How to create two windows (MDI+SDI) in MFC - c++

I am in a need to create two different type of windows, one MDI and one SDI in one application. I have tried to create an MDI application with document/view and put some codes to create an SDI window, but it failed. It seems MDI and SDI are created with different approach and I have no idea how to find a way to resolve it. Does anybody know the best way to do it?
After some tries, I managed to successfully create an SDI and a MDI window, but I am not sure if this is the correct way to do. This is how I've done
Create an SDI application using Visual Studio's AppWizard, and I put the following code to create a MDI window when user clicks on SDI Frame's menu
CFrameWnd* pFrameMDI = new TestMDIFrameWnd;
CCreateContext Context;
Context.m_pNewViewClass = RUNTIME_CLASS(CTestMDIView);
AfxMessageBox("LoadFrame failed");
return FALSE;
pFrameMDI->InitialUpdateFrame(NULL, TRUE);
Is this correct way to do it? Can all the MFC programming methods be used on this newly created MDI window just like this MDI window is created using AppWizard? Will there be any limitation (such like some meesages can not be sent to this MDI window....)

After some tries and study of MFC books and MFC source code, I have successfully create a MDI window from an SDI window. I can add multiple documents multiple panes to MDI. And exiting the application also OK without any error. It is not easy, there are some tricky parts to make this happen.


Click on Application MainWindow from Taskbar is not showing (Converted Modeless dialog to Modal)

My MFC application is a MDI application. and I have a MFC Extension dll, MFC Extension dll will launch the child dialog on top of the MFC MDI application. like as below
CMyDialog pDisplayGlobal = new CMyDialog(IDD_DISPLAY, NULL);
pDisplayGlobal->Create(IDD_DISPLAY, AfxGetApp()->m_pMainWnd);
Note : Kindly let me know if I am doing anything wrong in above code.
I have launched my MFC mdi application and child modeless dialog as well. Modeless dialog always on top of parent window only (as per the above code)
Step1) I have opened other four different applications (Which means my MFC application is behind these four applications)
Step2) I clicked on my MFC application from the Taskbar it’s not showing the main application window. which means it didnt come in front its still in step1 stage only
Step3) To see My MFC application I have to minimize all the four applications
That’s the problem, kindly somebody give me some code snippet as a solution.
Thanks in advance.
To run a dialog from another program you can do the following
in DLL:
CDialog *g_dlg;
void dll_foo()
g_dlg = new CDialog;
in main app:
BOOL CMyWinApp::InitInstance()
return TRUE;

MFC SHELLLIST does not paint

If I create a new MFC GUI using VS2010, create a dialog box, add an MFC SHELLLIST control to the dialog box, DoModal on the dialog box, the MFC SHELLLIST is filled with the various high level objects that can then be navigated through.
But I have an old MFC GUI that was initially created with VS2005, imported to VS2010, and when I do exactly the same as above, the MFC SHELLLIST is empty.
There are numerous MainFrm.cpp actions that are boilerplate for VS2010 that were not for VS2005. Probably one or more of them is responsible for activating MFC SHELLLIST.
Anybody know which one(s)?
I just created a new MFC dialog application in VS2012, and added a shell list control (works fine). The biolerplate code, which is a lot less for a dialog than for an SDI/MDI application, contains the following codie in CMyWinApp::Initinstance
// Create the shell manager, in case the dialog contains
// any shell tree view or shell list view controls.
CShellManager *pShellManager = new CShellManager;
// Activate "Windows Native" visual manager for enabling themes in MFC controls
The CShellManager is deleted when the application closes
// Delete the shell manager created above.
if (pShellManager != NULL)
delete pShellManager;
So, I think that at least you need to create the CShellManager and may need the visual manager for theming.
The problem was that the MFC GUI was originally developed under VS2005 then imported into VS2010. The MFC SHELLLIST would not work until I created an entirely new project with VS2010 then methodically imported the sources from the original project. Had to WinMerge sources like MainFrm.cpp and MainFrm.h in order to avoid annoying MFC SHELLLIST functionality.

