Regular Expression to match against first character and file extension - regex

I'm using Bash to try to write a command that gets every file where the first character is not 'a' and the file does not end with '.html' but cannot seem to get both to work properly.
So far I can get my regex to match all the files that start with 'a' and end with '.html' and remove them but my issue that I cannot seem to solve is when the file starts with 'a' and ends with a different file extension. My regex seems to ignore that second requirement and just hides it regardless.
cat inputfile.txt | sed -n '/^[^a].*[^html$]/p'
Input File Contents:

Instead of trying to write a pattern that matches the rows to keep, write a pattern that matches the rows to remove, and use grep -v to print all the lines that don't match it.
grep -v '^a.*\.html$' inputfile.txt


How to output multiple regex matches through comma on the same line

I want to use grep/awk/sed to extract matched strings for each line of a log file. Then place it into csv file.
Highlighted strings (1432,53,
If the input is:
pfbId=561, pid=15912, state=4, fd=78, timer=61), FETCH DONE: len=45,
PFBId=561, pid=0, loadTime=1434 ms, objects=53, fetchReqEpoch=0.0,
fetchDoneEpoch:0.0, fetchId=26, URL=
18:48:01.806,DEBUG,15592.15621,FETCH DONE: len=45, PFBId=82, pid=0,
loadTime=1301 ms, objects=54, fetchReqEpoch=0.0, fetchDoneEpoch:0.0,
fetchId=28, URL=
Expected output for the above log lines:
This is an example, and the actual Log File will have much more data.
For now I used grep to get all lines containing keyword 'FETCH DONE' (these lines contain strings I am looking for).
I did come up with regular expression that matches the data I need, but when I grep it and put it in the file it prints each string on the new line which is not quite what I am looking for.
The grep and regular expression I use (online regex tool:
echo -en 'url,loadtime,object\n'>test1.csv #add header
grep -Po '(?<=loadTime=).{1,5}(?= )|((?<=URL=).*|\/(?=.))|((?<=objects=).{1,5}(?=\,))'>>test1.csv #get matching strings
Actual output:
Expected output:
I was trying using awk to match multiple regex and print comma in between. I couldn't get it to work at all for some reason, even though my regex matches correct strings.
Another idea I have is to use sed to replace some '\n' for ',':
if(i % 3 != 0){
sed REPLACE "\n" with "," on i-th line
Im pretty sure there is a more efficient way of doing it
Using sed:
sed -n 's/.*loadTime=\([0-9]*\)[^,]*, objects=\([0-9]*\).* URL=\(.*\)/\3,\1,\2/p' input | \
sed 1i'URL,LoadTime,Objects'

Print commands in history consisting in just one word

I want to print lines that contains single word only.
For example:
this is a line
another line
last one
I want to get the ones with single word only
EDIT: Guys, thank you for answers. Almost all of the answers work for my test file. However I wanted to list single lines in bash history. When I try your answers like
history | your posted commands
all of them below fails. Some only prints some numbers (might line numbers?)
You want to get all those commands in history that contain just one word. Considering that history prints the number of the command as a first column, you need to match those lines consisting in two words.
For this, you can say:
history | awk 'NF==2'
If you just want to print the command itself, say:
history | awk 'NF==2 {print $2}'
To rehash your problem, any line containing a space or nothing should be removed.
grep -Ev '^$| ' file
Your problem statement is unspecific on whether lines containing only punctuation might also occur. Maybe try
grep -Ex '[A-Za-z]+' file
to only match lines containing only one or more alphabetics. (The -x option implicitly anchors the pattern -- it requires the entire line to match.)
In Bash, the output from history is decorated with line numbers; maybe try
history | grep -E '^ *[0-9]+ [A-Za-z]+$'
to match lines where the line number is followed by a single alphanumeric token. Notice that there will be two spaces between the line number and the command.
In all cases above, the -E selects extended regular expression matching, aka egrep (basic RE aka traditional grep does not support e.g. the + operator, though it's available as \+).
Try this:
grep -E '^\s*\S+\s*$' file
With the above input, it will output:
If your test strings are in a file called in.txt, you can try the following:
grep -E "^\w+$" in.txt
What it means is:
^ starting the line with
\w any word character [a-zA-Z0-9]
+ there should be at least 1 of those characters or more
$ line end
And output would be
Assuming your file as texts.txt and if grep is not the only criteria; then
awk '{ if ( NF == 1 ) print }' texts.txt
If your single worded lines don't have a space at the end you can also search for lines without an empty space :
grep -v " "
I think that what you're looking for could be best described as a newline followed by a word with a negative lookahead for a space,
/\n\w+\b(?! )/g

How to find/extract a pattern from a file?

