eclipse project properties window size is very small - eclipse-cdt

When I first open the properties window for a project, the properties window size is normal. However, if you just leave this window at for example C/C++ Build/ Settings tab, next time when you open the properties window, it will be very small( of course you can resize it by mouse). I think this is very inconvenient, because sometimes tabs like tool chain version will be folded and resize it every time cost extra time. Is there any work around?
Small properties window
Normal properties window
The picture shows TrueSTUDIO which is a eclipse based IDE, and eclipse CDT also has this small issue.


Which attach to process should I choose for visual studio 2017?

I'm not sure which one should I pick.
Visual Studio is trying to find an instance of the program that matches the cpp file you opened to debug the program. Not what you want to do.
You need to create a Visual Studio project to manage the program you're going to build. Select File->New->Project
From the Dialog that brings up, Track down and expand Visual C++ in the tree structure on the left. Look for and select Win32. Click Win32 Console Project from the pane in the middle. Name the project appropriately and place it somewhere on the hard drive where you can find it easily later. Click OK.
Now you get the Application Wizard. Click Next. Uncheck Precompiled Header. You probably don't care about the SDL checks either, but they won't give you the kinds of grief the Precompiled Headers will at this stage of your career. I don't think anyone really knows why Precompiled Headers are on by default, but by the time you need them, you know what they are and how to take advantage of them. A one file program doesn't need them and leaving them on will give you a bunch of errors. Click Finish.
Select all of the code in the editor. Paste the code provided by the instructor over top of it.
To build and run the program click the green Play button.

How to set the application icon in a Qt application on OS X, sufficient for distribution?

Following up on this answer to this question, I would like a clear, step-by-step set of instructions on how to set the application icon for a Qt application on OS X sufficient for distribution of the application via an installer and/or through the App Store.
The instructions should include how to set the four sizes of the icon, as referenced in the linked answer, above.
Please bear in mind that I have no experience in distributing OS X applications, building installers for OS X applications, or setting the icon that appears in the Finder bar for OS X applications. Rather, I am an experienced C++ programmer (mostly on Windows and Linux).
I especially seek a clear, step-by-step set of instructions.
You can automate icon creation by placing the following files in an icon.iconset directory:
Then run the following command:
iconutil -c icns icon.iconset
It'll create the icons.icns that you'll reference with the ICON qmake variable.
First of all I'd like to mention that Icon Composer for XCode won't work here because it's not possible to create icns file with resolution 1024x1024 px.
To generate icns file I used iConvert Icons. The major drawback is that it's not free. To generate icns file all you need is png image with resolution 1024x1024 or more. The process is really simple so I won't cover it.
After that you'll have to include your icon in your project. To do that insert path to your icon in your Qt application's .pro file:
macx-clang {
ICON = osx.icns

eclipse cdt - how to set the background color of the tooltips window in C/C++ editor window?

I have the same problem as that described in this post
I am using Eclipse 3.5.2 with CDT and have not installed this Color Theme Plugin. When I am editing C/C++ source files and placing the cursor over a defined method, the generated tooltip window shows a "black" background color so that I could not clearly see the text inside the tooltip window. I have tried to change settings in "C/C++/Editor/Syntax Coloring" preference but I have not found setting of background color for tooltip window.
The above post suggested that I may have to re-install the whole eclipse but this solution seems would cause many troubles to me. Does anyone know an easier solution for this apparently small problem.
Thanks for any suggestion.
The default UI prefs in CDT seems to be missing the "sourceHoverBackgroundColor" setting.
To fix this add a line like the following:
to the file
(be sure to back-up the file before you make changes to it!)
you'll need to get eclipse to re-read that file by restarting eclipse.
Change this color in the Eclipse preferences (Window/Prefernces menu). Good color is rgb=255,255,225 (this is default for Java), or choose your own.
Credits to assifm.
Full re-installation of eclipse may not be needed. However, it's worth cleaning up the workspace / project related settings. You can follow below steps:
Go to the workspace folder and remove .metadata
Go to the projects whichever you created under this workspace and
remove, .cproject and .project
Now, start the eclipse from the scratch, you will see that all your
color combination you set are gone ... it's ok
Install the color themes plugin; don't be afraid of it, it's really cool (it doesn't cause such issues for
Download a proper color theme preference file .epf (here is
Store this .epf file inside your workspace directory; so that you
know that this color theme is for this workspace; though you can
store this anywhere
Go to File -> Import -> General -> Preferences and select this
.epf file and install.
You will get the desired black background and grey text and the
auto-complete options would be unaffected
You can also think of installing the full screen plugin for eclipse, for better visibility.

convert a console app to a windows app

(its a long story) but I have a large complex project file containing a windows program. Unfortunately the project was originally built as a console app. The program compiles and links ok but when runs brings up a console instead of the collection of windows I was hoping for. I looked at the command line and saw "/SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE" whereas it should be "/SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS". I have no idea how to change the command line. Is there some box I can tick in the project setting somewhere to make this change?
Right-click the project icon in the Solution Explorer, then Properties > Linker > System > SubSystem, and set that to Windows. You'll also have to change your main() method to WinMain(). And you'd better create some windows or there won't be much to look at.
Complementing Hans' answer: While under Properties, also remember to expand the C/C++ node and select Preprocessor. Then edit the Preprocessor Definitions - replace _CONSOLE with _WINDOWS.

Force VSProps settings to override project settings

I have a vsprops file that defines the optimizations all of our projects should be built with for Visual Studio 2008. If I set the properties for the project to "inherit from parent of project defaults" it works, and fills them in the vcproj file. However, this doesn't protect me from a developer checking in a project file that changes the optimizations. In this case, the project settings are used over the vsprops settings. I need to make it so that vsprops always takes precedence over what is in the vcproj file. Is this possible? Other workarounds are also welcome.
Hmya, that's just not how Visual Studio was designed. It is quite free from "boss override" switches, it gives its user unfettered access to configuration settings. Which ought to make sense to you, a developer can do far more damage with his code than with tinkering settings. If a dev intentionally changes an optimization setting then, surely, it is because he profiled the code and determined a better setting.
Anyhoo, Visual Studio isn't just useful to the dev, it is also useful to you. Write a little utility that parses the .vcproj file and checks if the optimization settings were overridden. It is a simple .xml file, you'll need about 5 lines of code. Run it in a pre-build event on your build grunt and fail the build if you deem it inappropriate. Dealing with the pissed-off developer cannot be automated however.
The only advice I can give is, if you open up the Property Manager for the project, and Right Click on one of the Configuration folders, it should popup a menu with an item called "Overidden Properties..." which in turn opens a dialog box that lists each property set in the project configuration that overrides a property sheet property sheet - along with the facility to select some or all, and delete the overrides.