,4.91203/Rou:hereanotherdata/defgh';
>> result = regexp(str, '(?<=:).+?(?=/)', 'match')
result =
1×2 cell array
'45.72643,4.91203' 'hereanotherdata'
In most languages this is hard to do with a single regexp. Ultimately you'll only ever get back the one string, and you want to get back multiple strings.
I've never used Matlab, so it may be possible in that language, but based on other languages, this is how I'd approach it...
I can't give you the exact code, but a search indicates that in Matlab there is a function called strsplit, example...
C = strsplit(data,':')
That should will break your original string up into an array of strings, using the ":" as the break point. You can then ignore the first array index (as it contains text before a ":"), loop the rest of the array and regexp to extract everything that comes before a "/".
So for instance...
Breaks down into an array with parts...
1 - 'abcd'
2 - '45.72643,4.91203/Rou'
3 - 'hereanotherdata/defgh'
Then Ignore 1, and extract everything before the "/" in 2 and 3.
As John Mawer and Adriaan mentioned, strsplit is a good place to start with. You can use it for both ':' and '/', but then you will not be able to determine where each of them started. If you do it with strsplit twice, you can know where the ':' starts :
B=cellfun(#(x) strsplit(x,'/'),strsplit(A,':'),'uniformoutput',0);
Now B has cells that start with ':', and has two cells in each cell that contain '/' also. You can extract it with checking where B has more than one cell, and take the first of each of them:
C=cellfun(#(x) x{1},B(cellfun('length',B)>1),'uniformoutput',0)
C =
1×2 cell array
'45.72643,4.91203' 'hereanotherdata'
Starting in 16b you can use extractBetween:
>> str = 'abcd:45.72643,4.91203/Rou:hereanotherdata/defgh';
>> result = extractBetween(str,':','/')
result =
2×1 cell array
{'hereanotherdata' }
If all your text elements have the same number of delimiters this can be vectorized too.