Checking multiple files at one using prettier - prettier

I'm trying to run the Prettier CLI tool and what I wanted to do is running it against multiple files at once, is that possible?
I know we can use glob patterns but those files not be easily matched to a pattern. Because I'm trying to run the CLI tool against staged files in a pre-commit hook.
So I was hoping to do something like: prettier --write "file.js, src/file2.js, src/somepath/file2.js"
Is that possible?

You should be able to use curly brackets:
prettier --write "src/file{1,2}.js"
In your example:
prettier --write "{file1,src/file2,src/somepath/file2}.js"
It might be simpler just write out a list of files:
prettier --write -- file1.js src/file2.js src/somepath/file2.js
(-- is explained in


disable prettier plugin for specific directory

In my typescript & svelte project, I use prettier to format codes.
Also, I use prettier-plugin-organize-imports to automatically organize imports.
However, this plugin does not support svelte yet (it kind of works, but it's buggy), so I want to disable the plugin for *.svelte files while enabling it for *.ts files.
According to the official doc of prettier, it seems impossible to do this by adding options to config file (prettier.config.js).
Is there a good way?
You can create a .prettierignore to exclude files from formatting.
# Ignore artifacts:
# Ignore all HTML files:
Check the docs.

How to recursively check files with Prettier

I tried using:
prettier --config .prettierrc.json --check .
and my config is like so:
"semi": true
and it didn't check subdirectories. How can I tell prettier to do things recursively?
This seems to work:
prettier --config .prettierrc.json --check '**/**'
and so does this:
prettier --config .prettierrc.json --check '**'
but those seem like pretty non-standard commands. What is the canonical way to search recursively?
You should use glob patterns with prettier,
to search recursively you can use ** aka globstar
referencing the Glob documentation
** If a "globstar" is alone in a path portion, then it matches zero or more directories and subdirectories searching for matches. It does not crawl symlinked directories.
referencing the prettier command line interface documentation
prettier --single-quote --trailing-comma es5 --write "{app,__{tests,mocks}__}/**/*.js"
Don't forget the quotes around the globs! The quotes make sure that Prettier expands the globs rather than your shell, for cross-platform usage. The glob syntax from the glob module is used.
Prettier CLI will ignore files located in node_modules directory. To opt-out from this behavior use --with-node-modules flag.

Globbing patterns for sub-projects in Grunt

I have several sub-projects that I want to run against a single Gruntfile, as they all need the same tasks running against them. For example, I need to compile the Sass using Compass in each sub-project.
How is this possible using Grunt? I have tried globbing patterns:
compass: {
options: {
sassDir: './bundles/*/public/styles',
cssDir: './bundles/*/temp/styles'
But I get the following error:
Running "compass" (compass) task
Errno::ENOENT on line 441 of /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/pathname.rb: No such file or directory - /Users/Oliver/Development/Personal/Reader/bundles/*
Run with --trace to see the full backtrace
Suggesting I cannot use globbing patterns in this way.
Is this possible and if so, how?
This was answered in the issue tracker:
Globbing patterns doesn't work there, since as you can see from the name it expects one directory. You can however create separate targets for each sub-project.

TeamCity Artifacts; Exclude Individual Files

I have a TeamCity Build Configuration that includes the following to publish artifacts:
This works fine, however I am wanting to exclude one dll (there are quite a few) and have read that you can use + & - operators to do this. Something along the lines of:
+: Source\Builder\bin\Release\*.dll=>release
-: Source\Builder\bin\Release\Builder.*
As soon as I add these in, no artifacts are published and I get the following error in the build log (looks like it is counting the + as part of the path):
[Publishing artifacts] Collecting files to publish [+:Source\Builder\bin\Release\*.dll=>release]
[Publishing artifacts] Artifacts path +:Source/Builder/bin/Release/*.dll not found
I am using version 7.1.1, anyone any ideas (I am not sure whether these operators are even valid). I have seen a solution with MSBuild but am surprised this functionality is not available.
Thanks in advance.
I don't believe you can.
However, if you are using the artifacts in another build configuration as an artifact dependency, you can exclude a particular file there.
When you set up the dependencies, you can specify a negative operator like this:
It is a horrible hack, but one way you could get it to work would be to set up a new build configuration which gets the dependencies as an artifact dependency, excluding the one binary, and then publishes its own artifacts.
As in, create a new build configuration and publish:
Then reference the artifacts from this build configuration instead of the other one.
A little bit late for the party, but there is still no fix...
I ended up adding a last build step to the project. It is command line > custom script. Then I used this commands to remove the files that I didn't want in the artifacts. This runs just before artifacts collection.
del /S /Q "src\apps\*.xml"
del /S /Q "src\apps\*.pdb"
Explanation for del command
/S Delete from all Subfolders (DELTREE)
/Q Quiet mode, do not give a Yes/No Prompt before deleting
* Match any characters
Our current options are to vote for this feature request at and fail back to workarounds.
TeamCity artifact paths combine folders question hints that the same target folder can be reused for multiple path patterns.
TeamCity docs also state that
TeamCity will create directories starting from the first occurrence of
the wildcard in the pattern.
So in many cases it's possible to inverse exclusion problem to multiple inclusions.
For example, instead of lurking how to exclude -:**/.svn from my templates I was able just to filter them by extension:
templates/**/*.vm => templates
templates/**/*.xsl => templates

Using two asterisks to add a file in git

I want to add a file which has a unique file name but a long preceding path (e.g. a/b/c/d/ Normally I would add this to my repository by doing
git add *
However I have also done this before:
git add a/b/c/d/filename*
So I tried to combine the two:
git add *filename*
but this does something weird. It adds every untracked file. I can see possible reasons for failure but they all should occur in one of the previous two commands so I don't know why this is happening.
My question isn't so much about how to add a file to a git repository with just its file name (although that would be useful).
My question is what is my misunderstanding of the * operation which makes me think the above should work.
I am using Git Bash for Windows, which is based on minGW.
You're looking at globs
(not regular expressions, which are a different pattern-matching language), and they're expanded by your shell, not by git.
If you want to see how they're going to match, just pass the same glob to another command, eg.
$ ls -d *
$ ls -d *filename*
(I've just added the -d so ls doesn't show the contents of any directories that match)
Since you're using git bash, and it's possible that glob expansion behaves differently from a regular shell, try
$ git add --dry-run --verbose -- *filename*
for example: this should show you how it really expands the glob and what effect that has.
Note the -- ... if you're using globs that might match a filename with a leading -, it's important to make sure git knows it's a filename and not an option.
Unfortunately, this will only show you the files which both match the glob, and have some difference between the index and working copy.
Answer from author:
The dry run helped a lot, here is what I found:
I was forgetting about the bin folder which I haven't added, so when I performed the dry run I realised it was finding two matches: and filename.class. When I changed the glob to *filename.j* it worked.
My next step was to remove the .class and try the command again: it worked! It is still unexplained why git bash added everything when it found two matches... since the dry run behaves differently from the actual run I think there must be a bug, but I think that discussion is to be held elsewhere (unless somebody thinks it isn't a bug).
You could try with git add ./**/*.java
Note: I tested with zsh, it should also work for bash as well.