I'm new to C++ OOP and I find difficulties in implementing the following task:
The program is about taking information from a file, storing it in vector pointers and then printing it, but it gives proccess failure.
Basically doesn't call the second constructor in class Car and I don't seem to find a way to fix this issue.
Would like to get some tips.
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
class Person{
string name;
int age;
Person(string n, int a) {
name = n;
age = a;
cout << "Constructor called" << endl;
void IncAge(){
string get_name() {
return name;
int get_age() {
return age;
class Car{
string brand;
Person* owner;
Person* driver;
Car(string b, Person* o, Person* d){
brand = b;
owner = o;
driver = d;
cout << "Constructor 2 called" << endl;
string get_brand(){ return brand; }
void get_owner(){ cout << owner; }
void get_driver(){ cout << driver; }
void printall(vector<Car*> car){
for(int i =0; i < car.size(); i++){
cout << car[i]->get_brand();
int main() {
vector<Person*> people;
vector<Car*> cars;
ifstream openFile;
string filename = "input.txt";
cout << "Failed opening targeted file!" << endl;
return 1;
int n;
int read_age;
string read_name, read_car, read_owner,read_driver;
openFile >> n;
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < n; i++){
openFile >> read_name;
openFile >> read_age;
people[i] = new Person(read_name, read_age);
openFile >> n;
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < n; i++){
openFile >> read_car;
openFile >> read_owner;
openFile >> read_driver;
unsigned int j = 0;
unsigned int k = 0;
for(; j < people.size(); j++){
if(read_owner == people[j]->get_name()) break;
for(; k < people.size(); k++){
if(read_driver == people[k]->get_name()) break;
cars[i] = new Car(read_car, people[j], people[k]);
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < people.size(); i++) {
return 0;
I am also learning c++, I want to comment instead of writing this as an answner, but I can't do it now.
people[i] = new Person(read_name, read_age);
use push_back() function to add person to vector
I don't think [index] will properly increase the size of vector and reallocate memory for new element
So, I was asked by my instructor to make a node containing a few variables and sort it by taking the hourlySalary variable as reference for each code. However, there seems to be a problem with the outputs. It isn't sorting the nodes at all. I tried to fix it for a while and gave up. Looked up some sources on the internet but still no luck. I am guessing that the problem is somewhere in the swapping function or the bubble sort function.
Here is my code.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class myNumberIsEleven{
struct linkedlist{
string firstName;
string lastName;
unsigned int age;
char gender;
int hourlySalary;
linkedlist *linker;
int counter=0;
void printList(){
cout << curPtr->firstName << " " << curPtr->lastName << endl << curPtr->age << endl << curPtr->gender << endl << curPtr->hourlySalary << endl << "=====" << endl;
void add(int salary,string name,string lastname,int ageisjustanumber,char Gender){
linkedlist *newPtr = new linkedlist;
newPtr->hourlySalary = salary;
newPtr->firstName = name;
newPtr->lastName = lastname;
newPtr->gender = Gender;
newPtr->age = ageisjustanumber;
newPtr->hourlySalary = salary;
newPtr->linker = Ptr;
Ptr = newPtr;
void Swap(linkedlist* a,linkedlist* b){
string temp_firstName;
string temp_LastName;
unsigned int temp_Age;
char temp_Gender;
int temp_hourlySalray;
temp_firstName = a->firstName;
temp_LastName = a->lastName;
temp_Age = a->age;
temp_Gender = a->gender;
temp_hourlySalray = a->hourlySalary;
a->firstName = b->firstName;
a->lastName = b->lastName;
a->age = b->age;
a->gender = b->gender;
a->hourlySalary = b->hourlySalary;
b->firstName = temp_firstName;
b->lastName = temp_LastName;
b->age = temp_Age;
b->gender = temp_Gender;
b->hourlySalary = temp_hourlySalray;
void bubbleSort(){
for(linkedlist* i=Ptr;i->linker != NULL;i=i->linker){
for(linkedlist* j = i->linker;j!=NULL;j=j->linker){
if(i->hourlySalary > i->hourlySalary){
void bubbleSort(int arr[], int n)
int i, j;
for (i = 0; i < n-1; i++)
// Last i elements are already in place
for (j = 0; j < n-i-1; j++)
if (arr[j] > arr[j+1])
swap(&arr[j], &arr[j+1]);
int main()
myNumberIsEleven myNameIsBerkan;
return 0;
I keep getting an error of bad memory allocation. I've spent the whole night trying to find where I went wrong but I can't figure out what.
