Automatically update athena partition - MSCK Repair - amazon-web-services

I have a inventory Bucket - inside the bucket - I have 6 Folders.
In Athena for each 6 folders - i have 6 tables in athena.
Now i have to update the paritions - as and when a file is dropped into any one of the 6 folders.
How do i write multiple sql (6 Sql) in one lambda for s3 event trigger.
import boto3
def lambda_handler(event, context):
bucket_name = 'some_bucket'
client = boto3.client('athena')
config = {
'OutputLocation': 's3://' + bucket_name + '/',
'EncryptionConfiguration': {'EncryptionOption': 'SSE_S3'}
# Query Execution Parameters
sql = 'MSCK REPAIR TABLE some_database.some_table'
context = {'Database': 'some_database'}
client.start_query_execution(QueryString = sql,
QueryExecutionContext = context,
ResultConfiguration = config)
Database is same ; however i have 6 different tables. I have to update all 6 tables.

First I would check the key of the dropped file and only update the table that points to the prefix where the file was dropped. E.g. if your folders and tables are prefix0, prefix1, prefix2, etc. and the dropped file has the key prefix1/some-file you update only the table with the location prefix1. There is no need to update the other tables, their data hasn't changed.
However, I would suggest not using MSCK REPAIR TABLE for this. That command is terrible in almost every possible way. It's wildly inefficient and its performance becomes worse and worse as you add more objects to your table's prefix. It doesn't look like you wait for it to complete in your Lambda, so at least you're not paying for its inefficiency, but there are much better ways to add partitions.
You can use the Glue APIs directly (under the hoods Athena tables are tables in the Glue catalog), but that is actually a bit complicated to show since you need to specify a lot of metadata (a downside of the Glue APIs).
I would suggest that instead of the MSCK REPAIR TABLE … call you do ALTER TABLE ADD PARTITION …:
Change the line
sql = 'MSCK REPAIR TABLE some_database.some_table'
sql = 'ALTER TABLE some_database.some_table ADD IF NOT EXISTS PARTITION (…) LOCATION \'s3://…\''
The parts where it says … you will have to extract from the object's key. If your keys look like s3://some-bucket/pk0=foo/pk1=bar/object.gz and your table has the partition keys pk0 and pk1 the SQL would look like this:
ALTER TABLE some_database.some_table
PARTITION (pk0 = 'foo', pk1 = 'bar') LOCATION 's3://some-bucket/pk0=foo/pk1=bar/'


Athena query return empty result because of timing issues

I'm trying to create and query the Athena table based on data located in S3, and it seems that there are some timing issues.
How can I know when all the partitions have been loaded to the table?
The following code returns an empty result -
ResultConfiguration={'OutputLocation': output_location})
athena_client.start_query_execution(QueryString="MSCK REPAIR TABLE `{athena_db}`.`{athena_db_partition}`"
.format(athena_db=athena_db, athena_db_partition=athena_db_partition),
ResultConfiguration={'OutputLocation': output_location})
result = query.format(athena_db_partition=athena_db_partition, delta=delta, dt=dt)
But when I add some delay, it works greate -
ResultConfiguration={'OutputLocation': output_location})
athena_client.start_query_execution(QueryString="MSCK REPAIR TABLE `{athena_db}`.`{athena_db_partition}`"
.format(athena_db=athena_db, athena_db_partition=athena_db_partition),
ResultConfiguration={'OutputLocation': output_location})
result = query.format(athena_db_partition=athena_db_partition, delta=delta, dt=dt)
The following is the query for creating the table -
query_create_table = '''
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE `{athena_db}`.`{athena_db_partition}` (
`time` string,
`user_advertiser_id` string,
`predictions` float
dt string
ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe'
'serialization.format' = ',',
'field.delim' = ','
) LOCATION 's3://{bucket}/path/'
app_query_create_table = query_create_table.format(bucket=bucket,
I would love to get some help.
The start_query_execution call only starts the query, it does not wait for it to complete. You must run get_query_execution periodically until the status of the execution is successful (or failed).
Not related to your problem per se, but if you create a table with CREATE TABLE … AS there is no need to add partitions with MSCK REPAIR TABLE … afterwards, there will be no new partitions after the table has just been created that way – because it will be created with all the partitions produced by the query.
Also, in general, avoid using MSCK REPAIR TABLE, it is slow and inefficient. There are many better ways to add partitions to a table, see

