Dynamically fetching property of Node Neo4j - spring-data-neo4j

This is my Neo4jRepository method
#Query("match (pofr:NODE) where pofr.param1= {param1} return pofr.{param2}, pofr.param3")
List<Node> getPropertiesOfNode(#Param("param1") String param1, #Param("param2") String param2);
Error executing Cypher; Code: Neo.ClientError.Statement.SyntaxError; Description: Invalid input '{': expected an identifier, whitespace, a function name or a property key name (line 1, column 64 (offset: 63))
"match (pofr:NODE) where pofr.param1 = {param1} return pofr.{param2}, pofr.param3"
^; nested exception is org.neo4j.ogm.exception.CypherException: Error executing Cypher; Code: Neo.ClientError.Statement.SyntaxError; Description: Invalid input '{': expected an identifier, whitespace, a function name or a property key name (line 1, column 64 (offset: 63))
I'm facing issue while attempted to populate property data dynamically. Do we have any other approach to achieve this?

Since Cypher does not support placeholders at those positions it is unfortunately not possible to solve this in Spring Data Neo4j.


You called the function 'Value Selector' with these arguments

I am in the process of implementing a LoanBroker with Mulesoft but have an error message when sending a request. I get the following error message back from Postman and Mulesoft Anypoint Studio:
ERROR 2021-06-27 15:20:51,133 [[MuleRuntime].uber.04: [loanbroker].LoanBrokerFlow_Gr7.CPU_LITE #254be3ee] [processor: LoanBrokerFlow_Gr7/processors/0; event: 7e49f560-d74a-11eb-b598-b66921dc5aa5] org.mule.runtime.core.internal.exception.OnErrorPropagateHandler:
Message: "You called the function 'Value Selector' with these arguments:
1: Binary ("" as Binary {base: "64"})
2: Name ("amount")
But it expects one of these combinations:
(Array, Name)
(Array, String)
(Date, Name)
(DateTime, Name)
(LocalDateTime, Name)
(LocalTime, Name)
(Object, Name)
(Object, String)
(Period, Name)
(Time, Name)
1| payload.amount
at main (line: 1, column: 1)" evaluating expression: "payload.amount".
Element : LoanBrokerFlow_Gr7/processors/0 # loanbroker:bi_gruppe7.xml:34 (Copy_of_setAmount)
Element DSL : <set-variable value="#[payload.amount]" doc:name="Copy_of_setAmount" doc:id="cbcca557-1a69-4cf2-80b1-64333175589d" variableName="amount"></set-variable>
FlowStack : at LoanBrokerFlow_Gr7(LoanBrokerFlow_Gr7/processors/0 # loanbroker:bi_gruppe7.xml:34 (Copy_of_setAmount))
(set debug level logging or '-Dmule.verbose.exceptions=true' for everything)
Can anyone help me?
This generally happens when one tries to access inner value of a payload like json but incoming payload is NOT actually a json type.
One could check the payload mediaType and then try to access the amount in order to avoid Value Selector exception.
%dw 2.0
output application/java
if( !isEmpty(payload) and payload.^mediaType contains "json" )
read(payload, "application/json").amount //best effort
Would recommend creating a separate dataweave file like dwl/set-amount.dwl and referencing it.
You are probably sending some body in the HTTP request from Postman but Mule doesn't know how to read it. Maybe you did not the Content-Type header in the request to let DataWeave know it is a JSON (application/json) or XML (application/XML).
Ensure you are sending the right content type.
I ran into the same situation. I know exactly the base64 is a json. So, I tried to set the MIME Type by
<set-payload value="#[payload]" doc:name="Set Payload" mimeType="application/json"/>
It works for me.

Groovy Regex matcher OR - either unique groups or duplicate group ids

I want to regex search a string representing a log file, locate multiple potential error message, and print the result.
Example Input (single string)
Unable to parse YAML file: [mapping values are not allowed in this context] at line 1234\r\n
worthless line\r\n
KitchenInventory.cs(285,118): error CS2345: 'ButteryBread' does not contain a definition for 'DropOnFloor'\r\n
another worthless line\r\n
Each error type has certain grouping categories that I'm attempting to capture, which may or may not be present in other error types.
My goal is to output error details after doing the regex search, filling in as many values as are present in each error regex:
Error: Unable to parse YAML file
Details: mapping values are not allowed in this context
Line: 1234
Error: CS2345
Details: 'ButteryBread' does not contain a definition for 'DropOnFloor'
Filename: KitchenInventory.cs
Line: 285,118
(Notice that filename is ommited for the YAML error, due to YAML errors not containing that piece of information.
I've found that I cannot do a logical OR to create a massive Regex string, because there are duplicate grouping names. I attempted to do each regex search individually, but I receive an exception when checking for the presence of a field:
def pattern = ~patternString
def matcher = pattern.matcher(lines)
while (matcher.find()) {
if (matcher.group('filename')) {
println "Filename: "+matcher.group('filename')
if (matcher.group('error')) {
println "Error: "+matcher.group('error')
if (matcher.group('message')) {
println "Message: "+matcher.group('message')
Caught: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No group with name <errorCode>
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No group with name <errorCode>
Is there a way for me to iterate through Groovy regex group names that COULD be present, without throwing exceptions? Alternatively, am I going about this the wrong way, and is there an easier way for me to achieve my goal?
I was looking for the same thing and was not able to find a "groovier" way to do it.
Only solution that I found was to verify if the pattern string contains the group name:
if (stringPattern.contains('message')) {
println "Message: "+matcher.group('message')

