Find Closest Coordinates Inside a Circle - c++

I have an X/Y coordinate outside of a circle.
Whats the fastest way to calculate the nearest point within the circle?

Just find the vector from the circle center to the point, normalize it, multiply it by the circle radius, and add it back to the circle center.
xv = x-xc
yv = y-yc
len = sqrt(xv*xv + yv*yv)
multiplier = radius / len
xr = xc + multiplier*xv
yr = yc + multiplier*yv


How to calculate how many points with coordinates (x;y) is in/on/outside of circle

I have program to write in my C++ course. In coordinate plane we have circle with radius R.Circle center is at the point (xc,yc). Also I have n point with coordinates( for example n=2 and coordinates is (1;1) (-1;-1). I need to calculate how many points there is in a circle, on it and outside of it.. Please help :)
You need to calculate distance between circle center and the point. The formula of distance between two points is:
d = sqrt( (xc - x)^2 + (yc - y)^2 )
where: (xc, yc) - coordinates of circle center, (x, y) - coordinates of your point.
if the distance is greater then radius then point is outside the circle (d > R)
Then you need repeat this for n points and remember how many of them are inside and how many are outside. and that's all.
Now you have an algorithm you can try to code it!
Simple math...
Surface of a square is calculated by S = pi*r^2
given r in pixels, S would come in pixels...
it is worthy to note, that this method is approximation, because it is not over a discrete plane
In order to be more precise (though, considerably slower):
refer to #Sandro answer, and check the distance to each point on your plane..
with two optimizations that you may want to consider:
exclude the outer Bounding box
You need to check only the pixels x in [xc - r, xc + r] U y in [yc - r, yc + r]
automatically include inscribed square
You can include every pixel in x in (xc - sqrt(2)r, xc + sqrt(2)r) U (yc - sqrt(2)r, yc + sqrt(2)r)
Circles Inscribed in Squares
Squares Circumscribed by Circles
Equation of a circle: R^2 = (xc - x)^2 + (yc-y)^2 where (xc, yc) are coordinates of circle center. (x, y) - coordinates of point, R - radius. So:
double distance = sqrt((xc - x)*(xc - x) + (yc-y)*(yc-y));
if (distance < R)
// inside
else if(distance > R)
// outside
// on circle

generate spherical arc coordinates

I want to generate a vector of spherical (Earth) coordinates that would draw an arc given center location (in longitude latitude), radius (in meters), azimuth, and angle width (in radians).
My code:
double left = azimuth - width * .5;
double right = azimuth + width * .5;
double angleStep = 0.05;
std::vector<double> arcPointsX, arcPointsY;
for (double f = left; f <= right; f += angleStep) {
arcPointsX.push_back(x + radius * (double)cos(f));
arcPointsY.push_back(y + radius * (double)sin(f));
This produces arcs however, these arcs are not facing the correct direction when I draw them though.
Thanks for help!
It turned out the problem was I had sin/cos the other way around. Using this gives me correct arcs:
arcPointsX.push_back(x + radius * (double)sin(f));
arcPointsY.push_back(y + radius * (double)cos(f));