Find number of objects inside an Item of DynomoDB table using Lamda function (Python/Node)

I am new to the AWS world and I am in need to find the data count from a DynamoDB table.
My table structure is like this.
It has 2 items (Columns in MySQL) say A and B
A - stores the (primary partition key) user ids.
B - stores the user profiles, number of profiles associated with a UserID.
Suppose A contains a user ID 3435 and it has 3 profiles ({"21btet3","3sd4","adf11"})
My requirement is to get the count 3 to the output as a JSON in the format :
How to set the parameters for scanning this query?
Can anyone please help?
DynamoDb is NoSQL so there are some limitations in terms of querying
the data. In your case you have to scan the entire table like below
def ScanDynamoData(lastEvalutedKey):
table = boto3.resource("dynamodb", "eu-west-1").Table('TableName') #Add your region and table name
if lastEvalutedKey:
return table.scan(
return table.scan()
And call this method in a loop until lastEvalutedKey is null (To scan all the records) like
response = ScanDynamoData(None);
totalUserIds = response["Count"]
#In response you will get the json of entire table you can count userid and profiles here
while "LastEvaluatedKey" in response:
response = ScanDynamoData(response["LastEvaluatedKey"])
totalUserIds += response["Count"]
#Add counts here also
you should not do full table scan on a regular basis.
If you requirement is to get this count frequently, you should subscribe a lambda function to dynamodb streams and update the count as and when new records are inserted into dynamodb. This will make sure
you are paying less
you will not have to do table scan to calculate this number.

AWS Glue Dynamic_frame with pushdown predicate not filtering correctly

I am writing an script for AWS Glue that is sourced in S3 stored parquet files, in which I am creating a DynamicFrame and attempting to use pushDownPredicate logic to restrict the data coming in.
The table partitions are (in order): account_id > region > vpc_id > dt
And the code for creating the dynamic_frame is the following:
dynamic_frame = glueContext.create_dynamic_frame.from_catalog(
database = DATABASE_NAME,
table_name= TABLE_NAME,
push_down_predicate = "dt='" + DATE + "'")
where DATE = '2019-10-29'
However it seems that Glue still attempts to read data from other days. Maybe it's because I have to specify a push_down_predicate for the other criteria?
As per the comments, the logs show that the date partition column is marked as "dt" where as in your table it is being referred by the name "date"
s3://route/account_id=XXX/region=eu-west-1/vpc_id=YYY//dt=2019-10-29 ...
Your Code
dynamic_frame = glueContext.create_dynamic_frame.from_catalog(
database = DATABASE_NAME,
table_name= TABLE_NAME,
push_down_predicate = "date='" + DATE + "'")
Change the date partitions column name to dt in your table and same in push_down_predicate parameter in the above code.
I also see extra forward slashes in some of the paths in above logs, were these partitions added manually through athena using ALTER TABLE command? If so, I would recommend to use MSCK REPAIR command to load all partitions in the table to avoid such issues. Extra blank slashes in S3 path some times lead to errors while doing ETL through spark.

Add a partition on glue table via API on AWS?