I've combed through every line but still nothing. Could it be that my program/laptop just isn't strong enough?
Any help would be extremely helpful. My head is ringing and I need some rest.
Here's my code:
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
// struct to store word + count combinations
struct wordItem{
string word;
int count;
void getStopWords(char *ignoreWordFileName, vector<string>& _vecIgnoreWords);
bool isCommonWord(string word, vector<string>& _vecIgnoreWords);
void printTopN(wordItem wordItemList[], int topN);
void doubleArray(wordItem wordItemList[], int size);
int getTotalNumberNonCommonWords(wordItem wordItemList[], int size, int wordCount);
const int STOPWORD_LIST_SIZE = 50;
// ./a.out 10 HW1-HungerGames_edit.txt HW1-ignoreWords.txt
int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
vector<string> vecIgnoreWords(STOPWORD_LIST_SIZE);
// verify we have the correct # of parameters, else throw error msg & return
if (argc != 4){
cout << "Usage: ";
cout << argv[0] << " <number of words> <filename.txt> <ignorefilename.txt>"<< endl;
return 0;
//Set vector with stop words
getStopWords(argv[3], vecIgnoreWords);
//initialize struct array
int aSize = 100;
wordItem *theStructArray = new wordItem[aSize];
int counter = 0;
int doubleCount = 0;
//read main txt file
ifstream inFile(argv[1]);
string line;
string theWord;
//extract words from file
while(getline(inFile, line)){
istringstream iss(line);
//extract and analyze word
while(iss >> theWord){
if(!(isCommonWord(theWord, vecIgnoreWords))){
bool inStructArray = false;
int inStructPosition;
//search for word in Struct array
while (inStructArray == false){
for(int i=0; i<aSize; i++){
if (theWord == theStructArray[i].word){
inStructArray = true;
inStructPosition = i;
//if word is in struct array
if (inStructArray == true){
//else if it isn't
//create new wordItem and add into struct
wordItem newWord;
newWord.word = theWord;
newWord.count = 1;
theStructArray[counter+(100*doubleCount)] = newWord;
//if struct array hits maximum amount of elements,
if (counter == (aSize-1)){
doubleArray(theStructArray, aSize);
counter = 0;
aSize +=100;
//Bubble sort masterArray
int bI, bJ, flag = 1;
wordItem bTemp;
for(bI=1; (bI <= aSize && flag); bI++){
flag = 0;
for(bJ=0; bJ<aSize; bJ++){
if(theStructArray[bJ+1].count > theStructArray[bJ].count){
bTemp = theStructArray[bJ];
theStructArray[bJ] = theStructArray[bJ+1];
theStructArray[bJ+1] = bTemp;
flag = 1;
//Print topN words
printTopN(theStructArray, atoi(argv[1]));
//print others
cout << "#" << endl;
cout << "Array doubled: " << doubleCount << endl;
cout <<"#" << endl;
cout << "Unique non-common words: "<< (aSize-100+counter)<<endl;
cout << "#"<<endl;
cout <<"Total non-common words: "<< getTotalNumberNonCommonWords(theStructArray, aSize, counter)<<endl;
return 0;
void getStopWords(char *ignoreWordFileName, vector<string>& _vecIgnoreWords){
ifstream inFile(ignoreWordFileName);
int a = 0;
string line;
while(getline(inFile, line)){
_vecIgnoreWords.insert(_vecIgnoreWords.begin() + a, line);
bool isCommonWord(string word, vector<string>& _vecIgnoreWords){
for(int i=0; i<STOPWORD_LIST_SIZE; i++){
if(word == _vecIgnoreWords.at(i)){
return true;
return false;
void printTopN(wordItem wordItemList[], int topN){
cout << endl;
for(int i=0; i<topN; i++){
cout<< wordItemList[i].count << '-' << wordItemList[i].word << endl;
void doubleArray(wordItem wordItemList[], int size){
wordItem *tempArray = new wordItem[size+100];
for(int i=0; i<size; i++){
tempArray[i] = wordItemList[i];
delete [] wordItemList;
wordItemList = tempArray;
int getTotalNumberNonCommonWords(wordItem wordItemList[], int size, int wordCount){
int total = 0;
for(int i=0; i<(size-100+wordCount); i++){
return total;
You are doing very bad things in void doubleArray(wordItem wordItemList[], int size)
you can call delete [] on the array if you pass an array, but you cannot change its value, so doubleArray(theStructArray, aSize); will cause theStructArray to be deleted but not assigned to the memory you allocated. You are just assigning the local variable in the function doubleArray
It is similar to:
void doubleit(int x)
x *= 2;
int y=3;
here x was momentarily doubled to 6, but y never changed.
you need to use references, or better make theStructArray a std::vector and be done with it.