Use path as key in FileStorage

I am trying to write a file (json/yaml/xml, the format does not matter) that stores a filepath with a specific cv::Mat. As I ended up realizing here, the key combination does not allow for a path (/home/user, for example).
persist_histograms(const QString& filepath, const QHash<QString, Mat>& histograms)
cv::FileStorage storage(filepath.toStdString(), cv::FileStorage::WRITE);
QHashIterator<QString, Mat> it(histograms);
while (it.hasNext()) {
storage << it.key().toStdString() << it.value();
Is this a real limitation of the cv::FileStorageclass? Or is there a way of going around it?
The end result should be something like:
"/my/path/to/file.png": "<my cv::Mat serialization here>",
"/my/path/to/another/file.png": "<my cv::Mat serialization here>",
The error occurs independently of the format. If I pass a filepath that
ends with either yaml/json/xml the errors are the same:
This is the error if a try adding a letter at the beginning of the key:
This is the error I get when trying the code above:
OpenCV Error: Unspecified error (Incorrect element name /home/user/dtd/images/freckled/freckled_0055.jpg) in operator<<, file /build/opencv/src/opencv-3.2.0/modules/core/src/persistence.cpp, line 6877
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'cv::Exception'
what(): /build/opencv/src/opencv 3.2.0/modules/core/src/persistence.cpp:6877: error: (-2) Incorrect element name /home/user/dtd/images/freckled/freckled_0055.jpg in function operator<<
This is the error I get if I try to add a letter to the beginning of the key.
OpenCV Error: Bad argument (Key names may only contain alphanumeric characters [a-zA-Z0-9], '-', '_' and ' ') in icvJSONWrite, file /build/opencv/src/opencv-3.2.0/modules/core/src/persistence.cpp, line 3896
It seems that I have encountered a similar error. If I try to store a matrix in YAML format like this
std::string fName("/path/to/cameraParams.yml");
cv::FileStorage fs(fName, cv::FileStorage::WRITE);
fs << "camera matrix" << cameraMatrix;
everything works fine. But as soon as I change the file format from YAML to XML
std::string fName("/path/to/cameraParams.xml");
I get an error
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'cv::Exception'
what(): OpenCV(4.0.0-pre) /home/shura/software.downloads/libraries/opencv/opencv/modules/core/src/persistence_xml.cpp:83: error: (-5:Bad argument) Key name may only contain alphanumeric characters [a-zA-Z0-9], '-' and '_' in function 'writeTag'
As I have realized, the reason is that XML format does not allow spaces in a tag, while YAML does. So for YAML the file below is completely valid
camera matrix: !!opencv-matrix
while for XML something like this is not allowed
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<camera matrix type_id="opencv-matrix">
As soon as I replace the space in "camera matrix" by underscore, everything works fine.
fs << "camera_matrix" << cameraMatrix;
As I have found out here XML format has some restrictions on symbols you can have in a tag name. In particular, slashes, which you have in names, are not allowed. Dots seem to be allowed in tags, but for some reason OpenCV refuses to work with tags, which contain dots.

How to handle return types with multiple fields

I am calling a method "get_text" on GText.buffer detailed here http://oandrieu.nerim.net/ocaml/lablgtk/doc/GText.buffer.html
let text = textView#buffer#get_text in
However as get_text returns multiple values, when I try to use my variable "text" as a string, for example
textView2#buffer#set_text text;
I get the following error message:
Error: This expression has type
?start:GText.iter ->
?stop:GText.iter -> ?slice:bool -> ?visible:bool -> unit -> string
but an expression was expected of type string
How can I access the string being returned by the method? In general, how can I separate the multiple values returned by a method so I can access and use them individually?
I just looked up your link to lablgtk - it looks like you are missing the ():
let text = textView#buffer#get_text () in ...
The problem with this kind of error is that you are using a (curried) function where a string is required, and the message about the type error sounds kind of "long winded" and not to the point.

Sitecore Fast Query Gives Parse Exception

Why am I getting this error with the code below ParseException: End of string expected at position 4.
Here's the code: The error is on the 3rd line.
var db = Sitecore.Configuration.Factory.GetDatabase("web");
string query = #"fast:/sitecore/content/foodservice/home/Products/3492-5326/3518-7";
Item item = db.SelectSingleItem(query);
return item;
Can we use a fast query with SelectSingleItem()? I was trying to avoid the get folder contents and loop through each item until I find the target solution. Suggestions?
When using Sitecore Query, you need to escape item names with dashes. From SDN:
Items with dashes in names (“-”) should be included in “#” symbols. Please use such syntax: /sitecore/content/Home/#About-us#. Otherwise you may get the following error: Invalid lookup source "/sitecore/content/TestSiteB/Home/About-us": End of string expected at position 38. Also, an item name should be included in “#” symbols if it contains “and” or “or” word and is used before “//” symbols. For example: "/sitecore/content/Home/#news and events#//".
I have confirmed that this applies to Fast Query as well.
End of string expected at position 27.
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.
Exception Details: Sitecore.Data.Query.ParseException: End of string expected at position 27.
Source Error:
Line 21: protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
Line 22: {
Line 23: Sitecore.Context.Database.SelectSingleItem("fast:/sitecore/Content/Home/Test-Item");
Line 24:
Line 25: Model = Sitecore.Context.Item;
The same code runs fine with #escapes#:
This is a bug when using Fast Query and SelectSingleItem(). The issue is fixed in the Sitecore CMS 6.3.0 rev.100716 release. See Release Notes. Since we are using 6.2, I had to rewrite my method to use a Sitecore Query instead of the Fast Query.