Is what I'm generating the UV coordinates? - opengl

I don't usually use a flat surface in OpenGL, but recently I've been taking up on making After Effects plugins, and it has a template called Glator which passes a VBO which contains the UVs. However, I have learned by reading ShaderToy fragment shaders that by passing the resolution of the billboard to the fragment shader as a uniform, and doing this:
vec2 p = / resolution.xy
You can generate a value which is the UV coordinate of the fragment on the flat surface. Am I right?


Calculating surface normals of dynamic mesh (without geometry shader)

I have a mesh whose vertex positions are generated dynamically by the vertex shader. I've been using to calculate the surface normal for each primitive in the geometry shader, which seems to work fine.
Unfortunately, I'm planning on switching to an environment where using a geometry shader is not possible. I'm looking for alternative ways to calculate surface normals. I've considered:
Using compute shaders in two passes. One to generate the vertex positions, another (using the generated vertex positions) to calculate the surface normals, and then passing that data into the shader pipeline.
Using ARB_shader_image_load_store (or related) to write the vertex positions to a texture (in the vertex shader), which can then be read from the fragment shader. The fragment shader should be able to safely access the vertex positions (since it will only ever access the vertices used to invoke the fragment), and can then calculate the surface normal per fragment.
I believe both of these methods should work, but I'm wondering if there is a less complicated way of doing this, especially considering that this seems like a fairly common task. I'm also wondering if there are any problems with either of the ideas I've proposed, as I've had little experience with both compute shaders and image_load_store.
See Diffuse light with OpenGL GLSL. If you just want the face normals, you can use the partial derivative dFdx, dFdy. Basic fragment shader that calculates the normal vector (N) in the same space as the position:
in vec3 position;
void main()
vec3 dx = dFdx(position);
vec3 dy = dFdy(position);
vec3 N = normalize(cross(dx, dy));
// [...]

OpenGL / Cocos2d-x What's difference between v_texCoord vs gl_FragCoord in shader?

I've seen the shader code using these two. But i don't understand what's difference between them, between texture and fragment.
As i know, fragment is pixels, so what's texture?
Some use these code:
vec2 uv = gl_FragCoord.xy / rectSize.xy;
vec4 bkg_color = texture2D(CC_Texture0, uv);
some use:
vec4 bkg_color = texture2D(CC_Texture0, v_texCoord);
with v_texCoord = a_texCoord;
Both works, except the first way displays inverted image.
In your second example 'v_texCoord' looks like a pre-calculated texture coordinate that is passed to the Fragment Shader as a Vertex Attribute, versus the 'uv' coordinate calculated within the Fragment Shader of the first example.
You can base texture coordinates off whatever you like - so long as you give the texture2D sampler normalised coordinates - its all about your use case and what you want to display from a texture.
Perhaps there is such a use-case difference here, which is why they give different visual outputs.
For more information about how texture coordinates work I recommend this question's answer: How do opengl texture coordinates work?

Calculate normals for plane inside fragment shader

I have a situation where I need to do light shading. I don't have a vertex shader so I can't interpolate normals into my fragment shader. Also I have no ability to pass in a normal map. Can I generate normals completely in the fragment shader based,for example on fragment coordinates? The geometry is always planar in my case.
And to extend on what I am trying to do:
I am using the NV_path_rendering extension which allows rendering pure vector graphics on GPU. The problem is that only the fragment stage is accessible via shader which basically means - I can't use a vertex shader with NV_Path objects.
Since your shapes are flat and NV_PATH require compat profile you can pass normal through on of built-in varyings gl_Color or gl_SecondaryColor
Extension description says that there is some kind of interpolation:
Interpolation of per-vertex data (section 3.6.1). Path primitives have neither conventional vertices nor per-vertex data. Instead fragments generate interpolated per-fragment colors, texture coordinate sets, and fog coordinates as a linear function of object-space or eye-space path coordinate's or using the current color, texture coordinate set, or fog coordinate state directly.
Here's a method which "sets the normal as the face normal", without knowing anything about vertex normals (as I understand it).
I have a three.js demo working here:
My implementation is getting vertex position data from the vertex shader, but it sounds like you're able to get that through other means.