I'm having some trouble with this program, I'm aware I can use a vector but I'm trying to do it only using arrays. Once the program gets to the initial array size of 1000, it should double the array (in this case to 2000) after copying the data. So for example if I had a list of 3000 names, it'd double once at 1000, then again at 2000 - making the total list 4000. I'm not entirely sure why it crashes after I double the array size. Can someone help me with this?
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string.h>
using namespace std;
struct Information {
char functionality;
string SSN;
string name;
Information* person;
int numPeople = 1000;
int numRetrieved = 0;
int numArray = 0;
int numInserted = 0;
int numDeleted = 0;
void doubleArray(Information *person){
numPeople = numPeople * 2;
Information* temp = new Information[numPeople];
memcpy(temp, person, numPeople/2);
delete[] person;
person = temp;
cout << "Person 1: " << person[0].name << " " << person[0].SSN << endl;
//Currently not using this until I figure out the double...
void halfArray(Information *person){
numPeople = numPeople / 2;
void deleteInfo(Information *person, string SSN){
for(int i = 0; i < numArray; i++){
if(person[i].SSN == SSN){
for(int k = i; k < numArray-1; k++){
person[k].SSN = person[k+1].SSN;
person[k].name = person[k+1].name;
if((numArray+1) < (numPeople / 4)){
void retrieve(Information *person, string findSSN, int lastPerson){
for(int i = 0; i < lastPerson; i++){
if(person[i].SSN == findSSN){
void insert(Information *person, string SSN, string name){
if(numArray == (numPeople - 1)){
bool dontInsert = false;
for(int i = 0; i <= numArray; i++){
if(person[i].SSN == SSN){
dontInsert = true;
dontInsert = false;
person[numArray].SSN = SSN;
person[numArray].name = name;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
person = new Information[numPeople];
char firstLetter;
string SSN, firstName, lastName, name;
fstream input(argv[1]);
for(int i = 0; !input.eof(); i++){
input >> firstLetter >> SSN >> firstName >> lastName;
name = firstName + " " + lastName;
case 'd':{
deleteInfo(person, SSN);
case 'i':{
insert(person, SSN, name);
case 'r':{
retrieve(person, SSN, numArray);
You delete the memory that the Information* points at, but you have a copy of that pointer, and assigning it to your temp variable has no effect outside of doubleArray.
Let's say that the value of person passed in is 0xC001C001;
void doubleArray(Information *person){
numPeople = numPeople * 2;
Information* temp = new Information[numPeople];
memcpy(temp, person, numPeople/2);
delete[] person;
person = temp;
cout << "Person 1: " << person[0].name << " " << person[0].SSN << endl;
You create a new pointer temp which has a value of 0xBAD1BAD1. You delete person (0xC001C001), then assign 0xBAD1BAD1 to person. Execution then continues in the insert function ...
void insert(Information *person, string SSN, string name){
if(numArray == (numPeople - 1)){
bool dontInsert = false;
for(int i = 0; i <= numArray; i++){
if(person[i].SSN == SSN){
dontInsert = true;
The person variable here still has the value 0xC001C001, which has been deallocated. Your program blows up when you deference person with person[i].SSN.
When you want to change a pointer, the classic pattern is to pass a pointer pointer. (Two star programming)
void redo(P** p)
P* temp = new P();
delete *p;
*p = temp;
I use a for loop and if-else statement to try to sort the titles of the books alphabetically. However, I am facing some errors under the returnlistofBooks method. Is there any ways to fix this problem?
voidBookshelf::voidBookshelf(vector <Book*> listofBooks){
this->listofBooks = listofBooks;
void voidBookshelf::addBook()
int ID;
string Title;
string Author;
for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++)
cout << "Book#"<< i << ":" << endl;
cout << "Enter an ID:";
cin >> ID;
cout << "Enter a title:";
cin >> Title;
cout << "Enter an author:";
cin >> Author;
Book *mybook = new Book(ID, Title, Author); //book object
void returnListofBooks(int count, string name)
Book temp;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < count - i; j++)
if (books[j].author > books[j + 1].author)
//swapping the instances themselves, but still comparing by the member.
