Return Multiple Serial Numbers from Cisco Devices - regex

I am parsing the show version command for a series of information. Maybe there is any easier way, but I am trying to return all the serial numbers for devices in a stack. Currently I am only getting back the active switches serial number. Also I need to search through multiple areas for the serial number. Both Processor Board ID and System Serial Number.
I have tested the following Regex strings on,
^System Serial Number\s([^,]+)
But in my code they do not seem to be working. When I print my variable it is showing empty for all iterations through the For loop.
from getpass import getpass
import netmiko
import re
def make_connection (ip, username, password):
return netmiko.ConnectHandler(device_type='cisco_ios', ip=ip,
username=username, password=password)
def get_ip (input):
(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)', input))
def get_ips (file_name):
#with does all the cleanup and prework of file open for you
with open(file_name, 'r') as in_file:
for line in in_file:
#this is probably supposed to be lineips = get_ip(line)
#line = get_ip(line)
lineips = get_ip(line)
for ip in lineips:
def to_doc_a(file_name, varable):
f=open(file_name, 'a')
def to_doc_w(file_name, varable):
f=open(file_name, 'w', newline="\n")
#This will be a list of the devices we want to SSH to
ips = []
#Pull the IPs.txt is a list of the IPs we want to connect to
#This function pulls those IPs out of the txt file and puts them into a
#list where informations will be stored
#devices = []
#Results string storage
strresults = ""
#Prompt user for account info
username = input("Username: ")
password = getpass()
file_name = "results.csv"
#Clearing all the old info out of the results.csv file
to_doc_w(file_name, "")
#Make a for loop to hit all the devices, for this we will be looking at
#the IOS it’s running
for ip in ips:
#Connect to a device
net_connect = make_connection(ip, username, password)
#Run a command and set that to output
output = net_connect.send_command('show version')
#finding hostname in output using regular expressions
regex_hostname = re.compile(r'(\S+)\suptime')
hostname = regex_hostname.findall(output)
#finding uptime in output using regular expressions
regex_uptime = re.compile(r'\S+\suptime\sis\s(.+)')
uptime = regex_uptime.findall(output)
#finding version in output using regular expressions
regex_version = re.compile(r'Cisco\sIOS\sSoftware.+Version\s([^,]+)')
version = regex_version.findall(output)
#finding serial in output using regular expressions
regex_serial = re.compile(r'Processor\sboard\sID\s(\S+)')
serial = regex_serial.findall(output)
#finding serial in output using regular expressions
regex_serial2 = re.compile(r'^System Serial Number\s([^,]+)')
serial2 = regex_serial2.findall(output)
#finding ios image in output using regular expressions
#regex_ios = re.compile(r'System\s\image\s\file\sis\s"([^ "]+)')
#ios = regex_ios.findall(output)
#finding model in output using regular expressions
regex_model = re.compile(r'[Cc]isco\s(\S+).*memory.')
model = regex_model.findall(output)
#append results to table [hostname,uptime,version,serial,ios,model]
#devices.append([hostname[0], uptime[0], version[0], serial[0],
results = (ip, hostname, version, serial, serial2, model)
#Store results for later, reduce calls to append file, greatly i
#ncrease performance
strresults = strresults + str(results) + "\n"
#Next we will append the output to the results file
#to_doc_a(file_name, results)
to_doc_w(file_name, strresults)
No matter what Cisco device I would like this to pull the serial number and if there are multiple devices in a stack return all the serial numbers for devices in the stack. Also it should return IP, hostname, Version of Code and Model.