Here are the contents of my text file named 'temp.txt'
---start of file ---
Capturing... done
Storing... done
---end of file ----
I want to write a bash script in which I need to capture the string 'b687' in a variable. this is really a pattern (which is the letter 'b' followed by 'n' number of digits). I can do it the hard way by looping through the file and extracting the desired string (b687 in example above). Is there an easy way to do so? Perhaps by using awk or sed?
Try using grep
v=$(grep -oE '\bb[0-9]{3}\b' file)
This will seach for a word starting with b followed by '3' digits.
regex101 demo
Using sed
v=$(sed -nr 's/.*\b(b[0-9]{3})\b.*/\1/p' file)
varname=$(awk '/HEROKU_POSTGRESQL_AQUA_URL/{print $4}' filename)
what this does is reads the file when it matches the pattern HEROKU_POSTGRESQL_AQUA_URL print the 4th token in this case b687
your other option is to use sed
varname=$(sed -n 's/.* \(b[0-9][0-9]*\)/\1/p' filename)
In this case we are looking for the pattern you mentioned b####... and only print that pattern the -n tells sed not to print line that do not have that pattern. the rest of the sed command is a substitution .* is any string at the beginning. followed by a (...) which forms a group in which we put the regex that will match your b##### the second part says out of all that match only print the group 1 and the p at the end tells sed to print the result (since by default we told sed not to print with the -n)

Grep Regex: List all lines except

I'm trying to automagically remove all lines from a text file that contains a letter "T" that is not immediately followed by a "H". I've been using grep and sending the output to another file, but I can't come up with the magic regex that will help me do this.
I don't mind using awk, sed, or some other linux tool if grep isn't the right tool to be using.
That should do it:
grep -v 'T[^H]'
-v : print lines not matching
[^H]: matches any character but H
You can do:
grep -v 'T[^H]' input
-v is the inverse match option of grep it does not list the lines that match the pattern.
The regex used is T[^H] which matches any lines that as a T followed by any character other than a H.
Read lines from file exclude EMPTY Lines and Lines starting with #
grep -v '^$\|^#' folderlist.txt
# This is list of folders
# This is comment
Results will be:
Adding 2 awk solutions to the mix here.
1st solution(simpler solution): With simple awk and any version of awk.
awk '!/T/ || /TH/' Input_file
Checking 2 conditions:
If a line doesn't contain T OR
If a line contains TH then:
If any of above condition is TRUE then print that line simply.
2nd solution(GNU awk specific): Using GNU awk using match function where mentioning regex (T)(.|$) and using match function's array creation capability.
awk '
match($0,/(T)(.|$)/,arr) && arr[1]=="T" && arr[2]=="H"
' Input_file
Explanation: firstly checking if a line doesn't have T then print that simply. Then using match function of awk to match T followed by any character OR end of the line. Since these are getting stored into 2 capturing groups so checking if array arr's 1st element is T and 2nd element is H then print that line.

Removing multiple line patterns not working when patterns are stored in a file

I had asked a question about searching for multiple lines which I found answers to here: Searching for multiple lines including a blank one in shell script
However, if I store multiple such command in a file and execute them, then the first search goes through fine, however on searching for subsequent patterns, I get a blank output from sed.
That is if I store,
sed -n '1h; 1!H; ${ g; s/<Pattern1>\n<pattern2> //g p }' file-name
sed -n '1h; 1!H; ${ g; s/<Pattern3>\n<pattern4> //g p }' file-name
in a file and then execute each line in the this file using the eval keyword, then the first sed replaces the first multi-line patterns, i.e. pattern1, followed by pattern2, however, it returns a blank output even though the file contains these patterns. Any clues?
It's unclear to me what you want to do, but I'm guessing that you want to remove a pair of lines if the first line matches Pattern1 and the second matches Pattern2 or if the first line matches Pattern3 and the second matches Pattern4. If so, the following should work for you:
cat <<\EOF |
sed -n -e 'H; ${ g
# append a newline to correctly match at the end of the file
# delete instances of John\nDoe
# delete instances of Mary\n<blank>
# remove the newlines added at the beginning and end
# print the result
# output:
# Simon
# Henry
The above sed script uses H instead of 1h; 1!H to get a newline at the beginning of the pattern. It also adds a newline at the end. This makes it possible to search for \nPattern1\nPattern2\n instead of Pattern1\nPattern2. This prevents bad matches: searching for "Anne Doe" shouldn't find "MaryAnne Doe" and searching for "John Clark" shouldn't find "John Clarkson".