How to use the Document/View architecture in MFC

I'm still working on a Data Acquisition program in MFC and am getting stuck working with the Document/View architecture. Basically, I want my application to have a couple windows. One is used to show a video that's recorded from a high speed camera, another has a plot displaying data from the DAQ system, and maybe another has controls for configuring the camera and DAQ, etc.
So, really I have a lot of modeless windows each showing a portion of the data, usually from a different source. Now, going through and using the App Wizard I get confused with the Doc/View stuff, and even though I can turn it off, it isn't technically off. Now that aside, I've tried opening modeless Dialogs and FormViews all to no success. Mostly I just can't figure out how to open the new View, the documentation isn't really helpful. I've been able to open a Modal plotting dialog from a Ribbon Button command and I mark that as a success, but not exactly what I need.
So, does anyone have helpful insight on fitting my application to the Doc/View architecture or opening a modeless dialog or FormView from within another application. I should say I'm using Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 and I'm using MFC and C++.
So, I've gone with MDI and will have one document that handles all the data to be shown. What I am stuck on now is how to create the multiple windows I want. I sublcassed CFormView to be the graph View of the document, and I am trying to create that window when I click a menu button. I was able to do it with a modal Dialog, like this:
void CDAQUniversalApp::OnScopebtn()
// TODO: Add your command handler code here
CScopeDlg dlg = new CScopeDlg(); //CScopeDlg is Subclass of CDialog
That worked, but not what I want, so I tried this, and it didn't work at all:
m_pScopeTemplate = new CMultiDocTemplate(
RUNTIME_CLASS(CScopeFormView)); //Subclass of CFormView
if (!m_pScopeTemplate)
return FALSE;
void CDAQUniversalApp::OnScopebtn()
// TODO: Add your command handler code here
CMDIChildWnd* pFrame = NULL;
pFrame = DYNAMIC_DOWNCAST(CMDIChildWnd, CWnd::GetActiveWindow());
CMDIChildWnd *pScopeFrame = (CMDIChildWnd*)m_pScopeTemplate->CreateNewFrame(pFrame->GetActiveDocument(), NULL);
if (pScopeFrame == NULL)
m_pScopeTemplate->InitialUpdateFrame(pScopeFrame, pFrame->GetActiveDocument(), TRUE);
This just causes an unhandled exception. I really just bruteforced my way to that point finding various largely unhelpful sections of documentation code and modifying it to what I think I need.
Your different windows (for video display, data display and configuration) are actually all views (different view classes) for a single document, which manages the data (assuming the DAQ works on the video data?).
I suggest you pack your application into an MDI app, thus having a main window, with all those different views as subwindows. So you have multiple views for a single document (or even multiple documents in MDI).
MFC can be a pain, if your application does not fit the classical document/view architecture (like Word for example), but I think this would be the best way to fit your application into this framework.

Can't display modal QProgressDialog in MFC application

I'm having problems displaying a modal Qt dialog while starting up a Qt application from an MFC application. Specifically, a QProgressDialog instance won't display within the MFC application when I set its parent to a QWinWidget instance. Here's my problem in more detail...
My MFC application needs to transfer a lot of data over to the Qt application, which is a DLL. The Qt application includes a ProgressDlg class in its API that behind the scenes is implemented using a QProgressDialog. This dialog must be created and updated before the Qt application's event loop is initialised so that the MFC application can update its progress (The QApplication::exec() help says this is possible with modal widgets).
Without setting the underlying QProgressDialog's parent, the progress bar gets updated as I would expect and the dialog remains responsive during the transfer, but I can continue to interract with the MFC application.
So I tried installing the Qt/MFC Migration Framework and setting the QProgressDialog's parent to be a QWinWidget:
void ProgressDlg::SetParent(HWND hParentWnd)
QWinWidget* w = new QWinWidget(hParentWnd);
(where m_impl derives from QProgressDialog.)
And then adding the calling code on the MFC side to create the dialog:
HWND hWnd = FindWindow(NULL, "ABC");
ProgressDlg dlg;
However in setting the parent, the QProgressDialog no longer appears. (I retrieved the handle using ::FindWindow, passing in the Window Name, as to complicate the scenario further, my MFC application is actually a plugin DLL to a 3rd party executable.)
All help appreciated. Thanks.
Gotcha! The problem was caused by the call to SetParent(). I needed to instead create the QWinWidget before the QProgressDialog and pass the QWinWidget instance in to the QProgressDialog's constructor as its parent.
As the help says, QWidget::setParent resets the window flags, so the dialog was no longer being recognised as a dialog.

Controls on main window using Visual C++ designer?

Is is possible to draw controls using Visual C++ designer on the main window, in the same way you can design dialogs? I'd preferably like to be able to design the main window controls this way without using MFC, rather than creating them on WM_CREATE.
EDIT: I don't want a dialog-based app, just to be able to design the main window graphically similar to what can be done using Windows Forms Designer in .NET?
Your options are:
Use MFC and create a main window that has a dialog view (based on the CFormView class).
Use WinForms/.NET
Use Qt.
If you're starting a new project and you want to stick with C++, then I highly recommend Qt. Not only is it an excellent framework, but it's cross-platform so your app could be built on Linux and the Mac.
A Visual C++ plugin is available and you can design your main window visually using a tool called Qt Designer.
I'm not sure if I understand what you want your app to look like. If you want your application to be a dialog, then make it a dialog app.
Just create a new MFC Application, and set it to "Dialog based". Now your application will start at that dialog.
If you want to use a native win32 app, just create the dialog in your InitInstance, using CreateDialog (instead of CreateWindow).
In both cases, you use the resource editor to create the dialog.