For the System Serial Number, your pattern ^System Serial Number\s([^,]+) uses an anchor to assert the start of the string, starts with uppercase Serial Number and is missing a colon : after number.
You could update your pattern where (\S+) captures in a group matching 1+ times a non whitespace char. In your pattern you use [^,]+ to match not a comma, but that would also match a space or newline.
System serial number:\s(\S+)
Regex demo | Python demo


Reverse DNS script with Regex in Python

I am currently working on a reverse DNS script intended to open a log file, find the IP address, then resolve the IP to DNS. I have a regex set up to identify the IP address in the file, but when I added socket.gethostbyaddr to my script the script ignores my regex and still lists objects in the file that are not IP addresses. I've never used Python before, but this is what I have right now:
import socket
import re
f = open('ipidk.txt' , 'r')
lines = f.readlines()
raw_data = str(f.readlines())
regex = r'(?:[\d]{1,3})\.(?:[\d]{1,3})\.(?:[\d]{1,3})\.(?:[\d]{1,3})'
foundip = re.findall( regex, raw_data )
for raw_data in lines:
host = raw_data.strip()
dns = socket.gethostbyaddr(host)
print("%s - %s" % (host, dns))
except socket.error as exc:
You're calling f.readlines() twice. The first time reads everything in the file, and puts that in lines. The second time has nothing left to read (it starts reading from the current file position, it doesn't rewind to the beginning), so it returns an empty list, and raw_data will just be "[]", with no IPs.
Just call once, and assign that to raw_data.
Then you need to loop over the IPs found with the regexp, not lines.
import socket
import re
with open('ipidk.txt' , 'r') as f:
raw_data =
regex = r'(?:\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}'
foundip = re.findall( regex, raw_data )
for host in foundip:
dns = socket.gethostbyaddr(host)
print("%s - %s" % (host, dns))
except socket.error as exc:

Audio Timeout error in Speech to text API of Google Cloud

I aim to make my jarvis, which listens all the time and activates when I say hello. I learned that Google cloud Speech to Text API doesn't listen for more than 60 seconds, but then I found this not-so-famous link, where this listens for infinite duration. The author of github script says that, he has played a trick that script refreshes after 60 seconds, so that program doesn't crash.
Following is the modified version, since I wanted it to answer of my questions, followed by "hello", and not answer me all the time. Now if I ask my Jarvis, a question, which while answering takes more than 60 seconds and it doesn't get the time to refresh, the program crashes down :(
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2018 Google LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Google Cloud Speech API sample application using the streaming API.
NOTE: This module requires the additional dependency `pyaudio`. To install
using pip:
pip install pyaudio
Example usage:
# [START speech_transcribe_infinite_streaming]
from __future__ import division
import time
import re
import sys
import os
from import speech
from pygame.mixer import *
from googletrans import Translator
# running=True
translator = Translator()
import pyaudio
from six.moves import queue
os.environ["GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS"] = "C:\\Users\\mnauf\\Desktop\\rehandevice\\key.json"
from commands2 import commander
# Audio recording parameters
CHUNK_SIZE = int(SAMPLE_RATE / 10) # 100ms
def get_current_time():
return int(round(time.time() * 1000))
def duration_to_secs(duration):
return duration.seconds + (duration.nanos / float(1e9))
class ResumableMicrophoneStream:
"""Opens a recording stream as a generator yielding the audio chunks."""
def __init__(self, rate, chunk_size):
self._rate = rate
self._chunk_size = chunk_size
self._num_channels = 1
self._max_replay_secs = 5
# Create a thread-safe buffer of audio data
self._buff = queue.Queue()
self.closed = True
self.start_time = get_current_time()
# 2 bytes in 16 bit samples
self._bytes_per_sample = 2 * self._num_channels
self._bytes_per_second = self._rate * self._bytes_per_sample
self._bytes_per_chunk = (self._chunk_size * self._bytes_per_sample)
self._chunks_per_second = (
self._bytes_per_second // self._bytes_per_chunk)
def __enter__(self):
self.closed = False
self._audio_interface = pyaudio.PyAudio()
self._audio_stream =
# Run the audio stream asynchronously to fill the buffer object.
# This is necessary so that the input device's buffer doesn't
# overflow while the calling thread makes network requests, etc.
return self
def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
self.closed = True
# Signal the generator to terminate so that the client's
# streaming_recognize method will not block the process termination.
def _fill_buffer(self, in_data, *args, **kwargs):
"""Continuously collect data from the audio stream, into the buffer."""
return None, pyaudio.paContinue
def generator(self):
while not self.closed:
if get_current_time() - self.start_time > STREAMING_LIMIT:
self.start_time = get_current_time()
# Use a blocking get() to ensure there's at least one chunk of
# data, and stop iteration if the chunk is None, indicating the
# end of the audio stream.
chunk = self._buff.get()
if chunk is None:
data = [chunk]
# Now consume whatever other data's still buffered.
while True:
chunk = self._buff.get(block=False)
if chunk is None:
except queue.Empty:
yield b''.join(data)
def search(responses, stream, code):
responses = (r for r in responses if (
r.results and r.results[0].alternatives))
num_chars_printed = 0
for response in responses:
if not response.results:
# The `results` list is consecutive. For streaming, we only care about
# the first result being considered, since once it's `is_final`, it
# moves on to considering the next utterance.
result = response.results[0]
if not result.alternatives:
# Display the transcription of the top alternative.
top_alternative = result.alternatives[0]
transcript = top_alternative.transcript
# music.load("/home/pi/Desktop/rehandevice/end.mp3")
# Display interim results, but with a carriage return at the end of the
# line, so subsequent lines will overwrite them.
# If the previous result was longer than this one, we need to print
# some extra spaces to overwrite the previous result
overwrite_chars = ' ' * (num_chars_printed - len(transcript))
if not result.is_final:
sys.stdout.write(transcript + overwrite_chars + '\r')
num_chars_printed = len(transcript)
#print(transcript + overwrite_chars)
# Exit recognition if any of the transcribed phrases could be
# one of our keywords.
if code=='ur-PK':
print("Your command: ", transcript + overwrite_chars)
if "hindi assistant" in (transcript+overwrite_chars).lower():
cmd.respond("Alright. Talk to me in urdu",code=code)
elif "english assistant" in (transcript+overwrite_chars).lower():
cmd.respond("Alright. Talk to me in English",code=code)
main('en-US') + overwrite_chars,code=code)
for i in range(10):
print("Hello world")
num_chars_printed = 0
def listen_print_loop(responses, stream, code):
"""Iterates through server responses and prints them.
The responses passed is a generator that will block until a response
is provided by the server.
Each response may contain multiple results, and each result may contain
multiple alternatives; for details, see Here we
print only the transcription for the top alternative of the top result.
In this case, responses are provided for interim results as well. If the
response is an interim one, print a line feed at the end of it, to allow
the next result to overwrite it, until the response is a final one. For the
final one, print a newline to preserve the finalized transcription.
responses = (r for r in responses if (
r.results and r.results[0].alternatives))
num_chars_printed = 0
for response in responses:
if not response.results:
# The `results` list is consecutive. For streaming, we only care about
# the first result being considered, since once it's `is_final`, it
# moves on to considering the next utterance.
result = response.results[0]
if not result.alternatives:
# Display the transcription of the top alternative.
top_alternative = result.alternatives[0]
transcript = top_alternative.transcript
# Display interim results, but with a carriage return at the end of the
# line, so subsequent lines will overwrite them.
# If the previous result was longer than this one, we need to print
# some extra spaces to overwrite the previous result
overwrite_chars = ' ' * (num_chars_printed - len(transcript))
if not result.is_final:
sys.stdout.write(transcript + overwrite_chars + '\r')
num_chars_printed = len(transcript)
print("Listen print loop", transcript + overwrite_chars)
# Exit recognition if any of the transcribed phrases could be
# one of our keywords.
if'\b(hello)\b', transcript.lower(), re.I):
#print("Give me order")
search(responses, stream,code)
elif'\b(ہیلو)\b', transcript, re.I):
search(responses, stream,code)
num_chars_printed = 0
def main(code):
cmd.respond("I am Rayhaan dot A Eye. How can I help you?",code=code)
client = speech.SpeechClient()
config = speech.types.RecognitionConfig(
streaming_config = speech.types.StreamingRecognitionConfig(
mic_manager = ResumableMicrophoneStream(SAMPLE_RATE, CHUNK_SIZE)
print('Say "Quit" or "Exit" to terminate the program.')
with mic_manager as stream:
while not stream.closed:
audio_generator = stream.generator()
requests = (speech.types.StreamingRecognizeRequest(
for content in audio_generator)
responses = client.streaming_recognize(streaming_config,
# Now, put the transcription responses to use.
listen_print_loop(responses, stream, code)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# [END speech_transcribe_infinite_streaming]
You can call your functions after recognition in different thread. Example:
new_thread = Thread(
new_thread.daemon = True # Not always needed, read more about daemon property
Or if you want just to prevent exception - you can always use try/except. Example:
with mic_manager as stream:
while not stream.closed:
audio_generator = stream.generator()
requests = (speech.types.StreamingRecognizeRequest(
for content in audio_generator)
responses = client.streaming_recognize(streaming_config,
# Now, put the transcription responses to use.
listen_print_loop(responses, stream, code)
except BaseException as e:
print("Exception occurred - {}".format(str(e)))