GLSL passing texture coordinates from vertex shader

What I'm trying to accomplish: Drawing the depth map of my scene on top of my scene (so that objects closer are darker, and further away are lighter)
Problem: I don't seem to understand how to pass the right texture coordinates from my vertex shader to my fragment shader.
So I created my FBO, and the texture that the depth map gets drawn to... not that I'm entirely sure what I was doing, but whatever, it works. I tested drawing the texture using the fixed functionality pipeline, and it looks just like it's supposed to (the depth map that is).
But trying to use it in my shaders just isn't working...
Here's the part from my render method that binds the texture:
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, depthTextureId);
glUniform1i(depthMapUniform, 7);
look(); //updates my viewing matrix
box.render(); //renders box VBO
So... I think that's sort of right? Maybe? No clue why texture 7, that was just something that was in a tutorial I was checking...
And here's the important stuff from my vertex shader:
out vec4 ShadowCoord;
void main() {
gl_Position = PMatrix * (VMatrix * MMatrix) * gl_Vertex; //projection, view and model matrices
ShadowCoord = gl_MultiTexCoord0; //something I kept seeing in examples, was hoping it would work.
Aaand, fragment shader:
in vec4 ShadowCoord;
in vec3 Color; //passed from vertex shader, didn't include the code for it though. Just the vertex color.
out vec4 FragColor;
void main(
FragColor = vec4(texture2D(ShadowMap, * vec3(Color), 1.0);
Now the problem is that the coordinate that the fragment shader receives for the texture is always (0,0), or the bottom-left corner. I tried changing it to ShadowCoord = gl_MultiTexCoord7, because I figured maybe it had something to do with me putting the texture in slot number 7... but alas, the problem persisted. When the color of (0, 0) changes, so does the color of the entire scene, rather than being a change in color for only the appropriate pixel/fragment.
And that's what I'm hoping to get some insight on... how to pass the correct coordinates (I'd like for the corners of the texture to be the same coordinates as the corners of my screen). And yes, this is a beginners question... but I have been looking in the Orange Book, and the problem with it is that it's great on the GLSL side of things, but the OpenGL side of things is severely lacking in the examples that I could really use...
The input variable gl_MultiTexCoord0 (or 7) is the builtin per-vertex texture coordinate for the 0th (or 7th) texture coordinate, set by gl(Multi)TexCoord (when using immediate mode) or by glTexCoordPointer (when using arrays/VBOs).
But as your depth buffer is already in screen space, what you want is not a usual texture laid onto the object, but just the value in the texture for a specific pixel/fragment. So the vertex shader isn't involved in any way. Instead you just use the current fragment's screen space position as texture coordinate, that can be read in the fragment shader using gl_FragCoord. But keep in mind that this coordinate is in [0,w]x[0,h] and textures are accessed by normalized texture coordinates in [0,1]. So you have to divide the fragment's coordinate by the screen size:
uniform vec2 screenSize;
... texture2D(ShadowMap, ...
But you actually don't need two passes for this effect anyway, as you can just use the fragment's depth directly, without writing it into a texture. Instead of
you can just use
which is nothing else than the fragment's depth value, that would have been written into the texture in the first pass. This way you completely spare the first depth-writing pass and the texture access in the second pass.

GLSL: vertex shader to fragment shader without varing

How to transfer data from vertex shader to fragment shader without changes?
I need to say to the vertex pixels that they have this color. This color I can obtain only in the vertex shader.
You have to use a varying, because each fragment is "influenced" by more than one vertex (unless you are rendering GL_POINTS), so you have to interpolate them across the line/polygon. Recent versions of GLSL allow to specify flat shading interpolation, which doesn't interpolate the value throughout the primitive, ignoring the values from the other vertices.
I suspect thought that what you want to do is to render only the pixels corresponding to the vertices in a different color, is that correct? In that case it's not so easy, you would probably want to render the filled polygons first, and then re-render as GL_POINTS. At that point, varying variables are not interpolated because each fragment is influenced by a single vertex.
Here's a good tutorial on GLSL: NeHe GLSL tutorial
If you want to share data between vertex and fragment shaders use one of the built in types, for example gl_Color
If you want to pass through the color computed by the vertex shader to through the fragment shader you would create a fragment shader with the following line: gl_FragColor = gl_Color
gl_Color will be automatically set for you from the colors written by the vertex shader. You write a color from the vertex shader by setting one of the built-in variables, like gl_FrontColor, or one of it's peers: gl_BackColor etc.