temp = books[j];
books[j] = books[j + 1];
books[j + 1] = temp;
int main(){
voidBookshelf * myBookshelf = new voidBookshelf;
return 0;
you can check here for sort function!it is quite simple!
go to:
An easy method to allow sorting is to overload operator< in your class:
class Book
bool operator< (const Book& b)
return author < b.author;
std::string author;
If you want to sort by other fields, you will need to write a custom comparison operator:
class Book
std::string title;
friend bool order_by_title(const Book& a, const Book& b);
bool order_by_title(const& Book a, const Book& b)
return a.title < b.title;
std::vector<Book> library;
std::sort(library.begin(), library.end(), order_by_title);
It's crashing at the very end of the main() function where it needs to delete the starters objects. The error message that pops up when I run the program says: Debug assertion failed! Expression: _BLOCK_IS_VALID(pHead->nBlockUse). How do i fix it from crashing when deleting the starters objects?
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include "olympic.h"
using namespace std;
ofstream csis;
int main() {
const int lanes = 4;
Ranker rank(lanes);
// First make a list of names and lane assignments.
Competitor* starters[lanes];
starters[0] = new Competitor("EmmyLou Harris", 1);
starters[1] = new Competitor("Nanci Griffith", 2);
starters[2] = new Competitor("Bonnie Raitt", 3);
starters[3] = new Competitor("Joni Mitchell", 4);
// The race is run; now assign a time to each person.
// Put everyone into the ranker.
for (int i = 0; i < lanes; i++)
// Now print out the list to make sure its right.
cout << "Competitors by lane are:" << endl;
csis << "Competitors by lane are:" << endl;
for (int i = 1; i <= lanes; i++)
// Finally, show how they finished.
cout << "Rankings by finish are:" << endl;
csis << "Rankings by finish are:" << endl;
for (int i = 1; i <= lanes; i++)
for (int i = 0; i < lanes; i++)
delete starters[i];
#include "ranker.h"
#include "competitor.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
Ranker::Ranker(int lanes) {
athlete = new Competitor*[lanes];
numAthletes = 0;
maxAthletes = lanes;
int Ranker::addList(Competitor* starter) {
if (numAthletes < maxAthletes && starter != NULL) {
athlete[numAthletes] = starter;
return numAthletes;
return 0;
Competitor* Ranker::getLane(int lane) {
for (int i = 0; i < numAthletes; i++) {
if (athlete[i]->getLane() == lane) {
return athlete[i];
return NULL;
Competitor* Ranker::getFinish(int position) {
switch(position) {
case 1:
return athlete[3];
case 2:
return athlete[2];
case 3:
return athlete[1];
case 4:
return athlete[0];
return NULL;
int Ranker::getFilled() {
return numAthletes;
Ranker::~Ranker() {
delete [] athlete;
class Competitor {
char* name;
int lane;
double time;
Competitor(char* inputName, int inputLane);
void setTime(double inputTime);
char* getName();
int Competitor::getLane();
double getTime();
void print();
#include "competitor.h"
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
Competitor::Competitor(char* inputName, int inputLane) {
name = inputName;
lane = inputLane;
Competitor::Competitor() {
name = 0;
lane = 0;
time = 0;
void Competitor::setTime(double inputTime) {
time = inputTime;
char* Competitor::getName() {
return name;
int Competitor::getLane() {
return lane;
double Competitor::getTime() {
return time;
void Competitor::print() {
cout << setw(20) << name << setw(20) << lane << setw(20) << setprecision(4) << time << endl;
Competitor::~Competitor() {
delete [] name;
Call stack:
before crash: http://i.imgur.com/d4sKbKV.png
after crash: http://i.imgur.com/C5cXth9.png
After you've added Competitor class, it seems the problem is that you delete its name in Competitor's destructor. But you assign it from string literal which can't really be deleted. I'm sure the stack trace leading to assertion will prove that.
One way of solving the problem would be using std::string to store the name.
Problem is when deleting the char* value on destructor, which is assigned with const char instead new char. So i have slightly changed the constructor to copy the const char to new char.
Competitor::Competitor(char* inputName, int charlen, int inputLane)
name = new char[charlen + 1];
memcpy(name , inputName, charlen );
name [charlen] = '\0';
lane = inputLane;