I have an S3 bucket which is constantly being filled with new data, I am using Athena and Glue to query that data, the thing is if glue doesn't know that a new partition is created it doesn't search that it needs to search there. If I make an API call to run the Glue crawler each time I need a new partition is too expensive so the best solution to do this is to tell glue that a new partition is added i.e to create a new partition is in it's properties table. I looked through AWS documentation but no luck, I am using Java with AWS. Any help?
You may want to use batch_create_partition() glue api to register new partitions. It doesn't require any expensive operation like MSCK REPAIR TABLE or re-crawling.
I had a similar use case for which I wrote a python script which does the below -
Step 1 - Fetch the table information and parse the necessary information from it which is required to register the partitions.
# Fetching table information from glue catalog"Fetching table info for {}.{}".format(l_database, l_table))
response = l_client.get_table(
except Exception as error:
logger.error("Exception while fetching table info for {}.{} - {}"
.format(l_database, l_table, error))
# Parsing table info required to create partitions from table
input_format = response['Table']['StorageDescriptor']['InputFormat']
output_format = response['Table']['StorageDescriptor']['OutputFormat']
table_location = response['Table']['StorageDescriptor']['Location']
serde_info = response['Table']['StorageDescriptor']['SerdeInfo']
partition_keys = response['Table']['PartitionKeys']
Step 2 - Generate a dictionary of lists where each list contains the information to create a single partition. All lists will have same structure but their partition specific values will change (year, month, day, hour)
def generate_partition_input_list(start_date, num_of_days, table_location,
input_format, output_format, serde_info):
input_list = [] # Initializing empty list
today = datetime.utcnow().date()
if start_date > today: # To handle scenarios if any future partitions are created manually
start_date = today
end_date = today + timedelta(days=num_of_days) # Getting end date till which partitions needs to be created"Partitions to be created from {} to {}".format(start_date, end_date))
for input_date in date_range(start_date, end_date):
# Formatting partition values by padding required zeroes and converting into string
year = str(input_date)[0:4].zfill(4)
month = str(input_date)[5:7].zfill(2)
day = str(input_date)[8:10].zfill(2)
for hour in range(24): # Looping over 24 hours to generate partition input for 24 hours for a day
hour = str('{:02d}'.format(hour)) # Padding zero to make sure that hour is in two digits
part_location = "{}{}/{}/{}/{}/".format(table_location, year, month, day, hour)
input_dict = {
'Values': [
year, month, day, hour
'StorageDescriptor': {
'Location': part_location,
'InputFormat': input_format,
'OutputFormat': output_format,
'SerdeInfo': serde_info
return input_list
Step 3 - Call the batch_create_partition() API
for each_input in break_list_into_chunks(partition_input_list, 100):
create_partition_response = client.batch_create_partition(
There is a limit of 100 partitions in a single api call, So if you are creating more than 100 partitions then you will need to break your list into chunks and iterate over it.
You can configure you're glue crawler to get triggered every 5 mins
You can create a lambda function which will either run on schedule, or will be triggered by an event from your bucket (eg. putObject event) and that function could call athena to discover partitions:
import boto3
athena = boto3.client('athena')
def lambda_handler(event, context):
QueryString = "MSCK REPAIR TABLE mytable",
ResultConfiguration = {
'OutputLocation': "s3://some-bucket/_athena_results"
Use Athena to add partitions manualy. You can also run sql queries via API like in my lambda example.
Example from Athena manual:
PARTITION (dt = '2016-05-14', country = 'IN') LOCATION 's3://mystorage/path/to/INDIA_14_May_2016'
PARTITION (dt = '2016-05-15', country = 'IN') LOCATION 's3://mystorage/path/to/INDIA_15_May_2016';
This question is old but I wanted to put it out there that someone could have s3:ObjectCreated:Put notifications trigger a Lambda function which registers new partitions when data arrives on S3. I would even expand this function to handle deprecations based on object deletes and so on. Here's a blog post by AWS which details S3 event notifications:
AWS Glue recently added a RecrawlPolicy that only crawls the new folders/paritions that you add to your S3 bucket.
This should help you with minimizing crawling all the data again an again. From what I read, you can define incremental crawls while setting up your crawler, or editing an existing one. One thing however to note is that incremental crawls require the schema of new data to be more or less the same as existing schema.

How can I check the partition list from Athena in AWS?

I want to check the partition lists in Athena.
I used query like this.
show partitions table_name
But I want to search specific table existed.
So I used query like below but there was no results returned.
show partitions table_name partition(dt='2010-03-03')
Because dt contains hour data also.
dt='2010-03-03-01', dt='2010-03-03-02', ...........
So is there any way to search when I input '2010-03-03' then it search '2010-03-03-01', '2010-03-03-02'?
Do I have to separate partition like this?
dt='2010-03-03', dh='01'
And show partitions table_name returned only 500 rows in Hive. Is the same in Athena also?
In Athena v2:
Use this SQL:
FROM db_name."table_name$partitions"
WHERE dt LIKE '2010-03-03-%'
(see the official aws docs)
In Athena v1:
There is a way to return the partition list as a resultset, so this can be filtered using LIKE. But you need to use the internal information_schema database like this:
SELECT partition_value
FROM information_schema.__internal_partitions__
WHERE table_schema = '<DB_NAME>'
AND table_name = '<TABLE_NAME>'
AND partition_value LIKE '2010-03-03-%'