Determining coordinates for mandelbrot zoom

I got a mandelbrot set I want to zoom in. The mandelbrot is calculated around a center coordinate, mandelbrot size and a zoom-level. The original mandelbrot is centered around
real=-0.6 and im=0.4 with a size of 2 in both real and im.
I want to be able to click on a point in the image and calculate a new one, zoomed in around that point
The window containing it is 800x800px, so I figured this would make a click in the lower right corner be equal to a center of real=0.4 and im=-0.6, and a click in the upper left corner be real=-1.6 and im=1.4
I calculated it with:
for the real values
800a+b=0.4 => a=0.0025
0a+b=-1.6 => b=-1.6
for imaginary values
800c+d=-0.6 => c=-0.0025
0c+d=1.4 => d=1.4
However, this does not work if I continue with mandelbrot size of 2 and zoom-level of 2. Am I missing something concerning the coordinates with the zoom-levels?
I had similar problems zooming in my C# Mandelbrot. My solution was to calculate the difference from the click position to the center in percents, multiply this with the maximum of units (width / zoom * 0.5, width = height, zoom = n * 100) from the center and add this to your current value. So My code was this (assuming I get sx and sy as parameters from the click):
double[] o = new double[2];
double digressLRUD = width / zoom * 0.5; //max way up or down from the center in coordinates
double shiftCenterCursor_X = sx - width/2.0; //shift of cursor to center
double shiftCenterCursor_X_percentage = shiftCenterCursor_X / width/2.0; //shift in percentage
o[0] = x + digressLRUD * shiftCenterCursor_X_percentage; //new position
double shiftCenterCursor_Y = sy - width/2.0;
double shiftCenterCursor_Y_percentage = shiftCenterCursor_Y / width/2.0;
o[1] = y - digressLRUD * shiftCenterCursor_Y_percentage;
This works, but you'll have to update the zoom (I use to multiply it with 2).
Another point is to move the selected center to the center of the image. I did this using some calculations:
double maxRe = width / zoom;
double centerRe = reC - maxRe * 0.5;
double maxIm = height / zoom;
double centerIm = -imC - maxIm * 0.5;
This will bring you the coordinates you have to pass your algorithm so it'll render the selected place.

Rotate tetris blocks at runtime

I have a class tetronimo (a tetris block) that has four QRect types (named first, second, third, fourth respectively). I draw each tetronimo using a build_tetronimo_L type functions.
These build the tetronimo in a certain direction, but as in tetris you're supposed to be able to rotate the tetronimo's, I'm trying to rotate a tetronimo by rotating each individual square of the tetronimo.
I have found the following formula to apply to each (x, y) coordinate of a particular square.
newx = cos(angle) * oldx - sin(angle) * oldy
newy = sin(angle) * oldx + cos(angle) * oldy
Now, the QRect type of Qt, does only seem to have a setCoords function that takes the (x, y) coordinates of top-left and bottom-right points of the respective square.
I have here an example (which doesn't seem to produce the correct result) of rotating the first two squares in my tetronimo.
Can anyone tell me how I'm supposed to rotate these squares correctly, using runtime rotation calculation?
void tetromino::rotate(double angle) // angle in degrees
std::map<std::string, rect_coords> coords = get_coordinates();
rect_coords first_coords = coords["first"];
//top left x and y
int newx_first_tl = (cos(to_radians(angle)) * first_coords.top_left_x) - (sin(to_radians(angle)) * first_coords.top_left_y);
int newy_first_tl = (sin(to_radians(angle)) * first_coords.top_left_x) + (cos(to_radians(angle)) * first_coords.top_left_y);
//bottom right x and y
int newx_first_bl = (cos(to_radians(angle)) * first_coords.bottom_right_x) - (sin(to_radians(angle)) * first_coords.bottom_right_y);
int newy_first_bl = (cos(to_radians(angle)) * first_coords.bottom_right_x) + (sin(to_radians(angle)) * first_coords.bottom_right_y);
first->setCoords( newx_first_tl, newy_first_tl, newx_first_tl + tetro_size,newy_first_tl - tetro_size);
rect_coords second_coords = coords["second"];
int newx_second_tl = (cos(to_radians(angle)) * second_coords.top_left_x) - (sin(to_radians(angle)) * second_coords.top_left_y);
int newy_second_tl = (sin(to_radians(angle)) * second_coords.top_left_x) + (cos(to_radians(angle)) * second_coords.top_left_y);
second->setCoords(newx_second_tl, newy_second_tl, newx_second_tl - tetro_size, newy_second_tl + tetro_size);
first and second are QRect types. rect_coords is just a struct with four ints in it, that store the coordinates of the squares.
The first square and second square calculations are different, as I was playing around trying to figure it out.
I hope someone can help me figure this out?
(Yes, I can do this much simpler, but I'm trying to learn from this)
It seems more like a math question than a programming question. Just plug in values like 90 degrees for the angle to figure this out. For 90 degrees, a point (x,y) is mapped to (-y, x). You probably don't want to rotate around the origin but around a certain pivot point c.x, c.y. For that you need to translate first, then rotate, then translate back:
(x,y) := (x-c.x, y-c.y) // translate into coo system w/ origin at c
(x,y) := (-y, x) // rotate
(x,y) := (x+c.x, y+c.y) // translate into original coo system
Before rotating you have to translate so that the piece is centered in the origin:
Translate your block centering it to 0, 0
Rotate the block
Translate again the center of the block to x, y
If you rotate without translating you will rotate always around 0, 0 but since the block is not centered it will be rotated around the center. To center your block is quite simple:
For each point, compute the median of X and Y, let's call it m
Subtract m.X and m.Y to the coordinates of all points
Add again m.X and m.Y to points.
Of course you can use linear algebra and vector * matrix multiplication but maybe it is too much :)
Let's say we have a segment with coordinates A(3,5) B(10,15).
If you want to rotate it around its center, we first translate it to our origin. Let's compute mx and my:
mx = (10 - 3) / 2
my = (15 - 5) / 2
Now we compute points A1 and B1 translating the segment so it is centered to the origin:
A1(A.X - mx, A.Y - my)
B1(B.X - mx, B.Y - my)
Now we can perform our rotation of A1 and B1 (you know how).
Then we have to translate again to the original position:
A = (rotatedA1.X + mx, rotatedA1.y + my)
B = (rotatedB1.X + mx, rotatedB1.y + my)
If instead of having two points you have n points you have of course do everything for n points.
You could use Qt Graphics View which does all the geometric calculations for you.
Or are you just wanting to learn basic linear geometrical transformations? Then reading a math textbook would probably be more appropriate than coding.

