Convert system time stamp to milliseconds - informatica

In Informatica Cloud i am trying to convert current system datetime to milliseconds.
This is not working as expected
TO_CHAR( Systimestamp() ,'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS')
Please Help

Below link might be helpful for you in understanding more about conversion of timestamps.
Convert string datetime to Informatica datetime


How to convert seconds from Epoch time to UTC time in Pyspark?

Say I have a dataframe with a column name epoch that is seconds from epoch time and I wanted to convert it to UTC time. How to do it in Pyspark?
I dont want to harcode "GMT-7" and I want to make sure I use the right offset for the time, GMT-7 or GMT-8 based on daylight savings. I'm running Spark 2.1
myDF = myDF.withColumn("epoch_tmst",(myDF.epoch.cast(dataType=TimestampType()))
myDF = myDF.withColumn("epoch_tmst_utc",to_utc_timestamp(myDF.epoch_tmst,"GMT-7"))
There is no way to convert unixtime into UTC timestamp directly by pyspark method.
(You can do unix->GMT-7 & GMT-7->UTC separately by pyspark, but looks like that's not what you want)
How about take them into literal string once, and use Python's time module?

Get unixtime(0) in c++

how can I get a unixtime epoch time in c++? not converting to current time, the starting point of unixtime, I need it to compare with field in database mysql. Someone can help me in that?

How to convert UDate from one timezone to another using ICU

After spending some significant amount of time, I could not figure out how to convert UDate from one timezone to another. Here is the problem I am trying to solve :
I have a timestamp which is number of milliseconds since epoch. This is a timestamp in UTC. I want to convert this timestamp to a timestamp at some local time zone (e.g. US/Eastern). I want to extract number of days since epoch and number of milliseconds since from converted timestamp. I want to use icu library to do this.
I tried to create a UDate from number of milliseconds since epoch in UTC. I can create a timezone instance for the given timezone.
TimeZone *tz = TimeZone::createTimeZone("US/Eastern");
How do I convert UDate from UTC to the given timezone and extract the answers I want? Could it be done using icu?
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
I want … number of days since epoch and number of milliseconds since from converted timestamp.
I think these will be the same regardless of time zone, won't they?
Or can you give an example of the result you would like to see (before vs. after)

what is win32_NTLogEvent time generated format

what is the meaning of eventlog time generated value in wmi "20061101185842.000000-000".
when i am using windows event viewer it gives the date and time format as " 2/13/2013 4:05:15 PM " but when i am accessing it in win32_NTLogEvent, it gives the format as "20061101185842.000000-000".
please clear my doubt...
Thanks in advance...
The WMI uses the Universal Time Coordinate (UTC) format, try these articles for more information.
Working with Dates and Times using WMI
Converting WMI Dates to a Standard Date-Time Format
WMI Date and Time Format (Windows)
You can convert it to DateTime like this:
where yourValue is a string like this: "20061101185842.000000-000"

FILETIME information retrieval on changing timezones

Suppose i have a FILETIME which has some value (which we can see by converting it to systemtime) when I am in timezone1. Suppose I changed my timezone to timezone2.
Now I want to get the time in hours and minutes (format) which was in timezone1.
A simple way would be to convert it to system time then use SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime to convert the time to a timezone specific time.