Replace White-space with hyphen then create URL

I'm trying to speed up a process of webscraping by sending raw data to python in lieu of correctly formatted data.
Current data is received as an excel file with data formatted as:
Data is formatted in excel via macros to:
Replace all spaces with hyphen
Change all text to lower-case
Paste text onto end of
Formatted data is
What i'm trying to accomplish:
Get python to go into excel sheet and follow formatting rules listed above, then pass the records to the scraper.
Here is the code I have been trying to compile - please go easy i am VERY new.
Any advice or reading sources related to python formatting would be appreciated.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import requests
import csv
from lxml import html
import xlrd
# Source File for UNFORMATTED DATA
file_location = "C:\Python27\Projects\REA_SCRAPER\NewScraper\ScrapeFile.xlsx"
workbook = xlrd.open_workbook(file_location)
sheet = workbook.sheet_by_name('((PythonScraperDNC))')
# Pass Data from URL_BUILDER to URL_LIST []
# Search Phrase to capture suitable URL's for Scraping
text2search = \
'''<p class="property-value__title">
# Write Sales .CSV file
with open('Results.csv', 'wb') as csv_file:
writer = csv.writer(csv_file)
for (index, url) in enumerate(URL_LIST):
page = requests.get(url)
print '<Scanning Url For Sale>'
if text2search in page.text:
tree = html.fromstring(page.content)
(title, ) = (x.text_content() for x in tree.xpath('//title'))
(price, ) = (x.text_content() for x in tree.xpath('//div[#class="property-value__price"]'))
(sold, ) = (x.text_content().strip() for x intree.xpath('//p[#class="property-value__agent"]'))
writer.writerow([title, price, sold])
writer.writerow(['No Sale'])
If you're just trying to figure out how to do the formatting in Python:
url = '' + text.replace(' ', '-').lower()
# Output:

Python Multiprocessing - Passing values between child process

I have a single method named grep_phalanx_log whose functionality is to SSH to a machine and grep for some values.
My main method will call this method with different host names/credentials, log file name, grep pattern.
So, I need to grep for a SAME pattern in two different servers in PARALLEL. If the match is found in one server, I want the other server to stop grep-ing. If the pattern is not found in both the servers for a specified time, my method grep_phalanx_log will return a negative value. Based on the negative value, I have to proceed with some other requirement.
class eventFlowTestNfx(object)
def grep_phalanx_log(self, host_name, username, password, grep_cmd, timeout=10, time_to_monitor=20):
ssh_client = paramiko.SSHClient()
ssh_client.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy())"Grep command to be executed: %r" % grep_cmd)
ssh_client.connect(host_name, username=username, password=password, timeout=timeout)
end_time = time.time() + time_to_monitor
while time.time() < end_time:
ssh_stdin, ssh_stdout, ssh_stderr = ssh_client.exec_command(grep_cmd)
output =
if not output:
else:"NFX: Match message from %r is %r" % (host_name, output))
return output
if not output:
Log.error("FAILED: Message not processed.")
Log.error("Host Name: %r and grep command: %r" % (host_name, grep_cmd))
raise Exception("NFX agent could not process message")
Log.error("End to End flow is broken, check the logs!")
return -1
def main(self):
for cr_dict in correlation_list:
cr_process = multiprocessing.Process(target=self.grep_phalanx_log(), args=(cr_dict["host"], cr_dict["username"], cr_dict["password"], cr_received_cmd_skeleton,))
So, I have my code stared 2 process, I am not sure how they will talk to each other and terminate the other.
You could replace time.sleep(1) with:
if not output.strip(): # blank output
is_found = found.wait(1) # sleep >= 1 second unless found
if is_found:
break # stop grepping
else: # found something
return output
where found = multiprocessing.Event(): creat it in the parent process and pass to each child.

Django sphinx works only after app restart

I've set up django-sphinx in my project, which works perfectly only for some time. Later it always returns empty result set. Surprisingly restarting django app fixes it. And search works again but again only for short time (or very limiter number of queries). Heres my sphinx.conf:
source src_questions
# data source
type = mysql
sql_host = xxxxxx
sql_user = xxxxxx #replace with your db username
sql_pass = xxxxxx #replace with your db password
sql_db = xxxxxx #replace with your db name
# these two are optional
sql_port = xxxxxx
#sql_sock = /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
# pre-query, executed before the main fetch query
sql_query_pre = SET NAMES utf8
# main document fetch query
sql_query = SELECT AS id, q.title AS title, q.tagnames AS tags, q.html AS text, q.level AS level \
FROM question AS q \
WHERE q.deleted=0 \
# optional - used by command-line search utility to display document information
sql_query_info = SELECT title, id, level FROM question WHERE id=$id
sql_attr_uint = level
index questions {
# which document source to index
source = src_questions
# this is path and index file name without extension
# you may need to change this path or create this folder
path = /home/rafal/index/index_questions
# docinfo (ie. per-document attribute values) storage strategy
docinfo = extern
# morphology
morphology = stem_en
# stopwords file
#stopwords = /var/data/sphinx/stopwords.txt
# minimum word length
min_word_len = 3
# uncomment next 2 lines to allow wildcard (*) searches
min_infix_len = 1
enable_star = 1
# charset encoding type
charset_type = utf-8
# indexer settings
# memory limit (default is 32M)
mem_limit = 64M
# searchd settings
# IP address on which search daemon will bind and accept
# optional, default is to listen on all addresses,
# ie. address =
address =
# port on which search daemon will listen
port = 3312
# searchd run info is logged here - create or change the folder
log = ../log/sphinx.log
# all the search queries are logged here
query_log = ../log/query.log
# client read timeout, seconds
read_timeout = 5
# maximum amount of children to fork
max_children = 30
# a file which will contain searchd process ID
pid_file =
# maximum amount of matches this daemon would ever retrieve
# from each index and serve to client
max_matches = 1000
and heres my search part from
content =
if level:
content = content.filter(level=level)#level is array of integers
There are no errors in any logs, it just isnt returning any results. I have set 'indexer --rotate --all' to be run every 5 mins in cron, and searchd is up and running all time.
All help would be most appreciated.
What's the version of sphinx? django-sphinx? sphinxsearch api? python?
Anyway, try to remove the indexer from the cron & see if this problem persists. Let me know how this goes.