Screen Projection and Culling united

I am currently dealing with several thousand boxes that i'd like to project onto the screen to determinate their sizes and distances to the camera.
My current approach is to get a sphere representing the box and project that using view and projection matrices and the viewport values.
// project box center from world into viewspace
boxCenterInViewSpace = viewMatrix * boxCenter;
// get two points left and right of center
leftPoint = boxCenter - radius;
right = boxCenter + radius;
// project points from view into eye space
leftPoint = projectionMatrix * leftPoint;
rightPoint = projectionMatrix * rightPoint;
// normalize points
leftPoint /= leftPoint.w;
rightPoint /= rightPoint.w;
// move to 0..1 range
leftPoint = leftPoint * 0.5 + 0.5;
rightPoint = rightPoint * 0.5 + 0.5;
// scale to viewport
leftPoint.x = leftPoint.x * viewPort.right + viewPort.left;
leftPoint.y = leftPoint.y * viewPort.bottom +;
rightPoint.x = rightPoint.x * viewPort.right + viewPort.left;
rightPoint.y = rightPoint.y * viewPort.bottom +;
// at this point i check if the node is visible on screen by comparing the points to the viewport
// calculate size
length(rightPoint - leftPoint)
At another point i calculate the distance of the box to the camera.
The first problem is that i won't know if the box is just below the viewport as i just calculate horizontal. Is there a way to project a real sphere onto the screen somehow? Some method that looks like:
float getSizeOfSphereProjectedOnScreen(vec3 midpoint, float radius)
The other question is simpler: In with coordinate space is the z coordinate corresponding to the distance to the camera?
To sum it up i want to calculate:
Is the Box in the view frustum?
What is the size of the Box on the screen?
What is the distance from Box to camera?
To simplify calculations i'd like to use a sphere representation for this but i don't know how to project a sphere.
What is the distance from Box to camera?
[which] coordinate space is the z
coordinate corresponding to the
distance to the camera?
The answer is none of the usual spaces. The closest one would be in view space (i.e. after you apply the view matrix but not the projection matrix). In view space, the distance to the camera should be sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z), because the camera is at the origin. (z would be a reasonable approximation only if |x| and |y| were really small relative to |z|.) This is assuming that knowing the distance from the camera to the center of the box is good enough.
I think if you really wanted a space in which the z coordinate corresponds to the distance to the camera, you'd need to map a spherical locus of points sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z) = d to a plane z = d. I don't know that you can do that with a matrix.
Is the Box in the view frustum?
What is the size of the Box on the screen?
I think you're on the right track with this, but depending on which direction the camera is facing, your left and right points might not determine how wide the box looks or whether the box intersects the view frustum. See my answer to your other question for a long way to do this.